Mafia Deadline

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 Meditating

Avalon stares up at the sky. Smiles at the wind blowing through her hair while the sun shined on the earth had a shadow of a tree to keep her cool, she closed her eyes, enjoying the peace until a voice called her.

"Avalon! I need to have some work to tell you about," Jane said

Avalon watched Jane walk up to where she was sitting, Jane pulled out a file and laced it on her lap, Avalon picked it up while Jane explained,

"This is the new lab Salvatore has been telling you,"

"it's apparent that they have done human and animal experiments with the funding of the Safe and Secure Foundation," Jane said

Avalon looks over the file, finding that there are human and animal experiments. Hturning, there's more, having a better mainframe to hack into a wide range of devices. Overriding them.

"What would they want..." Avalon muttered

"I'm not sure, Avalon," Jane told her,

Avalon set the file in Jane's lap and looked back at the sky in deep thought. Jane placed the file under her arm before glancing over at Avalon,

"You know that you will be on this case, right?" Jane asked

"I know Jane, but I will enjoy what moment of peace I have now," Avalon spoke

She looked over at Jane, who now stood up, Jane smiled at her before starting to walk back to the building,

"I don't blame you, Avalon... have a good day," Jane says

Avalon hears a door close and looks back at the sky, feeling tired. Her eyes felt heavy as the sound of the leaves rattling from the wind blowing, She closed her eyes, falling into a deep slumber,


Avalon jolted up from her stop and tried to find what woke her up. However, she found nothing,

"I can't get a moment of peace, can I?" Avalon asked

She looked around her ansomewherehand not the same but a ghostly pale with a colorful light around it, She stood up in a panic, looking at her body, finding it all the same,

She is not in her body.

"You are needed elsewhere,"

She snarled at this and asked it, "I'm not dead?"

"No, you not. You have to see something, Avalon,"

"We are going on an adventure, I see," Avalon sighed

"Indeed you are,"

"How am I going to get there?" She inquired

"Just jump and let your worries flow away from you,"

Avalon looked down at her feet before taking a deep breath, then jumped, watching the ground that was under her feet shrink away. She looked above the tree to see the sunset,

"How can this be possible? " Avalon uttered

"You have other things to worry about, Avalon,"

She hears the voice from behind her and responds to it,

"Where am I going?"

"Into the city of the lake, "

"You mean Ninianne?"

"Yes, now go, "

Avalon looked over in the distance and saw the light of the city through the clouds. She kicked her legs to fly. However, that didn't work,

"Believe that you could, "

Avalon closed her eyes, therefore concentrating on the wind. She felt the wind brush past her. She opened her eyes and saw the clouds around her,

"This is... "

She touched the clouds, and when she did, the clouds turned silver, with the others around it turned silver.

"Weird," Avalon muttered

She flew away from the clouds, looking ahead at the city. She admired the city. However, she didn't notice the heat building in her hand glowing.

"You are near one of the few,"

"What?" Avalon hummed

She looked down at the street and saw many people walking around, but a man looked too familiar to her talking with a woman blond and black, landing on the street Avalon went to them, however, a person went through her,

she shivered at this and looked back at the person.

"That is not pleasant,"

She went to where she saw them and caught sight of Luke talking with the woman.

"I believe I have heard your work before," Luke said

"I didn't think that I would be so relevant in the community," Woman said

"I had to look at what you found on human genetics, and I have to say it's fascinating, " Luke told her

Avalon watched the two while wounded. Why did something send her here? However, the woman watched Luke, dubious of his true intentions, walk away from him, saying,

"I have to go somewhe re,"

"That didn't go as planned," Luke said, starting to walk away while dialing,

"Hey Marcello, she didn't buy it. We have to find another way, " Luke said

"The new spies get a mission too?" Avalon said quickly, flying over to him,

"Yeah, ok, we will find another way, ok, goodbye," Luke said, hanging up the phone,

Avalon touched his shoulder,

"Hey, do you need help?" Avalon said

Luke looked around, shocked,

"Avalon! where are you? I can't see you, " Luke said

"I think I am in some kind of my spirit out of my body? or something like that, so do you need help with a mission," Avalon said

"I guess that girl I was talking with is a scientist for Tiger. She has the prototype for the laser gun. Can you see where she went and tell me?" Luke said

"Of course, see you in a few," Avalon said as she let go of his shoulder,

"Be careful," Luke said

Avalon went in that direction,

"Where is she? couldn't go far," Avalon said to herself,

"Yeah. one of the traitors tried something, but I am fine," the woman said

Avalon went to where the voice was,

"Yes, the laser is almost done. All I need is to..." The woman cut off,

Avalon placed her hand on her shoulder. The woman looked around but found nothing,

"No, I am fine. just some wind, " the woman said

She went to a wall,

"I am at the door, see you in a bit, yeah, bye," the woman said

She hung up, she put a hand on the wall and a digital panel appeared, she typed it in, and went into the door with Avalon following,

"This was the lab Jane told me about," Avalon said

"Who's there," the woman said

She looked around and found nothing, Avalon started to worry,

"Must be my imagination, I have to stop drinking so much coffee?" The woman said

She continued walking, then went into the main center of the operation,

"Hey, Lizz! how are you? "

A spy walked up to her, and Avalon watched. She knew of the spies in the mafia. They would try and infiltrate the agency. But never had a name other than numbers.

"This guy looks familiar." Avalon thought

"Did you get Avalon location, or is that still unknown?" Lizz asked

"Straight to the point. she is at the shepherd headquarters, but their security systems are better now. it looks like Luke made the system more strict. not even two can get through it, " He said, scratching behind his neck, feeling nervous.

"The boss ain't happy about it," Lizz said

The both of them walked to a different room,

To find clones of the same person, people turning into animals, then back into humans, someone shouting. Avalon blocks out their conversation,

"The file was right. This will be a curse," Avalon thought

She followed both of them and saw that the man showed Liz a table, it has a blanket on top of it. It looked like the laser from the blueprints.

"This is just a prototype, but try it out," Lizz said

Lize hands the a laser to him, Lizz whistled, and security guards brought out a man with a bag over his head,

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" The man cried

They dragged him into a target, set him there, Avalon looked at the man and noticed that Lizz was in a glass safety box, He started the laser,

"No,no,no, don't do this to me!" the man said, struggling in his restraints,

He aimed the laser at the man while Avalon stared at them in a cold grimace. She saw the laser had a blue glow to it. It was ready.


Avalon lunged at the laser, The sound of the laser went through the room,

"That was expected. His head is gone, " Lizz said

She walked out of the glass box over to him, He gave her a grin, placing the laser to his side, she lifts her hand up, and he stared at her confused,

"I thought a high five would be accurate number four," Liz told him,

He smiled at her before raising his hand. They had high five while Avalon looked over the room, watching them clean up the once living man. She clunched her fist, feeling her nails dig into her palm,

Avalon looks at what was once a man.

"I have seen enough," Avalon thought,

Avalon shot up through the room out of the building, leaving them. She was in the clouds again. She looked around the clouds, finding them changing color again.

"These people are sick." Avalon muttered

She flies past the clouds, feeling her gut turn, but she has seen worse before. Her eyes shift to the ground,

"Where could Luke be?" Avalon said

She went to where she last saw Luke , He wasn't there. She stopped floating above the pavement,

"I will tell him when i get back, but Sal must know this first," Avalon said

Avalon went through the air again, not looking behind her, but ahead, she saw Shepherd and looked around for the tree she was under, back to her body to see Luke there,

"He came to watch over my body?," Avalon thought

She tuned and sat where her body was leaning back. She felt her body tingling before turning her head to Luke, He saw this and smiled at her, saying,

"Hey, how was the mission?" Luke asked

"You were right there. Have the laser gun it was I tested. They have what they wanted and more," Avalon said

Luke frowns at this. He knew it wouldn't be good. Avalon tried to get up, but her body was numb. She started to fall back, but Luke saw this and caught her, Luke helped Avalon to her feet,

"Avalon?" Luke questioned

"I'm fine. i just can't feel my legs." Avalon told him,

"Do you want me to lay you..."

"No, I know how to get into their lab. I need to tell Sal," Avalon cut him off,

"I can tell Salvatore for you. You can't move," Luke said

"Yes, i can't move, but i..."

Avalon was cut off by Luke and picked her up. She stared at him stunned while he glanced down at her with a cheeky grin,

"We can do it together," Luke says

"Are you sure about this?" Avalon asked

"Yes, I'm sure," Luke said

Avalon looked ahead at the building, watching it get closer, Luke took a glance at her before he turned his gazes to the door. It opened, showing Salvatore already there,

"I was just about to check her. It looks like you beat me to it," Salvatore said

"Aren't you supposed to be in the city?" Salvatore said

he moved so they could get in, Luke felt Avalon tap his shoulder, and he looked down at her. She pointed at the ground and wanted to stand. He looked at her doubtful.

"I will keep ahold of your arm just to be sure," Luke spoke

He placed her feet on the ground, and Avalon stood up but a little shaken. Avalon turns her gaze to Salvatore,

"Salvatore, the file you told Jane to give me. It's on point. They have made that and more," Avalon said

Salvatore stare tuned hard hearing this and said,

"It's true then. It will be difficult to turn it around. Avalon, tell me the rest tomorrow, I will have Luke tell me his side, Luke takes her to the medical center to be checked on," Salvatore said

Avalon nodes at Salvatore and felt one of her legs starting to give out, Luke saw this and gave Salvatore a quick response,

"I will, Sir," Luke said

Luke helped Avalon walk past Salvatore, who watched them leave, Luke stared down at her, noticing that she was leaning her head on his shoulder while they walked down the hallway towards the medical center,

"Avalon? Will you make it to the room?" Luke asked

Avalon gave him a glance before hearing a familiar voice walking to them, They see Jane walking up to them with counsern on her face,

"Avalon? What happened?" Jane asked, taking her other arm

Avalon felt the weight of her leg lighten. She smiled at Jane and said,

"I just helped the newbie with a mission," Avalon told her

Jane gaze went to her then Luke, He gave her a grin,

"She did help, but now she can feel her legs," Luke agreed

"Fine, let get you looked at, Avalon," Jane said

Jane pointed to a room that was unoccupied and opened the door for them, they both set Avalon on the bed with her not able to keep her eyes open, however she felt her hands having a burning sensation to them.

"Avalon dear?"

After that She heard Jane scream and Luke calling out to her, Avalon had her eyes close, but now they were open. She saw that a vase that was once there was destroyed. Jane was staring at Avalon stunned, while Luke stared between her and the vase,

"Avalon, what did you just do?" Jane muttered

Avalon looked at the vase and then turned back to Jane,

"What did I do?"

"You shot a beam from your hand," Luke told her

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