House of The Dragon-A God Amongst Men

Chapter 62: War VIII

(Drakken's POV)

"No, this is not right!" I heard Maegelle exclaim as I walked into the room, "Please stop this, Drakken!" 

After having the Cannibal chase away both Baelon and Jaheaerys, I brought her back inside Harrenhal. I heard the sounds of the Cannibal's roar and the explosions caused by his fire breath. I also was able to sense both the large dragon and the bronze one flying away. 

As I stopped and turned around, seeing that she was being pulled in by Olyver, I looked at one of the Greenseers that was sitting in the corner. 

"Contact the Tower." I said, "I want to know if they haven't been attacked yet." 

The woman stood up and nodded, "Yes, My Lord." She said before walking out of the room

"My Lord." Olyver said, "The dragons have retreated. The black one is chasing them." 

"Good." I said as I looked at Maegelle who was squirming and trying to pry herself free from his grasp, "It'll chase them all the way to King's Landing and will keep them there. They stand no chance against my Cannibal, that much is clear. In fact, I believe it will have a couple of meals before returning." 

Maegelle looked at me, "Why are you doing this?" She said, "W-Why?!" 

I took a step forward and looked at her, "Because I want to." I told her with a slight smirk, "Why end this fun when I had just started?"

"Thousands will die!" As Olyver let her go, she said, "This is not right!" 

"Well, have your gods do something about it." I said as I tilted my head, "Thousands of people die every day, you just don't know about it. What does it matter if they die in the battlefield, against me?" 

"You're mad..." she said as she looked at me, "This is not right..." 

"Nothing is ever right in the world." I said, "Wars happen all the time, people die in them. Innocents are slaughtered, women are raped, children are butchered, and the world keeps on if nothing happened. That is the cruel reality of the world, Maegelle." 

"But for you to act like you're a go-" she started

"I am a god!" I shouted

"N-No." She shook her head, "The gods are not like th-" 

"Like this?" I said as I extended my arms outwards, "The Gods are Cruel. I never said I was a benevolent God. I am the God of War and Death. Do you truly think those two things are good? It is in my nature to be opposed to benevolence." 

She looked at me with a frown, "That....." She said, "You....." 

"I will not stop." I said as I turned around

"I will denounce them!" She pleaded, "Just please stop this!" 

I began to walk away towards the table, "You will say the words but in your heart, you will not truly let go of them." I said seriously, "Olyver, take her to her room. Anyone that lays a finger on her dies. Make sure she is fed every day. From this day forth...." 

"We continue our Crusade." 


(Third Person POV)

[The Tower]

Mya Rivers looked at some of her men, "Reinforce the gate's defenses!!" She ordered, "Take all of the women and children into the sturdiest of buildings!" 

Several of her guards began to scatter, "Yes!" 

She looked up and saw two dragons roaring loudly, as they circled in the air. She could also hear the shouts of a large force outside the walls of the village. 

They were under attack; the Tower was approached by a small force of 500 men accompanied by Caraxes and Meleys. Both Aemon Targaryen and her sister Alyssa had been told by Jaehaerys to approach the Tower and attempt to force them to surrender. 

After obliterating House Bracken in their own seat, Mya Rivers had returned to the Tower. The Guardian was somewhat tired and retreated back into the Darkwood before the two dragons showed up. 

Mya ran over to the tower as Meleys landed hard next to her, "Ah!" She said as she stumbled down, "Curses!" 

Alyssa Targaryen looked at her, "You're the one in charge?!" She exclaimed, "Surrender! Now! Or we won't burn this place to the ground!!" 

"Lady Mya!!" some guards exclaimed as they ran towards her

Suddenly, they were bathed in flames as Caraxes let out a nasal roar above them. Aemon had swept over them swiftly. The Prince and Heir had a serious look on his face as he looked down below him. 

"W-what..." Mya said

"My brother is in a foul mood, woman." Alyssa said, "You would do best to do as we say or we'll kill you." 

Mya slowly stood up and patted her dress, "Your husband, Baelon Targaryen, had once tried threatening me with Vhagar." She said, "It did not work. Do you really think you're red and much smaller dragons will do the trick?" 

"Where's your beast?" Alyssa said, "How fast is it? I doubt it'll be faster than us burning the entire place and retreating." 

Mya narrowed her eyes, "You'd be surprised." She said as she closed her eyes, "You'd be surprised how strong my Lord's creations are." 

Suddenly, a dark mark appeared over her closed left eye, that of a dragon's claw. Mya placed her hands together and began to chant under her breath, her hair slightly shifting. 

Aemon landed Caraxes behind Mya as he looked at this, "Alyssa, she is up to something!!!" 

Alyssa scowled, "You think I don't know that?!" She exclaimed, "Just go and burn the buildings, Aemon!" 

Suddenly, Mya's eyes shot open, completely whitened out as her mouth was slightly opened. 

"Come, Guardian of The Darkwood"

The single chant was loud and somewhat distorted and it unsettled Alyssa Targaryen. 

"What?" She said

Then, the deafening roar-howl of the Guardian was heard and both dragonriders saw as a massive group of birds flew away from the treeline. 

"What the...." Aemon said as he narrowed his eyes

Then, the Guardian shot out of the Treeline with a vicious snarl. The massive beast lunged right at the dragons, crashing into Meleys with tremendous speed that neither of them could react. 

Alyssa was thrashed violently around in her saddle as Meleys hit the dirt hard, "Aghh!!!" 

The Guardian then jumped over to Caraxes and swiped it's claws at the Blood Wyrm, hitting it hard in the face. 

"Curses!" Aemon shouted, "Alyssa!!" 

Caraxes stumbled and tried shooting a flame breath at the Guardian but the Beast had already dug its teeth into the dragon's neck, clamping on tightly. 

Mya was standing, warged into the Guardian, "That is right...." She said softly, 

"Defeat our enemies, my child." 

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