Chapter 35: Chapter 34 Changed
"What's the matter Darling," Blake said walking up to her,
Avalon lifted her hand,
"Come any closer and I will turn you into dust," Avalon said
but Blake hummed, ignoring her, Avalon aimed her hand and shot the beam at him, his aura blocked it,
"You see, every time my aura gets a blast from one of your lights it gets stronger, it feeds off it," Blake said excitedly,
He's now in front of Avalon,
"You are gorgeous, my love, why don't you just leave them behind and come with me, rule with me," Blake said
Blake attempts to lay his hand on her cheek, but was slapped away,
"You have truly gone mad, look at yourself! Controlled Ally as your puppet, killed Mórrígan not that I wasn't about to do that myself, What is your plan exactly?" Avalon said
Blake smiled at her, walked to Mórrígan's chair pushed her dead body onto the floor, and sitting in the chair,
"I was lost before I found my feeling towards you, I was a lackey who had nothing going for me until then that fateful day of that mission, after that day I felt different, I didn't feel like my old self. You. My beloved has changed me," Blake said before continuing,
"You are my inspiration to do this, to make myself a better person, and to give you a better life away from being an agent away from backstabbers, away from the cruel and unjust business," Blake explained
Avalon looked at him disturbed by his answer,
"You have gone nuts, you do not love me you are delusional, you put red tape around your eyes to hide the truth you need, help? I will help you with that, but I am not going to sit here as you're the new head of the mafia," Avalon said
She throws knives at him, but his aura quickly blocks the knives for him, Blake moves his aura away to find Avalon gone,
"Hey, Domenico," Marcello said
Jacob helped Lizzie into the van, Marcello looked around,
"Where is Avalon?" Marcello asked in concern,
"She is dealing with Mórrígan and Blake, I was going back in to help her but she wanted me to help Ally first," Domenico said
He looked at Ally who was still knocked out with water bags hooked up to her,
"What happened to her?" Marcello asked
"Blake's aura took control of her and stole all her nutrients, it was feeding off her," Domenico clarified,
"Ok then, I am going back to Avalon, Jane can you hear me?" Marcella said
"Yes, I am here, how did it go?" Jane asked
Domenico and Marcello looked at each other before Domenico answered,
"We don't know," Domenico was cut off by Avalon,
"Mórrígan is dead, I repeat Mórrígan is dead," Avalon said running through a hallway,
"You killed her!" Jane said with Salvatore next to her concerned,
"I didn't Blake did," Avalon said with Blake's aura closing in on her,
"What do you mean Blake killed Mórrígan," Salvatore said not believing what he had heard,
"Sal, I get that he is your son. right now is not the time, I am going to need backup he is hot on my tail," Avalon said breathing heavily,
"Got it I will be there soon," Marcello said
running full speed,
Domenico was about to follow but was stopped by a hand Ally smiled up at him,
"Thank you," Ally said weakly before falling back to sleep,
Domenico gave a small smile back to her, before looking back at the building,
"Please, come back alive," Domenico said
"Lucario how is the system doing," Jane asked
"Doing well here, how are my brothers and Avalon," Lucario said
"I just reached them, Mórrígan is now dead but there is someone else we have to worry about, but I can't see them can you?" Jane asked
Lucario looked at his monitors before seeing Avalon running into the screen,
"Yeah I can see her," Lucario explained
"What is happening," Jane said
"It seems like she running to the exit with his aura right behind her, but her light is keeping it away," Lucario said
watched Avalon shoot crystal at Blake's aura to make a path to the exit,
"You can't leave," Blake's aura yelled
from behind her,
"Who says I can't," Avalon yelled back,
Throwing knives at his aura, which cashed it, and started to eat the energy out of them,
while it was distracted, Avalon continues to run,
"I am almost there, just give me some more time," Marcello said through an earpiece,
Avalon smiled tiredly feeling her energy drain seeing the light around her start to fade away,
"You better hurry, I won't make it much longer," Avalon said tiredly,
Her hair turning back to orange, her eyes shifting back and forth from iridescent to silver,
"I will don't worry," Marcello said
Avalon's foot got snagged by his aura, lifting her in the air, the aura took Blake's shape with a crooked grin,
"Looks like I got you in my web," Blake said
His light green eyes showing through the aura,
"I wonder what happened to the guy that called me a brat, maybe the old him walked into the sunset and died along the way," Avalon said
She looked him straight in the eye, Blake just laughed at her.
"Funny darling, enough of your tricks you stay with me willingly or," Blake said but was cut off,
Marcello's axe in his shoulder. Blake yelled in pain and dropped Avalon which Marcello catches her, Marcello dashed to the exit but it was blocked by Blake,
Blake throws Marcello's axes back at the two,
Marcello quickly dropped Avalon to get their feet and grabbed the axes mid-air,
"So, someone finally grows a backbone," Blake said
His aura gathered behind him, Blake gave them a prideful smile before pointing at Marcello, the aura launches itself at them, Avalon patted Marcello's shoulder before kissing him on the cheek, making a crystal form around him blocking the aura,
"No!" Marcello yelled
He watched the aura surround her, with Blake's maniacal laughter ringing through the walls, before all turned Black,