I Am Doom (Marvel)

Chapter 67: Chapter 65: Armor Bros

A/N: Yesterday's winner was a new contender whose name is Soulderean.

Now for today insert a GIF of Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler Here.


After my declaration of victory I placed Attuma back on the ground.

As I did both his, and my forces, converged on our position.

After they did the Atlanteans lined up in front of me.

"Kneel." I commanded them.

Which is exactly what they did.

Bringing a smile to my face under my mask.

"Good. It seems you are an honorable lot." I spoke. "I just hope your leader shares your values."

"He does lord Doom." One of the Altantean soldiers spoke up.

"We shall see." I spoke. I then snapped my fingers at the Spartans and pointed to Attuma. "See to his injuries."

"Yes, emperor." They all responded at the same time.

The Spartans then began attending to Attuma.

Quickly tending to any major damage I had done.

Which is why it only took the big Atlantean only fifteen minutes to regain consciousness.

After he did he looked right at me, and I stared right back at him. A silence encompassing the entire area.

"I was beaten. So as agreed I will honor the terms of our duel." Attuma spoke. He then kneeled before me. "I am now in your service. I am your body in the seas and will carry out your will in them. Dr. Doom." Attuma spoke, and thanks to my telepathy I knew he was telling the truth.

That still doesn't mean I'm not going to keep an eye on him.

"Good to hear Attuma. It seems just like your people told me you are an honorable man." I spoke. "That will get you far with me. But know that if you should ever attempt to turn against me in any way I will erase your entire existence. Are we clear?"

"We are." Attuma replied. Still kneeling.

"Again, good." I retorted. "Now then, heal and rest up. For there is much too be done. Though one thing can be handled right now. Katma!"

When I called her name she immediately came to stand before me.

"Yes, emperor Doom?" She asked.

"From this moment forward you are now the official liaison between Attuma and his Atlanteans and Latveria." I declared.

Both Attuma and Katma looking at me like I had grown a second head after I spoke.

"Attuma, Katma has already apologized for her earlier folly and I assure you it will not happen again. In addition she is one of my most trusted subordinates, and one of my most powerful generals. There is no doubt in my mind she will be an invaluable asset to you. On the flip side, Katma this is a chance for you to learn and watch from an experienced general. As well as a chance for you to prove to me that folly earlier with your words was a one time incident." I explained. "Any questions?" I asked.

"No my emperor." Katma replied.

"I have none." Attuma said.

"Good." I replied.

After I did I discussed a few more things with Attuma.

Namely turning the island we were on into a forward base of operations for our future joint Atlantean/Latverian operations in regards to the worlds oceans.

Once this was completed my group took our leave back to Latveria.

Having done a good days work.


[Latveria, Doomstadt]

[May 18th, 2008]

A stupid grin on my face I sat in my personal office within Castle Doom.

Watching the satellite footage we captured of Tony completely wrecking those terrorists in Afghanistan in his Iron Man armor.

I guess even within Yinsen alive Tony still decided to suit up.

Which I am glad about.

Since it certainly wouldn't be a Marvel universe without an Invincible Armored Iron Man.

Plus now the two of us can be armor bros.

Maybe I can even give him the pushes in the right direction to invent his nanotech armor earlier than he did in the films.

Given how many more threats there are in this reality.

I mean I could deal with everything myself, but where would be the fun in that? Besides, heroes need some adversity if they are to learn and grow.

That's the exact reason I won't be baby sitting all the future heroes. Since they need to go through certain events to become who they are meant to be. Like Tony's kidnapping in Afgahnistan.

Of course I could've easily prevented it.

But I didn't.

Since that experience has turned him to a relatively better man.

So yeah.

However there are certain events that I will never allow to come to pass. You can fucking count on that.

Moving on.

After the footage Latveria's satellite's captured came to an end I used my intercom system to call Jessica into my office.

"Yes, Emperor Doom?" She asked me upon her arrival.

"I need to schedule another trip to the United States for within the next week. And not just for me this time either." I spoke. " Since this time I'll be bringing a few others along."

"Very well sir, and who would these other individuals joining us on this trip be?" Jessica asked me.

"Kristoff, Doctors Hansen and Kinney, and both their daughters. Laura and Riri." I spoke.

Kristoff because I think its time I introduced him to the world at large. After all from what I've observed of his training myself, and the reports I've read compiled by Brainiac and others I feel he's ready for the responsibility of being known as a son of Doom.

Sarah and Laura are coming since I replied to that email Logan sent him and have set a meeting with Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X. And I'm bringing the two of them along so they can see Logan. Well mostly Laura. Since he hasn't visited Latveria in months.

As for why Maya and Riri are coming along, it's obviously for Tony.

Boy, I can't wait to add a picture of his stunned face when he finds out he's a father to my collection.

Which I'm surprised hasn't happened before, given how Tony acted before he became Iron Man.

I guess protection in the bedroom is one the only things he took seriously huh.

Eh, good for him.

"Understood sir." Jessica replied after I finished speaking. "I'll make the arrangements and we'll be back in the United States within three days time."

"Perfect. Good work as always Jessica." I told her.

"Thank you sir." Jessica replied.

She then left my office.

After she did I then started working on a little presentation I would be putting on in a few days.

I hope people like that.


[United States of America, Los Angeles, California]

[May 24th, 2008]

(3rd Person: POV)

Crashing into one of the many highways within Los Angeles, Tony in his Iron Man Mark III armor, skidded to a halt on the ground.

"Yep, definitely going to feel that one in the morning." Tony muttered to himself. As he stood back up to his feet.

Just as he did so the person who sent him into the street in the first place landed before him.

Obadiah Stane, in his Iron Monger suit.

"Give up Tony, you can't win." Stane spoke through his armor speakers.

"Sorry, never know when to quit. You should know that." Tony retorted.

"Shame. Well then, welcome to your funeral." Stane replied.

He then raised up his left arm in Tony's direction, which was equipped with a machine gun.

Though before Stane could fire his ears were suddenly filled with music.

Specifically the song Hells Bells by AC/DC.

"What the hell?" Stane questioned. "Really Tony, is this the song you want to die to?" Stane asked.

"First off this isn't me." Tony immediately replied. "Though whoever chose it has great taste in music." He said.

"Why thank you." A new voice suddenly spoke up.

When it did both Tony and Stane looked in its direction.

In doing so they saw an armored individual wearing a green cape and hood descending in the air towards their location.

"A cape huh, cool." Tony mused.

"Okay, who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"The names Dr. Doom. Your end." Doom spoke.

This being the exact reason he wanted to get back to the US before the end of the week. So he could assist Tony in dealing with Iron Monger.

All of it being apart of his greater plans.

As for the AC/DC song, well Victor decided to take a page from Megamind's playbook. If he was going to make an entrance he was going to do it in style.

"Dr. Doom? Like the king of that country, Latveria?" Stane questioned.

"Actually I am him." Victor declared without any hesitation. "Which is exactly why I can't let you kill Iron Man here. Seeing as how my people saved him, and it would undo all our hard work if he died at the hands of a cheap knock off, who can't compete with his genius nor could compete with the genius of his father. Ain't that right Stane?"

Hearing this Stane got incredibly angry.

"Fuck you Doom!" Stane roared.

He then raised his machine-gun equipped arm and began firing at Victor.

Who didn't even move as the bullets began hitting him.

Seeing this Stane started to smirk.

Only to stop when he realized his bullets had done absolutely nothing to Victor's armor. They didn't even dent it like they had with Tony's.

"Is that all?" Victor asked. Once Stane stopped firing at him. "If so then it's my turn." He said.

Then before Stane could even respond Victor appeared before him, almost as if my teleportation.

But it wasn't this time. Victor had just used his speed to close the distance.

Moving on.

Before Stane could even blink Victor punched him right in the center of his chest, his fist easily going through the Iron Monger suit and piercing through Stane inside of it.

"What." Stane managed to say.

But then he coughed up blood.

"Like I told you Stane, I am your end." Victor repeated.

He then removed his hand from Stane's chest and flicked the blood off it into the street.

After Victor did this he blasted the Iron Monger with electrical energy, frying Stane and the suit without any hesitation.

Which he did for a few minutes before stopping.

Leaving the suit, and definitely Stane inside of it, a black and charred mess.

Once this was accomplished Victor moved over to Tony.

Who had been rendered speechless by what he had just seen.

More so over the fact his armors scanners couldn't get any read outs on Victors armor.

It was like nothing he had ever seen.

Seeing that Tony wasn't going to speak Victor decided to break the silence. "Hey Stark. Nice armor you got there."

Hearing this Tony snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, thanks. Yours is nice too." Tony replied.

"Why thank you." Victor said. "So, what you say we get out of here."

"Yeah, sure." Tony replied.

Once he did both he and Tony used their thrusters to take off into the night sky.

But not before people captured images of them flying away together using their phones.

Thus the next morning on the internet both were trending. The duo having been named Armor Bros.

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