Chapter 34: Chapter 33 A new Don
"You want to attack their headquarters? now," Jane asked
Salvatore nods,
"Yes, it's time. I have Intel from inside the mafia," Salvatore said
He moved his hand to Jacob, and Jacob nods. Grabbed the remote on the table to show footage of Ally and Blake fighting,
then to the footage of the members murdering each other, Mórrígan talking to Lizzie looking frustrated before breaking most of Lizzie's equipment, Liz shakes her head before leaving the scene,
Jacob sat back down, Avalon looked on sternly before Jacob nodded at her,
"So, were you the one that was exposed to the laboratory, right?" Jacob asked
"Yeah, I am," Avalon said looking back at the footage,
"Thanks for that," Jacob said genuinely,
Avalon looked back at him stunned,
"Why are you thanking me?" Avalon asked
"Liz hated it with a burning passion, she didn't want to make human and animal clones, she didn't want to make weird alien-like beings, Mórrígan wants that and more! I don't know the rest of it, she would come home to me crying her eyes out, feeling like a monster... that's why I am thankful for that matter," Jacob said
He gave her a sad smile before turning their attention back to the meeting,
"We strike at nightfall, Lucario will take down the defenses as Marcello and Jacob get Lizzie out, and Avalon and Domenico will go find Mórrígan we end this tonight, they have caused death and ruin. I wish you the best of luck," Salvatore said
Everyone got up from their seat and left the meeting,
Avalon looked around scared, she was getting ready for the mission she felt a familiar spirit with her, she got and grabbed her daggers to find a Blake and blue female spirit in front of her holding her daggers for her to take,
Avalon puts the dagger into her hand, and tries to bring the dagger to its face Avalon still holding the dagger,
Avalon looked shocked before making light coming out of the dagger,
to show a soulless, pale Ally with dark circles under her eyes,
Avalon said in a small whisper "Ally,"
"Blake," Ally said
Before the darkness consumed her again and disappeared,
Avalon slowly walked to her chair before plopping on the chair putting her face in her hands, before hearing a knock on her door,
"Come in," Avalon said weakly,
Marcello came into the office closed the door,
"Hey, I just came to check up on you, are you alright?" Marcello asked
"Should I tell him what have I seen," Avalon thought rubbing her temple,
Marcello walked over to her, picked up her hand pulled her to his chest, and wrapped his arms around her,
"I just figured you wanted a hug you looked like you needed it," Marcello said
Avalon started to get flashes of him being controlled by Lilith, Avalon pushed Marcello away breathing heavily walked back into a corner crying hiding her face from him,
Marcello being concerned about her slowly walked to her,
"Avalon?" Marcello said softly,
He bends down to her level, puts a hand on her knee,
"I feel like I am going insane," Avalon said hiccups coming from her,
"Auras talking to me, Morrigan taking you over me having weird anomalies happen to I crazy?" Avalon asked looking at Marcello,
Her face red and puffy her hair a tangled mess and Marcello wiped away a tear,
"No, you are not crazy, you're gorgeous. but you're not insane Avalon, I can't explain why you are experiencing these anomalies nor why they are attacking you like this, but there is one thing I am certain about," Marcello said
Avalon looked at him interested in what he had to say,
"God wouldn't give you something that you are not ready for, by going through this you will become stronger, you will be a force to be reckoned with, and I will be there if you need me," Marcello said before continuing,
"Also, my brother will be there for you," Marcello said hysterically trying to correct himself,
Avalon chuckled at him as he helped her up,
"Better now?" Marcello asked
"Yeah. thank you," Avalon said letting go of his hand,
"You are welcome, I should get going, are you going to be fine without me?" Marcello said
"Yes, I believe I am better now," Avalon said
Marcello walked to the door,
"Well see you later then," Marcello said
"See you then," Avalon said
Marcello left, Avalon picked up her dagger, and smiled before putting it in its holder,
"Everybody ready!" Salvatore yelled out in the security room
"Yes sir," everyone yelled back to him,
"Well let's get to it, Jane how's everything going," Salvatore said
"So far Lucario shoot done their systems and caused a false flag, Marcello and Jacob are closing in on Lizzie's location, and Avalon and Domenico are on their way to Morrigan probably will get stopped by Snake eyes and Ally but they can handle it," Jane said
"Jane, are you there?" Marcello said running through a hallway towards the lab,
"We are almost there, she still working on something," Jacob said out of breath,
they both turned the corner to find two scientists, they both looked at each other smirking,
"Hey, what are you doing here Jacob? And why is the traitor with you? Finally got him for Tigers," one of them said mockingly,
Jacob knocked him out, the other scientist tried to run but Marcello choked him out,
Both of them hide the bodies and took their lab coats,
"You know the code right?" Marcello asked putting glasses on,
"Yeah, I do let's go," Jacob said while unlocking the door,
They, both enter the lab to find Lizzie talking to other scientists, they both walked up to them,
"I can't reach Marcello can you hear me, Avalon," Jane asked
"Yeah, I can hear you we are almost at the destruction," Avalon said running with Domenico,
"Are you sure this is the right way?" Domenico asked
"Yes, this is the way," Avalon said
They both run into Ally,
"Wow, what happened to her!" Domenico said
"Blake," Ally said drowsily,
pulled out her harpoon knives covered in blame and blue,
"Avalon!" Domenico said got his sword,
Ally runs at Domenico, grabbed his head with her legs, and throws him to the wall while he is in pain, Ally goes for Avalon, she tried to slice her but failed in doing so, Avalon makes silver knives and throws them at her,
"I don't want to fight you, are not in your right mind. but if you do not stop I have no choice," Avalon said
Dumbfounded by Blake's aura that surrounds her swallowing the knives, Domenico jumped on Ally's back and flipped her on her back on the grounded,
his aura grabbed Domenico and held him in the air before Avalon used her beam that made the aura drop him, Ally struck Avalon with her knife causing her to bleed from her stomach
Ally then grabbed Avalon by the head and smashed into the wall three times, Domenico used his sword and cut her hand off, Ally yelled in pain and fell to her knees, Domenico checked on Avalon,
"Are you alright, do you need to sit this one out," Domenico asked helping her up,
"No, I will be alright let's keep," Avalon said
covered in Blake's aura,
Her hand reattached to her arm, she drove straight at them, Avalon pushed Domenico away, her eyes turned iridescent, her hair turned silver,
"Enough!," Avalon said calmly, light gleaming off her,
Domenico covered his eyes, Blake's aura made a horrific screech before fading away, leaving a broken Ally on the floor, her hand still attached, Domenico ran to her and checked her pulse to see she is still alive,
"She's still alive," Domenico said
He turned to look at Avalon, she smiled before turning her attention to Lilith's door,
"Take her to the van, I will take care of Mórrígan and Blake," Avalon said
"What no I will not," Domenico said was cut off by Ally who is holding his hand,
"It seems like you have no choice, and if Marcello and Jacob are done tell them to meet me here," Avalon said
Avalon smiled at him before walking to the door, Domenico picked Ally up,
"Be careful," Domenico said
"I will. Make sure she's ok for me," Avalon said
Domenico nodded as he left, Avalon opened the doors and slowly walked, she continued to walk to the desk, and she noticed that there were no guards, but their bodies are on the floor with fresh blood around them,
she was at Morrigan's desk and turned around the chair to find Morrigan dead, bone sticking out of her body, her face barely recognizable.
Avalon turned to see the door closed and Blake in front of it with a disturbed look on his face,
"Hello Darling," Blake said