Chapter 36: Chapter 35 Guilt
"Marcello are you alright?" someone said
Marcello came to lights, looked to his side to see Lucario,
"What happened?" Marcello asked
Lucario passed him a water bottle,
"You have been here for a month, Salvatore has every spy on the ground, even some retired spy came to help," Lucario explained before continuing,
"We haven't found anything yet of Avalon, Jacob has taken your missions for you. Lizzie is second in charge of the information and science, and Domenico is watching over Ally who is helping us find Avalon," Lucario said
He grabbed the wet rag from Marcello's head,
"I was out for a month," Marcello thought
"What about Blake?" Marcello asked
Lucario lays the rag back on his head,
"We have not heard of anything, we have heard nothing from him. All we have is a couple of captured members that it," Lucario said
gave his brother a small smile,
"Well, I have to go, don't get up and start looking around," Lucario said leaving the room,
Marcello laid back and closed his eyes,
Marcello shot up from his bed,
"Avalon?" Marcello asked and waited but got no answer,
He puts his feet on the floor, got up, walked towards the door, opened it slowly, looked out the door to find no one there,
Marcello walked down the hallway, he looked around the corner to find Domenico and Ally talking,
"How am I going to get past them," Marcello thought a hand fell onto his shoulder,
"What are you doing up?" Domenico said sternly,
Marcello sighed, turned around to face him,
"To find out what has been happening when I was out, Lucario already told me some of it, but I want to hear the whole story. what exactly happened to me, I was out for a month! I lost time to help my friend," Marcello explained
"Does he always do speeches?" Ally asked looking over Domenico's shoulder,
"Only where he is getting asked questions," Domenico said turning his attention back to, Marcello,
"If you want the whole story come with us," Domenico said
Marcello nodded and walked with them,
"Darling," Blake said trying to wake her up,
Avalon shifted away from him and opened her eyes, she looked around to find herself in the same room,
"Great, I am still here," Avalon said
"Don't be so down my dear, soon enough I can trust you to not kill me, then after I end shepherd, we can live in a faraway land away from people, where it's just you and me," Blake said
Avalon looked at the chains he put on her,
"This is not love," Avalon thought
"Dear?" Blake said tilled his head,
Avalon turned to him, wondering where she went wrong,
"Yeah," Avalon asked
"Here is your food I made it myself, I was wondering if you wanted to watch TV?" Blake asked
Avalon sighed,
"Why not?" Avalon said sniffed the food,
"I didn't drug it this time," Blake said sat next to her on the bed,
"Yea ok," Avalon said under her breath,
"What was that dear, I didn't quite hear you?" Blake said scrolling through the television,
"Nothing important," Avalon mumbled eating her food,
Blake smiled and leaned on her shoulder and Avalon looked at him with distant,
"Master, they are on my trial," his aura said quickly,
"Who's them?" Blake asked
"Your father sent agents, trying to get back Avalon, what would you like me to do?," the aura said
"Kill them far away from here, I don't want them to know where we are after you kill them, come back to me, I have a feeling that my love is plotting something," Blake explained
"Yes, master," the aura said
"Blake?" Avalon said pocked his face,
"Yes, my love?" Blake said glanced at her,
"You were talking to your aura again?" Avalon said
"Yes, I was but that's none of your concern. why don't you go back to sleep, I have some work to do," Blake said got up to leave,
"Good night my dear," Blake said softly,
Avalon just stared at him and nodded, Blake sighed and closed the door behind him,
she looked at the chains that held her, she concentrated the chain started to turn iridescent, the light on it glowed and shocked her, Avalon sighed in pain, she looked at the chains seeing sparks coming off them,
"Soon enough I will get out of here and I will raise hell with me," Avalon said
"What is the meaning of this?" Salvatore said
walked into his office to find Marcello, Ally, and Domenico, sitting around his desk,
"You're awake?" Salvatore said walked over to Marcello and hugs him,
"Yeah, nice to see you again sir," Marcello said nervously,
"I am glad you are ok, but what are you doing in my office," Salvatore said
"We came here looking for you," Ally said
"Good I have something to ask you anyway," Salvatore said pointing at Marcello,
he moved to his chair,
"What happened after I was out? Do you have any leads to where Avalon is, they already told me what they know, but I want to hear what you have to say, what is your plan to get her back, what is happening to your son?" Marcello asked questioning him,
Salvatore looked away from them,
"All I have on Avalon is that there not in the city, there in the wilderness for my son, he got that from his mother, I have never noticed it before, he felt like he was in my shadow, that I wanted him to take over shepherd, I wanted no such thing. all I wanted for my boy was to be happy. he didn't see that," Salvatore said
Marcello nodded, Salvatore looks at Domenico,
"His aura is the main problem, we can't find them even if we have the advantage of better tech of the best hacker, he brainwashed them just like he did with Ally, so far we had half of the people in the mafia help, up only two of them are left," Domenico said tap Ally's shoulder,
She nods pulls up her sleeve to show her arm that it has black,
Marcello looked stunned, Ally holds her hand put to Domenico, he gives her a dagger that reminded him of Avalons, she holds it close to the spots they slowly disappear,
"The hell?" Marcello let out walked over to her,
"May I see the dagger?" Marcello asked
Ally gave him the dagger, he looked at it shines just like her,
"Where did you get this?" Marcello asked looking at her,
"Avalon gave it to me a long time ago, she always wants me to be happy. Sadly enough, I took it for granted," Ally explained.
She grabbed the dagger from him,
"Marcello, you should get back to your room," Domenico said calmly to him,
"Marcello?" Ally said concerned,
Marcello started to get dizzy, and fell on the floor, Domenico quickly bent down to check on him while Ally went out of the room to find a nurse, Salvatore helped Domenico with Marcello,
"I am sorry I couldn't do anything," Avalon said
"I tried to,"
"But nothing seems to stop him,"
"Not for long,"
Two eyes shimmering iridescent shines.