Chapter 4: Goddess Requirements?
A whole five hours passed. As it turns out, women's orgasms are way more potent than a man's. That, and finding your very reflection unbelievably attractive made for a pretty horny cycle. And Lucoa's stamina was monstrous. Thus explaining how it took five goddamn hours for her to be satisfied.
Putting her tanktop on, Lucoa looked back at the mirror and saw all the lip marks.
"Oh I got a little too into it.. Haha." Lucoa chuckled and pointed her finger at the mirror, blasting it with a cleaning magic that effectively erased all evidence of what happened earlier.
Then a realization struck her.
"Wait.. can I do a Shadow Clone Jutsu? I probably can, right..!?" Alas, the horniness returned in full force.
Only to be nipped in the bud when she heard the Kawakami family return. She clicked her tongue and stretched her body before deciding to save that particular experiment for later.
"Alright. Time to make an impression." Lucoa said to herself before walking out of the bathroom.
Momoyo, Takuya and Yamato had just walked in. Though Takuya took one look at Lucoa, blushed and hurried off to his room. Cookie was talking to Yamato at the door and Momoyo immediately locked on to Lucoa as soon as she saw her.
"Hello again, Beautiful. Sorry, you must have been bored at home." Momoyo quickly wrapped her arm around Lucoa's waist and apologized.
"Oh I was well entertained. It's a nice place but something tells me you want something." Lucoa guessed with a slight tilt of her head.
"Ah, you already know me so well. I wanna spar. You're very capable but I want to see what you can really do with that body." Momoyo's already sharp-looking eyes narrowed as she looked Lucoa up and down.
One might easily mistake the look for checking her out, but Lucoa already knew what Momoyo actually meant.
"Madara I'm gonna need you to chill. We sparred once already, right? And wouldn't a real spar just about fuck up a city block if it got out of hand? I'm good to throw hands but what if I get charged!? I'm not trying to go to prison again." Lucoa expressed her worries with a small grimace.
"Ah don't worry about it! I won't go beyond a certain level of strength. This is just to find out your physical limits and skills." Momoyo ignored her worries and pat her back.
"Wait.. what was that Nee-san?" Yamato finally tuned in and looked at his sister in horror.
"HAHAHA bye Yamatoooo~!" Momoyo slung Lucoa over her shoulder and ran out of the house.
Being manhandled like this, Lucoa reminisced. She remembered a few of her insane exes did this at one point. But then she remembered some advice she recieved from her dad.
'Son... Lord knows I love snu-snu.'
Apparently, that was it..
"God.." Lucoa saluted, "Dad was spitting nothing but facts."
"Eh? What are you saying? We've arrived." Momoyo set Lucoa down, back to where she had beat up those delinquents earlier that day.
"Now, I'd like to see your physical limits but.. I need to know if you can actually fight. Do you know any techniques?" Momoyo asked with a burning curiousity in her eyes.
"I know a thousand years of death. Does that count?" Lucoa asked back, raising her hand for a reason Momoyo didn't understand.
"Is.. that the one from Naruto?" Momoyo cracked a smile.
Lucoa nodded, "I mean, aside from that all my fights have been sloppy street fights. Square your shoulders, protect your head.. That stuff."
'Dragon Mommy's memories got nothin' too. Where's the Fate Quetzalcoatl who only knew how to throw hands? I should pop over and learn from her sometime.' Lucoa made a mental note to go to FGO at some point in the future.
"Hm.. Okay. Skills can be taught. I just need you to throw your hardest punch." Momoyo stated whilst cracking her knuckles.
"Bet. Where am I throwing this bad boy?" Lucoa was also curious how strong she truly was.
The original had no real reason to fight seriously. She was a Goddess. The Goddess of wind, rain, learning and creation. So any fights she had in the past, she simply threw a hurricane at. Or she would make something to avoid the fight at all. She had a number of means of defending herself, none of which ever really came down to getting dirty and pummeling someone like the Gods and Goddesses of war and battle often did.
"At me, of course." Momoyo stated confidently.
"Nah, seriously. Where am I punching? Not to underestimate you but.. I can make an estimated guess as to how hard I can hit. So-" Unfortunately, her warning only seemed to rile Momoyo up more.
"HIT. ME!" Her Ki activated and strengthened her body, preparing for Lucoa's punch.
Lucoa blew a raspberry and shrugged. Rearing her arm back, she threw a punch. At first, it didn't seem all that special to Momoyo. But the moment she actually threw the punch, she could no longer see her arm.
Lucoa thankfully hadn't even aimed at Momoyo, directing her punch to the horizon, where no large buildings or planes were in the way. Momoyo turned around, expecting some sort of sign she had actually attacked.
"Eh..? Wait. Where..." Momoyo finally realized. The sign was right there. The clouds had split apart like the red sea.
"That was just raw strength?" Momoyo asked bluntly.
Lucoa nodded dumbly, staring at the split clouds herself. "Yup. Uh.. you good, babe?"
She didn't want to stomp on her spirit. Realizing there was a place so far above you tended to dash the hopes of any serious fighter. At least in worlds like these.
"Am I good..? Never better! I finally have a reason to improve again!! The world was so boring..! Nobody but the Old Man could even face me anymore! But you!? You are.." Momoyo grabbed Lucoa's shoulders and stared into her heterochomatic eyes with an undisguised fervor.
'Wonder how she'd react to Goku? Maybe one day.' Lucoa snorted.
"Is strength all you're really into? I get it. The whole 'It's lonely at the peak' thing. But is it that important to you?" Tilting her head, Lucoa asked.
Momoyo didn't take offence to her question. She immediately nodded and said, "I love fighting strong people. I love getting stronger to overcome my limits. For a while, I stopped improving because nobody could stand up to me. I even thought about wandering the world or conquering it after Highschool. But this looks way more entertaining!"
Internally, Lucoa's impression of Momoyo went from Madara, straight to Yujiro. But with a better personality and looks.
"Alright. I'll be your peak. You're letting me crash at your place, in your bed so I feel like I owe some kinda favor to you." Lucoa stated, deciding to stick around.
Momoyo's eyes lit up and she grasped Lucoa's hands.
"Then, I'll teach you Ki. Teaching you physical techniques and styles will be hard for me though, since I'm not at your physical level yet. You could watch and try to mimic from me but it won't really be that effective." Momoyo started wracking her brain to find a solution.
While Lucoa thought about the issue her physical power brought up. As it turns out, the original used to visit the human world often, to find some women to bed. Often, she would destroy buildings, mountains and various other architectures when venturing out. She made a spell a while back that essentially set a limiter on her physical prowess.
But that required a particularly powerful individual, to hold that spell. Since any regular humans would pretty much instantly explode. The original Lucoa would take those from other races as willing servants and let them live and learn from her in exchange for letting her use said spell.
"Got it! Hey, you should head back home. I just got an idea. I should be able to limit my physical strength if I do this. I'll be back later tonight, so put something sexy on for when we share a bed together. Later!" Lucoa stated before making a circle with her finger and opening up a circular portal with her magic.
Lucoa waved at the stunned Momoyo and walked through, before it abruptly disappeared after. Momoyo was stunned into silence as she watched the noe empty space.
"Right.. Dragon Goddess. Dragon Goddess... Keh..! So exciting..!" Her hands balled into fists as her fighting spirit soared.
Lucoa stepped out into the Cosmic Void. Separating countless universes, it was an infinite sea, but one the original knew how to navigate. Mainly, she went to other universes to either learn from them or to talk to women. Lucoa pressed her hand forward and cast a spell, applying a filter for her search.
'Ah yes. Just like Nhentai's tag searches. Let's see.. 'Servant', 'Bishoujo' annnnd.. search!'
Just like that, countless universes appeared before her. One, she saw with a silver haired maid.
Sakuya Izayoi.
'Nope. Way too OP... For now.' Disregarding that universe, she saw the next one.
Yet another silver haired maid. More curvaceous and way less powerful. Grayfia Lucifuge.
'Strong but not busted. Hot too. Only issue is she's married.' Lucoa tapped her finger against her cheek thoughtfully.
Now the question was: Did Sirzechs deserve the 'She's busy 'lil bro' treatment?
'Nope. I'd only do that to some truly heinous dudes.' Lucoa swiped left once more, parsing through more universes.
She then erased the 'Servant' filter and searched 'Bishoujo' by itself, just to expand her options. Though that soon turned awry as, somehow, a black window opened up in front of her. Inside? A blue-skinned, well endowed fox woman with more tails than she could count. All in the color-style of a black hole. She couldn't even feel her power level either.
"Oh my~. A little spark of Chaos looking for a good time? Come back in several *($%&# years, then maybe we can have some fun little one~. Until then, bad girl." The woman looked and sounded amused.
And despite not even registering how many years was stated, Lucoa latched onto one thing.
"Fun? FUN? I'll risk it all right now." She stated, either foolishly or confidently.
"Oh, there is no risk. Only Null." Somehow, despite not really understanding what that meant, it was like a bucket of ice water splashed Lucoa.
"Ah~ Now I see what you're looking for. Try here. Bye now~" The sexy fox lady bid farewell and before Lucoa knew it, she was sitting on some grassy hill at night.
Or, it used to be a grassy hill. After she crash landed, it was sort of a burning crater now. She spotted some teenaged boy fleeing the area and screaming but that was hardly a concern now. The note that flew into her face, however, was.
Lucoa peeled it off her face and read it aloud.
"I sent you over to a good place that barely gets any attention anymore. Beautiful women too, since you're a horny little thing haha. PS: I changed your Yee-Yee ass horns and made them look better than the two paper towel rolls you had on your head earlier. Yours truly- Lilith the #@^*,#@**%" The last word gave her a headache but Lucoa decided to ignore it and tuck it into her pocket.
"I did it, Pops. I finally found the ultimate Mommy.." Lucoa declared with a small twinkle in her eye.
For a moment, she almost thought her Dad was smiling down at her. But it was only a shooting star.
Only, the shooting star was coming right for her. As in, directly smacking into her like a ballistic missle.
Good thing she was made of sterner stuff. Lucoa's body smashed further into the crater. But this time, there was someone else too. A girl sat on top of her, her green eyes staring down at Lucoa beneath her.
"Type Alpha: Ikaros. How may I serve you, Master?"