
Chapter 44: ch 44

Travel preparation

-West. Kingdom of Asgard. Year 292 BC-

-Training camps-

Cregan was looking at the training fields with his violet gaze that made it clear that no one was to mess with him. At fourteen years old he was recognized as a genius and prodigy without equal. Although of course, with his father being Hariric Stark, few could say that they could compare to him.

He was currently on his three-month break. The city of Isengard had a very good teaching method. He had nine months of constant education and after completing those nine months, there were evaluation exams. At the end of those exams, it was known if one passed the grade or fell behind. And then they would have three months of break.

The method proved to be effective. And of course, many people learned. Most nobles like him took lessons that had to do with administration and management. Although there were also lessons in diplomacy, politics, military strategy and also analysis. He also had to take magic lessons.

His father had passed him what he called a Holocron which was a giant library of all his magical knowledge. Every time he passed a level he would receive access to the next level which was excellent news in his mind. Because as he discovered, his father's magical knowledge was unprecedented.

He and his sister were very different. His sister had a love for alchemy. He for enchantment. His sister used a spear. He aspired to use his father's mighty sword. As if that wasn't enough they had their own wolf pups but where his was a female that he named Freya his sister got a hyper active male that she named Apollo for the golden color of his fur.

A sigh escaped his lips as he patiently watched what was happening on the training ground. To be honest, one good thing that happened at the academy was that all the noble children knew that they were on the same level there and that unprecedented behavior was expected of them.

Most of the children who could afford to enter the academy went on to specialized classes: doctors, engineers, architects, blacksmiths, masters of war. The academy had its own system of hiring as well as teaching. At least a third of its graduates stayed in Isengard while the rest spread out across the cities of the ever-growing kingdom.

And Cregan knew it was all thanks to his father. Many in the south called him the Stark beast. He wanted to growl. What did those idiots know about his father, huh? Those delusional fucking morons thought they were special for some reason and never understood what it was like to sacrifice for his family. He knew that better than anyone.

He had come across his father's journal and had learned a lot from what it said. Basically his father sacrificed any happiness for the sake of strengthening Asgard. The only drops of happiness in his life were his family and loved ones. That's what made him truly happy as the son of the house.

Cregan groaned at the memory of Jon as well. Now called Jon Stark. The boy might be considered a bastard by many. But to Cregan he was his little brother. He had noticed that his brother had carried a heavy burden on his shoulders. And he thanked the heavens that his little brother never wanted to join the already dwindling Night's Watch.

The Night's Watch had practically lost its existence. Everything went to hell with Aegon Targaryen who turned it into a prison. Really? A fucking prison? Damn Targaryens. The only one with Targaryen blood that he liked was Rhaenys, but of course saying that Rhaenys was a Targaryen was rather wrong. The only thing Targaryen about her were her violet eyes. For everything else she was a Dornish girl.

Rhaenys and her sister were the closest to him. A part of him had been seriously worried when he thought his father might betroth them. He had learned about betrothals and he didn't like them. Noble blood? They bled just like little ones. What the hell was that? For fun, his father actually found that funny.

His mother was the one who brought him out of these thoughts when she asked him a question: how do you marry a member of the family? She said this more than anything to point out that the family that marries like this does so looking for some kind of advantage. What advantage could the Stark house seek in all this? She asked him that and he knew the answer.

His father didn't see marriage contracts as something to be taken out of hand. Why would he? What was the point of marrying his children off? Of course he wanted his children to have families just like him. But he didn't want them to marry out of duty. After all, marrying out of duty had a tendency to blow up in your face in a violent manner.

Cregan sighed. Seriously, his father was a better leader than those southern cunts, he'd heard of them. How they planned, how they devised their tactics based on how best to take someone else's wealth. While there was fighting in Asgard, the lords had plenty of space and their own industries, and his father would never allow anyone to upset the balance.

A shout caught his attention and he saw Jon facing his opponents: two at a time. Jon used the bastard sword (and no, he didn't do it to mock his status) and a short sword at the same time. Both weapons were his tools and he used them with deadly skill. Cregan smiled at seeing his brother being so efficient in the field and smiled even more at the humility he showed and his ability to teach.

''It seems our cute little brother is spreading his wings. About time if you ask me. He'll be arriving at Isengard soon and I have to admit I'm more than looking forward to what we'll witness with him there.'' Belladonna appeared from the shadows as was her custom. After gaining access to Ashai's information she became fascinated with shadow magic. She was an assassin and proud of it.

''Anyone else would have been scared by what you do. Your shadow manipulation keeps improving with each passing day. At this rate father believes you'll be able to use the lives of others to create your own shadow manipulations. It's quite satisfying.'' That was another difference. Where she loved being in the dark and not being seen he was the one in sight. They were a pair no one rejected him.

''I like it. And I know that unlike many useless people, Father doesn't think we're wrong for taking advantage of every advantage we have at our disposal. The fools of the Red Faith made it seem like they thought their talent was unique. Ashai is better off since they were expelled.'' To everyone else, the Red Faith resided in Ashai. The reality was that they had hidden out of fear.

''Good. As for our brother finally stretching his claws and sharpening his fangs I'm happy. His potential is through the roof at the same level as us and little Andromeda.'' He was a proud older brother. Screw those who thought they could screw his brother.

''Father discovered another supposed trader arriving to speak with Jon. I think it's obvious that people are taking an interest in him. I've heard that the magisters of Lys and Volantis seem to have a great interest in him for his possible entry into their families.'' Belladonna nearly roared. That they dared to think of her brother as a tool. She would kill them all.

''I can't say I'm surprised. But I did like Jon's last response. How he completely told everyone to fuck with him in any way to go. It was most satisfying if you ask me.'' The last merchant to come along didn't come out as well as he would have liked.

''Father is losing his patience. And if they keep defying him like they are doing, it's quite possible that people will lose a lot more than they let on. Father is very protective of all of us, especially the younger pups.'' To say that Belladonna knew what her father would do when threatened is an understatement.

''You know what I think and what I feel. Our family is powerful but our enemies will not just leave us alone. They will do whatever they think is necessary to be able to strike us safely.'' People are jealous. Cregan had lost the number of girls who were thinking of trying to get their hands on him for his position.

''It's hard to find a suitable partner when no one sees you for what you are and only thinks you're a tool to expand their own will. I'll never understand people. Why do they think they can use us in any way?'' Belladonna scoffed. If she married someone like that, then it was clear that he would only be a reproductive tool.

''If you ask my opinion it's because people are greedy but at the same time blind and short sighted. Do they really think we're so incompetent that we can't see what they think of us? No wonder father is unhappy about it.'' Cregan sighed. His father certainly wanted to see them get married if only so he could have grandchildren to spoil. It was funny how the most fearsome man in the world had such a familiar vibe.

''...I spoke to the intelligence division. They were all less than pleased. It seems Varys the spider is communicating with a magister from Pentos. A very strong contact who is apparently the man's oldest ally. And the spies can only learn tidbits from them.'' Oh if only everyone had the same talents as father.

''Peace sister. Our enemies will eventually come to fear us as they should. If they think that we will just let them get away with it. But it surprises me. You would think that I would be looking to hire some assassins to get to Mother, Elia, Shelia and Rhaenys.'' Of course the mere thought of that happening infuriated him.

''Do you think it could be possible that this man is making deals to get his hands on Rhaenys? Many seem to think that Rhaenys could marry Steffon, thus uniting the two bloodlines and thus ending the feud between House Targaryen and House Baratheon.'' It was a very visible possibility.

''I won't dismiss that possibility. And it might actually explain why Rhaenys is increasingly in a bad mood. She was taken to speak with Mother Elia and Father and she didn't seem at all happy. Possibly it's the plans of those who want to use her as a tool of some kind.'' The Southerners had no respect for anyone unless it made them more powerful.

''I almost feel sorry for them then. Trying to get to Rhaenys will be the most difficult and complicated task they could ever imagine laying a hand on. Not only is Mother Elia not wanting anything to do with the South but there's also the fact that Father wouldn't allow it.'' Knowing his father if a proposal came he would have their heads on a pike.

''We both know that amuses you more than anything dear sister. You're anxious, I can't say I blame you. Father and Mother have passed on to us everything they know about those pathetic southern lords. Schemers, Planners, and Manipulatives. There are so many ways to describe them it's not funny at all and none of them are fucking good.'' There was no apt description for the southern lords in her parents' words.

''However, I am not far from ignorant. I am well aware that they are capable of being tricksters and that they think they are above others in their actions.'' Belladonna would never underestimate an opponent. She learned that lesson the hard way at the hands of her father.

''Are you still thinking of making that trip south sister? If word gets out that Hariric Stark's daughter is in the south I can assure you that the southerners will move heaven and earth to get their hands on you.'' He was still shocked by his sister's recklessness but he deduced that she had to have her reasons.

''I am interested in seeing the south. The so-called kingdom that thinks itself powerful. I want to see it with my own eyes. And anyone who dares to oppose my advance will meet their end at the hands of me and my ladies.'' With her words spoken Belladonna left Cregan alone.

Cregan wanted to groan. His sister wanted to travel south to see him. He didn't understand. Asgard was basically the same although his father always brought ideas that would make Asgard the most advanced and powerful kingdom. What did his father say? Without progress you stagnate, if you stagnate you die. His father didn't agree with standing still and doing nothing.

He sighed as he thought of his sister traveling south. That was just an offer to stir up trouble and he knew it. Thankfully his sister agreed with her parents that she would only leave once she reached seventeen and demonstrated talent in various fields of magic as well as bringing along a mixed group of travelers she could rely on.

Cregan wanted to groan. His sister's headaches were unprecedented. But at the same time he knew and could tell that it was stupid to challenge his sister when she had gotten it into her head that she wanted to travel south. What did she want? What was it about the south that intrigued her? Or maybe it wasn't that. Maybe she was looking for a fight.

She knew her sister well enough to be able to make an assessment of her with just one look. And her sister loved putting people in their place more than anything. She loved doing that in what was the combat in Isengard where she showed off her talent with the spear. And that was when people didn't challenge her with their magic. Because then people should really be scared.

But he was a good brother. Plus knowing his father as he did, his choice of companions were possibly some of the most dangerous soldiers and guardians known. He could only feel pity for the first moron who thought he could screw with his sister in any way.

With a final sigh he decided to approach his brother who was working on other exercises. His father insisted that when training you had to train your body, your reflexes and the speed of your mind. The swift sword as he would say. Thinking about it he could see Jon throwing quick blows. Moving with dexterity and skill. He was quite good.

''You're doing very well Jon. I think if you continue down this path it could be said that essentially your talent with the sword will surpass many of the family members. Keep this up and I'm sure we'll soon have the best swordsman in the realms in the family.'' His father didn't refer to himself as a swordsman. A swordsman was a master of sword technique. His father simply crushed.

''Brother...I guess. I wanted to learn more about swordsmanship. There are many capable and competent fighters in the art of swordsmanship and father can crush and shatter. I want to be the best at swordsmanship so I can have the title of the Winter Sword of Asgard.'' It was a highly sought after title and hell there was a tournament every two years for people to compete for the title.

''The Winter Swordsman, huh. That's not a bad goal. In fact, I think you have what it takes to be possibly the greatest swordsman in the entire kingdom if you put your mind to it. You just need to get a few things right and we're sure to witness a lot of people staring in awe at your overall skill.'' Cregan was sure of it.

''I want to bring honor and glory to the family. But at the same time I can't join the legion until I complete my ranks. And I don't know if I have the makings of an officer to be honest.'' Jon didn't want to seem weak but in the eyes of his older brother that's how he felt when he was seen.

''Being an officer in the Legion is one of the most difficult jobs. Officers are expected to have more than just discipline and command. They are expected to be cunning, intelligent, well-read, and above all, not afraid of battle.'' Officers went through hell. But they were well regarded throughout Asgard.

''That's why I want to see if I can be better first. Plus I have... my talents. I don't know what to do about it. It feels a little weird to be honest.'' With his talent he was referring to his gift for fire and blood magic as well as the gift he had for combat having the ability to see something before it happens allowing him to defeat better opponents.

''Your abilities are as much a part of you as the ability to breathe, drink and eat. It's just an extension of yourself and if you want my opinion on it you're just arguing about it for the simple fact that you feel like a fraud.'' Frankly even with all of his help Jon had times where he felt bad because he thought he was cheating.

''It's not being a fraud, it's just that... look Cregan, I don't know what will become of my life. I'm eleven years old and soon I will go to Isengard where I will be trained and prepared in many fields and I'm afraid. What if I'm not the right one? What if I lack the same talent that the others have?'' Jon looked down in shame, thinking he would receive a mocking comment.

Cregan looked at his brother. Well at least he stopped thinking he was inferior because he was a bastard. But he still thought he was in an inferior position due to the fact that he didn't know what to do with his life. Sighing he decided to respond to it as his father had taught him. A good reminder.

''Jon, whatever you want to be is up to you and you alone. If you want to be a soldier or an officer, serving in the armies for the rest of your life, you will have the support of your family above all else.'' It should have been pretty obvious if you stop to think about his own lack of confidence. Jon's problems were that he didn't know what to do with his life.

''If you want to become the Sword of Winter, listen to me say that you will have my support and that of Father. Hell, Father will probably tell you that you have the material, the talent and the pure skill to become the greatest swordsman in all of Asgard.'' Jon had that potential and everyone knew it. He just needed it to be told to his head.

''But if what you're worried about is what will happen to you, why don't you ask Father? Why not end the agony and decide to ask him? Father doesn't burden us with heavy tasks or make our lives difficult. He gives us tools, advantages and possibilities. It all depends on what we want to do with those skills, Jon.'' His brother was a bit of a fool but he didn't blame him for it.

Jon didn't know what to say. His brother always told him things that were so true. So full of truth and with such great opportunities. He didn't know what to say about it other than the fact that Jon still felt like a fool for being taken in by all these things. He just felt a little bad but in the end it is what it is.

''Jon never forget. Never lose sight of the reality, We are a family. We support each other. When you need me no matter what anyone says or anyone's best laid plans. You will always have us by your side.'' With those final words spoken Cregan knew he had to let his brother think.

He had more to do. Like seeing his little sister Andromeda and the little ones of mother Elia and mother Shelia. They were all his siblings and it was his sworn duty to protect them above all else. No matter what anyone said. He was Cregan Stark. One day he would become the Winter King. And he was the eldest brother. He would put thousands to the sword before he would let them touch a single finger of his family.

-Council Chamber-

The council was once again gathered. The reason? The expedition that Asgard had planned to make to Valyria. An expedition led by the Winter King himself. Needless to say, the opinions of many were up in the air. But in the end Hariric Stark was mostly determined by the fact that he wanted this.

He did not do it out of hunger for power. Nor did he do it out of eagerness to expand the name of the Stark house. But for three reasons. The first Valyria was a cesspool that was sucking and worsening the environmental magic. Essentially the magic of nature was being consumed and regurgitated as black tar which was unacceptable to Hariric.

Asgard produced a lot of magical energy thanks to the points from which magic came out in the form of the wards he wove. But that energy was not expanding throughout the world. It was contained for the moment in Asgard, which he did for the simple reason that if that well was connected it would try to suck the magical energy and turn it into more tar.

Harry didn't have to be a genius. The red god. As broken as he was and much more, he was responsible for what happened in Valyria. The sacrifice of the Valyrian bloodlines and every dragon there. All that energy was used to empower him. This same energy later allowed him to create his cult. No, not create it. Empower it. Needless to say, it wasn't good.

But the most important reason to cut it off is what could come out of it. Harry knew magic like the back of his hand. He studied, learned, breathed and lived for magic. Every skill he had had been honed by years of practice and more practice. And magic was a power he knew it was never a good idea to leave alone.

One of the greatest examples was the city of Hamunaptra. It was little known that the city of the dead was where pharaohs from many dynasties were buried with incredible wealth. But the pharaohs were bastards and performed sacrificial magic on a grand scale. Each burial had at least a hundred more slaves who died with it. Hundreds of slaves. For every pharaoh. It led to a monstrous existence.

A plague. And that same plague could sweep the world if they weren't careful. The plague destroyed Egypt and several other countries around it. It was a total threat. So it's only natural that Harry would want to stop it. The good news didn't have the thousands of years of sacrifice. The bad news had far more power than what they did.

Another reason he went was because to be honest he wanted to know more about Valyrian magic. From what he saw and learned from the books taken from the citadel, Valyrian magic used blood magic and fire magic. Neither is bad per se. What made them bad was that the Valyrians used human sacrifices because they were idiots who didn't want to learn to master their magic like everyone else.

Harry wanted to see if there were any other things he could salvage. Anything would be beneficial. And of course there was the military advantage to Asgard if he got his way. But there was more. He wanted to use Valyrian knowledge to bring back another alchemical knowledge that revolutionized his world to unprecedented levels: Dust.

Dust was inspired by the RWBY series that his daughters found entertaining. But when he watched the series he was only interested in that: Dust. Because Dust seemed to be a way to manipulate different forms of energy efficiently: heat energy in the form of fire and ice, electrical energy in the form of lightning and gravitational energy. Many advantages to exploit.

Harry wanted to revolutionize Asgard and make them the main existing force in the world with control of a clean, renewable energy source that they would have complete control over. Thanks to the many alchemists he now had, he could say that they could make use of Dust or at least in fair quantities that it was good enough.

But the last reason…was to spring a trap. Ever since he came to the south where Elia lived, he knew that there were those who were planning against her and against him. Robert was not even slightly skilled at hiding that he wanted his Rhaenys dead and in fact he would have put a price on her head if it weren't for the threat of an invasion on her part.

But the one that interested Harry was the puppet master. The man who was pulling the strings to get everyone's attention and make them play along. That man who manipulated them thinking he was clever. Oh yes, he had a hunch that Varys was that puppet master. But even though he knew it was him, he had no way to eradicate his entire organization, which was his absolute priority.

''That's enough. I understand that there is serious concern about the fact that I am thinking of making a trip to Valyria and I am well aware of the danger of such an expedition. That is why before we travel we will take all possible measures.'' Harry was getting tired of people thinking he was just a child.

''My lord, we are sorry. We know you don't want to hear us and we can understand that you are annoyed by the constant comment about how we shouldn't make you be like this. But we are only interested in what is best for you and the kingdom.'' As Minister of Finance he made the calculations. It was dangerous for his lord to make such a trip.

''I am more than aware of the dangers, the threats and how fucking terrifying it is to make this journey. And yes, I am perfectly aware of the dangers I may be moving into. But at the same time I am considering all the available advantages that can be good for us.'' As king his concern was for his family and the kingdom.

''We understand your grace. Forgive us for being so insistent. But you must understand that there is currently a danger and a threat lurking in the shadows. Those who want to harm your family will undoubtedly take advantage of your absence to do so.'' The spy chief, since Shelia decided to give up her position due to how busy she was, well he was nervous about the threats that were presented.

''What exactly do you mean? Has the intelligence agency and intelligence center discovered any specific information that could be a threat to my family?'' If someone did such an idiotic thing, well, they wouldn't get a clean break for nothing. But I'd be patient. It's best not to leave any witnesses.

''Myr is especially anxious. As you know they have almost completely lost their glass business thanks to the better and cheaper glass production we have. In turn they have seen a lack of income which translates into an unsatisfactory waste of resources for them.'' The spymaster was unsure of what to expect. Myr would not rest easy until she had her payday.

''And you're saying that they might be targeting my family for putting their gold in their hands once again? If anything were to happen to my family, even if the attack failed, it would fall on Myr like a mountain.'' If Myr thought they could attack him, it meant that they didn't fear him. Bad for business. The world had to fear him to keep his family safe.

''The threat of Myr doesn't stop there my lord. The Catpaws have their residence and live primarily in Myr using it as their base. They are the premier assassin guild if you don't take the Faceless Men into account. Their skill is beyond doubt.'' The Catpaws were a very dangerous assassin guild and known for their skill. They were not to be taken lightly.

''Who...who's been connecting with them. And don't try to guess. Say what you know. All of it. If an assassin's guild is being hired in any way I want to see them arrested above all else.'' Yeah. He could see it. The Cat's Paws weren't going after him. They were going after his family. Fucking bastards.

''Besides the glassmakers' guild, well we've heard rumors that Jon Arryn may have come into contact with them as well as Doran Martell. While the two groups' goals differ they are not geared toward the same thing.'' The spymaster's calm and collected manner demonstrated his work ethic, for no one could stand in the presence of Lord Stark when he was furious.

''Why would Doran Martell and Jon Arryn seek to partner with an assassins' guild but whose target was not the royal family? That makes no sense at all.'' The minister of law was obviously surprised. And that surprise was in the eyes of every single minister. Why wouldn't they target the royal family if they had the chance?

''The glass guild members think of doing harm. Sending a message. They think that if they can kill your wife or one of your children then they will be able to make you feel pain and then they will be able to make demands of you.'' The Minister of Information and Espionage almost thought it was the most idiotic act.

''Wait a bloody minute, really? You've got to be kidding me. Do they really think that attacking our lord's wife or children and killing them will only make him suffer? If we overthrow a government because of his sister, what the hell do they think will happen if they hit his immediate family?'' All the ministers freaked out. And yes, they were scared because they knew the answer.

''But Doran Martell and Jon Arryn spoke of another target: Princess Elia. They want to kill her or eliminate her. The cause? I don't know. But well, I can only make deductive reasoning about both cases.'' The Minister of Information was now nervous. How could he not be when he was essentially being told that someone was so idiotic as to attack his family?

More than one minister wondered what the Southerners had for brains. It was well known that Lord Stark loved his family more than anything. Elia was the wife of the king. She was the wife of a man who had no fucking problem slaughtering hundreds if he thought they were a threat. Where did their fucking mindset come from to think they could get away with it, damn it?

''Jon Arryn isn't after Elia...he's after Rhaenys. The man is worried that Rhaenys will marry one of my sons and then produce a child who can stake a claim to the southern crown. Idiots.'' Harry thought it was stupid and pointless but people could be really stupid when they wanted to be and when you were a fool you were wrong.

''And as for Doran Martell I can only assume the man wants to kill his sister...to frame us and make us look like we killed her or failed to protect her. He would have every house in Dorne out for blood.'' The situation in Dorne of late was that bad which was an absolute disaster.

The ministers could see exactly where their lord was going and none could deny the truth of their lord's words. Essentially he was saying that the southerners were somehow planning to screw them. Again. Their lord would act against Myr no matter what. But when the time came it would be without a doubt the end of House Arryn. Doran Martell was not known to die.

''That is why, my lord, we have doubts that it is a good idea to let him go to Valyria. Forgive us for seeming demanding, demanding and much more. But we believe that he would not forgive himself in any way for what could happen to his family if something happens.'' It was the truth. They did not want to see the king turn into a mass of anger.

''...I'm afraid the trip can't be called off. But there is...one option we can take in all of this. When our enemies know the truth they will come after them. Without a doubt. So I think it's best we start doing what's right. I won't let my family suffer. Reunion postponed.'' With that said he decided then and there that it was all that could be done.

Harry could say in many ways that the threat was not false. People were genuinely worried and one could even say afraid of what it could mean. He didn't blame them. They were smart about it. The potential possibility of something bad happening to his family would end up with a lot of people suffering without a doubt.

But Harry knew that if he didn't leave, those killers would be hiding. Buying time. And more time. Thinking of ways to do it. And if they saw that he wouldn't leave, they would get them to leave somehow. If you stopped to think about it, the best way to get them out was by him leaving, which bothered him, so he decided it was time to start the plan to make sure his family was safe.

It didn't take long for him to reach his wives' chambers and when he arrived he found them playing with the four two-year-old children. Meanwhile his wife Ashara had Andromeda in her arms talking calmly. He stood there looking at them all and then he felt it. The peak. His magic screamed to be released. To destroy his enemies.

A part of him screamed the desire to bring destruction to Myr. From his point of view of reasoning if he destroyed Myr and slaughtered the Catpaws then he would be in no trouble and his family would be safe. It was a smart, sensible option and one that could end more or less well except that the whole world would ask why. And without proof he could do nothing.

While fear is a useful tool, it is just that… a tool. If the world feels fear at the same time, it feels hate and rage. Both emotions would begin to sicken, turning into anger against him. And he would not be surprised then if someone bold and idiotic did more harm. And more. Until he would be in an ocean of blood.

Whether he liked it or not, he could not let a storm of destruction fall upon his enemies. He had to wait. He had to wait for the moment when it would be possible for him to strike back with all the brutality and cruelty for which he was best known. A cruelty that would earn him even more reputation but this time justified.

''Why are you just standing at the door staring at us? It's not that I mind you staring at all of us but I think it makes us all feel weird thinking that you're not going to come in.'' Ashara smiled while Elia gave her a cheerful smile but Shelia gave her a calculating look. All three of them knew it. Bad news.

''Can't a husband witness how his wives enjoy spending time with their children? I like to see you spend time with them. Children really are the greatest treasure in the world.'' Harry wasn't lying. He found it most satisfying to spend time watching his wives and seeing how they really enjoyed things.

''You're a great soft spoken husband and I won't deny that you're really good at charming people but we're old enough to know when a person is just trying to be a little funny.'' Elia smiled as her little ones squirmed around her. She wouldn't change it for anything. She was a mother. Thanks to the man she loved above all else.

''ahhh well maybe it's because of the fact that it's the most lovely sight? I think if anyone came here and witnessed how my wives spend time with my children they would be more than delighted with it.'' Harry was a little nervous. How did you tell your wives that a group of assassins was coming to them to try and kill them and hurt them?

''Harry, we are not soft maidens. If you have something to say that you think could have a considerable impact on us, please feel free to say it. We will have no problem accepting it.'' Shelia looked at her husband. Yes, there was something bothering him and it was clear as day. But he was afraid to tell her.

Harry knew he had lost the fight no matter what. He had no choice but to accept that he had to tell his wives the truth and that frustrated him more than a little. But in the end he knew that he could never lie to them or try to tell them that there wasn't a problem when the reality was worse than it seemed. That's just how things were.

''A group of morons have hired the Catpaws to try and kill every single one of you. Possibly your children as well. People won't come unless I leave and with the trip to Valyria, I'm trapped.'' His fatherly instincts screamed at him to stay home. To protect his children and defend his wives. But their insistence on dealing the final blow to the Valyrians made him want to go to Valyria.

''Is that all? Hariric we are not untrained and unskilled maidens. We are more than capable of taking care of ourselves.'' Ashara sighed. Her husband could be very sweet. She loved it when he went into protective mode. He may have wanted to tell the others that he wanted to travel no matter what but he was scared of them.

''These are Ashara assassins. I don't trust them and frankly I don't know if they can be trusted not to have some plan. I know you're safe in the city and the fortress but they could try anything at another time.'' Assassins were always cunning. They wouldn't be where they were if they weren't skilled.

''While we can understand your distrust and we actually applaud it, Harry, you have nothing to worry about. With the Valkyries nearby as well as the defenses you have given us, we are more than capable of taking care of ourselves.'' By defenses she meant the rings to detect poisons and an elixir that they always carried on hand in case they were injured by poisonous weapons.

''However, I still worry. You're not just my wives. You're my entire world. If something were to happen to you, how could I tell our children that I, their father, failed in the most important task? I may be a king, but at the end of the day, I'm a father and a husband, and I take my vows very seriously.'' Gods, he was scared. When was the last time he was scared like that?

''Harry, you shouldn't be so afraid for us. Oh yes we understand. Catpaws are anything but weak and are possibly the most useful assassins you'll ever encounter unless you go after the Faceless Men. But you my love must know that this is life.'' Only an idiot person would think they could control everything. At least that's what Shelia thought.

''Harry, we can see the fear in you. It's so present that it's not laughable. But that fear is only limiting you. You have nothing to worry about for us. We are grown women more than capable of taking care of ourselves.'' Ashara found it precious that her husband was simply so kind if she was sincere.

''Also, them trying to kill us is not something we didn't count on. I knew it was going to happen no matter what. We knew it was a possibility. And we are anything but defenseless ladies. If the Cat's Paws come, we will deal with them ourselves.'' Elia was not arrogant. But she was a weak girl and had a lot of faith in her abilities to face her opponents.

''Also, always look at the positive side. The money spent on killing us is money they won't get back. And well, you being you, you should already know that what you have to do is just hit back properly.'' Shelia tried to sound as funny as she could but Harry was still tense, she could see it.

''Now come. Come spend time with our little ones. These children need their father in many ways and let's face it we think you would benefit greatly from spending time with them. There are many joys in the happiness of spending time with children.'' Ashara dragged her husband inside so he could see the children better.

Hariric enjoyed spending his time with his little ones. It was funny how it was the kids that made you lose yourself in more things than anything else he did. Enjoying the kids made him happy. And seeing his wives happy made him happy too. At the same time he was really enjoying being able to ignore other things for a while.

Ashara could feel her husband and she could feel the pain that was running through him. An unprecedented anger was making her consume herself thinking of everything that could be bad for him. For her, her husband had done a lot. But the politics and hunger for power of their enemies was always present and she knew that they would not give up any opportunity they had just like that.

Truth be told, she had been worried. Ever since it was revealed that Elia was here, she had thought assassins would come. The news of Robert Baratheon and how the man hated everything Targaryen made her doubt when she would try to do something. But well, she should have known he would come sooner or later, but that didn't mean she was afraid. In the end, an insect was just that: an insect.

Elia could only sympathize. She knew the assassins' main reason was because they were after her and her precious daughter Rhaenys. As Hariric informed her, Varys kept saying that Prince Aegon the Sixth was in hiding and he couldn't be found. The man knew there never was an Aegon which meant he had his own agenda and you didn't need to be a genius to know she was superfluous in that plan.

Her brother Doran had to be considered as well. After all he wanted a martyr to unite everyone in Dorne behind his plan to install his precious daughter on the throne. How could her brother be so cold and ruthless? She didn't know and to be honest she felt that Doran was like that because of his damn sense of entitlement. She knew that he could also be behind this but she figured that in time she would clear things up with him.

Shelia narrowed her eyes in annoyance. The idea that her family could be in danger bothered her greatly. And it made her furious beyond measure. Her family was something she treasured. Her nephews who were Dareon's children were the most precious children. On top of that she had her own two treasures and someone wanted to take them away from her? She really wanted to go hunting.

She looked at her husband and felt her heart freeze, but not from lack of emotion, but caught up in all the love she could feel from him. Hariric was willing to say that he would not go to the Valyrian raid for them. Of course she knew he had to go. Valyria could be the way to secure a final victory against their opponents.

All three wives were in agreement. They had thought that being passive in their time and just acting like good queens had been enough. But that seemed to bring a false sense of security to their enemies. They thought they were not threats. For they would show that they were just as threatening as their husband was.

-Jon's room-

Jon was very nervous. After the argument with his brother he knew that it was very possible that some things would happen sooner or later. He was nervous, making a name for himself was very attractive. But at the same time he had heard enough stories of stupid people killing themselves for it and well Jon was aware of how bad an idea it could be for him to do such a thing.

The discussion left him more shaken than he might have seemed. Of course he knew that his family was making plans for expansion. Not for nothing, but the lands beyond the wall offered a unique opportunity, although at the same time his father seemed to think it was not entirely necessary.

If he was honest, the idea of ​​expanding Asgard's domain sounded more like a battle plan born to eliminate external threats. And when his father spoke of expansion, did that mean he wanted him to be a part of it? Would he have a right to the lands and their resources? A very negative part of him said no.

That same part of him told him that he was already lucky enough that Lady Stark had loved him like a son. Or that his father had given him her last name instead of calling him a bastard. Yes, it felt like a dream because he had heard of the bastards of the south. Despised, hated and in many ways seen as an affront.

His family was never like that though. Cregan had every right to hate him for being a stain on his father's honour. Instead he saw him as a brother. His cousins ​​saw him as the older brother when they came to visit. And his sister Belladonna always thought very highly of him.

A large part of him was delighted. He had a family. They wanted him. They loved him. But a small shadow kept nagging at him. Telling him he was fake. He hated him with a passion. He wanted to tell that part of him that he had no reason to hate himself when his own family recognized him and thought well of him.

''Still having problems eh Jon? Gods people can be so melodramatic. And people can get hung up on small matters more than you might think.'' Harry had had a good talk. And after putting his little ones to sleep and getting his ladies wives comfortable in bed he decided to check on Jon. His son always had worries.

''I...father, I'm sorry. I just don't know what path to take in life and I was letting it eat me up. Yeah. I know. It's a gigantic load of idiocy but I still can't help but feel like I think I'm on the wrong path somehow.'' Jon wasn't scared. Not at all. In fact, how was he supposed to feel when his father just showed up like that?

''And you think that's weird? By the gods half of the young people don't have a fucking clue what they want to do. You could be on the path to becoming a ranger, healer, soldier or anything. Your potential Jon allows you to be whatever you want to be.'' Harry was lamenting a lot on behalf of his son. The poor thing was tormented by his emotions.

''It's just that you talk about my potential and well I wonder if there is anything good enough for me to do in the future? I mean we're talking about becoming whatever but at the same time I don't know if I'll fall short.'' Jon cringed a little thinking that possibly his father would despise him for it.

''You are my son. You are my family. What matters is your ultimate goal. And at the end of all things what I can assure you my son is that whatever you want to be is what you will achieve. Your potential as I have said is what allows you to be what you want.'' Harry could now see his son's problem better. Not only did he not know what to do with his life. He was also afraid of himself.

''Well I can assure you right now that I will not be joining the Night's Watch Father. Not when I know it's a dying order. When you start exploring the North beyond the Wall they'll no longer be useful anyway.'' The expansion would come sooner or later.

''A bit of a sad day if you ask me. A centuries old order that would cease to exist. Although I'd say it was the Targaryens who killed it. Anyway, tell me... What do you think about coming on a trip with me?'' She had asked him and decided it was a good idea. Unfortunately, her other older children couldn't come.

''Wait, the Valyrian expedition? You want me to accompany you on the Valyrian expedition? Father, why not Cregan or Belladonna? They both have more right to come and well I suppose they'll be more than a little miffed at the fact that you've gone there with me.'' He could well imagine his brothers being furious with him for leaving.

''Oh yes. You see I think what you're missing is seeing the world. Seeing beyond this city. Normally I would have waited for Isengard so you could see that there are so many gates but I thought why not take my son on an extremely dangerous journey with me that will make him more aware of things?'' Harry smiled as he watched his son look at him as if he had grown a second head.

''Father you're weird. I mean why couldn't Cregan and Belladonna come? I mean they're your children too so shouldn't they come with you to see this place?'' He of course hoped his brothers wouldn't criticize him for it.

''To be honest I think your brothers would expect you to do this. It may seem strange to you but it's the opportunity for you to make your own journey. The first step to understanding yourself, understanding and seeing what you want later.'' And that didn't include saying that both of his sons asked him to do this because Jon needed to feel special (plus he needed his sons here, just in case)

Jon honestly didn't know what to say. What would you say to the opportunity to travel to a land where no one else had ever set foot in their life? That would be unprecedented and at the same time would make him more than happy in life. Knowing that his father offered it to him filled him with excitement.

"I'll be ready, father." That was all he had to say on the matter.

''Alright. We'll be leaving with a small fleet. You'll be with me. You'll learn with me. Keep in mind, Jon, that this is a dangerous journey, so get your preparations going, son.'' With that said, Harry stood up.

His goal to save his son's soul was on, he just hoped to succeed.

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