Chapter 31: Chapter 30 Appeared
"Lord what do you want me to do," Avalon said on her knees praying,
"I felt like I was always alone before you found me, I felt I was the one fighting by myself with no one to have my back, but you are there always been there," Avalon said
started to tear up until she felt her phone vibrate,
"Yeah, this is Avalon," Avalon said,
"Are you at the spot?" Jane said through an earpiece,
"Yes I am, which rote am I taking?" Avalon said
"The one on the right, the go through the vent after you are out of the vent, go straight ahead," Jane said
Avalon ran to the right until she found the vent, she blasted the vent opening and started to move through the vent,
"When will this vent end?" Avalon questioned herself,
She found the end of the vent and blasted it, jumped out,
"Thank God," Avalon mumbled
"Avalon are you there?" Jane said worriedly,
"Yeah, I am alright where to now?" Avalon said
"There will be guards on the other side of the door, you have to knock them out quietly there are other guards at the other end of the hallway," Jane said
taping the keyboard checking the system,
Avalon knocked on the door the guards come into the room, while Avalon was on the ceiling,
"It must have been a part of your imagination," the guard said
punched the other one in the shoulder,
"Hey it's not my fault, I did hear something," the other guard said
Avalon plopped down behind him and knocked him out with the end of her dagger,
"Sup," Avalon said
Ran at him to the point where he couldn't see her, she quickly knocked him out,
"I got two out, how many do I have to knock out?" Avalon said
While trying up the guards before hiding them in the vent,
"There are still five other guards," Jane informed her,
Avalon quietly went out the door, walked down the hallway until she looked around the corner, went into her bag to grab a smoke grenade, pulled out the pin, then throws it at the feet of the guards, after the guards are knocked out, Avalon tied them up to the ceiling,
Avalon walked over to the door to see a code panel,
"Jane, can you hack into this panel to see the password," Avalon said taping her foot inpatient,
"Already on it, just give me a moment," Jane said
her fingers typing rapidly to find the password,
Avalon heard footsteps coming towards her,
"Hey that her get her!" One of the guards said they ran toward her,
"What are you idiots doing, be gentle with her," Blake said through an earpiece to the head guard,
"Tell that to your girlfriend, she just took down half of my team," the head guard said
Another guard flew by him, Blake laughed at him,
"Yeah, she seems to be more violent these days, by the way, what is she looking for?" Blake said
"She looking for I vital part for Lilith robots, if she gets it, I am as good as dead," The head guard said
He watched Avalon trap the last of his men on the wall with crystals, Blake smirked,
"Good luck pal, you're going to need it," Blake said hangs up,
"YOU JERK! YOU PLANED ALL OF THIS," The head guard said
Throws the earpiece on the floor before turning around to find Avalon right behind him, Avalon smiled at him before giving him a headbutt which causes him to faint,
Avalon picked him up and then looked down at the earpiece before crushing it under her shoe, she trapped him on the wall before hearing the door open,
"Quickly get the information. then get out, they already know you are there," Jane said
Nervously bouncing her leg before Salvatore puts a hand on her knee,
Avalon walked right into the room seeing all the robots,
"Avalon, it should be in the middle," Jane said
Avalon is in front of the centerpiece robot covered in black and gold,
"They are shameless, aren't they leaving the robot that we need in plain sight," Avalon said to herself,
"Do you want me to check for traps?" Jane said
"Yeah, that would be lovely," Avalon said
Walked around the robot looking for anything suspicious, Jane looked into the robot's mainframe and saw nothing important until she got to the head hidden information the needed in the head, she searches through the rest as Avalon waited until she felt a shiver up her spine, she looked around but found nothing,
"Hello, Darling," Blake said through his aura,
Avalon felt the cold hit her in the face before she sighs,
"You can't seem to leave me, can't you see that I am busy," Avalon said stressed,
"Did I hit a nerve? I just wanted to hear your voice," Blake said trying to hug her, but his aura fazed through her,
"No, I am on a mission I am a bit stressed out. I am so used to doing it by myself, I shouldn't but... I can't help but feel that something is wrong," Avalon explained
She hears Jane trying to talk to her but she can't hear her.
"Don't worry my dear, you will be fine, if you want I could divert their attention from you to me," Blake said smirking once more behind his aura,
Avalon rubbed her temple thinking of what could happen,
"This is not some trick, is it?" Avalon said
"No, it is not. I want nothing in return," Blake said
"Fine by me go for it," Avalon said
Blake faded away, Jane finally got through,
"Are you ok there, Avalon? Jane said she couldn't get to you!" Salvatore said yelled right in her ear,
"Yeah, I am alright just a headache, is there anything I need to know?" Avalon said in the middle of the room,
"No, all the traps are down," Jane said
Avalon takes the glass case off the robot before grabbing it, getting out of the room to find the hallway covered in blood, Avalon moved around the corpses,
"I didn't mean this," Avalon said under her breath,
She continued to walk, a hand fell on her shoe, she looked down to find the head guard. griping her shoe for dear life,
"It's him." The guard said
"Who's him?" Avalon said bending down and ignoring the blood,
The guy tried to say something before a black shard went into his head, the aura quickly went away from the scene and Avalon got up, and continued out of the building, Blake watched in the distance,
"What exactly did you get yourself into?" Salvatore said looking at Domenico, Lucario, Marcello, and Jacob,
"We wanted an insider, and we got one," Marcello said calmly,
Jacob walked over to him, put down his picture,
"I will give you all the information you want, just to protect this woman," Jacob said stranded by Marcello,
"Alright, I don't see why not, but we need a location on the women you want to protect, then are you a spy for the mafia?" Salvatore said
"I will show you her location at a later date, yes I am," Jacob said
"Then I will let Marcello work with you on that if you need anything you know where to go," Salvatore said
Jacob got up and shakes his hand and he left,
"Thanks for helping us with this boss," Domenico said
"You boys have saved me some time with this. I needed an insider for a bit now," Salvatore said
"That's a win-win good," Marcello said
there is a knock at the door,
"Come on in Avalon," Salvatore said
Avalon walks into the office,
"Hey Sal, they're done with the robot, they want you to see what they found," Avalon said
"Why can't they bring it to him," Lucario said
"Too much information to go through," Avalon said
Salvatore got up and left before hugging Avalon, she turned her attention to them,
walked up to Marcello,
"Hey, Avalon are you alright," Lucario said laying a hand on her shoulder before a black aura holds him to the wall,
The aura shape shifts to look like Blake, Blake quickly grabbed him by the neck, Domenico went behind him and grabbed him but Blake just shrugged him off,
"Stay away from Avalon," Blake said
Tightened his grip on Marcello and he tried to get Blake's hand off his throat,
"What do you want with her! does she know what you are doing!" Lucario said trying to get his aura off of him,
"She might now, but I came here to make sure I have no problems with me and her relationship," Blake said
"Who wants to be with a creep like you!" Domenico said hits him in the head,