Mafia Deadline

Chapter 30: Chapter 29 Let's chat

Marcello looked at the grave of his brother, along with Lucario and Domenico, Avalon was with them putting flowers next to the grave, Avalon bends down to where Marcello was,

"How about you guys go home, get some rest, get something to eat, I will take care of the rest," Avalon said comfortingly,

Marcello got up smiled and hugged her,

"Maybe you are right, I will see you later," Marcello said

He lets go of her, Lucario and Domenico did the same, before going to the van and driving off, a couple of weeks later, they got better, still felt a hole in their family, but it will heal, Avalon has been going on missions,

"Hey, have you guys heard anything from Avalon? she has been silent," Lucario said taking a sip of his coffee,

"Yeah, I just talked to her, she said she will be back tomorrow," Marcello said

sitting next to him,

"When are we going back to work?" Domenico said

"Sal said we can come back next week," Marcello said

the room went quiet, they continue to eat breakfast,

"Domenico how was boxing today?" Marcello asked,

Domenico was about to respond before hearing a crash from the living room, they all got up, Marcello grabbed his sword from his chair as Domenico followed him through the hallway, Lucario went to turn off the security system,

Marcello peek over the corner to see spy four covered in blood, on the floor, not moving,

"Domenico guard my back," Marcello said

Slowly walking towards a spy with Domenico right behind him,

Marcello checked his pulse to see he is still alive, Marcello cut off the shirt of the spy,

"Domenico get the medical kit from Renato's room," Marcello said

Domenico nodded and left to get it, Marcello kept the pressure on the wound as Domenico ran in with the medical kit, Domenico open it and gave Marcello tweezers, he began to pick the glass out of the wound,

The spy jumped up with sweat dripping off his face looked around the room,

"This is not right. wasn't I on a roof?" He said before plopping back onto the bed,

"Nice to see you made yourself at home," Marcello said walked in,

The spy shot up to reach to his pocket for his knife, to see it wasn't there,

"Yeah, those are with me, so are you going to tell me why you were thrown through my window," Marcello said

He sits on the chair next to the bed,

"Let's just say I got on the boss bad side, then she decided that I needed a good beating," He says

He tried to get up but Marcello lad him back down,

"You need to stay down, I am going to check on your wound," Marcello said started to clean the wound,

"Why are you helping me?" He asked

"Why wouldn't I? we might be adversaries, but there is no harm to show a bit of kindness to another person," Marcello said

Marcello gave him new stitches,

"Jacob," Jacob said suddenly,

Marcello looked at him,

"My name is Jacob," Jacob said

Marcello was done with his wound,

"It should be healed in a week or two," Marcello said

"Thanks, where did you learn this from?" Jacob said pulled his shirt down,

"My brother. get some more rest, we will talk about how you ended up that way when you wake up," Marcello said

closing the door behind him, Jacob went to sleep,

"Are you sure about this Marcello?" Domenico said

"Yes I am sure, it will be alright," Marcello said went back to drinking his coffee,

Jacob walked into the dining room,

"Hey sleepyhead, nice to see you up," Lucario said smiled at him,

"Yeah, whatever," Jacob said

Domenico gave him some food,

as they ate, there was a suspenseful silence around them,

"You want to know what going on in the mafia?" Jacob said looked up at Marcello,

"Yeah, I would like that if you would," Marcello said

"If that's the case. I want all devices out of the room they will watch and hear us," Jacob said are

"You serious?" Lucario said,

Jacob chuckled at him,

"You think they would let us peasants have the freedom to talk and do what we want,

without them watching and listening to what we do and what we say?" Jacob said

they looked at each other before putting their device out of the room,

"Good, now from what I have learned from people inside the mafia there thinking the boss is getting weak. even if she just killed your brother, sorry about that by the way, but they believe that how she got her ass handed to her by Avalon, that she is not fit to be the boss," Jacob explained before continuing,

"Then the jerk Snake or Blake, I honestly don't give a flip of a wooden nickel, he thinks he can take over when she takes her final breath, I won't let that happen. if I can, he already knows," Jacob said went silent,

Marcello puts his cup down,

"Then, what are you going to do about it?" Marcello said with a stern look,

Jacob looked at them reluctantly, he had a feeling in his gut he had no choice,

"If I become an insider. I want you to protect a person for me," Jacob said

pulled out a photo of Liz from his wallet,

"This woman is my rock. if you protect her I will be your insider," Jacob said

putting the photo back, Lucario puts his hand on Marcello's shoulder,

"Can we talk about this before jumping into the unknown," Lucario said

concerned about their predicament,

Marcello looked at him before turning his attention back to Jacob,

"Are you alright with us talking about it?" Marcello said

"Yeah, that is fine, let me know when you're done," Jacob said left the room,

"Marcello are you sure about this. I am not objecting to having an insider that tells us the mafia's every move, but can we trust him?" Lucario said

"Do we have any choice? this can save lives if we take the offer, if we don't we will look back at this with regret, to be honest, I still blame myself for Renato...but if there is any way to stop that from happening to anybody else, then why not?" Marcello said

his hand gripping tightly to his leg,

before Domenico puts his hand on Marcello's shoulder,

"We got your back. but what about Salvatore, what happens if he finds out?" Domenico explained

"I will talk to him about it if Jacob agrees to it,

and if he doesn't like it, I will quit Shepherd then," Marcello said

there was a long silence between them before,

"Then we will too, we won't let you fight this on your own," Lucario said smiling at his brother,

Marcello smiled back before they both turned to Domenico he sighed,

"Who's going to keep this squad together, you two?" Domenico said with his arms crossed,

then they heard clapping from behind them,

"Thanks for putting on a show for me, now that you are done with your family stick, can we get on with the deal?" Jacob said sat back down in the chair,

"We were still talking," Lucario said angrily,

"Yeah and also you need a new couch, the one you have is stiff," Jacob said unfazed by the glare,

he is receiving from Lucario,

"Fine, let's get started seeing that you eavesdrop on the conversation, would you like to work for Shepherd? and if so why betrayed the mafia for it," Marcello said

Jacob takes a moment to respond,

"No, I do not want to join your merry band of idiots, all I want is to have a house of my own, no mafia, no money worries, just me and my girl," Jacob said

sighs dreamily thinking about it,

"If that's what you want then, we will protect her,

in return, we want information is that a deal?" Marcello said holding out his hand for him to shake It,

Jacob was weary at first but shook it anyway,

"Good, now Lucario needs to get into your system for protecting your girl, is there anything you know about what they want with Avalon?" Marcello said

"That can be done, they want Avalon for both to watch her, see what makes her tick.

see what she can do, then take some of her blood for Mórrígan," Jacob said before continuing,

"If the blood transfusion works, Mórrígan would have her ability with her own, of it doesn't there they will mind-controlling her to be the perfect weapon," Jacob said

there was silence between them,

"No one will be able to stop them or her, then there her stalker. He seems to like her too much," Jacob said

Domenico remember what Ally said to him with flashes of the memory in his mind,

he didn't notice that they were already done talking by the time he paid attention to them,

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