Chapter 5: Goddess and her Angel
"Icarus? You don't look like a twink but I see you got angel wings." Lucoa sat up with a grunt.
She then looked down at the chain wrapped around her hand that was connected to the gorgeous Angel woman.
"I see you're pretty kinky too.." Lucoa muttered, ignoring the random falling pillars that were dropping out of the sky around them.
Ikaros tilted her head but didn't say anything in response. Lucoa stood up, noting how the crash caked some of her skin in dirt. It also pretty much annihilated all of her clothing but she didn't seem to mind.
"Welp.. I guess you could fit as a sort of servant for me. But I'd like to do a quick interview if you don't-" Lucoa cut herself off as she backhanded a falling pillar into oblivion.
"Actually, let's go somewhere quiet and peaceful. I dunno the layout of this town but that scrawny lil guy who ran off earlier probably has a house we can use." Lucoa smiled deviously.
"Understood." Ikaros flew behind Lucoa, chain still connecting them.
If anyone saw the two, they'd likely assume some exhibitionist weirdo was taking her cosplay submissive girlfriend out for walkies. In fact, quite a few people witnessed the two, thanks to the commotion outside. The two kept going until they reached an unassuming house in a quiet neighborhood.
*Knock knock!*
"Hello! British army here! We're appropriating your private domicile for a wee bit, my good sir!" Lucoa called out in a thick British accent.
Unfortunately, the boy who lived in the house only barely knew a few English words and responded with, "Ah.. no... no sank yu. No.. Enrishu." Before backing away from his front door quietly.
The house's door was then promptly kicked in, scaring the hell out of the boy.
"Good thing I'm multilingual. Oh.." Lucoa looked down at the rather short teenager staring at her naked body with a steady stream of blood flowing down his nose.
Lucoa ignored the perverted expression on his face, instead focusing on how small the poor teenage boy was. She figured he was sixteen but he stood at a good five-foot-four (162cm). He hunched over and held onto his nose as Lucoa stepped in, bringing Ikaros along.
"Mind if we use your place for a few minutes, Short King? Thanks!" Lucoa then sat in front of his tatami table and gestured for Ikaros to sit.
"Wait? What!? No! No freakin' way! Let me have my pea...uh.." The boy known as Tomoki protested but once more grew distracted when he looked at Lucoa's breasts.
The image of her supple, large mounds and light pink nipples burned themselves into his mind. He struggled to look away. He was a man of culture, not merely a breast-enthusiast.
"Let the interview commence! Now, Ikaros.. What are you exactly?" Lucoa asked, folding her hands and keeping up a professional aura.
"Master, I am type Alpha, Ikaros. I am your entertainment type Angeloid." Ikaros answered.
Lucoa nodded but had a feeling that wasn't even remotely true. Ikaros didn't seem to be lying but the feeling she got from her was hard to describe. All she knew was that she felt very capable.
"Alright then.. I'll revisit that later. What's an Angeloid?" The question made Ikaros' green eyes light up briefly.
"....I don't know."
'Weird. Kinda looked like she tried to search up the word but there was a block. Like looking for porn with the safe search on.' Lucoa clicked her tongue in annoyance.
"Wait..! My peace!" Tomoki snapped out of his daze, but then his gaze focused on Lucoa's thighs.
Plump but with the perfect mix of muscle. Despite their size, they weren't pudgy in the least. He began to imagine the feeling of his head being trapped between them. And he was once again lost in his perversions.
"Can you arm wrestle with me real quick?" Lucoa held her arm out on the table top.
Ikaros tilted her head in confusion, "Arm.. wrestle?"
"Grab my hand and try to pin it to the other side. Easy, right?" Ikaros nodded and grabbed Lucoa's hand.
The house creaked as Ikaros tried to move Lucoa's hand down. The table exploded and the walls began to crack, immediately pulling Tomoki back to reality.
"Wait! WAIT!! WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIIIIT!!" He, understandably began to freak out.
"Eh!? Tomo-chan!?" The girl next door woke up and called out to Tomoki.
While chaos was happening all around her, Lucoa started to actually use her brain. A rare occasion.
Looking at Ikaros the first time, she had an inkling of familiarity. She looked unique, even among all the anime characters she was familiarized with, thanks to some of her previous weeaboo friends who kept introducing her to new anime series.
So the Angeloid in front of her certainly felt familiar.
"Tomo-chan..." Another girl had also entered the crumbling room, hand raised threateningly as she saw Tomoki with a naked woman and a scantily clad angel girl.
"Wait..! Sohara! I can explain.. They broke in! With no clothes on! I swear!" Sadly, his pleas fell on deaf ears.
The girl began to mercilessly karate chop him, ignoring the fact that the house was creaking from the strength Ikaros was exerting. Lucoa then snapped her fingers in recognition.
"Oh! Oh! It's the Sora one! Guess I stole his waifu huh? Ah well. Guy gets a harem anyway.." Lucoa stated matter-of-factly.
Then she slammed Ikaros' hand on the obliterated table and won with a small nod.
"Alright! I pretty much know what to do now. You're perfect. You don't mind serving me and being my companion, right? You won't have to do anything weird.. mostly." She stated, unsure about the last part. After all, weird things happened around her all the time. Most of it wasn't even her own fault too.
"No. You are my Master after all." Ikaros denied, albeit emotionlessly.
"Great! Let's dip for now then. Got a hot battle junkie waiting for me!" Lucoa exclaimed as she got up again.
It suddenly became quiet as soon as she stood up. Both Sohara and a bruised Tomoki were staring at her with red faces. Though Tomoki was bleeding heavily through his nose again.
"Oh yeah. Sorry 'bout the house. Here." Lucoa held up her hand as golden magic flooded the house, fixing the damage entirely.
Ignoring the dumbfounded looks of Sohara and Tomoki, Lucoa took Ikaros' hand and created a large, circular portal right in front of them.
"Alright, let's bounce. We'll be back later. I'll come back to help the blue haired one, big tiddy one and the kid. Oh and I owe you a wish or sum' for using your place. Later." Lucoa waved to them before walking through the portal with Ikaros floating behind her like a balloon.
While this was happening, the rulers that resided in the sky above the town were collectively freaking out.
"What do you mean we can't track the Uranus Queen!?" The blond leader in white robes roared at a petite blue haired Angeloid with glimmering wings.
"I.. the systems lost her completely, Master! She disappeared." The Angeloid replied nervously.
"That's impossible! There's nowhere she can even go beyond our...." The man trailed off and began to think about something.
"...Beyonders..? Could it actually be?" He stayed absolutely silent for a minute until the Angeloid, Nymph spoke again.
"Master? I can redouble my efforts. If that will make you happ-" "Shut up. Get lost. I need to think." Coldly, he dismissed her.
Though he often entertained himself by being cruel to the girl, he was far too immersed in his thoughts to do so this time. Pulling up another interface, he summoned multiple screens. Nymph began to move away when she heard a genuine, visceral reaction from her master. A reaction so unlike him, being an almighty and bored being.
She looked at the screens. The Uranus Queen had been freed and fell down onto the planet. Her Master kept rewinding and replaying the crash. She didn't understand his fixation until her eyes zoomed in on the figure the Uranus Queen fell onto.
"Wh..What IS THAT!?" Nymph heard her Master shout in disbelief and horror.
She couldn't blame him though. She had a hard time looking at the woman. There was some sort of distortion surrounding her. A maelstrom of disorder. Their equipment could catch a glimpse of something indescribable but it only filled them with more questions.
Nymph knew better to disturb her Master, especially when he was this agitated. Quietly, she made her exit, wondering what entity stole away the Synapse's ultimate weapon.
Back in Majikoi, Lucoa and the still emotionally stunted Ikaros appeared next to the river bank. It was sometime before midnight, so nobody was around to see the two.
"Clothes beam!" Lucoa raised her finger, summoning golden magic that covered her before a white hoodie, blue booty shorts and black air forces appeared on her body.
"Magic is so peak, man. Being naked was fun but I think I'd get arrested if someone saw me like this. Now..." Lucoa trailed off before looking at Ikaros with a gleam in her heterochomatic eyes.
Ikaros stared at her Master in confusion as her finger poked her forehead, pressing against it gently. Another swirl of magic was unleashed, this time on Ikaros. A flood of magic seeped into her, unlocking the suppression on her emotions, full combat capabilities and memories. All the times she was used as Synapse's weapon against humanity. Such as the obliteration of the tower of Babel. It all flashed by in an instant, leaving Ikaros a mix of confused, remorseful and anxious about if Lucoa were going to resentful of her past actions.
"Feel better? Maybe the memories should have stayed locked but eh.. You're not truly complete without them. Still down to be my Angel?" Lucoa once more asked.
Ikaros stared at the strange woman. What little she knew of humanity didn't match her actions. But she felt a desire to know her new Master. The Angeloid nodded her head, receiving a pat on her back.
"Good 'cause I wasn't gonna give you back anyway. Your first orders are to learn about humanity, so you can express yourself in the most based ways possible. Damn.. It's too early for Tiktok. Guess I'll teach you my own brand of brainrot." Lucoa mused aloud, not noticing the peculiar look Ikaros was giving her.
"Anyways, let's head back home. Doubt I'll hit tonight but I think Momo's down to cuddle." Lucoa licked her lips and started prancing back to the Kawakami dorm with Ikaros floating behind her.
"Oh yeah.. Can you hide your wings, the chain and walk? I can already see the religious fanatics swarming me by having you out and about like this.. Probably'd think I was a demon with these horns." Lucoa muttered, tracing her finger along her curved horns.
"Understood..?" Ikaros floated down, her wings and the chain flashing briefly before vanishing.
It seemed the chain was sort of metaphysical. It could extend infinitely but also dematerialize until Lucoa summoned it.
"Good! We'll grab you some acceptable clothes. Right now you look like an exotic stripper.. Or an Onlyfans cosplayer."
Lucoa began to go over the basics of human interactions until they arrived at the Kawakami dorm at one in the morning.
"And remember, if anyone says 'On God' it means whatever they say is one hundred percent truth." Lucoa said as she walked into the dorm.
"Mn. I understand, Master."
Momoyo stirred awake, feeling a softness press into her back. She almost considered hitting it until she realized Lucoa was sharing her room. Thinking of her, her mind cleared away the sleepy haze. Momoyo smirked and wrapped her arm around Lucoa and pulled her in, getting a face full of bare breasts that nearly dwarfed her head.
"Ahh.. what wonderful pillow...s..?" Momoyo looked up, seeing a beautiful face framed by pink hair.
*Yawn~* "Go back to bed, babe. We'll chat tomorrow.." Lucoa muttered from the other side of Momoyo, burying the back of her head and sandwiching her in soft valleys.
"....I won't complain then."