Chapter 45: ch 45
Journey to Valyria PT1
-West. Kingdom of Asgard. Whiteport-
-Main docking point-
A large crowd had gathered. Harry had decided to set off with four galleons and ten frigates. The remaining ships would stay behind. Though he had taken precautionary measures to ensure that their journey occurred without incident of any kind, namely the ships being destroyed by the high temperature of the steaming sea.
He had sent several puppets to observe the steaming sea, coming to the conclusion that the high temperatures would undoubtedly damage the ships. Fortunately, there was no magic. Magic was concentrated especially in the Valyrian peninsula and was acting as a form of well that drew magic to it.
He knew that if left too long, two things could happen. The first, and the one he was most worried about, was that a calamity would take shape and ravage the world. Calamities were beasts that essentially felt an intense need to satisfy basic needs, only they would never be satisfied.
Calamities would walk the world until they were stopped. And as a comment on that, it should be noted that they are very resistant to magic. Basically the only way to kill them is through physical attacks. Of course when you face a being with the strength of a giant enhanced with the blood of Hercules, things get bad for everyone.
Harry knew that the other option was that the red god, despite being destroyed, could use the consumed magic to be reborn. The gods could only die when their worshippers and their sparks were dead. Right now the red faith was dead, destroyed by his hand. All the cities rejected the followers of the red god and that meant that they were fleeing for their lives.
Each of his priests carried a seed. A spark of that monster's divinity. They were weak because they couldn't access the power of the source that right now, they were ruined. But if this well was created by the monster and he used all the energy taken to rebirth himself using the priests in turn then he would return to life once again.
However, he was still uneasy about leaving. His spies in Myr had confirmed that two different groups of Catpaws had already left the city. It wasn't hard to tell that one of the groups was under his direct command with the intent of killing his wife Ashara and his children. This only dug a grave for Myr.
But the other group had orders to attack Elia and even Rhaenys. Rhaenys was safe in Isengard where she was studying with the others. But Ashara and the others, even though they would be in Winterfell and Wintercity, could still be attacked because even though they had protections, these bastards had received help from none other than the sorcerers of Qarth.
It seemed the sorcerers of Qarth had made a deal in exchange for their children. That was… unacceptable. So he was now more than furious, with an unprecedented thirst for blood and what's more, the desire to raze the city of Qarth for meddling where it didn't belong. It seemed that they didn't like competition at all.
''My lord, I am sure that you will succeed in your campaign. In fact, I believe that you will be the first man to successfully travel to Valyria and conquer it, bringing its gifts back to the realm of Asgard.'' Wyman was excited. How could he not be? To date, every project of his lord had been successful.
''While I like to think I'll succeed, you just have to be as confident as Wyman's hands allow you to reach. No matter how you look at it, the truth is that even I am afraid of this potential campaign.'' He was afraid and somewhat respectful of what awaited him there. It was the basic rule of a curse breaker.
''We understand, my lord. Valyria is shrouded in mystery and no one knows what we may find, but let me say that I am the first to say that I am confident that the lands of Asgard will triumph where others fell.'' It was the truth. Wyman had faith in the man who was said to be more god than man.
''While I am very pleased with the faith people have in me, I am far from being an ideal man capable of making the impossible possible. Even I have my limits. However, I will do everything in my favor to ensure a safe journey.'' The loss of this fleet was totally unacceptable, at least in his mind.
''I look forward too my lord to hearing what will become of your son. I like that young Jon travels with you. I think it is very good that he expands his horizons and sees more of the world if I may say so.'' Wyman had seen many times. The boy was a Stark. Despite being a bastard he was still a Stark. Which meant he deserved respect.
''I also want to thank you for the crew. I know it's difficult and really many of these very good men should be concentrating on other things. There will be a reward once you return you can be sure of that Lord Wyman.'' Harry knew one rule that was pretty basic: reward the good work of his subordinates.
''My men will work for you without a doubt Lord Stark. And you must be assured that they will be worth every coin that is paid to them. I only hope my lord and forgive me for putting it this way that you will take care of my Wendell. The boy is after all my heir.'' A part of him wondered why Wendell decided to travel with House Stark.
''I do not abandon my people. We will travel and I can assure you that he will bring glory and honor to the name of House Manderly. Now if you will excuse me I have to speak with my wives. I can see they are more than a little impatient which is never good news.'' Hariric laughed because he knew better than anyone that impatience was never a good advisor.
Harry separated from the man who immediately went to see his son. He approached his wife who was watching him. Neither Elia nor Shelia were here. Elia was in Isengard where he was showing some applications of Rhoynar magic that was especially oriented to the manipulation of liquids. Shelia for her part was in her lands because she wanted to make sure that things were going well.
Ashara looked in his direction and it didn't take a genius to know that she was excited. A part of her screamed to come with him and he knew it. But there always had to be one of them. He didn't blame her though. He knew that once Myr was over he would give his wife complete freedom to unleash her rage on those who had wronged her.
Ashara was also staring at him as if she wanted to drill into his brain. He couldn't say he blamed her for that. Hell, she was probably thinking of all the ways to somehow consume his absence. But at the same time she just sighed before leaning in and giving him a searing kiss that anyone would have found mind-blowing.
''You better get back Hariric. If what you say is true and there could be an abomination brewing there you know it's going to take a lot of firepower. Last time it took an attack by seven magi to take one down. Here you'll need an army before it becomes a plague.'' Ashara was naturally worried. Abominations were no joke.
''I don't intend to waste my life. Not now when life is so exciting. To be able to watch our children grow up. To see them build their lives and shape them. How could I not want to witness that? And our daughters. I still have to see if they will bring any men brave enough.'' The threat in his voice was clear to any fool.
''Your concerns for our children's future are noted, lover. But above all, be careful. If it's true that Myr will do this, it's quite possible that they've planned a trap once you get there. Surely those fools will be thinking of seeing if they can sink your ships somehow.'' Myr was full of raiders and people looking for profit. He didn't trust them.
''Oh I am aware. In fact I have loaded the frigates with the new weapons to ensure that the impact is as adequate as possible. I believe that the Greyjoy war was not enough to make them fear us properly. The world must tremble with this new power in our hands.'' Harry had a dark smile on his face.
''Destroy whatever they send you. I'll finish it off. I'm sure they'll arrive soon. Elia is always on the alert and carries her totem guardians with her. I wonder how you did it but the fact that you did that fills me with joy.'' She looked at her own totem magic ring and saw the raven feathers which filled her with ease.
''Please, as if I were going to leave my fucking job undone. Fuck what other people think. Anyway, wife, you should already know that it's very possible that they'll target our little ones. Do me a favor... let their deaths be as painful as I know you're good at.'' His wife was Black. He could count on that.
''Oh husband you have no idea. And please come back soon. If you really do conquer Valyria we will have to commemorate it somehow. I think Elia and Shelia will want to join the party as well.'' Oh yes, Ella could tell from the harshness she was feeling that he was more than happy with it.
''You are a real witch, woman. Tempting your husband like that. I want you to know that. Once I'm done with this I'll come back and rip your clothes off and spend a whole day and night with you. Let's see how you do.'' Of course he knew how to do it. Sex magic to the victory. The Blacks are prepared for anything.
''You say that like it's not part of my plans. Who knows maybe we'll get lucky and give Andromeda a little brother. I was thinking about Edward if it's a boy or Aurora if it's a girl.'' Ashara laughed. It was a fact though. She loved being a mother. That passion for helping raise children. Raising them. And of course the love that came with it. There was nothing better.
''You are insatiable. I will see to it that everything you desire is covered when I get my hands on you once I return. And I will return Ashara. I will stop this before it becomes a threat and we will be together. That will not stop me in any way.'' Not because he was a harbinger of death or whatever. Because he promised his wife that he would return.
''And be careful with Jon. Valyria is in his blood. Who knows what it could do to him somehow. Maybe the blood magic there affects him somehow. One of these days we'll have to sit him down and tell him everything he needs to know about his true parentage.'' She didn't want to. He was as much Lyanna's son as theirs. And yet she knew it was unfair to keep the woman from him.
''I've been struggling with this for a long time. Undecided whether I should tell a child I've helped raise for eleven years that I'm not his father. But at the same time he deserves more time with his mother. Lyanna loves him. Despite what he meant she loves him. It's unfair to keep him for ourselves.'' It was the right thing to do. Gods he didn't like it but it was what he had to do.
''Then it's settled. Once you get back we'll tell that kid everything he needs to know. He'll know the truth no matter what anyone else says about it and fuck all those who think they'll somehow have power over him.'' Because she knew, She knew about all those who might try to use him in their plans.
If anyone tried to use it they would die. By my hand. Screaming and begging. I have no mercy for those who would use my family as a tool of any kind. Fuck the political consequences. I razed a kingdom and dethroned a family for my sister. For my son I will do so much more. Fuck any other possibility.
''A part of me says, what if he wants the Iron Throne? And even though I know he'd be a better king, I don't want him to demand the throne. That throne is a heavy load of shit that would do more harm than good and would end up ruining our little boy's life. I pray to the gods that he doesn't seek it.'' She knew she shouldn't worry, but she was still human and worrying was normal.
''I don't think we have much to worry about. Oh I'm sure he did think about being king for a moment but I highly doubt he wants to be. Hell I highly doubt he wants to be in any way connected to the Targaryen dynasty with all the damage they did.'' She had faith in her son. He was so much more than those louts from the south.
''Good. And now go for our son. I will walk away knowing that I will see your ship sail. Victory is your destiny. It always has been my love. That and let's be frank you are too stubborn to even think that there is another possibility within reach.'' She laughed. She hugged him and kissed him. There was her fear. But he promised to return and he would.
Hariric nodded at his wife. She was scared, could he blame her? The last time he faced an abomination he had support. They were well prepared. And they had enough power. But now he would be alone with his son and the soldiers. If the abomination came he knew he would have to die to kill it. She knew that too and she did not want that fate for him.
Sighing he walked away to see Jon being hugged by both Belladonna and Cregan. Both of his eldest sons were staring at the youngest. Off to the side he could see Lyanna. She was there watching and looked scared. Without thinking he walked over to his sister and saw that when she focused on him there was a bit of anger, but only a bit. It was good, a lot and she would have tried to kill him.
''The only reason I'm not snapping you like a twig brother is because I know you will protect him and keep him safe from any danger. I know you. I know you would never put a member of your family in danger. And it's only because of that that I'm not entirely furious with you.'' Lyanna still was though.
''I'm well aware sister that you're worried about Jon. But he needs to stretch his wings and discover more of the world. He needs to see the world so he can see his rightful place in it. Though if you ask me, his place is in this family.'' Harry sighed. His sister was dangerous. She'd taken to rune practice and dual swordsmanship like a fish to water. He never wanted to be weak again.
''I'm perfectly aware that Jon... has his fears. His doubts. Being a bastard is difficult. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for him. But it's one thing to want him to spread his wings and quite another to take him to Valyria.'' She was naturally scared. Valyria was a potential death trap.
''Lya do you really think I would put my nephew who I see as a son in danger when I'm on a trip? I recognize danger better than anyone. And in fact I know the potential threat I face. But at the same time I think… he needs it.'' Harry could feel his sister's glare. She wanted nothing to do with the sperm donor.
''If you're going to tell me that my son should somehow know the traits of the house Targaryen in some way I swear to the gods that I will crush your skull. I will never see that man as Jon's father. Damn the consequences. My son has nothing Targaryen in him.'' Yes, saying that she despised Rhaegar Targaryen was like saying that the sun went down every day.
''You think I of all people want him to have anything to do with that damn prince? Sister...I despise House Targaryen. And the only reason the only two recognized Targaryen life forms are still alive at the moment is because they haven't done anything wrong yet. If they do in the future I will eradicate them completely.'' Yes. To say that he had gone against that family is an understatement.
''But you want Jon to know or at least understand that side of his family. That doesn't make the slightest sense brother. Why would you want my son to know an essence that I honestly prefer to remain dead?''. She was doubtful which was normal. But at the same time she wanted satisfactory answers damn it.
''Because it's a part of him. And like it or dislike it, you can't deny what you are. Being half as good isn't enough. Jon has power, sister. Great power. And if he's only half of what he is, then he'll never live up to his full potential, and I refuse to see him stuck in that.'' No family member of his would be less than what they could be.
''I'd like to think you'd have more goals in mind. But you've always believed that we should do our best. Is it bad that as a mother I don't want my son to have to feel the pain I felt? The helplessness? The weakness? He's my son and I love him but his birth is something that humiliates me to this day.'' Lyanna sighed. That was the bad thing about his birth.
''Jon is not a monster like his father was and he is honestly the best son you could ever hope for Lyanna…after this journey I will tell him the truth. It is time for you to meet your son. For your son to know the truth. Hopefully he can forgive us for the deception in some way.'' Because he knew that people could react badly.
''A selfish part of me wants to do that. Say fuck the winds of caution and say hello to my son. But I'm scared. Robert won't rest until he gets his hands on Jon if he finds out about him.'' Because to Robert she was either his or no one else's and he wouldn't rest if he found out about Jon.
''We have nothing to worry about in that regard. Only Jon will know the truth and if anyone wants to talk shit about him we just have to keep him safe. We know all the southern spies in Asgard and as soon as they become a plague I will execute them. Jon will be safe Lyanna and I don't see it being a problem for him to spend time with you.'' Harry sighed, he should have known that Lyanna would be very scared.
''Thank you... I'll be leaving now. When I get back I want to spend some time with him. With my son. I want to tell him how much I love him and I want to make it clear to him that I won't hide the fact that he's a part of my life anymore. Tykren agrees with me.'' Lyanna glanced at her brother, challenging him in some way. Her brother just raised an eyebrow.
''If you think that bothers me you are wrong. And if he has Tykren's protection then it is not that big of a problem in my opinion. Jon having the proper support is all I need. Now if you will excuse me I will go say we are leaving.'' Giving his sister one last hug he walked towards Jon.
Jon was being stared at by his brothers which made Harry chuckle in amusement. His brothers didn't look too bad at all. In fact they were happy for him to be what he was looking for. They knew the truth and knew that this trip was for the sake of their little brother so they had no problem with it. It was certainly a positive thing if he had to say so.
''And you better not let us know that you're doing any kind of quest while you're in the free cities. Don't trust the people of Essos. They have their own agendas and plans and they won't hesitate to come after you.'' Belladonna was worried about the potential threat of all the harpies that might have an interest in her precious and more than cute little brother.
''Sis, I'm only eleven years old, where's a woman going to come and tell me to have a good time, huh?'' Jon sighed. Seriously, his sister could be the most unique if he had to say so.
''Belladonna's concern comes from the fact little brother that you don't know what's out there. Our name is feared there in Essos. If they can get their hands on you they will without a doubt so be careful.'' Cregan warned his brother of the potential threat to his life. It was the best he could do.
''I'm well aware. Do I remind you that Father explained this to us after he caught a number of morons who thought it was a brilliant idea to try and kidnap any member of the family?'' The kidnappers were morons. Especially when you took into account that his father was the one who would be looking for them.
''My concern is that you don't seem to take it seriously enough, little brother. The threat is real. Don't be complacent just because you think you can somehow get rid of them. Don't be complacent in your abilities. Be clear about things and then I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you.'' Belladonna didn't understand why Jon was so confident and that was bad.
Jon would have said something else but the giant of a person that was his father appeared. The greyish green eyes were staring at him as they made him understand to take things seriously. Jon shuddered at the look because it essentially told him that he wasn't joking.
''None of your brothers are lying and I can assure you that they are even less joking. We are leaving our land. If they see an opportunity they will take it. Don't even think that because you are my son you are safe if they think they can get away with it.'' Harry was worried. Why was his son now acting as if he had nothing to fear?
''I just think Belladonna is exaggerating. No one would notice me. I mean, do our enemies know what I look like and have spread it around the cities so they'll be able to prevent my presence?'' Jon looked at his father, it was a reasonable question. Unfortunately his father didn't seem to be satisfied with his answer.
''While our enemies may not know of you, you possess the traits of all Starks: our grey eyes and black hair. While in our case it is less full of waves like yours, there will still be those who will make assumptions about it little brother.'' Cregan sighed, he couldn't blame his brother for thinking.
''Even if they don't recognize you, we still have to be careful. The red faith may be on its last legs, but an animal on its last legs could try with everything it has to safely launch an attack. Desperate people do crazy things in the end.'' Belladonna supposed that was a possibility and her father did tell them how fanatical they were about that faith.
''Unfortunately the red faith and the wizards of Qarth are a pain. We have a partially stable relationship with Ashai that I trust very little, my son. You... you are powerful, you have no idea. You make me look bad. You and your brothers are so powerful that it is too tempting. The red faith and the wizards would try to turn that potential into their own. They would kill you after horrible torture and I would be heartbroken for it.'' Harry looked at his son who understood what he said.
Jon had a hard time understanding, I mean he couldn't be as powerful as his own father claimed right? Yet at the same time it could be possible. A part of him wanted to debate with his father, but his father wouldn't talk any more for the moment. He got into his ship without any problem, but there was a lot on his mind at the moment.
''This seems fishy to me, it's not that I think Jon doesn't give himself the courage he has but he still has that damn stupid shadow that makes him doubt. I hate that he thinks like that, but in the end I think this trip will be the excellent way to make him change his mind, isn't that right father?''. Cregan was now worried. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his brother.
''Fortunately we'll only be making one stop in Volantis so there's nothing else to worry about unless you think they'll try something. However I trust that the guards who will be going with Jon will be smart enough to take care of him.'' The climb isn't what he wanted but it had to be done to recover resources.
''Couldn't you do, you know, having lots of resources stored up? I say this because I was hoping you'd be able to make it so that escalation wouldn't be necessary.'' Belladonna, as always, was thinking several steps ahead.
''The expanding chests are intended to be used to transport Valyria's treasures. They are also necessary to maintain resources. There is also another reason why we will stop in Valyria. I want to leave two frigates in the area to warn us of the movements of the fleet that is being stored in the remaining steps.'' Harry's concern was justified.
''You want them to warn the ships in case of that. And I assume you'll be carrying food for a long time, right father? Damn, we should have known you'd have many plans in mind. Well, I can only ask that they're safe and that Jon at least recovers from a scare.'' It was the best that could be done.
Harry nodded to his sons before bidding them both farewell and getting into the ship. When the order was given the fleet set off. Many would think it was idiotic. And possibly some with bad intentions. But Hariric Stark vowed that nothing would stop him from traveling to Valyria. Plus he was honestly sure that they were going to be very successful. Call it a hunch.
-Essos. Volantis (a month later)-
Harry looked around the city and felt uneasy. The only reason they were raiding was to fill their larders with the surface food for the ground transport. He didn't know how long it would take to get everything because it included the dragon skeletons, potential eggs, armor, weapons, and the potential gold in their strongholds.
He didn't think badly of Volantis per se, it was just another city that was currently dealing with its own day to day life. The problem he had with Volantis was that... arrogance. A stupid thought of superiority that made them believe they were above others and believed that they were responsible for maintaining a legacy that should be kept dead.
They had plenty of food. They seriously had a ton of food. The food chests were packed to the rafters with food kept in suspension. But on top of that were the various ship pantries. There was plenty of food. But this had to be done. The problem I had was that Volantis was a troubled city at the best of times.
At this time Volantis was the most powerful city in Valyria. Unlike the other cities, they did not depend on the slave trade and lived off the production of food, which they sold to other cities and even sent to Qarth. They also sold wine of acceptable quality. Their power was no joke and they knew from their lessons that one should never trust anyone who wanted to expand.
However, its economy was weak, this was because since Asgard produced the resources of each free city it meant that the old monopolies no longer existed and therefore the free cities could no longer afford the same benefits as before, in short, their resources were no longer what they used to be.
That was why he had his two wolf guards to follow him once Jon was ashore. Asking him to stay on the ship was a big no. He knew it was a bad idea to try and tie his son to the ship. But at the same time he knew the dangers the boy would be in once he set foot on land. Because there were those in Volantis bold enough to think they could hold his son hostage.
The situation was less than ideal in Hariric's opinion but it was what had to be done. Wendel Manderly was an excellent naval commander. He already knew of the threat of the ships that had gathered on a Stepstone waiting to launch an attack on his rear. Two of the Frigates would stay behind to attack.
As Hariric set off he turned to look at Wendell who looked just as annoyed as he was. Everyone's gaze was focused on them. The Galleons were supposed to be the ones transporting all the resources or so people thought. Deceptions were necessary. Unbeknownst to the people each ship would serve as a transport and he was sure it would be satisfactory.
''Captain Wendell, I think it's only fair to inform you at this point that it's best that you discipline your sailors. This is not a pleasure trip. I don't want one of them near the pleasure houses, and I want guards. I don't trust there to be any saboteurs.'' Saboteurs were a serious threat. And he preferred not to trust them.
''It will be done as you command my lord. I was already hesitant to trust the number of people watching us. Besides, Volantis has lost a lot of gold. Anything that could harm us is sure to be looked upon favorably by them.'' Wendell agreed with his lord. The good news was that his sailors weren't idiots. That and well, Volantis was better off not being around.
''Good. Because if I find out that a single sailor decides he can go whoring because he thinks we've docked then I'll have his fucking head. We're in enemy territory. We're not wanted here and they'll be looking to hurt us in every way possible.'' Trusting the people of Volantis was like being an idiot. And frankly, he had enough idiots in the world.
''Of course my lord. The crew was chosen because they are professionals and know not to take risks. We have that pirate fleet at our back so you could say it's best not to trust what happens here of all things.'' Trusting in what could happen would be completely dangerous.
Hariric nodded. The good thing was that the sailors knew this wasn't a social visit. Soon a boatload of announcers arrived. They were basically here to ask what they were doing there. He raised an eyebrow, less than affected. If they thought they could just reject him or blackmail him, they were going to learn the hard way how wrong they were.
''I represent the three triarch lords of Volantis. I am Zaquo Il Vanar. I am here to discuss the possible interest an Asgardian navy may have in our waters.'' The representative would have scoffed if he hadn't been met with the most menacing glare in existence. He had even heard of Hariric Stark and they were comments about how brutal he could be.
''We are here to acquire more supplies. We have embarked on a journey for the purpose of a search mission for what Valyria is. We are only here for supplies and have no interest in anything else.'' Harry didn't need to read the man's mind to be able to see his emotions. He was quite despicable if he had to say so himself.
''Your Majesty Stark. We have heard of you. Your reputation precedes you in more ways than one. I hope you understand that we have reason to be concerned about you and your crew. But if you only want to seek to acquire food then I will speak to the triarchs about it.'' It was all he could do and at the same time he wanted to seem important.
''I will wait patiently. However, that doesn't mean I have eternal patience. You have one day to decide. Otherwise, we will go about our business. Although it will hurt, we can live with only part of the food.'' Hariric could see that the man had intended to prolong this as long as possible. This would screw up his plans.
As Harry watched them leave he frowned. He could practically feel the animosity. The city lived off of his business and if he was strangling them he knew they wouldn't be happy. At the same time though he couldn't care. He still had to pay attention to his son who was soon at his side.
''Father, how are you sure they'll be here to talk in a day? For all we know they could try to make some kind of power play of their own.'' Jon frowned. He didn't like it but he wanted to think that those were the possibilities.
''A power play only makes sense when you know you can win. The triarchs of Volantis think they're going to lose. They know I have no love for Volantis because of its ties to the Targaryens, or rather because of their own tactics, so obviously if I'm given the choice I'll just walk away.'' Harry shrugged. It was the harsh reality. Plus he despised slavers.
''Then... they'll come trying to do business with us and then this will all be over. Better yet, I don't like the city. It gives me a bad feeling. I have a feeling that something bad could happen to us.'' Jon didn't know why. His confidence that nothing would happen to him because of who he was evaporated as he looked at the city before him.
''Those are your instincts. Those who possess powerful magical gifts are able to affect the world as a whole that means you can essentially see the world much better. Your talents are improving at an unprecedented rate my son.'' Instincts or sixth sense was an ability that was partially seer-like. It was logical that it was strong in Jon with his Targaryen and Stark blood.
''I suppose. But that city. What I feel...I have no words. Even now they are plotting against us possibly waiting to be able to strike us painfully and do us extreme damage.'' It didn't take a genius for Jon to see the advantages of striking them.
''Volantis is a city of great pride. They feel powerful and strong so they will not hesitate to try to take advantage of it. Tomorrow they will return with an appointment for me. I will meet with one of the triarchs possibly to discuss business. In the meantime you have free rein to explore the city.'' Harry could see the surprise in Jon's eyes.
''While it's true that the city's arrogance could be a problem at the same time a smart triarch will seek an alliance to boost his position in the city. You can explore as much as you want while I have this damn job.'' I could see the smirk on Jon's face.
''Jo, I know you don't have the utmost confidence in Volantis. Not when the city is so saturated with the energy of the red faith. But at the same time it's better for you to move around the city, it's very important for you to see this world. It may seem harsh and cruel, but that's life.'' Harry could tell that his son was upset but that's what he as a father had to do.
Harry watched Jon leave and honestly…he hoped this would end well. He didn't do this out of pleasure or self-interest. He believed that showing his son that the cruelty of life was in more than just his origin was for the best. Volantis and the free cities showed a cruelty that was rarely appreciated by the people. Learning that reality was for the best.
For Jon, being a bastard was horrible and made no sense. Jon had been recognized as a Stark. No one disrespected him. And more importantly, he had an education. So he deduced one of two things. Either Jon was obsessed with his stupid status due to the fact that he thought that was all there was to him.
I knew Jon's way of thinking was changing, the acceptance of his family and the way more people saw him ensured that situation. But this is where Volantis came into play, a city that cared little about your blood, your status and your religious beliefs. A city where those who were not of it were just another commodity.
Asgard's security was impenetrable. The safety net he had woven as a child, slowly but surely harnessing the power of the ley lines. With Rivers dead and the end of the walkers drawing ever closer, he knew that protecting the nation was nearly insurmountable. But there was one weak point: his son. That seed of R'hllor was gaining strength and had to be removed before it became a real threat.
This was the most important reason for their trip and it seemed they had taken the bait. A smile appeared on his face as he felt her magical presence. She wasn't the fucking bitch who started this, but she was one and powerful. It seemed they were preparing for something. Well, he would be patient.
In the end, what mattered was his family, his kingdom, and his future. Everything else was dispensable. And in the end, that would mean burning a lot of people along the way, which he didn't exactly care about. That's life, unfortunately.
-Next morning-
As he had expected, a triarch had wanted to speak to him: Malaquo Maegyr. The leader of the tigers and possibly one of the most influential people in the city. Without a doubt, one could say that Malaquo was anything but weak. And much less useless.
Malaquo was the example of a survivor; seeing that the ships of the other cities were beginning to cause problems, he had sought rapid and efficient expansion. He had become the leader of the tigers. And although the Elephants could have the power to contain him, the fall of R'hllor as a faith had been more than beneficial, since man had taken advantage of it to obtain total control of the tiger cloaks.
Malaquo was a proud man, his family respected and feared him. They would never go against him or his will. They were also a representation of his power hence he made sure that the undesirable parts of the family were dealt with. From what he had heard he had a granddaughter who looked like someone worthy of respect and a child who was being trained to be a reliable successor.
Harry knew that Malaquo was only meeting with him because they were two powerful people who were aware that if one was offended things could get ugly…for Volantis. Malaquo was under no illusion that House Stark wouldn't seek retribution if he offended them so he naturally decided he wanted to see him. Smart move and with good reason.
But Hariric was also far from being stupid enough to trust Malaquo simply because he was a politician who was interested in making his city stronger and more powerful. The smart thing to do would be to seek an alliance. But then again there was the fact that Malaquo did not like foreigners.
Not that I could blame the man. Volantis existed with a working mechanism geared towards a certain job. Needless to say, stupid people would get in Volantis' way if they made a mistake, thus damaging the entire balance of power, and another reason for him not liking foreigners is their stupid attempts to poke their noses into internal politics.
In the end Harry understood Malaquo or at least his agenda. To make his city prosperous. His goal was that, of course the logical thing would be to make alliances or jobs that would end in a positive way for him. That meant in a few words that Malaquo could ally himself with him, he might not like it but a benefit was a benefit. And the man had possibly made calculations of what the future of Volantis was.
The meeting was unescorted on both sides, which showed that Malaquo probably knew that he alone was dangerous enough to kill. He couldn't say he blamed him, magic radically changed the playing field. So he sat in a comfortable chair while he watched the sixty-year-old man sit in front of him.
The office was in the impressive mansion of the maegyr family, he had seen a young girl of Jon and Rob's age who was quietly reading one of her medical books. It may not have looked like it but he was happy that what needed to be done was being done. Knowledge should not be hoarded in some senses.
Malaquo was an imposing man of sixty, not in shape like a bodybuilder but actually showing a fairly solid physical appearance if he was completely honest. There was a way about his gaze that made it clear that he was imposing and did not allow for wasting time. He would have made a good politician in the magic court.
''King Stark, it is a pleasure. When you said that House Stark was planning to purchase shipments of food I was actually a little surprised. Especially for a voyage that carried the king himself in the process.'' Malaquo Maegyr was not as stupid as some of his associates. There was a reason the Maegyr family was the most powerful of the Tigre families.
''I'd say I'd rather be a thousand miles away from Valyria, I've never been one to brave a walking hecatomb and what happened there can easily be classified as an extinction type event that would be best treated with great caution.'' Harry looked at the wine and probed it with magic. It was clean which proved the man knew better than to mess with it.
''I see, you're not one of those fools who lets his accomplishments go to his head. And I suppose that since you possess magic you know or at least have an idea of the dangers that lie in Valyria and therefore the mortal threat that there is for you on that journey, that's good.'' And here Malaquo thought the man was an idiot, instead he was a person who knew or had a terrifying idea of what exactly could be happening.
''An abomination is when a large amount of sacrificial negativity forms and becomes conscious. There is no time frame, but seeing as how the Valyrians sacrificed people for thousands of years and the result of volcanoes exploding, I can't say if it's possible for such a thing to exist.'' It was a completely valid and simple answer.
''And I suppose the interest in seeing if there are riches to be gained in the process isn't a bad thing per se. I assume you're doing this for those reasons, not that I blame you. If I had been born with your gifts I would surely have attempted the same. Tell me Hariric Stark, why do you think I agreed to meet you instead of simply handing over a price for goods eh?'' Malaquo looked at the man who just raised an eyebrow at the matter.
''For your own interests. You want to expand Volantis' influence and power and take control of the disputed lands, you want to ensure the continued consumption and purchase of food from the other cities, and you wish to strike a trade deal with me.'' It was the simple reality, the man seemed to agree with him.
''Indeed, you see I am proud of my Valyrian heritage. We are what we are and where we come from. And not being proud of such things is foolish. Just as you are proud of your Asgardian heritage, but Volantis is facing a difficult situation and you know what it is, don't you?'' Malaquo looked at the man who did not want to beat around the bush.
''Asgard's resource production has strained the coffers of Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh. All three cities are nearly bankrupt or at least under-assetted. You want a new trading partner, let me guess, perhaps selling our products to the east like Braavos does to the eastern coast of Westeros and the eastern cities?'' Ariric looked at the man who nodded affirmatively.
''Indeed, I want to secure a powerful trade for Braavos, I am a tiger and I seek expansion. But for expansion money is needed, for there to be money there must be business. Until now the other free cities were a good resource, but if I take control of the disputed lands I will be able to completely crush the other cities, don't you think?'' Malaquo looked at the king and saw his confirmation.
''Securing a powerful trading ally through which you could sell spices, silk, drink and glass would ensure that you could maintain control over the cities in question and since they had no land to produce food with you would basically control their ability to keep themselves full. Pretty clever, I approve.'' It was a good plan and he got a lot out of it.
''I'm glad we can do business, and well, there's one thing. You see, we don't have many healers or experts in certain fields. And trusting the maesters is difficult for us, after all, they are foreigners. How much would it cost to essentially agree to send people to learn their arts at this university of yours in Isengard?'' Malaquo was very happy, this would expel those vulgar gray rats that had entrenched themselves in his beautiful city.
However, before Hariric could speak, the sound of bells was heard. Malaquo watched in wonder as Hariric pulled out what was a glass mirror of unprecedented quality in a silver frame. It was so beautiful, but what surprised him most was that it established a connection with another person. That was incredible, magic was something revolutionary and unique.
''Jason, has something happened? I know I said the red faith could try anything seeing as we were outside of Asgard but I had a hard time believing that as a possibility?'' Hariric looked at the man in front of him, the mention of said faith infuriated him and he didn't need to be a genius to know that they were not on his good side.
'' A red priest appeared, one of great standing that I believe you should know. The priest Benerro, was also accompanied by a pair of sellswords from the company of the disowned titan. His son… is unconscious. We have imprisoned Benerro my lord.'' Anyone who knew the Snow could practically hear the emotion of the man, Jon was his ward to protect.
Malaquo couldn't believe it, he had unceremoniously expelled Bennerro when faith had gotten involved in Westeros' troubles due to his fanaticism and constant attempts to secure people to be sacrificed in the fire. While he had faith, it wasn't for a being that demanded sacrifices damn it. And he knew someone else had to have something to do with this. A tiger or an elephant, damn those fools.
''Take my son to the boat, I'll be right there. I was having a very lively conversation with Mr. Malaquo of the tigers. And obviously I'm not going to hold Malaquo or anyone in his family guilty, although I'll appreciate any investigation he can do.'' He looked at the man in question who, although pale, was determined.
'' Understood my lord. We will await your return patiently. Sir I would like to urge you, while Benerro could not do much, there are some men injured with burns and I would like confirmation that there is no dark magic. The doctors may be well trained, but their knowledge of magic is greater.'' Jason's most serious concern was the people under his command, in addition to securing young Jon he also wanted to secure his soldiers obviously.
''Fine. I'll be back shortly. I doubt very much that Mr. Malaquo will take it into account, we will send an envoy to confirm this trade agreement and the other request he had. I'll cut and close, safe journey to the commanding ship.'' There was no point in wasting time on this one, the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally arrived.
Harry was not pleased, he had been looking for a way to get the leech out of his son and although he knew that this was the quickest method at the same time it was the most dangerous due to the potential side effects. At the same time the Winter King was worried about what his enemies could have done if anything.
''Lord Malaquo, first of all I want you to know that I am in favor of a potential trade alliance between our nations and that I will send an envoy to set the prices and what is indicated. But right now it seems that some stupid priest wants to take my son away from me, I had thought that he was harsh enough with said faith. Apparently I was wrong.'' That was what infuriated him, that they thought they could get away with it.
''Your decisions are not without reason, Winter King. I did everything in my power to expel those religious fanatics from this city. It seems that one of my opponents must have given them sanctuary. I would like to know if you learn something new from them so that I can be able to break their idea of what is allowed.'' It was his only request, to know who was the madman who gave them shelter.
''That will be all yours, as tempting as it would be to ask you to allow me to pass through them cleanly in my own way, I know I cannot just butt into the affairs of a nation that is not my own. I only ask that you make sure that we finish them off efficiently, with no loose ends and no tolerance whatsoever.'' He saw the man nod in agreement.
Malaquo was in complete agreement with Lord Hariric's request. He could easily guess that the plan had been to introduce the wizard of the red faith with the intention of causing harm and much more. Of sowing chaos and reducing his influence, he could not allow it. He would eliminate the threat, he was more than sure that it would be a very ambitious member of the tigers.
''Lord Hariric, if I may be so bold? During this cleansing I would like to request that I be allowed to send my granddaughter Thalissa to study at the University of Isengard. She is too soft and might not look kindly on the decisions to be made.'' His granddaughter was too kind in his view.
''It's not a problem really, if what you say is true this course of action would make her lose faith in your family. Making her believe that you are unsuitable in some way, the best course of action in such a case is to get her out of the city. But I would recommend some time, there is a pirate fleet right now preparing in the Stepstones for an attack'' with those words said Hariric called out to Hedwigg and left on his llama journey.
Malaquo stated at this very moment that this was the best course of action. For one thing he wanted to see those priests dead, faith should not have the power they had. Furthermore they had gradually driven out the faith of the ancient Valyrians and it was unacceptable. He might speak further with Lord Hariric, any way to remove this putrid cancer from his city would be the best thing to do.
''Call my son, tell him I have some plans to inform him of. And also start by making an assessment, some bastard has allowed those red priests into the city, I want their skins, one of those morons has attacked the Starks, damn it.'' And so began the long road to obtaining revenge.
He wasn't going to leave a threat in his city when he could perfectly prevent it.
-Barco: Winter wolf-
Hariric arrived on his flame journey and saw his son being treated by one of the two doctors. Red veins could be seen all over his body as he heard the laughter of that damned red priest. Without thinking, he used magic and gave him such a blow that it left him breathless. The audacity of these people to think that they can harm his family, where exactly did it come from?
''Please keep him quiet, my next actions require concentration and I don't want that damn fool bothering me in the meantime.'' It didn't take long for Hariric to begin weaving the magic needed to help his son before the eyes of an entire crew clearly impressed by his achievements.
Harry looked at his son, first step: analysis. He needed to know what was wrong with Jon, so he performed an analysis and understood that Benerro in exchange for all his magic stored in that pendant of his had forcibly activated the magic seed of R'hllor in him.
With this action, Jon was expected to become the next avatar and be reborn as his lord. Unfortunately for him, it was step two: containment. While it is true that he would never dream of even thinking of containing a god in the best of times, it was easy to discover that this was not the full power of said god.
So, channeling the power he had with his old version, he let the power of death itself appear and began to expel or at least contain the power of the red god. Before everyone's eyes (and Bennero's fury) the red marks were seen disappearing from his son's body.
Bennerro's magic was pathetic, so even with activation it was weak. So Harry's raw magic and power did the trick, but it had side effects. While his children were always going to be strong, in Jon's case he saw that he wouldn't be short either. Now Jon's power was truly combining, creating the true union of ice and fire so to speak.
Jon's hair turned a different color, it was still black but instead of being a simple black it was now like seeing a black that reflected the darkness of the night itself. Jon's skin became paler than the white it was before. And when he looked for a moment at his son's eyes they turned a very beautiful amethyst color.
He felt the seed struggle against him, but he didn't waste any time and grabbed it and pulled it out. It came out through the mouth, and everyone was disgusted to see a thing that seemed to have orange tentacles. Bennerro was screaming all the time, calling out for his lord. Until Hariric channeled the power of death and ended up crushing the piece of power as if it were nothing.
There was silence as Benerro stood there, watching him all the while. Hariric approached the priest who was now looking at him with obvious dread. Not that he blamed him entirely, but he wasn't in the mood. So he punched him in the face and watched him shake, weaker than ever due to the loss of magic.
''You tried to kill my son, I usually don't take threats from those who are so fucking weak and pathetic seriously. But you've managed to make it possible for me to be interested. Did you want my attention? Congratulations, because now you have it, you piece of scum.'' With that, he entered Bennerro's mind without any mercy.
He had a list of every damn priest, their locations, and much more. Most of them were hiding in Myr, the free city offering them shelter in exchange for being a weapon to use against the Asgardian power. The one he was most interested in, though, was Melissandre of Ashai. Unfortunately, the woman was always on the move.
No matter, the hunt was on. And the red faith was going to die. Besides, Ashai seemed interested in reaching out to them somehow. Their alliance would be completely wiped out and she would deal with them later.
Nobody threatened his family and he stayed alive, damn it.