Mafia Deadline

Chapter 29: Chapter 28 Unexpected Power


Shot knifes at Mórrígan, who can barely shift out of the way if it,

Avalon is instantly in front of Mórrígan kicked her in the side, which launched Morrigan at rapid speed into the wall,

"Is this her strength she was hiding?" Mórrígan said under her breath,

She looked up to see Avalon above her, she grabbed her by the neck then smashes her through the wall, causing Mórrígan to bleed from her head, but it didn't leave a scratch on Avalon,

"You will fall! Even if it cost my life you will pay for all the lives you have killed," Avalon said

Mórrígan looked at her eyes to see them iridescent, Mórrígan uses her mist to pull Avalon off of her, Mórrígan fell to the floor clutching her throat Avalon burns most of Mórrígan mist, Avalon walked up to Mórrígan who is cackling,

"You are stronger than I thought. I should have killed you and you're a little band of misfits a long time ago, well I got one down.....might as well kill the rest," Mórrígan said

Making her black mist surround Avalon, but she smirks, then burned the mist away,

"No don't kill me! not yet. I still have to," Mórrígan said

Avalon grabbed her by the neck,

"I won't kill you, I am not a murderer, you will go to jail the rest of your life," Avalon said

About to put Mórrígan on her shoulder before she was hit by a smoke boom, she coughed but felt no pain,

"Wow! Are you going through a faze or?" Ally said puts Morrigan's arm over her shoulder, Avalon turned to them,

"Ally, I will give you one warning. leave her to go to jail or go with her," Avalon said

aiming her daggers at them,

"Avalon, buddy calm down we can talk this," Ally said backing away from her,

"Calm down? Alright, I'll do that when she gets what she deserves," Avalon said

throwing her daggers at them,

Ally throws another smoke boom then runs away from Avalon, Avalon was about to go after them before looking down to see Renato's body that was a pale grey,

She drops to her knees in front of him. cradling his head in her arms before sobbing she stayed there until she fainted,

"She has a minimal injury, Mr. Dagda but she needs to rest," the doctor said

"Can you give me a bit doctor," Salvatore said

The doctor left, Salvatore hold Avalon's hand

"God let her be ok. whatever happens, let her be alright, I failed one child let me not fail this one," Salvatore said

Before hearing a knock at the door, got up looked back at her before leaving the room,

"My love," The aura said

Avalon looked around at it being all white around her she got up,

"I am not in the mood for this, leave me be," Avalon said

trying to ignore the strong aura,

"Is there something I did wrong?," Blake said through the aura,

Avalon shakes her head the aura appears behind her,

"No, but you are a part of it," Avalon said

Blake made his aura shape into him he hugged her from behind,

"~I don't know what happened but you have me~," Blake said

puts his face in her neck, Avalon felt cold with him hugging her, she had flashes of visions of blood Lilith and Ally Avalon started to struggle out of his hug,

"~Darling, what the matter? do you not like my hugs~," Blake said

gazed at her lovestruck, Avalon got out of his hold turned to look at him,

"You're the aura that was following me," Avalon said

"She thinks I am just some aura? good, I don't need her to finger out..... yet," Blake said,

"~You think that for now master, but wait until she finds out who you truly are~," his aura clarifying with him,

Blake rolled his eyes before turning his attention to Avalon to behold that she's gone,

"Avalon, you are alright!" Marcello said

next to her in a chair, Avalon looked down at her lap saddened, Marcello pulls her chin up to look her in the eye,

"Avalon. this was not in your control, you did nothing wrong, there's was nothing you could do," Marcello said with tears going down his face,

"I should have been there! being the eldest brother, I should die first. I should have protected him, but I can't change a thing we can't go back and change time!" Marcello yelled out in despair,

Avalon pulls Marcello into a hug,

they both cried out their pain, Marcello looked up,

"Thank you for the comfort, we are already planning the funeral, he always loved the forest full of maple trees. where we will bury him," Marcello said

Avalon wiped his tears away then puts her hand on his cheek,

"It will be alright soon, you will never forget him, he will always be with you, both in your heart and sport," Avalon said with a sad smile,

Avalon put her forehead against his, they both jumped as they hear a knock on the door,

"Hey, can we come in?" Lucario said

"Yes you can," Avalon said

they walked into the room,

"Avalon, how many times are you going to the hospital for getting yourself hurt," Domenico said

nagging the poor woman as the other two laughed, the room went quiet Avalon opens her for a hug, both of them jumped on her, Lucario puts his head on her stomach while

Domenico's head is on her shoulder, she rubbed Lucario's back as she looked at Marcello,

"Come on, there is plenty of room on my right," Avalon said

Marcello got up and sat next to her

and snuggles up to her side,

"We will be alright," Avalon said encouraging herself,

they hold on to each other as if they needed each other for both comfort and strength,

"Where the hell were you!" Ally said

yelling at Blake,

"I was trying to stall her but it didn't go as planned," Blake yelled back,

Lilith was getting checked out in the infirmary,

"Ok, if that's the case, why didn't you help us with Avalon?" Ally asked

Blake didn't say anything, Ally continues,

"I don't even know what got into her, her eyes were iridescent, they glow around her, the crystal she used, what is she or what happened to her?" Ally said mumbled the last part,

Blake smirked at her,

"Sounds like she's an angel," Blake said

Ally shakes her head before being lifted,

"So how was talking to Avalon was it nice?" Blake said

his aura holding her in the air, Ally grabbed her knife cut the aura, his aura shrieked in pain and backed away, Blake grabbed his gun and started to shots at her, Ally dodged the bullets and kicked him in the stomach, he stumbles back, Ally was about to grab him by the shoulder but he grabbed her arm and twisted it which rocked her wrist,

Ally cried out in pain held her wrist,

Blake grabbed her other then does the same, Ally backed away, Blake ran at her, she jumped up knees him in the face before landing on her feet, he flys back but his aura caught him, his aura wrapped around him,

Ally takes out the dagger that Avalon gave her until the black mist surrounded them and knocked them out,

Morrigan stood there with Liz,

"There fools, they're attacking each other when they need to work together," Morrigan said

before getting her underlings to take Ally to the infirmary, while they take Blake to his room,

Liz sighed looking at the destination that they caused, before walking away,

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