Chapter 13: Chapter 12 Computer sabotage
"This is what Avalon told you?" Salvatore said
Salvatore looked at Luke who was sitting in his chair staring back at him, Luke just come back from the medical center, he was leaning forward on his elbows,
"That is what she told me. She was able to get in and saw what they had done but it drained her," Luke said
Salvatore noticed something wrong with him like he had seen something weird. Never seen it before. Salvatore put away his computer and stared at him,
"Is there something wrong Luke?" Salvatore asked curiously
"We got her to one of the rooms and set her on the bed, she had her eyes closed which caused me and Jane to get worried, Jane tried to go up to her but it," Luke stopped
Salvatore was becoming more worried about what Luke told him and decided to push a bit,
"What happened with her?" Salvatore inquired
Luke had a hard time trying to explain what he saw,
"it was bizarre. It was light... it came out of her hands,"
The room got quiet as Luke's gaze went to Salvatore, he didn't believe what Luke was saying and Salvatore was flabbergasted. Bewildered,
"Avalon did what?" Salvatore questioned
"Look sir im not lying, she had a beam of light come out of her hand," Luke told him,
"But she human she shouldn't able to...," Salvatore muttered
"She shouldn't help me like Casper but here we are," Luke let out
Salvatore stared at him baffled and the room was filled with the noise of the fan on Salvatore's desk, Luke started to get nervous,
"I should have kept that filter..."
"I want to see the footage from the room, what is the number of the room," Salvatore cut him off,
"It was 820," Luke spoke
"I will look into it,"
Salvatore pulled his computer back up and continued to say, "You can leave now Luke I will see you tomorrow,"
Luke got up from the chair relieved in a way, he walked to the door hearing Salvatore looking for the footage,
"I can't wait to get home, maybe I can look for what happened to her," Luke thought
"Luke have a good night,"
Luke glanced behind him having a faint smile,
"You too boss,"
Luke closed the door leaving Salvatore to his work, he clicked on the camera footage, he scanned through the rooms trying to find,
"There it is," He muttered
Salvatore clicked on it and saw that it was in the morning, Salvatore dragged the mouse moving the footage, and he stopped when he saw Avalon in the footage, they sat her down and June tried to talk with her,
"The hell?" Salvatore muttered
A white fash hit the screen as Jane let out a shriek, Salvatore watched and saw that they checked on her, telling her what she did. Salvatore paused the video sitting there dumbfounded.
"How could that be? She has told me of her origin but not of this," He wonders
Salvatore turned off his computer,
"I might as well go check on her now," Salvatore said
He got up and went out the door, down the hallway that went to the medical center, he opned the door to it and heard the fan in the entrance but there was mummers from one of the rooms, he went to the door and saw that it was,
"Eight Twenty," He mumbles
He knocked on the door and the mummers stopped, The door opened showing Jane looking at him,
"Sir? Your here to check on her?" Jane asked
Salvatore walked in with Jane closing the door behind him,
"Yes i have," Salvatore awnsered
He gaze shifts to Avalon who looked like Luke said, drained. She had bags under her eyes that are bruised with her face unusually pale. She looked up at him with a small smile,
"Sal what do you need?" Avalon asked
Salvatore walked over to her and stood beside her,
"I just came to see how you are doing, ypu seem to be tired," Salvatore said
"Tiered is a understatement," Avalon mumbled
"I was told why."
"I figured Luke would tell you,"
"He did. He told me that You can move outside of you body, and can touch a person to be able talk to them," Salvatore said
Avalon nodes at him and said, "That sounds about right,"
"That was you in my dream?" Salvatore question
"Yes it was,"
Avalon looked down, She didnt want to dread on what happed when she was captured. It was disturbing to say the least. Salvatore noticed her change and placed a hand on her should drawing her attention away from it,
"It fine now Avalon they will not be able to get throught us," He told her.
Avalon stared at him conflicted before leaning back on her pillows,Salvatore heard Jane from behind him, he turned and say that she had
"Do you want some watter?" Jane asked
"Yeah thanks," Avalon said
Jane gave her a smile which Salvatore saw... he had a smile pf his own, Jane is a brilliant woman to work with, whenever there was a problem that he couldn't deal with she was there, when he needed to finish some file but can't she had it done. Avalon looked at him noticeed that he had been staring at her for awhile,
"Sal you got to blink," Avalon said
He stared down at her confused, Avalon rolled her eyes pointed at Jane and Salvatore gaze went from to to Jane,
"I didn't mean to stare to long," Salvatore said
"Just saying boss,"
Jane turned to them giving Avalon some water but also a sandwich, Avalon smiled up at Jane,
"This is from the new place right?" Avalon asked
Jane sat on the bed at Avalon feet, Jane got anothor sandwich in her hand offered it to Salvatore who declined, there was somthing else on his mind,
"What did it feel like to be out of your body?"
Avalon placed her food down, she didn't want to awnser this so quickly, but if she had to she will.
"I went to sleep.... but my spirit,my soul was not, I was out of my body. that's how I helped Luke, I followed a scientist to a secret lab, that was filled with clones, people turning into animals then back again, " Avalon said
Avalon saw a flash of the man being killed, she closed her eyes trying to not dread it, remember it but don't dread on it. That is how you get throught the job.
"Avalon? Do you need a minute?" Jane asked
She put her sandwich next to her and placed her hand onto Avalon's, Avalon opens her eyes and tapped Jane's hand,
"The woman i was with was Liz, she had one of Morrigans hands there with her, they had a testing room and brought out a man to test the laser on. His head was everywhere a death but with cruel intentions." Avalon said
Avalon stared at Salvatore and he saw that glint in her eyes, he has seen it before but never thought of it. Avalon let the heat in her hand again and glanced down at her hand that Jane's holding, Jane did the same seeing that her hands shined a soft silver, Jane pulled her hand away siting up while Salvatore looked at her curiously.
"Was that what you did earli..."
Salvatore is cut off by the power starts to flicker, Salvatore heard his phone in his pocket sound an alert, Salvatore looked at his phone and saw that it was getting hacked into.
"What?" Jane muttered
Jane got up and walked to the door, wanting to know what happened. Salvatore looked at Avalon and saw that she was already looking at him,
"It's her isn't?" Avalon said
Avalon sat up turns to get up and Salvatore tried to stop her saying,
"Avalon you shouldn't getting up,"
"I know but if its her, you will need someone who knows hers " Avalon told him
"Yeah, it seems that way, doesn't it,"
"Avalon... just promise me you will watch yourself. If this is there way of getting us off gaurd then there might be more, watch for her, you'll know what she would do. been working for me for what now four years? In that time you worked with her for two. Are you ok if you find her?" Salvatore continues
He walked over to her and took her hand into his, Avalon noticed the look in his eyes. It leaked of doubt. Avalon tightened her grip Salvatore making him loss his grip,
"Don't doubt for a second Sal, dont worry for that is the mind killer. I know it is easier to be said then done, but if i am needed to protect and do my job then i will do it. I have no idea of what she want. Just... I promice that i will be fine if i find her," Avalon said
Salvatore saw that Avalon was not griping his hand anymore, but Avalon moved past him standing beside him, he heard her whisper.
"I will finish what has been left to grow in the blind, you know I won't stop till it's done Sal. Your the same way, are you with me?"
"Of course Avalon. I will be there for you no matter what," Salvatore responded
Salvatore turned to her and she held her hand out, but Salvatore hugged her, Avalon was shocked at first but wrapped her arms around him, Salvatore leans down whispering,
"You may not be family Avalon, but your are. And I can't lose another one," Salvatore said
Salvatore let go and staring at her before the light went out, Jane barges in looking distraught.
"Sal She has gotten into the system. We need you in communications," Jane said
Salvatore was taken a bit off and went to her, he saw that she heal the tablet for him to see noticing that it glitches, it wasn't a normal. But it was familiar.
"This is there backlash lets get going," Salvatore spoke
Salvatore opened the door for Jane and went to walk put the room withher but Avalons voice stopped them,
"I am going with you two,"
Salvatore looked back at her and saw that she was already behind them, Salvatore hummed, he knew that he could convince her to rest, Jane knew that as well moves aside,
"Fine," Salvatore and Jane both said,
Theyw glanced at each other as Avalon let out a strained laugh, she moved past them both galnce at Salvatore. Its like she was trying to tell him that somthing was there... Dammit Avalon, Jane moved to look where she went, then truned to Salvatore, Jane noticed that he was making a odd face?
"We should go after her Sal,"
Salvatore looked down at her and agreed, "I believe that you right."
They both walked out of the room following after Avalon, Avalon stopped at the door of the communications and turned to them saying
"There some broken computers,"
Salvatore stared at her bewildered but Jane was the one to ask her,
"What do you mean?"
"I see some sparks,"
Salvatore opened the door to see most of the computers where malfunctioning. They watched some of there people watching the computers that spark, while others tryed to get the computers running. Salvatore walked to one of them on the computers and Jane followed him,
"Boss they got through and sent a virus into our system, it went throught ten out of our twenty four of the computers,"
"Have anyone of you able to get it out?" Salvatore asked
"We have tried and failed. When we tryed reboots on five of the computers but it only kept the, from over heating. We tried to get the security and protection up but it stopped us turning the other five into a mess," they explained
Salvatore glanced at one of the computers, it was on the verge of being on fire. This was one of the computer viruses they helped her made, use it againstthe people she used to work for.
"Have you used the old programs?"
"Yes I have...
Avalon watched them trying to find a solution. She noticed that one of the computers had been glitching, Avalon walked to the computer seeing it glitch rapidly. Avalon placed her hand on a keyboard and tried to turn it on. To her surprise it stopped glitching and the screen lit up, She watched as the login appered and she felt a small bit of relief hit her, she saw that they had the password in the computer on a sticky note,
"That's not secure, dosent matter. Ten, twenty four, twenty three, one," Avalon muttered
Avalon typed it in and it declined, Avalon mutters a curse under her breath trying again, it declined with the glitching worsen. She can't see the login on the screen, Avalon tryed to turn it off not noticing that somthing on the keyboard she's typing on.
"I can't see anything. It's get worse the more you get rid of it," Avalon said
Avalon tired to type the password in one more time and the screen was turning a silver. She can see the screen seeing that it stopped glitching and looking around to find Salvatore still talking with the worker, Jane was taking with some of her department as well,
"Again with this?," Avalon mumbled
She saw that she was able to get the settings and went to the security, she tried to click on it but it blocked her out, she let out a frustrated sigh mumbling
"You have backstab me far to much."
The fire in her mind seem to burn again with the crushing weight of the rubel on her. Avalon heard a ding coming from the computer and saw that it was on again with the silver on it more potent. She put on the security protection and saw that it started to load. The room lights turned on and off as Avalon watched the download. But she didn't see the room was colored silver,
"Avalon it's happing again ," Jane said
Jane went to stand behind her but Salvatore stopped her holding on her arm,
"Wait. She getting the virus out,"Salvatore said
Avalon watched the bar reach halfway when the computer screen broke and glass blew up. Cutting her cheek, Avalon put her arm in front of her face,
"It shouldn't have done that," Avalon let out
Avalon moved her arm away staring at the broken computer until Salvatore walked to her concerned.
"Avalon, are you ok?" Salvatore said
"Yeah I am fine, I was halfway there to getting them out," Avalon said
Avalon turned to the both of them seeing that it is silver behind them, Jane found this odd and looked as well,
"You made half of the building silver," Jane let out
Avalon looked down at her hand seeing it have a light shine on it, Salvatore was staring at the room before turning back to her, he witnessed Avalon hand shine like in the security footage. she was looked up into his gaze filled with resolve.
"I'm going to try again, I can get the virus out of the system and find who placed it here, my guess is it's from the mafia, we are getting too close to them," Avalon told them,
"This is the only chance we got. I do want the medics on stand by," Salvatore responded
Salvatore looking at Jane, she gave him nodded and went to get them, Avalon moved her gaze to the computer next to the last one she was on, Avalon sat on the chair about to start typing,
"I'm here if you need help," Salvatore assured
He his hand on the chair her staring at her patiently,
"Now let's try this..."
Avalon placed her hand on keyboard and felt herself fall back into the chair, Avalon stared at the screen seeing the glitching stop with her hands typing in the new password.
"Three, twenty, eleven, twenty six,"
Avalon got throught feeling dizzy but kept going clicking onto the settings,
Salvatore noticed that Avalon was shaking and her hair started to lighten. Salvatore shoched tryed to shake her,
"Avalon your turning white, stop the download," Salvatore spoke
Avalon heard him but didn't stop. She couldn't stop now that she had the download going, she felt weak. She wanted to stop her body felt on the verge of collapse. But she was able to mutter out,
"The download is almost done. I can handle it,"
Salvatore was about to tell her Nottoway however he heard one of the workers says,
"The system is all most clear,"
Salvatore glanced at them before taking Avalon arm and tried to pull it away but the couldn't.
"Avalon?" Salvatore muttered
She couldn't hear him but another voice reached out to her,
"Wow you got intothe computer... i would say im stunned but its you."
Avalon stared at the screen seeing an outline of glitches making Allys face. She gave Avalon a grin,
"Havent you done enough Ally didnt taking to the mafia... being torture in the place for you to leav me be?" Avalon seethed
Ally was taken back only for a moment.
"No. I haven't Avalon, you have always been the one noticed for our achievements. Whether it be with at work or in news it was alway you taking everything." Ally spite
"No I didn't. I didn't want that Ally... I wanted you to take the praise bit me I never wanted that," Avalon told her
Ally scoffed at her with the screen starting to glitch more withher grim turning into a frown almost a snarl.
"Don't you give me pile of lies Avalon! that was your want. Your needs. Your life was...," Ally's cut off,
"Me? Really. You think that it's all about me? No. It was about taking what mafia still back nit about me Ally... all I want was that, not the praise that both you and I got. Not the wants or needs. None of it, you know it's sad to know that darkness won over your heart," Avalon said
"What do you mean won over my heart? I am the best spy in her mafia! then she went to you see what was its potential, " Ally said rolling her eyes,
"The hacker is now out of the system, good job," Ally said sarcastically clapping,
"Now, get the heck out of my head!" Avalon said tired of the conversation,
"Ok bye loser," Ally said Avalon rolled her eyes,
"Avalon, you ok? you have just been staring out to space for a bit," Jane said
"I am fine, just talking to an old friend," Avalon said getting out of the chair looked at Salvatore, sitting in the chair next to her asleep,
"How long have I been out?" Avalon said stretching,
"I would say five hours give or take, he never left your side," Jane said
Avalon smiled,
"But, didn't you say an old friend, who's that?" Jane said curiously,
"Remember Ally," Avalon said looking at her,
"I never had the opportunity to meet her," Jane said
"She was one of the best Spy in this company," Avalon said with a sad smile,
"Really," Jane said
"She was my partner," Avalon said
Jane looked at Avalon shocked,