I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 38. Alive

“Ack!  This… What is this?”

A sharp pain that assaulted through my whole body, making me open my eyes and look at the wooden roof. 

“Where is this?”

A new bed, a new room and a new house. It wasn’t that luxurious, but there was a natural and comfortable feeling to it. Before I could think more about my surroundings, the pain arose once more, dragging my attention towards my own body.

White bandages were wrapped around me like a mummy, and all I could smell was the odor of the natural ointment used under it. While the post-injuries ached even with little movements, there was a sign of relief in me.

“I am alive.”

That’s right. I escaped, no, I injured him and then escaped from the hands of the main antagonist - Oliver Schtrom. And this great feat was achieved by me at the age of nine. My hormones danced, and my mind was relieved.

“I have finally conquered one of my fears.”

As a villain, and more as a low grade one, I was super anxious. How can I survive, How can I fight, How can I avoid and all that. And all of this anxiousness stemmed from the existence of the duo - Protagonist and Antagonist.

And I just dealt with one of them. No need to say, my heart is dancing in joy. I feel truly alive. I really want to see his face overwhelmed in rage once again. But this fight also made me look at my shortcomings once again. 

“I am really glad that I decided to become a demon hunter.”

Not only did I get to experience a lot of new things, but in addition I got a new wife. It seems my dream to have a harem is not too far.

“But still that attack of mine… That was too cool.”

Without a doubt, I decided to adopt it as my ultimate attack. A sword strike that can slash any magic.

If the protagonist focuses on magic, then I will do it with swordsmanship. Though mine also uses magic.

“Hmm… I can also use elements to produce different types of strike.”

I have yet to use my mana blade using a certain element. In most cases, I only pour my mana and a pure white blade comes out. But I used a fire element then…

“A fire blade!”

And using the principle of compressing mana like that demonic blast, I might be able to create that move.

“Speaking of the demonic blast, it was bad that I didn't think about its aftermath.”

I remember my last memory before blanking out. Those two pieces of blast I slashed off crackled and then exploded.

The force that came out was by no means a small one. I wonder how powerful it would, it I didn't hack it into two pieces. The force was strong enough to fling me back like a rag, and I am sure that increased my internal damage.

I don't remember much since I blanked out soon after the blast, but still those two pieces were a boon.

“If they didn't explode, then Oliver would have sent me to heaven with an advance ticket.”

At that moment, that guy was super furious and was about to launch an attack on me. And with my injuries, I doubt I would be able to dodge it.

The explosion threw me away from him, and even provided a cover of dust to escape. In a way or another, I am grateful for the blast.

“The timing was perfect. It seems my good luck hasn't abandoned me yet.”

After having a series of bad luck, I am bound to have good luck at some time on my side. Well, the fight with Oliver is over.

It had some gains, and some losses. And the biggest loss of all is…

“I didn't steal any of the gold!”

I wanted to steal all of the properties but whoosh! That Oliver bastard went on to blast them, obliterating them into dust.

“My money!”

After all these fatal injuries, I expected to have some reward. How can I feel good without money?

“Wait! Didn't I have another sweet reward?”

And then I remembered the reason I fought so hard with Oliver in the first place. 

My massage appointment. There is no way I am going to miss it.

‘Where is Miria?’

The lover status between us is official. If there is something better that happened because of my fight with Oliver, then it is the fact that Miria confessed her love to me. 

‘I have completed the mission, folks!’

A plump, sexy and mature woman is in the harem! And as an add-on, she is the former right hand of the main antagonist!

“I was a bit nervous when Miria encountered Oliver for the first time.”

I was sweating bucks, worried about fate or some shit that might just work and she would turn over to the devil side. But fortunately, nothing happened.

“It's good that Oliver didn't see our faces.”

In the real story, Miria survived from Oliver's hands despite being human because of her looks. Her looks are too identical to his late wife, letting him spare her.

I have pissed Oliver enough to acknowledge me as his lifelong enemy. And now if he knows that the woman beside me just looks like his wife, he might go overboard.

For devils, emotions are literally power, since they can get more corrupt, increasing their demonic mana, thus making them more stronger.

“Maybe that's why I felt a bit more out of order. It might be the devil's nature.”

To turn from a human to devil, extreme negative emotions were extremely necessary. Even when Oliver transformed the original Kurt, he brainwashed him, making his inferiority complex and anger grow more and more and later he became a devil.

“Remembering all the future details, I wish that strike could have split him in two.”

Sigh! I survived against him, yet the future is still uncertain and dangerous. And without a doubt, Oliver would be much stronger than before.

“Because what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.”

But this quote isn't only for Oliver. I, too, will become stronger.


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