I Am Doom (Marvel)

Chapter 64: Chapter 62: You Are The Father

A/N: Alright the last winner was OverlordBGs.

Now for the next GIF put an image of Scott Summers/Cyclops Here


(3rd Person: POV)

"Nhn." Magneto softly moaned.

Slowly but surely opening his eyes.

After he did he immediately remembered what had happened to him.

How he got knocked out and taken down by Victor.

Upon recalling this he began taking in his surroundings.

When he did he found himself lying on a cot, inside of a cell, a collar secured around his neck.

"No." Magneto whispered, upon realizing his situation.

That of a prisoner.

But before he could dwell on those thoughts he heard a familiar voice speak to him.

"Well, looks like you're finally awake."

Turning his head in the direction of the voice Magneto noticed Victor seated in a chair right in front of him.

The two of them separated by a clear wall.

Seeing Victor before him Magneto found his anger bubbling to the surface.

So he then began calling upon his powers.

Only to find that he couldn't.

Magneto couldn't feel his powers at all.

Making the man put a surprised, and at the same time horrified, look on his face.

"Let me guess, you tried to access your powers and found that you couldn't?" Victor mused.

Magneto said nothing in response.

But the look on his face told Victor all he needed to know.

"I thought so." Victor said. "Well that's to be expected. Given the collar around your neck is a power-dampening one. So no powers for you." He explained. "A dampening field is also being generated continuously inside of your cell as well. So don't get any ideas about removing your collar and planning some great escape. Not that you could remove anyway. Consider all the security measures installed within it." He spoke.

"I see." Magneto replied.

"Yes." Victor said. "Now then, with the most important things out of the way for now, let's you and I have a friendly chat."

"A chat? Don't patronize me." Magneto spat. "If you're going to kill me just hurry up and do it."

Hearing Magneto's words Victor couldn't help but snort.

Magneto raising a brow at his actions. "Something you find amusing?" He asked.

"Yes. What you just said." Victor replied. He then put a devilish smile on his face. "For you see Max, if I had wanted to kill you I could've done so already without any trouble." He explained.

Magneto finding himself feeling fear for the first time in a long time.

Not only due the smile Victor is currently wearing on his face.

But also because he used his first real name.

A name Magneto has closely guarded ever since his days in the camps of the Nazis as a young boy.

A name not even those closer to him knew.

Yet Victor did know it.

Scaring him.

"You, how do you know that name?" Magneto asked.

"Simply Max. I took it from inside your head." Victor replied. Lightly moving to tap the left side of his head with his left finger.

Indicating to Magneto he has probed his mind while he was unconscious.

Where Victor managed to learn many things about the Master of Magnetism.

Including the fact Sinister was the one who tortured and experimented on during his time in the concentration camps.

That, plus the knowledge Thaddeus had shared with him and the other Primarchs that he retrieved from Exodus mind, told Victor not only Sinister but Apocalypse were there comic book versjons in this reality.

Which he was happy to know.

Especially in the case of Apocalypse.

Sinister was nothing special, a minor nuisance.

But Apocalypse was a different story.

That's why Victor had already begun his plans for dealing with the man when he tested his ugly head. Ones that would put him on the ground, permanently.

"I see." Max replied. "So is that the reason I am in this cell? You wish to make me relive the suffering and torment I experienced as a boy for your own amusement?!"

"Again, no." Victor replied. "You are in this cell as a punishment for your actions against my nation, and a pre-caution to make sure you do not cause any more trouble. Though depending on how you behave you might not be in there for long."

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"Before I answer that allow me to give you a glimpse of the Latveria my people and I have worked to create." Victor said.

He then snapped his fingers.

When he did two Doombots came to stand on either side of him.

While the clear wall separating the two of them moved up into the air until it was entirely gone.

After it was Victor stood to his feet. "Come Max, allow me to show you the world as I see it." He said.

Hearing this Magneto was tempted to be stubborn and remain in his cell.

But knew this was too good and opportunity to pass up.

Especially if he could gain valuable intelligence against Victor and Latveria.

Not to mention on the whereabouts of his followers.

So with that in mind Max stood up and walked to Victor's side.

"Thank you." Victor replied. "Now then, let's go." He spoke.

Victor then started walking, Max, and the two Doombots, following right behind him.

The small group moved through some twists and turns until they arrived on a launch pad.

Where a hovercar was waiting for them.

Victor's personal one.

Which he headed straight for as soon as they arrived.

The rest of his group following behind him.

Reaching the hovercar Victor and Max climbed in.

Once they did, and were secure, Victor started up the craft and put it on auto-pilot. Having plotted a course into it that would take them on a tour of Doomstadt itself.

As the vehicle maneuvered through the air, the Doombots flying behind it, Max couldn't help but marvel at the things he saw.

Especially the fact Mutants and ordinary humans were mingling and getting along without any animosity.

"This is..." Magneto mused. He then turned to look at Victor. "This is really your country?"

"It is." Victor feplied. "A place where EVO's and humans co-exist peacefully." He explained. "And so much more. But I'll save that for later."

"EVO. You used that term before." Magneto realized. Remembering when Victor used it during their earlier fight.

"Yes. A term I came up with, and one I hope that one day the entire world can employ. Erasing words such as Mutant, like I stated earlier during our first meeting. Since I truly find that term, and others like it, deplorable. Because people like you are still human Max. You just happen to have extraordinary abilities due to the genetic lottery. Which is certainly not something you should be ostracized for." Victor spoke.

"You know king Doom, when you speak like that you remind me of my oldest and dearest friend." Magneto said. "Who I'm sure would love to visit your country. Since it a place both he and I have always dreamed of creating. Though I wonder how the rest of the world will react to the status of Latveria?"

"They'll become just like it, or they shall know the wrath of Doom." Victor spoke plainly. Sporting the same devilish smile on his face from earlier.

"You mean to go to war with the world?" Max asked.

"If it comes to that, yes." Victor answered immediately. "Though I'm hoping I don't have to. But with all the idiots and bigots in positions of power across the globe that scenario is not likely to occur. Though if it does I'll be very happy. Since that means the world can peacefully transition into one united front under my rule without too much bloodshed."

"You seek to rule the world?!" Magneto asked.

"No, I seek to save it. But that can only be done if I unite it and take command of it." Victor replied. "Because as you well know Max humanity is cruel, vicious, and selfish. They reject things they don't understand without a second thought. They commit the greatest atrocities against each other. Based on nothing more than skin color, or ethnic background. Well I seek to end all that. Not only for the world itself, but for the people who call it home. Whether they are an EVO like you or me or not."

"Big words. But can you truly follow through on them?" Max asked.

Only for Victor to give him a deadpan look in response. "I think my actions earlier against you and your people should answer that question you just asked me."

"I suppose it does." Max admitted. "Anyway, about my people?"

"They are all alive and well and be treated humanely just as you are. Save for two. Fabian Cortez and Exodus. Who are dead."

"Why?" Magneto asked.

"They were both given several warnings to stand down and did not need them. So my people acted in accordance with my orders and put them down." Victor replied. "Since as I told you earlier. You try to invade my country and you will suffer consequences." He said. "They simply got what they brought upon themselves."

"Yes you kept me alive." Max retorted.

"Because you are different from those two Max." Victor replied. "Unlike them you actually care about the rights and well-being of EVO's. Though your methods leaving something to be desired. But given what you endured in your youth and since then I don't blame you. However I am hoping you will stop all that, and come and work with me. To bring about the world and future I speak of."

"You wish for me to work with you?" Max asked.

"Yes." Victor replied.

Especially since he wanted Magneto to stand by his side one day.

For he was a person Victor admired a lot in his previous life.

A man who saw the truth of things and wasn't afraid to do something about it.

Even if it caused his hands to run red with the blood of his enemies.

"I think we could do great things together. Plus, it would make your children happy."

Hearing this Magneto got a shocked expression on his face. "Children, no. I have no children. Your lying."

"I'm not." Victor replied.

He then pulled up a holographic screen and directed Magneto's attention to it.

Which displayed images of Wanda, Pietro, and Lorna.

Along with a picture of Magneto, and the children's mother's Magda and Suzanna.

Not to mention a DNA match confirming Magneto was the father of all three of them.

A thing Victor made sure to do as soon as he took Magneto into custody.

"As you can see from the information displayed you are a familial paternal match to the twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and their younger half-sister Lorna Dane." Victor explained. "So Magneto, you are the father!" He exclaimed.

Magneto getting a Homer Simpson look on his face at the revelation he had three children.

Seeing this Victor took out his phone and snapped a quick picture.

He then slipped it back into his pocket.

As he did Magneto finally came out of his stupor.

"These are my children?" He asked.

"Do you still not believe me?" Victor asked.

"No, I do." Max replied. "The girls. Both of them have my mothers eyes, and the boy looks exactly like I did in my youth." He explained. "I just can't believe it."

"Well it's the truth my friend." Victor replied.

"Tell me, are they doing well?" Magneto asked.

"They are." Victor replied. "In fact all three of them are residents of Latveria."


"Truly." Victor replied.

Upon hearing this Magneto couldn't help but smile. He then asked a question that suddenly came to his mind.

"Can I meet them?"

"Actually you're about to." Victor said.

Just as he did the hovercar landed and the top opened up.

Having landed on the same launch pad they took off from when they began their tour of Doomstadt.

But this time Lorna, Wanda, and Pietro were standing on it.

Waitng for them.

Victor having arranged this meeting the moment he confirmed Magneto was the biological father of all three of them.

Not only to give the children the father they had been longing to meet.

But also to strengthen Magneto's loyalty to Latveria overall.

Seeing his children Magneto was shocked.

But that shock was quickly replaced by fear.

Still, he fought through it and got out of the hovercar to walk over to his kids.

"Hello there." Magneto said.

"Hello." Wanda said.

"What's up." Pietro replied.

"Hi." Lorna spoke. "So, you are our father?"

"Yes. It seems I am." Magneto said.

Putting a soft smile on his face.

Then before he knew it he even found himself crying a little bit.

As this happened Victor simply stayed quiet and watched on.

Allowing the first meeting between a father and his children to go on without any interruption.

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