Chapter 14: Chapter 13 Past Haunts
"Do you want to hear from the beginning? or do you want the details," Avalon asked
"I would like to hear the whole story," Jane said
Avalon checked on Salvatore to see a blanket on him,
"You two married yet or not," Avalon said in a hasty manner,
"No, we are not! you know that you little brat," Jane said angrily,
She hits her on the shoulder, Avalon chucked, rubbing her shoulder before a flash of the memories comes back.
"I was just fooling around with yea," Avalon said
"Are you going to tell me, or are you going to leave me in the dark," Jane said
"Ok, this all started. I would say four years ago," Avalon said
"You two have a mission in Ninianne, it looks like there is a new mafia around there causing trouble, and the people we have there are having a hard time getting rid of them, good luck," Salvatore said leaving them,
"So, how are we going to get them this time? knock them all out with sleeping gas, hack the system leaves them in the darkness, then knock them dead, or," Ally said
"It doesn't matter how we do it, but it will be amazing and wonderfully done," Avalon said dramatically, flipping her hair,
Ally just rolled her eyes,
"Yeah, whatever you say, you dork, now come on, let's get to the car, so you can stop with the face," Ally said
"What face are you talking about?" Avalon said, still making a face following Ally to the car. They both got in the car and turned on the radio
"This is my favorite song," Avalon said as she started to sing along,
Ally slowly joined,
A couple of hours passed, and they made it to their destination. Both of them got out of the car,
"Ready," Ally said as she looked at Avalon for the signal, Avalon nodded,
They both had their suit on they pushed a button then they slowly turned invisible, they both into the building,
"Where is the next mission, boss?" One of the members said
"It's the one known as Salvatore, the one who is in charge of Shepherd," the boss said
"You mean the head of that company? that who you want us to kill," an assassin said
"Yes, if we kill him, the whole thing will come crashing down! Then we can take advantage of Tiger mafia to take over the head of their mafia, then take over the city!" the boss said the other member's cheers filled the room,
Avalon lurkers her way behind their boss and breaks his neck, Ally started to kill the other members one by one,
"They weren't that difficult to get rid of. it's sad, I yearn for a better fight! I guess next time," Ally said, bitterness in her voice,
"That's fair, I guess. Should we check the back, there could be more guys?" Avalon said
"You go ahead without me, I will be there shortly," Ally said
"Ok, not weird at all," Avalon said, going to the back of the building,
Ally looked around the building, pulled out her phone,
"Yes... who is this? I am kind of busy right now," Ally said
"This is a way you talk to your new boss? Hurry up and kill her, Ally," a voice over the phone said
"It will be done, Snake, don't get worried," Ally said
"Just get it done with Ally... she will not let us in if Avalon is not killed," the voice said
Ally looked over what she had and what she could have, a different life she could have,
"I know. it will be done shortly. Do you have the gasoline placed?" Ally said, frustrated,
"Yes, now go,"
Ally puts away her phone, looking for Avalon. However, little did she know that Avalon already knows what she is doing,
"Avalon! I got done searching the building," Ally said,
"Hey! Over here," Avalon said from the top of the building,
"What are you up there?" Ally said
"Making sure no one is up here," Avalon said
"Well, get down here, I have to tell you something," Ally said
"I will be there soon," Avalon said, getting her dagger ready when she got down,
Ally was nowhere, Avalon looked around and felt a sharp pain in her back.
"Well... I didn't want to do this. It's time to cut out the extra baggage," Ally said
Avalon fell to her knee, grabbed her dagger, and slashed Ally, causing a cut on her stomach,
"You think..... I didn't see this coming, I have had nightmares about this," Avalon said, tackling her to the ground,
She started to punch Ally in the face, Ally turned the tables on Avalon, almost stabbing her in the chest, but Avalon kicked her off, standing up,
Ally got back up and hit the presser point in her left arm. It couldn't move,
"It's fine. I still have my other arm," Avalon thought
She saw Ally aiming at her throat, Avalon kicked the throwing knife out of her hand while in the air kicked it into Ally's shoulder, Ally yelled in pain and looked at her sh
"Is this all you have to offer?" Avalon said angrily,
"You are just my stepping stone to the top," Ally said
Avalon saw a dark shadow over Ally and felt a pit in her stomach.
"You are going to let evil consume your soul," Avalon said
"You think I care any more about that? About you. Don't get full of yourself, sweetheart, " Ally said, pulling the knife out of her shoulder,
"If you are going to kill me... might have to do it now," Avalon said
"Why? Do you want death so quickly?" Ally said
"No. Not for me. For you," Avalon said
All is taken back, griping the knife tighter, and she glares up at her.
"Cause... I won't hold back anymore," Avalon said
Avalon ran at her and slammed her to the wall of the building,
"What? You said you won't hold back, that's all you got? Pathetic," Ally said
Avalon rolled her eyes and punched her through the wall with a sad smile,
"Well, old friend, I bid you farewell," Avalon said
She turned around to get a taser shot at her chest, a fainted cause of it,
"That was close, hey Ally, are you ok?" Snake said
"Does it look like I am fine, Dagda?" Ally said, trying to get up,
"Just hurry up! the boss sent me to get you," Snake eyes said
"When did you join the mafia?" Ally said got up with the help of Snake eyes,
"Just a couple of days ago. just like you did, right? more money, more fame, no more old man nagging at us, seem like a good life to me," Snake eyes said, walking out with Ally,
"I still have to hu," Ally said, cut off by getting knocked out by him,
"Finally, my headache can stop," Snake eyes said, got her in the car, looked back at the building that Avalon was in,
"Good luck, my friend," Snake eyes said, got into the car, drives away,
a couple of hours later, Avalon wakes up, and Ally is missing,
slowly got up, feeling the pain from the taser she walked out of the building, looked at the sun rising, she heard a ring tone, grabbed her phone,
"Yeah, who is it?" Avalon said her voice is gravelly,
"Avalon, are you ok? how's your mission going, I haven't heard from Ally either," Salvatore said
she got to her car,
"Don't trust her! she just tried to kill me," Avalon said
"So. she betrayed you, I guess you were right. When will I see you. do you need medical treatment," Salvatore and feeling anger rise within him,
"Yeah, I will. she got me in the leg," Avalon said, putting the car on autopilot,
"Do you want me to hang up, or do you need to talk," Salvatore said, concerned about her mentality stability,
"I will talk to you when I get there, bye," Avalon said
"Be careful bye," Salvatore said
Avalon put down her phone, started to tear up, wiped it away,
"If this is the way you want to go, my dear friend, then so be it," Avalon said, tears going down her face, she looks at her leg,
"I should probably put pressure on that, hehe," Avalon said with a sad laugh,