Chapter 63: War IX
(Third Person POV)
The Guardian shook its maw and began to thrash the Prince's dragon and with a surprising display of strength, it sent Caraxes flying a few dozen meters.
Aemon held on for dear life, "Aghh!!" He said as he hit against the saddle, "What in the seven hells is that thing?!"
Alyssa had straightened up, "Brother!" She exclaimed as she rubbed her head, "What the hell is going on?!"
She looked over and saw that Mya Rivers was still standing there, her eyes whitened out. She did not truly understand the full scenario but the princess assumed she was responsible for this.
"That damned woman...." Alyssa said as she steered Meleys towards Mya, "I'll get you for this...."
Suddenly, The Guardian reared its head back and let out a roar-howl as several red orbs began to float in the air, coming from its spines. Alyssa saw this and was distracted by the orbs, seeing them fly around the air and reaching them.
Mya's eyes then got back to normal as a mark appeared under her left eye, "Ah..." She said as the mark began to glow slightly, "It begins....the Guardian is tired and slumbers during this time. It needed to be woken Lord won't like it that I warged into it."
The Guardian looked at the dragons, snarling viciously as it sniffed the air. It was slowly walking over to Mya as the red fireflies were still in the air, emitting bright red lights. The massive drake stood over the woman, towering over her as it lowered its head, blinking its red eyes as it glared right at Meleys.
Alyssa noticed the hum of the fireflies and she looked at the light, "W-What is this sorcery?"
"Alyssa, get out of there!!!" Aemon shouted from where he was
The Guardian then let out another roar-howl and the fireflies detonated, releasing large lightning bolts that were blood red. The bolts struck all around Meleys and some of them hit the dragon hard, forcing her to the ground as she let out a pained howl.
"Up, Caraxes!" Aemon told his dragon
Caraxes flapped his wings and took to the skies as Aemon looked down. The Blood Wyrm opened its maw and emitted a bright orange glow; Caraxes was about to breathe flames.
Mya looked up, "Oh?"
The Guardian looked up and snarled viciously as it assumed a defensive position, covering Mya with its massive body.
Caraxes fired a stream of flames and hit the Drake hard, the heat of said flames were hot enough that Mya was able to feel them. Despite this, the Guardian did not seem that fazed by the attack, merely growled in response.
"What?" Aemon said as Caraxes stopped, "How is it not harmed?"
The Guardian then shook its neck, causing some fireflies to emerge from its spines and gather around its front legs and tail. It then snarled and spun forward, swinging its tail up and sending a cluster of fireflies up at Caraxes. The fireflies flew right at the dragon and detonated, resulting in a powerful explosion of red lightning that immediately brought the dragon down.
"Hm." Mya said with a smile, "Magnificent....I am using my magic to keep our beloved beast awake....even so, it is capable of performing its attacks without issue."
Caraxes had crashed hard next to Meleys and was howling in pain, his entire body scorched but other than that, no severe injuries were noticeable.
"Brother!" Alyssa said as she was patting away some smoke from her leather straps, "Are you alright?"
Aemon was holding his shoulder, "I am fine...." He said, "Caraxes took most of the damage."
"I...." Alyssa started, "Wait, what is it doing?"
The Guardian let out another roar-howl, spreading waves of fireflies in the air, several jolts of red lightning flying everywhere. It then jumped into the air and spun towards them.
"Evade!!!" Aemon shouted
Both dragonriders had their dragons try to avoid the slam that the Guardian performed. The massive drake hit the ground hard, releasing an explosion of red lightning that hit Meleys and caused her to shriek in pain.
"Aghhh!!" Alyssa exclaimed
The Guardian then flipped again, this time aiming at Caraxes and slammed its entire back on the spot where the Blood Wyrm was, releasing another wave of red lightning. Caraxes was caught by the shockwave and stumbled.
Aemon noticed fireflies spreading everywhere and did not like how this looked, "W-What..."
The Guardian then got up and within a split second, he lunged at Caraxes, spinning sideways and hitting the dragon hard. This time, Aemon was dismounted as lightning burned off his leather straps and sent flying off his dragon.
"Aemon!!" Alyssa exclaimed
Caraxes hit the ground as it roared in pain, its body was badly scorched and was bleeding. The Drake straightened up and circled around the dragon, looking right at it and began to snarl.
Aemon had landed several dozen meters away, hitting the ground hard and was finding it hard to move.
"U-Ughh...." He managed,
"This is not good...."
[Near The God's Eye]
Drakken stood on a hill, looking at the bloody scene of a battle. There were dozens of men lying on the ground, dead, as flames and smoke surrounded the terrain. Several Duskguard soldiers were walking around the battlefield, finishing up anyone that still lived. The battle was quick and brutal, nobody stood a chance against the Blessed forces of Drakken.
The God of War and Death seemed satisfied with himself, his hands behind his back as he had a slight smirk on his face.
"Do you see this?" He said as he looked to his side, "Do you see what war is?"
Maegelle was looking down, she was standing next to him, "I...." She said with a grim look on her face, "Why show me this?"
"War is the norm in a world like this." Drakken told her, "It is bloody, it is ugly, and it is inevitable. Your Father knew that any wrong move with me would result in something like this. I commend him for trying his best to avoid war. Against a normal individual, he would be successful. But I am the God of War. I thrive in it, I adore it. I start and end wars on a whim, simply because I feel like it."
He walked over to her and lifted her chin up, making her look at the battlefield. The young girl's eyes widened, not used to the grim and bloody sight of a battlefield.
"Your eyes are virgin, aren't they?" Drakken said with a smirk, "You are not used to the sight of a bloody battle. Quite unusual for a Targaryen Princess like yourself....."
"I am not a Princess...." Maegelle said softly
Drakken stood behind her, "You are the daughter of a King. That is what you are and will always be." He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned towards her ear, "But now, you belong to me. Worry not, I will not harm you. What I will do, however, is show you the kind of person I am. Gods are not benevolent. Some are, but some, like me, are cruel.....very cruel.....but fair. But one thing is for sure, Maegelle Targaryen....."
"I am one."