I Am Doom (Marvel)

Chapter 65: Chapter 63: Star Wars & Fishmen

A/N: So the results are in and the winner of yesterday's contest is Juhiko.

Though there was another one that got just as many votes.

So when that happens it becomes my discretion to pick the winner, if anyone has any complaints.

Also if you don't want that to happen then more of you guys need to vote for your favorite GIF. Since when it comes to the winner, there can only be one.

Now then for today insert a GIF of Emma Frost Here.


(Victor: POV)

I continued to let Magneto have a few more uninterrupted minutes with his children.

Before I stepped in and interrupted them.

But only to escort them to a room inside the building, where they could sit down and relax as they got to know each other a bit more.

Once I did this I took my leave.

Not worried in the slightest Magneto would attempt any sort of escape.

Especially since I had left Jessica to supervise the entire meeting.

Plus given the security I have installed throughout my country if Magneto even so much as blinks the wrong way his ass will be taken down faster than the booty warrior gets the booty he wants.

But again I don't think anything along those lines will take place.

Given the look I saw in old Max's eyes the moment he actually came face-to-face with his children.

It's the same look I'm sure I get when I look at Kristoff.

That of a parent admiring their child.

So I'm sure old bucket head will be a good little boy.

I mean he better if he wants to keep getting quality time with his kids.

Since if he takes one wrong turn I will cut off all contact between the four of them.

For I will not allow Max to infect those three with his highly extremist views, and have them turn out anything like they did in canon in the comics.

Namely because they are citizens of my country, and no one shall lead astray those under Doom's protection.

Lest they wish to forfeit their life.

Moving on.

Having concluded my only major meeting for the day I returned home.

I then went to see what Kristoff was up to.

Since with all that's been going on these past few months I haven't had a chance to spend as much quality time with him as I wanted.

I mean I knew this would happen once I started ramping up my plans but still...

I let those thoughts linger for a moment before I dismissed them.

Once I did I had Brainiac inform me of Kristoff's location.

Which was one of the training fields surrounding the castle.

Heading to his location I arrived in no time.

Only to find quite the sight.

Kristoff sparring against three Doombots using his Force Lance.

Dressed in an exact copy of Revan's armor from Star Wars.

[Image Here]

Seeing this I used my technopathy to contact Brainiac.

'Brainiac, please tell I am not imagining things right now. Tell me my son is currently wearing a replica of Revan's armor from Star Wars.' I said.

'You're not imagining things boss. That is Kristoff wearing an exact replica of Revan's armor. One which he made all by himself at that.' Brainiac replied.

'I see. Thank you.' I replied.

I then cut off our connection and continued to silently watched as Krisroff continued his spar against three Doombots.

Just like his friends off to the side.

Which included Laura, Riri, and Julio.

Who have become some of Kristoff's closest friends ever since they arrived in Latveria.

Pietro and Wanda being on that list as well.

A few more minutes passed before Kristoff's spar came to an end.

With him as the victor.

The moment this occured the Doombots stepped back and Kristoff removed his helmet. Where he then immediately noticed me, putting a smile on his face. "Dad!"

"Hey son." I replied. Finally walking up to Kristoff and his friends.

All of whom greeted me and me them.

"So, nice armor you got there. And you chose to build Revan's of all the ones out there. Looks like someone's been playing KOTOR." I spoke.

"Yeah." Kristoff happily replied.

"Good boy." I said. Giving him a pat on the back. "So, wanna tell me the reason you decided to make yourself some Revan armor in the first place?" I asked.

Since I am very curious.

"Because I wanted armor like yours father." Kristoff revealed.

"It's also because he wanted to impress you Mr. Victor." Laura bluntly spoke.

"Laura!" Kristoff exclaimed. Getting a hint of red on his cheeks in embarrassment.

"What? What is the matter?" Laura asked. Titling her head slightly. "Ah, did I not understand social queues again? If so my apologies." She said.

Which caused both Riri and Julio to burst out into laughter.

Even I stifled a chuckle.

Despite the fact Laura not understanding social norms is currently normal for her.

Given how she grew up until coming to Latveria.

Of course she's in therapy to help her develop it, and interacting with others her own age definitely helps.

But if that just now was any indication she still has a long way to go.

Though I'm sure she'll get there someday.

Soon the laughter died down.

"Well I got. Anyway, have fun all of you." I said

"We will father." Kristoff replied. "In fact I'm just about to take everyone to watch this new anime I found called Fate/Stay Night."

"Oh, that's a good one." I replied.

Proud that my son is becoming a man of culture right before my very eyes.

Since I didn't even tell me about Fate/Stay and the Nasuverse yet.

He discovered it all on his own.

Though that does make me a bit worried.

Seeing as how Kristoff has developed a habit of turning things in fiction into reality, and given how the Nasuverse is I just hope I don't see him trying to re-create any Noble Phantasms.

At least, not until he's a bit older.

I made a mental note to make sure Brainiac was on the look out for that.

Then once I did I finally took my leave.

Not wanting to interrupt Kristoff times with his friends.

After I did I went to my personal laboratory facility.

Though before I could even sit down Brainiac spoke to me.

"My emperor, I have news I must share with you." He said.

"And why did you not do so earlier?" I asked him.

"The setting you were in was not optimal." Brainiac replied.

Translation, the information Brainiac had to share with me was not something just anybody could hear. Telling me it was important.

"Understood. Now then, what is the information you wish to share with me?" I spoke.

When I did Brainiac shared the information with me.

Which made me smile.

Once I did I began making a plan surrounding the information Brainiac just shared with me.

Since it would lead me to a location I had been searching for for some time.



[Unnamed Island, Atlantic Ocean]

[May 14th, 2008]

In my armor I stood on the beach of the island,whose location Brainiac had provided to me a few days ago.

Thragg and Katma standing on either side of me.

Dressed in their combat armors.

While a contingent of Spartan warriors, outfitted in water-capable combat armor, stood behind us.

All of us waiting for the target Brainiac had tracked to this island to appear before us.

While he did I listened to 'Bye Bye Bye' by NSYNC inside of my helmet.

Since I suddenly felt the urge to.

(A/N: My MC died and reincarnated before Deadpool & Wolverine came out. So he doesn't know the significance of the song)

We continued waiting until my armors sensors picked up several fast moving objects in the water converging on our groups location.

Upon noticing this I stopped the music and then spoke up. "They have arrived." I said.

The moment I did I could sense Thragg, Katma, and the Spartans, preparing themselves for combat.

Just as they finished the objects I had been tracking in the water suddenly burst out of it and landed before my group on the beach itself.

The objects in question being Marvel Atlanteans.

Which in my opinion pale in comparison to DC comics Atlanteans in every way possible.

One big fact of note is that Marvel's Atlanteans can't breathe air.

That's while all of them currently standing before us are wearing devices filled with water, to keep them alive as they faced us on land.

All except for one of them.

Their leader, and one of the few Atlanteans born in the Marvel universe that can breathe air without any troubles and not die after only a few minutes.

The Atlantean who I am sure knows the location of Atlantis, and who I hope to work with to bring it under my umbrella.

Since the Atlanteans, and by extension their ruler Namor, are exactly like they are depicted in the comics in this reality.

So that automatically put the fish boy with wings on my shit-list.

Since I will not allow his lecherous gaze to ever touch Susan.

Now, only I am allowed that right.

But I'm getting off topic.

Back to the individual I am hoping to ally with.

I speak of none other than Attuma.

[Insert Image of Attuma Here]

"Surface dwellers, do you know whose island you have stepped foot up on?!" Atumma cried. "That of the mighty Attuma!" He exclaimed.

Gaining a few cheers from his soldiers.

"Greetings Attuma. I am Dr. Doom." I said to him. "And I know exactly whose island I and my people have set foot upon."

"If you know, then why?" Attuma asked.

"Because I have come to talk to you and hope to forge an alliance between us." I said.

"Oh, and what could a surface dweller like you possibly offer the mighty Attuma?" He asked.

"Something I know you have sought for a long time. The rule of Atlantis." I spoke.

When I did all arrogance left Attuma face and he finally put a serious expression on it.

Which means the negotiations can now truly begin.


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