Chapter 28: Chapter 27 Death
"Get ready today we are taking down shepherd!" Mórrígan said to her underlings, they cheered her on,
both Blake and Ally stood beside her, Blake glared at Ally with hatred, but Ally was not fazed by him,
"Let's get going, we don't have much time before they notice," Mórrígan explained
her underlying did what they were told,
"If I may ask. how are we going to go in unnoticed?" Ally asked
Mórrígan smiled,
"Let's get there first then I will show you," Lilith said
They went into the limo, Ally looked at Mórrígan expectantly, Mórrígan puts her hand on the window to make black smoke around the limo, Mórrígan looked at Ally to see her in awe,
she turned her attention to Blake to see him ignoring them. As he watches the other member's vehicles move past them,
"Blake, my loyal snake. what's the matter?" Mórrígan said nonchalantly,
Blake turned his attention to her,
"I am not sure snakes are loyal, they bite. They have poison, some don't..but I do," Blake said
Morrigan looked stunned but kept it hidden, Ally noticed that Blake's aura started to come out,
"Boss we are here," a guy in the front said through the window,
The limo went quiet before the door opened,
"Hey Avalon, what are you up to?" Renato asked annoying her while she working,
"I am looking at the latest files that Jane sent to me," Avalon said
not even bothering to look at him,
Renato sat on her desk,
"Why don't you show me your beautiful silver eyes," Renato said
Avalon looked at him, to see him childishly wiggle his eyebrows, Avalon chuckled at his antics,
"Alright, why don't we get lunch," Avalon announced got up from her chair,
"So a date?" Renato said
Avalon was already out the door,
"Hey wait up," Renato yelled following after her,
"Ok, you are fast," Renato said out of breath,
"No, you are just slow," Avalon said
giving him his food,
"You didn't have to buy this for me," Renato said
"Well it's too late so," Avalon said
they sat down in their chairs,
They heard a large explosion coming from the entrance of Shepherd, Avalon, and Renato looked at each other before both ran straight into where the explosion was,
they see multiple people stuck under rubble and other people trying to get them out,
Avalon and Renato helped them,
"How many are there?" Renato asked
"Just two more. but there are four dead," a lady said
Rental looked at Avalon,
"I am going to get them to the ambulance, can you handle it from here?" Renato said
holding up the lady to help her not fall,
"I will be fine, go we will meet back here," Avalon said
she watched as he left, she heard screaming from a lard bundle of rubble, mixed with concrete and metal,
she quickly blasts it with her beam,
to see it completely obliterated, to see a man with his legs crushed under cement,
"Help," the man said weakly reaching out his hand,
"Don't worry I got you," Avalon said trying to comfort him,
She crushed the cement to ash, started to pick him up, and walked out of the rubble, Renato walked over to them with the medical personnel,
"He needs some help," Avalon said
gave the man to them,
She watched as they checked on them before turning to Renato,
"There is still one more, we should hurry," Renato said
Avalon nodded as they both went back to searching for the person,
"Hey, why don't we split up?" Renato said
Avalon in deep thought nodded,
"Be careful if they set up explosives, they will be here soon keep your guard up," Avalon said
"Don't worry I will be fine," Renato said
He holds her hand and kisses it before running off, Avalon shakes her head before walking in a different direction,
"My Love," Blake said through his aura,
Avalon looked around bewildered before proceeding to look around for the person,
"Don't ignore me, you look ravishing today even with all the dust and grime," Blake said
Avalon sees his aura behind her, she continues to ignore him as she heard a cry coming from the right of her, she booked it to the individual,
"No," Blake said making his aura follow her,
Avalon stopped to see that she was too late, the woman was already dead.
"Look what you made me a nice treat. thank you, my love," the voice said
Blake left his aura to her,
Avalon watched in horror, his aura ate the woman, Avalon made some of her silver knives st it and the aura moaned out in pleasure,
"Please try that again dear," The voice said
Avalon looked at it in disgust before shooting a beam at it, it shrieked in pain before disappearing, glances at where the body was,
"I am sorry," Avalon said
Before she left to find Renato,
"Screw you! Dust may you burn in hell," Renato said sneezing afterward,
Still trying to find the person, all of a sudden black mist grabbed him by his feet and held him in the air,
"So there's one little rodent, where are the rest you usually come in packs," Mórrígan said mockingly,
"Well if I am a rodent, what does that make you a bug?" Renato said
He was crushed into the wall beside him,
"I should have just kept my mouth shut," Renato said
Mórrígan laughed at him giving him enough time to grab his throwing knives, which slices two of her fingers off, she wailed in pain before turning her attention to him but he wasn't there,
"Where did you go, I do not have time for this," Mórrígan said irritating searching for him,
Renato throws his knives at her she blocks most of them then he disappeared again,
"Come on out faces your fate," Mórrígan said
Pulls out her knife and her eye turn black, she sent her mist through every price of the ruble, Renato quickly move out of the rubble and aimed his pistol at Mórrígan shot at her head, but her mist blocked or for her,
"Let's make a deal you help me destroy Shepherd or die," Lilith said
Renato chuckled,
"You think I want to work for scum like you? yeah no thank you," Renato said
Ran straight at her and punched her in the stomach, she fell to her knees and Renato knees her in the face. Mórrígan sliced his foot making him fall on the floor, which gave her enough time to get up,
"Enjoy your death, I know I will," Morrigan said
Aiming her knife at his chest before thrusting at him, Renato rolled out of the way stood up, and quickly wrapped a price of fabric around the cut
"Nice try old lady you have to do better than that," Renato said
Pulling out one of his throwing knives Mórrígan ran at him tried to slice him, and walked backward, he kicked her in the face, and she backed away as Renato hits the pressure point in her area,
"I learned that from Avalon," Renato said
Hitting her other arm, she couldn't move her arms, she used her legs to grab his head that throws him onto the ground, she got up but it was too late Renato was already up and keeps on giving her until he aims his pistol at her,
"Time to say goodbye," Mórrígan said
Renato was confused before he felt something go through his chest, he looked down to see a black mist like a knife through his chest,
Mórrígan laughed at him as she got up,
"Are you done with your little hero acted, relish in your death," Mórrígan said making more knives out of the mist,
Renato laughed at her,
"What are you laughing at boy?" Mórrígan said
Renato looked at her his blood spreading across the floor,
"How screwed you are," Renato said
The light finally left his eyes. Morrigan looked at him with distrust before hearing an unholy scream, she looked to her right to see Avalon, shining a bight silver her with hair now fully silver levitating above the ground, her daggers in her hands with iridescent crystal floating around her,