Chapter 6: The new normal
"Mn..~" Momoyo let a tired moan escape her throat, beginning to wake up.
"Alright. Now how about 'Rizz their Gyat' what's that mean?" She heard Lucoa ask softly, not understanding what Eldritch words came out of her mouth.
Another voice, lacking emotion answered. "That they have brain damage."
"Good girl. You're getting it. The only somewhat acceptable word there was 'Rizz' but only used ironically." Lucoa replied proudly.
"Morning. I was wondering if being sandwiched was just a dream.. Guess not." Momoyo sniffled in amusement, seeing Ikaros and Lucoa sitting on the floor.
"Hey Babe. This is Ikaros. Grabbed her for that thing I told you about. Now I can limit my strength to your level and learn from you." Lucoa replied.
Momoyo rubbed her eyes and remembered. "Oh! Yeah I remember. I didn't think you were bringing back an... Angel?"
Ikaros corrected, "I am an Angeloid."
"Hm.. So what was the point of putting something sexy on. You didn't even wake me up for 'fun'." Momoyo threw her covers off, revealing a set of sexy black lacy panties and bra.
Lucoa's eyes locked in on Momoyo. Her legs, a perfect mix of muscle and fat. The kind that'd make anyone want to have their heads to be squeezed in between. Her wide hips, thin waist and toned belly gave her a sexy Fitness Goddess look. Then the obviously large breasts that almost seemed to be trying to free themselves from their confines.
"So you'd let me?"
Momoyo was about to confirm confidently but felt her face heat up before she could. She often hit on women and engaged in 'light petting' but nothing as far as Lucoa was suggesting. That hesitation made Lucoa smirk, as if she'd won.
"Nah. You're not ready for that stuff. Alright, Ikaros. Now we'll talk about 'Peak, cooking and based.'" Lucoa began to explain as Momoyo stared at her in a growing irritation.
"I would! In fact, I'd bed you." Momoyo stood atop her bed and stated confidently.
Lucoa simply waved her hand at her, "Yeah I believe you, babe. Now, Peak means something or someone is the best. Example, Momoyo's attractiveness is peak."
Ikaros looked at Momoyo, who preened under the compliment and folded her arms under her chest to emphasize them.
"I understand. Master is peak in attractiveness too."
"Aww shucks. Same goes for you. Now that we've had a little heartwarming moment, let's study extra hard, Ikaros." Lucoa encouraged before resuming her somewhat odd lesson.
About two hours later, everyone met up to eat breakfast. Yamato, the main character who would best be described as 'The Strategist was seated next to the blue-haired Miyako, who was putting some strange red sauce on her eggs. Then there was Tadakatsu, the delinquent-looking boy who was secretly a Tsundere. And finally, there was Kazuko, who insta-locked onto Lucoa, Momoyo and Ikaros as soon as they left Momoyo's room.
"Yo. Cookie made omurice? Nice. Ah, I forgot yesterday but this is my new.... hm.. What are we?" Momoyo stopped, scratched her head and looked at Lucoa, who took a seat and yawned.
"Roomates? Whatever sounds the gayest in this context. After all, we did cuddle without even going on our first date. Like those certain videos.." Lucoa replied, smirking as Yamato's eyes gleamed.
"Could you be.. one of my people..? Alright, welcome to the Kawakami dorm, Miss...?" Yamato paused, looking at Lucoa as she tasted some of the omurice.
"Lucoa Quetzalcoatl. Nice to meet you." Lucoa waved with her free hand.
"Naoe Yamato. This is Miyako Shiina, Tadakatsu Minamoto, Cookie, our robot and.. ah, Cap's still out somewhere. And the girl staring enviously at you is Kazuko Kawakami.. but we all call her Wanko. Finally, there's Gakuto and Takuya but they don't live in the dorm with us, since they have parents and stuff." Yamato introduced everyone aside from Momoyo. The reactions she recieved varied.
Yamato seemed fairly welcoming, Tadakatsu didn't seem to really care, Miyako didn't really seem to want Lucoa there and Wanko was undergoing some sort of crisis. Wanko, the cute, fit girl with a ponytail stood up and pointed at Lucoa's tits.
"How on EARTH did you get those!? What kind of training did you do!? What kind of juice did you drink!?" Wanko demanded an answer, making Momoyo start to chuckle to herself.
"I wished upon a star." Lucoa replied.
"What!? Really!?" Wanko's eyes shone.
"Nah. I stole the breast ki from other women with big tits." Lucoa once again lied.
"Breast ki!?" Wanko's eyes widened in utter shock.
"Nah. I actually got abducted by an Eldritch being who blessed me with.. hm.. Gs? I never measured." Lucoa shrugged. She did plenty of 'feeling' yesterday but actual measurement hadn't been done.
"What!? You were!?" Wanko cried out.
"Ahaha! Wanko's gullible so anything you claim, she'll believe." Momoyo snorted, her words instantly making the girl sulk.
"Damn.. I was gonna keep escalating it too. Well, nice to meet you guys. In return for staying here, I'm gonna spar with Momoyo occasionally and help you guys with your odd jobs. Also, this is Ikaros. She's my... friend? Yeah, friend." Lucoa stated, patting Ikaros on the head, her green eyes widening almost imperceptably at the action.
Yamato nodded his head repeatedly, then cleared his throat. "So.. why does she have wings? And you have different horns.."
That's when it hit her. She forgot Ikaros' wings were still out. And that her own 'paper towel roll looking horns' were changed.
'The rules of reincarnation dictate it's cringe if you tell others about your past life and your system. Good thing I don't have a system! I guess dropping that Goddess bomb wouldn't be so bad either, this place is basically DBZ lite anyway~' Lucoa cupped her chin thoughtfully, deciding then it was easier to just sate their curiousity.
"I'm a flying Danger Noodle Goddess and this is my new Angel bestie. That a satisfying answer?"
Yamato looked at her beautiful heterochromatic eyes, her horns and hair. Then he looked at Ikaros, who was staring at her own omurice curiously.
"Nee-san you attract the strangest beings.." He muttered, reluctantly accepting that explanation. Even if he didn't fully believe it.
"EH!!? GODDESS!? What's a Danger Noodle!? Angel!?" Though Wanko expressed more than enough shock for everyone.
Tadakatsu simply kept eating and Miyako was only giving Lucoa a strange, disapproving huff. Though that had nothing to do with her earlier statement. She simply remembered Yamato's type was big breasted women and foreigners.
"Pff-hahahaha! I knew you'd fit in well here. All we need is Cap to meet you next. He'll come by when we do that one job tomorrow, I'm sure." Momoyo said while twirling her finger through Lucoa's hair.
The rest of their breakfast was spent learning about one another. Once they finished and Cookie took their plates and glasses away, Momoyo stood up and pulled Lucoa's head into her chest.
"Now, why don't we see what you can learn? I'm eager to see-" "Wait! Onee-sama!" Wanko interrupted her before she could whisk Lucoa away again.
"Hm..? Wanko?" Momoyo tilted her head.
"I'd like to fight Lucoa-san! The rest saw you fight with her. So, please accept my challenge, Lucoa-san!" Wanko requested earnestly. For a moment, Lucoa could almost see a dog tail wagging behind the excitable girl.
"I would but you'd win with your skills. Or you'd lose against overwhelming power. Momoyo's gonna teach me how to fight like Baki or Goku. After I learn some moves, feel free." Lucoa replied, confusing Wanko and the rest as she was ushered out by Momoyo while Ikaros followed.
"..? Wait.. she doesn't know how to fight?" Yamato muttered in astonishment, remembering how she dealt with Momoyo on first contact.
It wasn't long before Momoyo had led her to a private section of the Kawakami dojo. Only her and Tesshin had free reign of its use. And since she was teaching her, Momoyo insisted on getting Lucoa into a proper Dogi, a traditional Japanese uniform martial arts practicioners wore. Of course, her chest was threatening to burst out from even the largest one they had, so she was forced to secure them by wrapping them in bandages.
From there, Momoyo spent a few hours teaching Lucoa the basics. How to take hits, block, the proper way to move in a fight and how to throw a proper punch. She used to think it would have been mentally exhausting, teaching someone from the basics. Someone meant to give her the best fight of her life yet had no real martial arts experience.
Yet.. she wasn't. Momoyo found herself interested in the speed at which she picked things up. Whether it was instincts, her previous experience fighting or something else, Lucoa learned fast.
"Damn! You gotta teach me more ways to punch. Oh! And kick too. I wanna do those crazy ass kicks from IP man. Or Ong Bak." Lucoa stated, not even sweating.
"Hmm..? Muay Tai? I might know a few things. But I'm going to teach you Kawakami style. Then from there, you'll develop techniques after you get used to using your Ki." Momoyo replied and sat down.
"Now, why don't you continue practicing what I taught you? You're doing well but repetition will make it second nature to you." Momoyo said, watching as Lucoa shrugged and returned to practicing again.
"Sorry if this is boring you, by the way." Lucoa looked to Ikaros, who had been watching her the entire time.
She shook her head. "There is no need to apologize, Master. I'm learning much."
"Ah, speaking of learning.. Why don't we learn about each other? Tell each other some interesting facts while you practice." Momoyo suggested, eager to learn more from the two Supernatural beings in front of her.
"Sure, I'll ask first. How'd the whole.. Kazama group start?" Lucoa asked.
Momoyo nodded, as if she expected that question, "Yamato and Cap were already friends back in elementary, but they befriended Wanko, Takuya and Gakuto. Their little group sought me out at the Kawakami temple, since I was known as the strongest kid back then. Their little hangout spot was going to be taken by some older kids so they wanted my help. I agreed, on the condition Yamato would be my little brother. So naturally, I joined them and became a deterrent against other kids."
"What a main character aura he has.. Incredible." Lucoa complimented with an unnecessarily dramatic gasp.
Momoyo snickered, though didn't quite deny it. Though in her opinion, she personally felt she was more a main character than Yamato, thanks to her strength. Though of course, now that she found Lucoa, she thought she had the most 'Main character' energy.
"Now me. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Momoyo asked, leaning forward, expressing her interest.
"I got two answers for that. First.. I pissed off a Cartel boss. I was kidnapped once by mistake but was held for ransom anyway. His wife came to see me, for some reason.. Freed me, drugged him with a shit ton of sleeping pills and we had sex on his bed. Next to his passed out body. Before I left, I drew about a dozen dicks on his face." Momoyo blinked owlishly, processing the story she was just told. But Lucoa just continued talking.
"Second... I got really drunk once, back when the Aztec's were around. I accidentally drank this cursed liquor my friend gifted me with. One that put me in the 'mood'. And the only person nearby was my sister, Quetzalpetlatl or 'Petla' as I used to call her. Bunch of my subjects saw the aftermath and think I raped her or something. But if you saw her during..." Lucoa trailed off, looking back into her memories and seeing her sister desperately cling to her, kissing her fiercely as her nails dug into her back.
"Based." Ikaros added after a few awkward seconds. Lucoa gave her a grin and a thumbs up in response.
"Er..... s-so what happened afterwards?" Momoyo asked, far more interested now.
"Oh I was banished and stripped of my title, the bastards. Like I was the first God to ever fuck their sibling.. Anyway, I was forced out. Started wandering. Though I still wonder how Petla's been doing since then.."
"Sister... You'll help me find her if I help you.. What? Kill this reincarnator invader?" A blonde woman with an impressive bust and shapely body asked the woman in front of her.
The woman, with long black-hair, red eyes, black angel wings and several guns slung over her shoulders nodded.
"Yes. I should be able to do it pretty easy. I just hope this doesn't take very long." She huffed.
The blonde nodded, "I'll help then. Sister.. I'm going to resume carnal relations with you.." She muttered while subconsciously licking her lips, weirding out the other woman a little..