Chapter 46: ch 46
Via Valyria PT2
-Essos. Smoking Sea. Coasts of Valyria-
-Aboard the Sea Wolf-
Jon was looking out at the steaming sea, feeling the magic in it. His father had been right when he said ambient magic was everywhere. No wonder the water here was impossible to live in when one had so much dark energy in it. And what lived in it was very dangerous and deadly.
The landing craft were being readied. His father was certain. The drones and the two frigates informed them that indeed a large fleet had left the shores of Myr's domain heading their way. They were captained by the Silence, Euron Greyjoy's personal ship. He just scoffed.
As if a common pirate could offer a simple chance against the powerful fleet. Thanks to the skinchangers who used the crystal orbs, they were able to see what was happening at that moment and knew that the fleet was approaching. They intended to attack them soon.
Jon could only wonder how people could be so happy to throw away their lives thinking they could win. It was as if they were unable to see the threat right in front of them. His father had proven himself to be a dangerous man in every sense of the word. Why couldn't they think he had the tools to be able to hurt them?
In the end it was all arrogance. Arrogance born of men who thought numbers would be able to take them down somehow. He had also seen and noticed that his father had sent a report to what was possibly Asgard. Knowing his father as he did he was going to tell his queen and the other ladies of Winterfell that Myr had made a move.
Like the other children of the royal family, she knew that it wasn't just her father who was a ruthless man. Ashara Dayne was as cruel and merciless as anyone else and she trained very often. She also proved as her father told her that if you were fighting a war there was nothing fair about it.
His father and everyone else had explained to him that to think war was even a just thing meant that you were an idiot. There is no honor in war. War brings no honor. What you want in war is to end it as quickly as possible and not have the results blow up in your face in the worst way imaginable.
Jon shook himself thinking of what war would be like while thinking of something else: the parasite. His father had called it a shadow parasite. Or as he colloquially referred to it: a seed. Seeds were a kind of magic created by the faith of the red god that was meant to nourish and grow in the hosts giving them power but in exchange making them vulnerable to him.
Apparently they had planted the seed in him some time ago and through it they were influencing him to slowly but surely become more and more unstable. In the end he would have started a civil war and tried to usurp his family's power. He felt disgusted that they would think of doing such a thing to him.
His father assured him that he wasn't mad at him for what he thought was a nasty application of magic and that if anything he would go find out and make sure those who thought of it were so screwed in the future that they would know better. His father had one intention of visiting Ashai. He had thought that they might want peace but they had taken advantage and had actually chosen war according to him.
Jon didn't understand why there were so many people after his father. Why were there people who just wanted to fight, huh? Why couldn't they just leave them all alone and let things just happen, huh? Was it so hard to have a fucking life? Was it so hard to understand not screwing people over?
His magic reacted. Flames could be seen on his hands. Ever since the parasite left, his magic had grown. His father told him that it was logical because for the past eleven years his magic had been fighting against the evil being which meant that his power was constantly growing.
Jon felt that it was both his fortune and his misfortune. Knowing his father and the others would be happy. But now he realized that this could be the worst moment of his life. What if other people thought he was determined to take the throne from his father and his family eh? He didn't want to be used by anyone.
''You know young prince one would think that you would be less nervous considering we are now free of the nightmare that seemed to want to consume you. But instead I can tell that you are nervous.'' Jason looked at his young charge. It wasn't the same level of nervousness. It seemed more like emotional distress.
''...since I got rid of this thing that was in me I feel more powerful than ever. While to some it might be excellent news I can't help but think of those who might have their own agendas for my power if they found out.'' Jon had always trusted Jason. The man was loyal to a fault and always felt a great sense of duty towards the Stark family.
''As your father would say, stop thinking about stupid things and focus on the future little wolf. Stop worrying about what could be or what could come. Besides, you should be happy. I heard your lord talking to several people. Many were happy and can't wait for your return. I think you're in for a happy family time.'' Jason smiled at the boy. It was always a good thing when children were happy in his opinion.
''So is it wrong for me to think so much about things? That I should only think about how I'm going to benefit and the good I can do? As my father likes to say, magic has its benefits and the more power I have, the better for me.'' Jon knew that thinking like that could fall short but it was what the young man believed at this moment.
''I don't think it's wrong for you to think too much. In fact I think your father would be very upset if you didn't think things through when you did something. What I think and believe is that you need a little help in not getting lost in the rabbit hole.'' Jon's problem, at least in the minds of many, is that his young companion was thinking things through too much.
''What do you think would be my best course of action? I feel free now. All the doubts that were weighing me down until recently have vanished as if they never existed and the memories of every moment with my father and his ladies are present at all times.'' It was so strange. Gone were the doubts about being a bastard and instead he was thinking more about his family.
''If you ask me, boy, you need to find a way. But you have time. You still have to go to Isengard and after that you can choose your path. Who knows, knowing your lord father, a period of conquest awaits you, planning a move against Essos.'' That would surely shake the world while making it clear to them not to fuck with him.
''I guess...thanks Jason. I know you've been very close to me since I was a child and I haven't treated you with the proper respect you deserved for all the sacrifices you've made for me.'' Jon didn't know what to think about it other than thanking someone for doing an excellent job on their part.
''You have nothing to worry about or think about. I'm one of the winter guards. If you want my honest opinion, the best thing to say or do is for you to get ahead as you deserve. It's the least I can do for one of my charges.'' Jason could sense the truth in his young charge's words which was rather nice.
''Thanks for the support… now I'll have to go back and thank my entire family as well and apologize to them for the fact that I was basically an idiot who behaved in the worst way imaginable. I'll have to think of a suitable form of compensation for my family.'' Looking back he realized how badly he had screwed up monumentally.
''Hahahaha oh god that'll be a good one. I can see Princess Belladonna and Prince Cregan picking on you just for thinking that you are somehow in any way to blame for anything or as they would kindly put it stop being an idiot and think about what you do too much.'' The princes would surely make fun of their brother for thinking about it too much.
''So you're saying they don't deserve an apology then? I was an idiot. Even if it's that damn parasite's fault or whatever it's safest to say that thing only had a partial impact on what I did or how I acted about it. A lot of it still falls on me.'' In Jon's opinion being too much of an idiot deserved a good beating.
''Young Jon let me put it to you gently: don't overthink it. From my interactions with your family I can tell that your family doesn't take such things into consideration and doesn't think you're stupid for exactly what you say. In fact they are believers that you would grow out of your bad times.'' Knowing the king and his wives he could tell that they were all certain that young Jon was just having a bad time.
''Besides if I may be so bold, being a child is not a crime. Being a troubled child that some sort of magical monster is trying to exploit in some way is clearly something that deserves to be looked at in a different light. Don't blame yourselves for what you had no control over young prince. It's stupid and pointless.'' Overthinking things had a tendency to end up biting you in the ass in the worst possible way.
Jon just thought carefully about the knight's words and could feel that they were true. Whether he liked it or not he had been just a child who was targeted by a god. How many children could seriously say that they were capable of facing the powers of a god and come out ahead huh? He doubted there were people capable of such a thing to be honest.
While it still bothered him that he had basically insulted his family he realized that whether he wanted to or not they were in a nutshell his family and that they were going to forgive him for his actions. It made him feel like a fool for acting so idiotically all this time.
His thoughts drifted away when word came that the landing craft were ready to land. Jon straightened up. This was the wild land of Valyria and he could tell they were in for a very dangerous journey if they weren't careful. With a sigh he thanked Jason and got ready. He hoped whatever was out there wasn't too dangerous for them.
-Dispatches from the Captain of the Sea Wolf-
Harry had spent the last few days studying the seed. He could now better understand the power of the red god. And even though his other version confirmed to him that the red god was dead, he realized that these seeds had the potential to bring him back to life somehow. It seemed that his kindness to Ashai had been a huge mistake and he would have to correct it before they did more idiotic things.
Fury however grew in Harry at the arrogance and gall to think they could plant these seeds in his children. Any of his family. The fact that they thought they could do this filled him with rage and desire for nothing more than the heads of the red priests. It seemed the War Wolves were going to have a new goal: search and destroy. He wasn't going to let them exist any way he could.
Harry knew he would have to deal with these fools who seemed to think they could just run his son's life. Ashai was his next target. Though unlike Myr it would be razed to the ground. And he was taking his ladies with him. It would do them good to let loose a bit and show the world what they were capable of.
But this made him happy too. Jon's magic had been fighting off the parasite for all eleven years of his life. Now that he was free of it he would grow stronger and more powerful, almost equaling his own children. That made him happy. Having another family member who would be able to defend themselves no matter what was thrown at them was good.
This brought to mind that he was going to have to tell her about his heritage. To let her know the truth about his life. Harry grimaced. He knew that people never took kindly to being told things that were either true or basically a tale that they had no idea about. No one liked being kept from who their parents were.
But with Jon now eleven, he could trust that no one would just learn of his heritage unless it was necessary. As for what to give him, he was very tempted to give him Skagos. The plan had been to give him to a Karstark married to one of the Manderly girls. That had gone down the drain when the Karstarks decided to betray him.
Alys had recently become engaged to one of the Forresters who ruled from Deepwood which meant she couldn't move Jon in that direction. Of course marrying Jon to Alys wouldn't have been a bad idea except for the small and insignificant problem that she didn't want to create too close alliances and she wanted to cool the blood as much as possible.
But besides the possibility of Skagos, Myr was also on the cards. Up until this point, Myr had been a nightmare because they were supposedly secretly attacking their ships in order to stop them from selling their products. They let them be because they were honestly mindless idiots. But this latest attack they had planned was serious enough to launch a conquest plan.
This would give Jon a nice place to live and at the same time give him the chance to enjoy life away from Westeros which he knew had done a lot of damage. And if he was sincere the chance to conquer the disputed lands and Andalos would give him an expanse of territory as big as he could say would keep Jon busy forever which was good.
He was very calm. He had just sent his message of what happened to his wives. So when his mirror flashed he sighed. Taking a gulp of whiskey he touched the glass and immediately it showed him the image of his three wives. They looked deadly serious. He almost felt sorry for anyone who ever faced them.
'' What was this we just heard about Jon having a seed in his being that was causing him to essentially be depressed and at the same time trying to stay away from us?'' Ashara was upset. Jon may not be her blood son. But she and the girls helped allow him to grow up so they were naturally fond of him.
''It seems the red priests had planned to turn Jon into their beloved master's next vessel. Rhaegar was merely a distraction to buy time. Jon would have been the target.'' By rule and law a god could only set foot on the world if he had a willing host. The more connection they have, the more powerful he would be on land and thus the more divine powers he would be able to bring.
'' It's good to know that Jon is safe but how could they have tracked and kept that seed safe? You would have found it without further ado, because if there's anything that stands out like a bloody thumb I'd say you'd be more than capable of knowing and dealing with it.'' Elia shuddered in dread thinking that potentially speaking Jon or any of his children could have ended up in thrall to a god.
''I was fully aware of the seed in his being after seeing the negativity growing within him. I was able to contain it but not draw it out as it was rooted in his entire being. The only way to draw it out is for someone to activate it and therefore use my own connection to shatter it.'' He saw the anger in the girls but there was nothing else that could be done, his hands were tied in that regard.
'' And the red priest is still alive? I know you, darling, well enough to know that you would take into account and consider any threat as a danger that should be dealt with with all possible force. If this priest has dared to do such a thing, I see you more than capable of falling on anyone with all your strength.'' Shelia knew that Harry did not take things like this as a joke.
''There is nothing I wish more than to be able to go to Ashai right now and remind them of their place. But we must be patient. I want to deal with the abomination first. Every day it is left will make it stronger. What's worse is that it has already had nearly three hundred years and plenty of life to devour. It is no joke to be left unattended.'' Harry could see that his wives agreed with him.
'' We don't judge you for what it is, in essence, that you are going after a bigger threat right now. In fact, we agree with you. It's just that you let this priest run back to his stronghold. We should have known better than to tolerate those damned self-centered shadow people.'' Ashara growled. They should have known that Ashai would never tolerate competition as a magical society.
''Ashai is going to pay. They're going to pay for trying to take our boy away from us. I don't care if I have to tear down the very walls of creation to do it. But I'll be damned if they think they're going to get away with this shit.'' He had more or less sided with Ashai because he never thought they could be so fucking idiotic as to pull this trick on him.
'' Don't blame yourself for what happened exactly. You couldn't have foreseen them planting a dark seed in young Jon just as you couldn't have seen the plotting behind them to bring us down by planning an internal civil war. The fault is theirs not yours.'' Elia, despite the short time they had been married, knew Harry and knew how he could take these things to heart.
''I almost failed my boy. I almost... I almost tolerated his soul being devoured by a being that would use him to come back to life. The only reason I'm not marching off to that damned city right now is because I sense that whatever is in Valyria is bad enough that I think it's best not to leave it in its place.'' And she hated it. How she hated having to do this.
'' I don't think Jon blames you for taking on a threat before you resolve this. As King you have to make tough decisions. And like it or not we have a giant shit storm in Valyria right now that if it gets going could be a lot more dangerous.'' Shelia had no trouble reading her husband.
''How do I tell a young man I've raised as a son that I have to choose damn it. How do I tell him that I'm considering that before condemning a whole fucking city to be put to the sword I put the world first. As a father my interest will always be the future of my son. Always.'' That's what I was raised with. Family first.
'' You are actually doing it. Say honestly right now Harry that what's out there isn't dangerous. Say it and then we'll agree with you on launching a war campaign against Ashai. But the truth is that what's out there fed on an entire empire and dragons…it's no fucking joke.'' Ashara smiled fondly at her husband. The fact that she was even asking the question said a lot.
'' Harry, you were the man who made a savage decision to save me when I was literally screwed down south. When I was about to be killed. My brother was going to use me to unite the Dornish. And no one gave a shit. But you did care about me. Fuck anyone who says you don't feel affection or that you don't make decisions for the good of your family.'' Elia wouldn't allow it. Harry was a great person and he didn't deserve shit like that.
'' Honey do you remember how you met me? How you met my brother? How about Tykren? You're a great man who makes the tough decisions. Yes. I'm sure it's unfair not to go after the morons who wanted to do harm. To tear down the walls of your life. But the harsh reality is that right now you have a situation to live up to.'' Shelia smiled at her husband knowing he was just worried.
Harry sighed. Fuck how he hated being in this position. Whether he wanted to or not he had to go to Valyria. Not just because they didn't have the firepower to assault Ashai without casualties. But because he knew that if whatever was brewing there got out into the world they were all going to die. Say goodbye to the others. A storm of fire and misery would spread across the world.
He didn't like it. It disgusted him to have to put the world before his son. But he understood his wives. They were basically telling him that he had to go after them. Because his children would die. If he didn't stop this thing, his children would most likely die because they wouldn't be able to stop it. And since it was a sacrifice for his children, he would do it without hesitation.
Moments later the captain arrived and informed him that they were ready to disembark. Good. It was time to leave the ships. But not before giving the orders. The crew would mostly stay. Let's see how the other little ships take the surprise he had in mind for them.
- Valyrian Peninsula. Capital (one week later) -
If Harry was perfectly honest he hadn't thought they would be finding much in the cities spread across the peninsula. To put it kindly they had found about thirty complete skeletons of more than decent size in dragon remains alone. Harry groaned at the thought of the wonderful creatures' deaths.
As Harry thought about it, he also saw the respect the Northerners gave to dragons. After all, it was these wonderful creatures that had defeated them. Not men. The Asgardians could claim to have never been defeated by an army of soldiers, but by the force of one powerful being.
With this in their favor, it had to be taken into account that they were all equipped with a pendant that prevented poisonous vapors from reaching them, as well as the benefit of a patronus ring. This proved to be necessary due to the monstrous amount of specters that were in the area trying to attack any visitor.
What could also have put the men and women in a good mood was that they found the ship of Tommen the Rock King. And with it the sword of House Lannister: Roar. The very idea of possessing said sword amused them because they knew that the Lannisters would have to pay a considerable amount to recover it.
As Asgardians, none of them supported the southern houses. But in recent times Tywin Lannister had not endeared himself to the numerous spies and other things that had been sent to the realm to spy. The Asgardians wanted to be left alone, was it really so difficult for others to see?
Harry could sympathize with his men knowing that they were only interested in their lives more than anything else. But he was able to see the plans and ambitions of those who were always looking for an extra advantage in their lives. That is to say, he was more than capable of knowing what they were planning on doing and what they wanted to do.
The southern houses had grown restless of late. She had heard that Robert was furious at Elia's presence and even more so at her marriage to him. In fact, the words murder had been heard. But it seemed that everyone agreed that it was a bad idea considering that they would then have a furious Stark in their sights.
Harry frowned as he thought of the sheer arrogance that the Southerners had. Hence when this journey was completed he fully intended to let everyone in the world know that it was House Stark, not any other family or anyone else, who had succeeded in a mission to said peninsula.
However, his main mission and task here was not to pillage the capital. They had already pillaged numerous cities. In addition to the dragons, they had obtained books and a lot of gold. He had made it clear that the gold was to be shared equally among all the adventurers as a reward for their bravery. That endeared him even more to the people of Asgard.
Next to him was Jon, feeling restless. He could understand it, magic was calling to him. Something was trying to pull him and Harry knew it was only his son's powerful willpower that made him realize it was a bad idea to get lost here. Good boy. Anyway, he had his mission and his son had his own mission so it was time.
''Jon, from this moment on the raiding parties are under your command. You will direct each of them to the different infrastructures and get from them what needs to come out. I want it all.'' Harry looked at his son. He knew his precious son was a little perplexed by what the order was. He couldn't say he blamed him. But he knew a lot about magic as did his other sons.
''Father...I'm not as skilled as you at curse-breaking. Not being able to break through the layers of wards the Valyrians have so surely placed on their vaults and much more. You can't seriously expect me to be able to.'' Although Jon was happy that his father had so much faith in him the truth was that he didn't know what to say about it.
''I think as a father I have the right to have faith in my son. As a father it would make me look more than bad if I was unable to trust that my son would be able to do what I have been training him to do.'' His son was very cautious. He had no idea that his magical knowledge was already that of a sixth year wizard. And he was only eleven years old.
''I...father, why? Why would you ask me to handle this myself when you are more than capable? I want an honest answer.'' Jon used the commanding tone. Although he was nervous about speaking to his father like that, he refused to comply with what his father asked if he did not give him a compelling reason for it.
''How brave, I like him. The truth is that there is a great evil brewing here in Valyria. I must destroy it before that thing gets out of control. If you think the White Walkers are a problem then think of something that would have their level of destruction created in a single physical form.'' Harry could feel his son's nerves. But he controlled them well.
''Why shouldn't we go to this? All of us? Father, you have over a hundred good soldiers. I can help you too. You don't have to do this alone. What if anything happened to you, huh? What about Asgard? Our family?'' Jon didn't want to let his father put himself in great danger just because he had to.
''I have a lot of faith in our family members. And Asgard will not fall because something happens to me. But that is if it does. I have every intention that nothing bad happens to me here and I will take care of this plague so that my people will be happy for sure.'' Harry smiled at his son while deep down he was glad to know that he was so worried.
''Father I...I don't know what to do okay? I have no idea what I can do or what I'll be able to do. If you're asking me to go with these men. It's too much responsibility placed on me don't you think it's too much for my father?'' Jon had to find any excuse. He didn't want his father to go down a path that would put him in danger.
''Ah but that's the thing Jon, you are my son. And if I didn't have faith in you then I wouldn't ask such a thing of you. It's about time the wolf pup showed what he's capable of. I'm more than sure that you'll be capable of much without me having to say anything about you.'' Harry had faith in his son. After all...he was his son.
Jon was speechless. What was he supposed to say about it huh? His father trusted him damn it. He had faith in him. He felt tears well up in his eyes. His father confirming that he thought he was more than ready compared to many others was just one more blow to make him understand that his father saw him in a most unique way.
Jon didn't know what to say to his father exactly. He didn't know how to tell him that he felt he was exaggerating what his father was like and that he wanted nothing more than to give him a chance like that. To prove himself. Because if there was one thing the Asgardians valued above all else, it was when a person proved they weren't just hot air.
Jon knew that if the other Asgardians saw this as a certainty, all of them would be happy. They would look favorably on it and then his renown would increase considerably. For Jon, this was more than enough to make him understand that his father was the most capable person. And so, even though it greatly upset him, he knew that he had to comply with his father's will.
''Jon, there comes a time in everyone's life when they have to prove their talent, their ability, and their unique gifts. This time has come early for you. But at the same time I feel like there's a lot more talent in you than even you realize. I think you're going to be amazing.'' He was proud of his son. How could he not be when his son was amazing, huh?
''That's why I'm putting you in charge. That's why I'm asking you to lead these men and women on a mission to conquer Valyria. Because I know you're capable of it. That you have everything it takes to know exactly what it takes to be capable of it. Because in the end you're the one I know has that potential.'' Harry smiled at his son as he ran a hand over his head.
Jon squared his shoulders and understood at that moment that whether he liked it or not, he had to do it. With that he turned to the men. He told them to follow him. Some of them looked in his direction. He was the king after all. But Jon only asserted his authority further by making it clear that they were with him.
Harry looked over with a smile as he saw the men and women nodding. Jon would make a fine leader and it only further confirmed in his mind that he would have his own domain. And from the looks of it he deduced that he would very likely be becoming the lord of the free city of Myr which would become the entry point of Asgard into Essos. That was what awaited his son.
Watching his son march he squared his shoulders. He wasn't wearing his armor. Because he was loaded to the brim with protective gear. He knew this was going to be a brutal battle if he had to say so himself. His Black blood sang for it. There were times he wondered if his ancestors knew what they were getting into when they did something shitty.
-POV Jon-
Jon looked calmly. They had been going through the different fortresses of the city of Valyra, one by one. Their capital. And the men were delighted. They had found several dozen dragon corpses. The bones would come in handy because they could do much more than just what they did. His father was beginning to teach him and the others about alchemy and he knew that dragon bone was very useful.
While Jon had collected the bones he approached the first fallen fortress. As he already knew, Valyrian blood magic was tied to the vault doors. The men groaned. But he knew what he had to do. How did his father say? Curse breaking was a delicate part that involved more thinking than acting like an idiot with a warhammer.
Jon was patient about it. He knew he had to be careful with his moves. And like a puzzle he was able to open the doors to the first fortress. Everyone looked at him. Respect shining in their eyes. More than one commenting on his magical potential. And indeed he knew that by now his name would be spoken with the same reverence as the names of his older brothers.
When they reached the vault they saw gold. Lots of gold. Everyone agreed at that moment that this trip was going to be very lucrative. But that wasn't all. Pieces of armor, jewelry, swords and daggers. There was everything. They even found dragon eggs. This was enough to make more than one soldier wonder how they could be so lucky.
But before they could start collecting, his instincts screamed at him and he reacted just in time. The Valyrians had cursed their own treasures. Obviously a measure designed to prevent grave robbers and more. He thought it was quite clever because nobody wanted to have to put up with the crap of having things taken from them.
It took a while but he was able to break through the protective layer and then he began. One chest was already almost full of gold. So they had to take out another one. What was put into the chest of dragon bones were the seven eggs found. The armor, chain mail and swords, daggers and spears were put into the gold chest for transport.
They continued like this. They found more things on their way. Not just gold and pieces. They had already collected more than forty dragon eggs and sixty in fossilized state. They found many books guarded with cruelty and protected in such a way that he himself thought it was exaggerated. And as if that were not enough, they found more weapons and armor.
Jon was pleased with himself. He would bring a great deal of wealth back home which was excellent news for the young man in question. He was very happy. When a mass of monsters made of ash rose up. Every single man looked on but Jon refused to be intimidated by it.
''Your time on this earth is over. Step back and let go of your intentions.'' Jon began to channel his magic. It was a spell. It was all power born from the desire for nothing more than protection.
The figures growled and lunged forward. Jon just followed his instinct and roared creating a large silver wolf that emerged from his being. The guardian spirit looked around at everything before roaring. And then there was an explosion of light and the beings were destroyed by the light of Jon himself. The boy stood there staring in disbelief before a figure approached.
The figure was translucent. He was a tall man but unlike his father who was built like a mountain he was thin. In shape. But still simple. The man approached where Jon was. Jason didn't hesitate to draw his sword but the being raised his hand.
'' Peace. I am not here to do any harm to the boy. I was merely curious about the power of one of Valyrian blood. A truly powerful magic. Fascinating to watch.'' The being stood in front of them. Jason did not lower his lair. Jon just stared at him.
''You... you are a ghost from Valyria. What exactly are you doing?'' Jon looked at the being very carefully, distrusting anything that could happen.
'' I am what is left young Valyrian. Only what is left of our great civilization. In our arrogance and belief we destroyed ourselves. It is good to see a descendant powerful enough to be a future lord.'' The ghostly being looked at the boy. It was a look that could very easily translate what he felt about the matter.
''I am Asgardian first and foremost. My father may not turn anyone away. But I will never be Valyrian. The people of Valyria have done nothing but bring misery and unhappiness to our family. I refuse to be any of them even if I am related to a Valyrian.'' For Jon it was a simple matter, and he absolutely refused to give in to anyone.
'' I see. It is so sad. We were once a great people. Mighty conquerors above all. But in the end I am only a remnant. And I was once the most powerful sorcerer in Valyria. And I have one last gift for a son of Valyria.'' With that the ghost wasted no time before approaching Jon. The decision clear as day.
Jon could do nothing as the ghost touched his forehead. Unlike a leech, what this being did was bring all of Valyrian magic into young Jon. The boy screamed as the knowledge of Valyrian magic reached him.
''Bastard, what do you think you're doing to Jon?'' Jason went to move but the being just immobilized him with a look.
'' He is the last of Valyria indeed. Perhaps there are others and then it will be his job to train them. But even with that I can only say that he is the most powerful. The knowledge of our people is now his. That is MY will.'' And with his spoken words the ghostly being disappeared as if it never existed.
Jason watched Jon tremble at whatever had been done to him and figured it was best to get him out of there. A tremor shook the earth. He didn't know what his lord was doing but he was sure that whatever it was he would be able to take care of himself. But he knew his lord wouldn't forgive him if anything happened to his son.
-POV Hariric Stark-
He knew that his son would prove and be capable of much more than the young man believed. He was his son and he also knew that Ashara had trained him. Although he was skilled, his wife had her own talent in this regard so he truly trusted what his son would be capable of doing regarding the security of the vaults.
Harry also knew that this would come in handy for his son. He knew that his son would soon be put in charge of commanding people. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before his son was leading soldiers and ruling his own city as well. It was time for his precious son to start running.
As he walked through the city he scoffed at what was before him, coming to the conclusion that the ancient city of Valyria was little more than a cage of some sort. The amount of wraiths he encountered was absolute. But what was surprising were the undead servants. He had to cut his way through with swords and explosions to make sure they didn't get in their way.
As Harry made his way he encountered several ghosts. They weren't ghosts like the one he knew but enslaved beings. He could feel it. His magical senses were practically screaming, necromancy magic leaves a trail behind it so it was easy to identify. And he knew they would only be free in death once he killed it.
It didn't take long for him to figure out what it was when he saw it. The being was a monstrous humanoid form. It wasn't flesh. Shadows and darkness. It wore armor made of dragon bone and also had a cape. The only thing of light that could be seen in it were the crimson red eyes that were practically staring at him intently.
''So you are the abomination that was born from this event. And I can tell that you are very powerful. You are no joke. I can feel your power and hell I can even tell that you are controlling yourself in more ways than one.'' This thing would be a real threat. No matter what. If he didn't kill it he was screwed and the world would pay for it.
'' Your soul... is strange. It will be very delicious.'' The creature was not one for many words. Raising a hand of shadows, he called forth a group of specters that looked too much like those from the Lord of the Rings. They charged forward with their backs. Harry wasted no time and conjured several spears enchanted with the power of the Patronus.
The response to these spears were shrill cries. The creatures were pierced by the speed at which the projectiles were going. Before anyone realized it, the spears exploded, releasing large amounts of light at that moment, causing the abomination to shudder a little. But it responded by creating a large claymore-type sword made of fire.
"I guess I have your attention." Harry smiled as he pulled Ice off his back and got into position.
The abomination wasted no time before quickly lunging at Harry, intent on impaling him. As their swords clashed, Harry felt the force of a thousand souls howling within the thing. He didn't hold back, and pushed the full power of the Patronus to hurt the thing.
The abomination growled but extended a shadow hand that grew to titan size before bringing it down on him. Harry responded by sending out a blast that caused a violent shockwave. Harry quickly channeled magic into his eyes. It was a good thing he did because the abomination was fast.
Instead of blocking it, it leapt into the air where it spun to launch its own blow. Once again it was blocked. But it released a blast of energy from the Patronus on the sword. The abomination growled in pain but it didn't stop there, determined more than anything to kill it so it launched itself straight at it. The creature responded by raising an army of monsters against it.
Growling for once, he kept his distance and made a three hundred and sixty degree turn with his sword and hundreds of shining golden blades appeared. Without wasting time he threw them and the explosions shook and trembled from the sudden release of energy that was in the area.
The abomination began to use its fire sword and it absorbed even more heat growing once more to titan size. Not wanting to meet it first hand Harry made a set of shield layers that instead of stopping the movement slowed it down. They then absorbed the energy of the sword. By the time the sword pierced the last layer it had lost all traces of power.
The abomination growled. But all that energy wasn't going to go away. By channeling it into a single point, the abomination didn't have time to defend itself from a violent explosion that made a rather deep hole. But the monstrosity didn't stop there. With a roar, it transformed into a dragon of shadows, ash, and fire.
Harry looked at the beast that rose into the skies. Without wasting any time he poured the last of his magical energy into the next attack. Hundreds of energy swords and spears formed. Then without wasting any time he sent them out. It looked like a meteor shower that quickly caused the beast to fall into submission.
Harry pulled out another stone and charged up. The only reason he was winning was because of his magical energy stores in the form of gemstones. But he felt the monstrosity trying to rise up once more. He wasn't going to let it. Without wasting any time he put all the magical energy from one of the jewels into his sword and channeled the patronus to its fullest.
The Valyrian sword glowed a wonderful silver. And then Harry swung it. The explosion would have been enough to wipe Hogwarts off the face of the earth. By the time the light faded there was no trace of the monstrosity and he could feel it. Souls were returning to the world of the dead.
It felt good to him.
'' Oh I can't believe what you've done. Hahahaha oh god if only they could see you back home. They'd think you were a dangerous abomination by now. Ha. Surely many would tremble at the thought of fighting you.'' Harry James Potter appeared. As soon as he felt the souls of thousands if not hundreds of thousands pass by he knew that his version had done something. And this was what he saw.
''The only reason I won here is because that thing was young. It didn't have much time and it spent a lot of its time enslaving souls and possessing the power of dragons. That and I've empowered all of my spells with enough gems to destroy France.'' Yes, I had to dip the gems in the current of a ley line for them to be charged enough.
'' Oh come on relax. You just won me a lot of positive points my good friend. Thanks to you thousands of souls that were taken out of the stream are available again. And of course let's not forget to mention the destruction of an anti-life aberration that in a few hundred years would have been released and eradicated most of the known world.'' The original just shrugged at that.
''While I like to take things easy, forgive me if I think that I just did the equivalent of running an Iron Man three times. I just spent more than four jewels damn it. That would be enough to decimate a large country.'' Magic jewels could have a monstrous amount of energy. The ones he used had a monstrous range.
'' You know you could have used the gems to unleash your attacks instead of fighting yourself. In the end you're me. You also have that damn hero complex that makes you scream that you have to save them all above all else.'' Harry laughed at Hariric. It was funny. It was good entertainment if he had to say so himself.
''There was no guarantee that would work. If that thing was smart enough it would have used its army of monstrosities as a shield to absorb the impacts. And from what I sensed it might have ended up calling an army of them. It was just lucky that Patronus was making it hard for it to think about it.'' Never underestimate anti-demonic magic. It could save your life.
'' True. Well congratulations, now you can return home with quite a loot...and those who dared to try to attack you. What a naughty boy. Planning to use it as an excuse to start a campaign of conquest.'' Harry smiled at Hariric who only raised an eyebrow at his words.
''That's war. I don't see you complaining anyway. If that's all I want to go back to my place. There's a lot of work to do, you know.'' He had a lot of tasks ahead of him and he didn't see anyone doing them for him.
The being faded away and Harry was left standing there. This battle had been short. But because he had the resources he had. He didn't know if the Night King could be more dangerous so he had to plan. He wouldn't lose. His family wouldn't be eradicated and humanity destroyed.
That was his promise.