Chapter 66: Chapter 64: It's Time To (Curb Stomp) Duel
The moment I mentioned Atlantis, and knowing how Attuma has long sought to rule it, the Atlantean warlord and his soldiers currently with him shifted their postures ever so slightly.
Which most people wouldn't catch.
But I am not most people.
The same applies to my warriors.
So we all knew the moment Attuma and his warriors shifted their positions it meant they might attack us any second moving forward from this point.
Though it matters not.
Let them come.
For they are no true threat to any of us.
"Surface dweller, tell me, what do you know of Atlantis?" Attuma demanded.
"First of all my name is not surface dweller. It is Doom. And you will address me as such." I told Attuma.
Not frightened in the slightest by the glare either he, or his soldiers, are sending my way.
After all, I've got a Thragg.
Who was ready to slaughter everyone standing in front of us Viltrumite-style, should I make a simple flick of my wrist.
"Secondly, I know that Atlantis exist. But at the moment not much more than that. Since I am certain all records I have pertaining to the underwater city are useless, since they are decades old." I spoke. "Though I am not sure. For instance, is its ruler still a man by he name of Namor?" I asked.
Even though I knew it to be the truth.
Though like I just told Attuma that is likely the only real piece of concrete information I have on the Atlantis at the moment.
Since that city, and its people, have done a bang up job of staying off the radar overall.
All the records I've managed to find on the underwater city don't give much details about it. Even the masters of Kamar-Taj don't know that much about the place. I even made inquiries with the Ancient One about Atlantis, and even she had little to offer me in that regard.
And finding the location of the city itself was proving to be difficult, even with all the resources at my disposal and my meta-knowledge.
That's why I shifted a portion of the resources dedicated to locating Atlantis to locating someone who knew of its location, that person being Attuma.
Who I am now in the middle of trying to make an alliance with.
Which I hope works out.
Since I had already tapped Attuma as a possible candidate for my Cabal.
After all, I'll need someone to take command of the world's oceans when I bring the planet under my rule, and there's no way I'm trusting that disgusting, arrogant prick Namor with the job.
Especially since I loathe the man.
Seriously, I found Namor absolutely revolting.
That's why I'm making sure his ass gets turned into fish sticks at the soonest possible moment.
(A/N: Yeah, I really don't like Namor's character at all. That's why he's getting bashed a bit. Though it won't happen to often)
"Do not dare mention that worthless half-breeds name in my presence!" Attuma exclaimed. Getting a slightly angry expression on his face.
"So I take it that information is accurate?" I asked.
"Yes. It is." Attuma admitted.
"Good to know." I replied. "Now then Lord Attuma, would you mind confirming if the other information I have managed to collect in regards to Atlantis is accurate or not?" I asked him.
"To what end?" Attuma asked me.
"So that our two peoples may forge an alliance and conquer it." I retorted. "I think I made myself perfectly clear earlier." I said.
"Surely you jest?" Attuma asked me.
"I do not." I replied. "Not when it comes to matter of such importance."
"Do you surface dwellers honestly think you stand a chance at conquering the jewel of the sea, Atlantis?" Attuma asked us.
"Well I'm sure we'll do better than someone who has failed to conquer it numerous times." Katma spoke. A smirk on her face.
"You dare speak to me to the great Attuma that way, surface woman!" Attuma angrily spoke.
"Enough!" I exclaimed. Releasing some of my magical power.
This in turned got both everyone to back down.
Once I saw this happened I turned my gaze to Katma. "You were out of line." I coldly spoke to her.
Since I was certainly not happy by what she just did.
The moment after I spoke Katma got on her right knee and bowed her head. An apologetic expression appearing upon her face. "Forgive me my emperor. I meant no disrespect towards you, nor to bring any upon you." She said.
"I know. Still, do not let it happen again." I told her.
"Yes, of course." She replied.
Katma then stood up.
Once she did I turned my attention back to Attuma. "Forgive my subordinate. She spoke out of turn. Even though what she said was the truth." I said. Not caring about the angry glare Attuma began sending me. "Face facts Attuma. As you are now right now conquering Atlantis and deposing Namor is imposible for you. Besides, even if you did succeed how much would it cost you? How much of your army would you lose in the process? Then, how long would it be until those still loyal to Namor began to plot to overthrow you? Or better yet, how long would it be until someone just decided to overthrow you just because?"
"You dare speak that way to the mighty Attuma?!" Attuma shouted at me.
"Yes, I dare." I easily replied. "Because it seems everyone else around you is too scared to tell you the truth. Which is that you're putting yourself in a never-ending cycle. That will either end up with you dead, or mutually assured destruction on both sides. However if you agree to an alliance with me that won't happen. Should you accept my offer to work together I cannot only promise you Atlantis, but rule over all the worlds oceans. So long as you agree to the terms of the offer course."
"Which would be?" Attuma asked me.
"That you abide by the rules I set, when I become the sovereign of this planet we all call home." I spoke.
"So you would have become your subordinate?!" Attuma exclaimed.
"Yes, but also no." I immediately replied. "You would not be a subordinate, but a partner in a group that would lead Earth to greater heights."
"All under your command?" Attuma asked me.
"Naturally." I replied. "I mean I am the one who had the idea in the first place, and founded the group you will be apart of. Should you choose to accept my offer."
"And if I don't?" Attuma asked me.
"Then me and my people will let you and yours go on your way. You can go back to trying and failing to conquer Atlantis. While me and mine actually one day achieve what you are currently striving for. And when that day comes, and if you choose to stand against us Attuma, then you will be shown no mercy. For all those that stand against Doom shall fall." I spoke.
Looking Attuma directly in his eyes.
"You truly believe you surface dwellers can stand against us Atlantean's?" Attuma asked me.
"As my people and I have said many times since this conversation started, yes. We can." I said.
"Interesting." Attuma mused. "Well then, let us see if you can back up these claims you so proudly make. Dr. Doom, I Attuma challenge you to single combat!" He proclaimed.
"Oh, and what do I get if I win?" I asked him.
"Name your price." Attuma spoke.
The worst words he could've said. Though I'm not going to tell him that.
"Okay, if I win I want you to pledge your fealty to me. You will become my body within the oceans of the world, and carry out the will of Dr. Doom within them." I spoke.
"Fine." Attuma agreed. "But should I win you will remove your designs from Atlantis, and aid me and people in conquering it And never set foot in the city itself, or any territory surrounding it."
"Deal." I easily replied. "So then, where do you want to do this? Land or sea?"
Which again doesn't matter to me. Since just like Kaido from One Piece whether its on land, the sea, or the air, I won't lose. Especially if its one-on-one.
At least against someone of Attuma's level.
Huh? Never thought I'd be saying that but here I am.
Life is so strange at times.
Oh well.
"I'll give you a fighting chance Doom. Land." Attuma declared.
"Works for me." I replied.
Once I did both Attuma's soldiers, and my own entourage, gave the two of us a wide berth.
After they did Attuma raised his sword and pointed it in my direction. "Your weapon, raise it!" He said.
When he did I summoned my personal Force Lance to me, and then extended both ends outward to put it into staff mode.
I then spun it around a few times before placing it against my left shoulder.
"Is that really the weapon you will go with?" Attuma asked me.
"Yes, it is." I replied.
Especially since any and all Force Lances created are done so with Adamantium. So all it will take is one whack from it and someone's head will cave in.
Well normal people.
"Enough talk, let's get this show on the road." I spoke.
"Very well." Attuma replied.
He then got ready to begin the battle.
As he did I decided to start up 'Bye Bye Bye' again in my helmet again. Since the damn song is stuck in my head for some reason and I can't get enough of it today.
While the music began Attuma charged at me, swinging his blade downward.
But with my skills and abilities I easily dodged his attack by moving to the right.
After I did I slammed one end of my Force Lance into Attuma's gut. My attack sending him backwards, falling to his knees in the process.
Seeing this his soldiers got shocked expressions on their faces.
But I really didn't pay them any mind as I closed the distance with Attuma and then smashed him across the face with one end of my Force Lance. My attack knocking out several of the Atlanteans teeth, and sending some blood flying out of his mouth.
It also sent him into the water.
Where I followed him without any hesitation.
My suit configuring itself into underwater mode the instant I was entirely submerged.
Seeing Attuma's sinking body I flew straight toward him using my suits mini feet thrusters.
Jamming to my toons in the process.
Upon reaching the Atlantean warlord instantly moved back as he tried to kick him.
The man having been playing possum, or in this case I suppose red herring.
"Nice try. But not good enough." I spoke to Attuma.
Who only looked at me with bloodshot eyes.
"Arrghh!" Releasing a scream he swam at me, slashing.
Yet none of his attacks ever landed.
I dodged each and every single one.
Which only made Attuma angrier.
Though I get why. I mean the water is supposed to be an Atlanteans home-turf. Yet here I am owning his ass in it. If I was in his shoes I'd be pissed off as well.
Good thing I'm not.
Dodging another slash from Attuma I decided it was time to end this.
Especially since my song was almost over.
So with that in mind I quickly moved under Attuma and delivered a punch straight to his gut, sending him flying upward. So much so he broke the surface of the water.
Me following right behind him as he did.
Attuma kept flying higher into the air as he broke through the water, and I followed him. Eventually reaching him.
Once I did I used my free hand to grab him, and then I tossed him over my shoulder toward the beach where I duel first began.
Attuma landing on it with an audible thud, creating a nice-sized crater.
Seeing this I nodded to myself.
I then flew towards Attuma as he tried to stand up.
But before he could entirely I reached him. I then delivered several blows to his body using my Force Lance. Hearing cracking noises in the process
Which were definitely Attuma's bones breaking.
But he'll be fine. Afer all I'm not trying to kill him.
I'm just showing him his place.
Which I continued doing for another minute until I noticed Attuma had blocked out.
Upon seeing this I stopped beating him with my Force Lance.
I then moved over to him, and grabbed his neck with my free hand. Where I then lifted his battered and broken form high in the air for all to see.
"As you all can clearly see I, Dr. Doom, am the clear victor of this duel!" I proudly declared.
Just as 'Bye Bye Bye' ended.
A perfect way to complete my victory.
For now Attuma and his forces serve Dr. Doom.
Looks like my dream of turning Namor into fish sticks will come sooner than I expected.