Chapter 32: Chapter 31 Weird Intentions
"I think she and I would make a beautiful couple know wouldn't we!," Blake said knocking both Marcello and Domenico against the wall, Blake laughed maniacally,
"You didn't answer my question, why would she date you?" Domenico said trying to get Blake's attention on him,
"Does she have a choice? She has me. who will give her anything her heart wants, one of you pieces of scum who will just break her heart," Blake said
Marcello got out of Blake's hold and tried to knock him down before he got grabbed by Blake's aura,
"You are one of my toughest foes, I will give you that. But in the end I will win. I get Avalon. I get the mafia, I get what I deserve!" Blake yelled in Marcello's face,
"Blake," Salvatore said in a weak whisper,
Blake turned around to find him with Jane and the guards behind him,
"Father," Blake said scoffing at him,
The guards are behind him but he puts his arm in front of them,
"Sal now is not the time," Jane said but
Salvatore walked past them to be in front of Blake reaching out his hand,
"My son," Salvatore said with a whimper,
Blake moved away from him letting go of them,
"Sorry," Blake said disappearing,
The guard comes and carried them to the medics, Salvatore just stands there disappointed in himself, Jane rubs his back,
"Finally a moment of peace," Avalon said sipping some tea as she watches the news,
"This is the 17IW network with the latest news," the news anchor continues,
Avalon drinks her tea before hearing a knock on her window, she turned off the TV and grabbed her dagger before walking to the window, she opens the window to find a shaking Blake wet from the rain,
"Blake. come in," Avalon said
Helped Blake into her home and set him on the couch,
"I'm getting your couch wet," Blake said
He got up only for Avalon to push him back onto the couch,
"No, it will be fine to sit down," Avalon said getting up to get him a towel,
Blake grinned laid back on the couch, looked to his side to see a pillow grabbed it, and hugs it to his chest,
"Be careful master she will figure you out," his aura said mockingly, Blake rolled his eyes,
"I know, she's not an idiot. she will find out, and when she does," Blake said back at the aura,
"Hey, here's your towel," Avalon said giving him the towel,
"Thanks what were you watching?" Blake asked
"Just the news, want me to put it back on?" Avalon said
"I don't see why not," Blake said
Avalon grabbed the remote and turned it on,
"So, you going to tell me why you were outside my window," Avalon asked
he struggles to find an answer,
"~Master tell her that you missed her~," his aura said encouraging him, Blake swallowed his spit,
"Well, I just figured that I would come to see you. and I don't want to deal with Ally," Blake said
half lied to her, Avalon nodded at his answer,
"Should I tell Shepherd about this? or just let him be," Avalon thought
Until she felt pressure on her shoulder, she looks to her right to see him half-asleep on her shoulder,
"You that tired?" Avalon said
Blake hummed in response, he snuggled up to her, and she felt his heat radiating off him, she fell asleep with Blake cuddling up to her,
"Aura set it up," Blake said to his aura,
the aura went around them before going out the window and grabbing a bag, and went back into the house and set up invisible cameras, then going back to Blake who snuggles into Avalon's side,
"It is done, Master," his aura said going back to his side,
"Good job," Blake said and falls asleep with no worries, no nightmares. Just peace of mind,
Avalon stirred awake by the smell of food, she looked around her to find no Blake,
she was about to get up but then Blake comes into the living room with breakfast,
"Hey sleepyhead, I made you some food," Blake said
Lays the food tray on her lap, Avalon smiled at him and started to eat, Blake walked back into the kitchen to make his plate,
"Master, Morrigan is looking for you," his aura said appearing in front of him making his plate for him,
"I know she is, I don't attend to bend to her demands," Blake said his aura handed him his food,
"I know you will Master, but she will lose the trust you have worked for years," his aura said
in the back of his head,
Blake started to walk into the living room,
"I know. But I will have a solution for that soon enough," Blake told his aura,
He sat next to Avalon,
"So, what have you been doing lately?" Blake asked
Avalon turns her attention to him,
"Just got done with a mission. I have been taking a bulk of it, Marcello and his brother have been off of work, so I have been working a lot recently," Avalon proceed to talk,
Blake listened to her,
" So, you haven't had time for yourself," Blake said putting his hand on hers.
"Yeah, I haven't, but it pays well so I can't complain about it," Avalon said putting her plate on the table,
"Well I should get ready for work, Thank you for talking with me," Avalon said
Blake got up to shake her hand but Avalon pulls him in for a hug. Blake who is now a blushing mess,
"Yeah don't mention it, I should be thanking you for letting me in. after everything I have done to you," Blake said
he let go of her and walked to the window,
"Don't you want to go out the door?" Avalon asked
"Nah. I will be fine have a nice day," Blake said
jumped out the window, Avalon shakes her head before getting ready for work,
"Do, do, do, going to work do, do, do," Avalon sang she walked into work,
she was about to enter her office she was stopped by Jane,
"Avalon, Salvatore need to speak with you," Jane said urgently,
"Lead the way," Avalon said
Jane nodded, Avalon followed behind her when they were at the door to his office Jane stopped her,
"He went through something last night. I know he is like a father figure to you and you care about him, just," Jane explained but couldn't utter a word,
Avalon pulled her into a hug,
"Whatever happens, there is always a way, I don't know what happened but I will help to the best of my abilities," Avalon said in a comforting manner,
Jane let's go of Avalon,
"Thank you," Jane said before walking down the hallway,
Avalon stared at the door before opening it to find a distraught Salvatore,