
Chapter 47: ch 47

The Return of the Conqueror and the Truth

-Westeros. Kingdom of Asgard-

-White Port. Main berth-

Ashara stood with Shelia and Elia waiting patiently. Thanks to her husband's reports they knew they should be approaching White Port by now which was why they had come and were here thanks to Hedwig. She grimaced. The phoenix had not been happy that her human was going on a dangerous journey. The same could be said for Ophis and Fenrir. Neither was happy with their decisions.

She was fine with it though. She hadn't wanted to tell her husband but in his absence an assassin had almost succeeded in killing Elia. He had used a mixture of basilisk and manticore venom. The only reason she had been spared was because of the use of phoenix tears. Only because of that was Hedwig more or less at peace.

Ophis hadn't been kind to the human either. Turns out she had more magic than she looked and had grown to the size of a snake half the size of the Hogwarts basilisk. To say she had crushed the savages who tried to kill Shelia was an understatement. She either crushed them or blasted them with her magic.

As for Fenrir, it was shown why the Direwolves were no joke when he killed a group of raiders who came for her when she was traveling to Isengard with her family to see Cregan and Belladonna. She didn't like it. She wanted to show off her magic and power. But it was clear that the wolf needed to let loose so she tolerated it more or less.

It was curious how someone dared to try to kill them in order to harm her husband. The wildlings from the North could not now pass through the new city run by the Cassels so they had to have come by boat which meant that someone had taken them from beyond the north. And when they questioned the survivors they learned that Myr was behind it.

Ashara didn't wince at the thought of what a fucking nightmare this was going to be. Knowing her husband as she did she wouldn't let the military handle this. This was personal. There were rules. And if you didn't follow said rules she was pretty sure he wouldn't follow them either.

Not that she was going to complain about her husband's decision. To be honest, anything that ended with beating the shit out of those delusional morons was a plus in her book. That, and if she had to be honest, she felt it was probably for the best. It seemed like people didn't believe, or at least didn't think her husband was anything to go by.

She didn't understand why she thought that way. If you stop to think about it, her husband had the skills, the power and the wealth. Asgard was a fortune in itself. The wealth they wielded made the free cities look like insignificant children. Although if you stop to think about it, that could very well be the answer to what it was like to feel tiny and want revenge.

In short, the lords of the free cities hated feeling small and insignificant against Asgard. And they wanted to tell her husband that he was not that powerful. That if they wanted to, they could attack him. However, she knew that this whole attack had only succeeded because they had relaxed. Knowing her husband, she was going to set a brutal example for Myr.

She also partly doubted that it was only Myr who was behind this. Call her paranoid but she was a firm believer that the ones behind this were an alliance of multiple merchants who were suffering and whose wealth was dwindling by the day. Possibly that was why they were attacking him to make him feel helpless.

Elia's assailant had been a myr hitman. An assassin from the Red Claw guild. A skilled guild of assassins known to be second only to the Faceless Men. The attack was only nearly successful because of the fact that Elia was riding her horse outside Wintercity as she liked. A stroke of luck.

The attack on Shelia took place when she was checking the different work areas in her territory. Shelia ran the businesses of selling war horses, horses for daily use as well as the use of draft animals. In short, everyone depended on her and she had to make sure that her businesses were not going wrong in some way.

As for her, well, she was visiting Isengard to see her eldest sons. What she hadn't expected was an assault on her person. But all these attacks meant that one of the tolerated spies was passing on the information of her daily life. That considerably reduced the number of potential agents. And more importantly, it had nothing to do with the spies of the free cities.

Her husband and she herself believed that spies should be used to leak information. So far, so good. What she and possibly no one else expected was the fact that someone might be thinking of leaking daily information in some way. That was a huge mistake on their part, damn it. Something they would have to fix no matter what.

However, Ashara was also thinking about who was responsible. It could have been a spy placed by Jon Arryn, Varys, or Petyr Baelish. Or maybe it was all three. The possibilities were many and that meant they dared to attack. Although knowing the situation, she deduced that it was very possible that it had been Jon Arryn because the man had nothing left to lose.

''Gods knowing Harry like we do when he finds out half the shit that's happened he's very likely going to be in the worst mood possible.'' Elia groaned. She hadn't wanted her husband's return to be about essentially seeing the shit that almost happened to them. She just wanted to spend time with her husband and make him happy.

''It's not a shitty bet. Once he finds out everything that's happened in his absence he'll want to make it a personal matter. Besides, if we were to involve the army directly there would be problems in that Myr could find out about it.'' Ashara could honestly say that whether she liked it or not the situation was what it was.

''It could get a lot worse if you think about it. Knowing that we have to deal with the fact that it was one of the spies who told them about our schedules and our outings. And that Myr, even though he acted like that, acted with someone else supporting them.'' Shelia was furious. Her babies could have been in danger, damn it.

''This could also be seen as a strategy where someone interested might have wanted to push Cregan's early and untimely rise to the Winter Crown. My son is skilled and I won't deny that he has very good preparation but even I can say that he is far from being prepared for such a burden so early in his life.'' Ashara of course didn't have to be a genius in this regard.

''Everything would point to a southern movement with the intention of weakening and potentially leading to a civil war with the kingdom of winter. Even with Cregan as king, there would still be the problem that he is young and has not had the opportunity to gain the loyalty of the people. All it takes is a few problems and we would have a civil war brewing.'' Elia didn't have to be very smart to see that.

''Which while some might tell us points to the intention of the south, I also think it may have been a plan by the people of Essos. And I'm not just referring to Myr. All the free cities would have benefited from it. As I'm sure my husband will have deduced when he finds out...a lesson will be in order.'' Because people did not learn with pretty words but with blood.

''I agree. Besides, Harry already informed us of what Volantis was trying to do. It's obvious that they might be trying something. Although besides them, you have to count Tyrosh, whose main economy comes from slavery, as well as Lys. None of them would step aside from that and they could possibly try.'' Shelia deduced that there was a possibility that those bastards were behind the whole thing.

''I don't think it was just them. And in fact I have someone else in mind: Pentos. It's obvious if you stop to think about it that they would be behind this movement designed to destabilize us and strike us. In recent times we have supported Braavos a lot and Pentos is feeling it.'' The free city in question was much weaker now that many businesses had been taken away from it.

''Braavos depends. There are those among the founding families who despise magic and if Harry's journals are true, they may have had something to do with the Dance. I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with it in some way, seeing it as an opportunity to destabilize and weaken us.'' Bravos depended on its navy and its wealth. The kingdom of Asgard outweighed them and Elia knew that all too well.

''Perhaps. It's worrying because there are many people who would like to get rid of us to make Cregan have a problematic reign. But my biggest concern is the fact that we have that idiot from the south. Jon Arryn is still furious because his nephew died in that tragic accident.'' Ashara was upset although she didn't hide the smile of making the idiot bird pay.

''That's Andala arrogance at its best. But at least we can easily neutralize it. I'm more worried about the other players in the south. Tywin Lannister would be the first to charge and I know he's not happy with Cregan and Rhaenys' current engagement because he sees it as a threat to Steffon.'' Yes. Even Shelia was surprised when her stepson decided he would marry the girl.

''While it could be considered a smart expansion move, anyone with half a brain knows that such a move is idiotic and pointless. Trying to marry or at least trying to take the Iron Throne is stupid. Too many problems. And that's not including his current debt of how many millions was it?'' Ashara scoffed. Talk about a poor system of economic management.

''The throne already owes four million. That man named Petyr is an idiotic bastard who is bankrupting the kingdom. In the end I will see them attacking us not because they want to reconquer us but because they will want to use the wealth of Asgard to get out of the debt they are in.'' Elia could not believe that there are such stupid people.

''You might be shocked at the level of idiocy you can find in the world if you're not careful. To be honest, I find it stupid and disappointing that we have such pain and misery on our doorstep right now. Although, of course, it's good to know that sooner or later we'll have to put them in their place.'' Ashara just shrugged at such idiocy.

''If you want my honest opinion we should focus more on the now. I can see the ship almost arriving. And we need to prepare. Harry will send us and the riches immediately to the capital. And there we will also have to deal with telling Jon the truth.'' Harry had made it clear. Jon deserved the fucking truth and not even Shelia could say that was a lie.

''Jon is as much our son as he is Lyanna's. I really hope Lord Rickard and Lady Llyarra are there to talk about it as well. I don't want Harry trying to take all the blame as if it was only his decision that led to Jon not knowing the truth.'' Harry could be that stupid and Ashara refused to allow it.

''I hope Jon doesn't take it too badly. I know that thinking that all his life he's been Harry's son and finding out that he's not could be a serious shock for him. But Harry has only protected him as much as possible damn it. That boy really has a very bad hand in life.'' In Elia's opinion, young Jon had been dealt the worst hand possible.

''Yes. But if the boy takes it the wrong way we'll be there to make him understand things as best as possible. Our husband may be an idiot but I don't want him to think that because it was his idea he should bear the burden. We all had something to do with it and anyone who thinks otherwise can be screwed.'' Ashara could only hope that Harry wasn't stupid.

''If he is then we'll just remind him that he's just as human as anyone else and that Jon should be a young man with the right to be angry anyway. That's what I think. Besides, let's be honest, what reason would Jon have to be angry about all this other than protecting him?'' Shelia offered her opinion on the matter.

Ashara sighed. As much as she would like to say it differently, the truth is that she knew Jon could get angry and some would even say that she had every right to because in the end the man who saw her father hide a pretty big secret from her, which if you stop to think about it, is enough to make anyone think twice before looking at you.

Looking out to see the ship coming she knew that the moment of truth was near at that moment and that it was time to face the music. Whether she liked it or not. She just hoped that Jon wouldn't get angry or think that she was less than. She knew that people could think a lot of idiotic things when they got angry. She and Harry had done that in the past.


-The Lord's Office-

Harry groaned. As soon as he returned to Asgard he had done what was necessary. Namely, divide the wealth into parts. House Manderly received a sword and armor for their services as well as a million and a half gold dragons. And then each sailor received what was a hundred thousand gold dragons as well as each being entitled to a small share of the gold they would earn when they began auctioning off the various weapons and armor.

When all the gold and jewels and dragon bones were tallied, House Stark still had five million dragons. Twenty swords. Thirty lances and maces. Fifty daggers. Fifteen suits of dragon armor. And thirty large dragon skeletons, along with forty medium-sized ones and sixty horse-sized juveniles. Not a bad sum when you think about it.

They had brought Euron Greyjoy back from battle…well calling it battle was generous. The ships that had stayed behind bombarded from behind while the main fleet bombarded from the front. They basically turned four hundred galleys, dromons, and other types of ships into burnt wood.

All the survivors were killed and the only one who was saved was Euron Greyjoy. No, he was not saved out of sympathy for being a fellow lord. No, he was saved because Harric wanted to let the ironborn know that they were going to kill him and then burn him until his ashes were scattered to the wind and never return to the sea. A reminder that the kingdom of Asgard was not to be screwed.

In the end the matter was simple and they carried it out. House Manderly had informed him how happy they were. They were one of the richest houses only surpassed by the Stark houses. He also knew that House Manderly was much happier than ever with the reconstruction of what was the city to be a real port. Right now the city was twice as big as the city of King's Landing but it didn't smell like shit or was full of people.

The house's new wealth had been divided. A third had gone into the accounts of the Stark children. Harry wanted all his children to learn how to manage money and understand the importance of managing themselves. Cregan and Belladonna were doing well. Jon was handling the gold with great care.

The accounts of the young children would be under the control of their mothers until they were eleven years old at which time they would be given a small account to manage as they would be spending time in Isengard and would have to do their work. But she expected her children to do well.

The dragon bones had been taken away. He was studying the material in order to replicate it so that he wouldn't have to use it in the form of weapons and could use the dragon bone powder in more alchemical elements since the only reason he hadn't been able to make many alchemical alloys was because of the absence of dragon powder chalk.

The jewels were probably being auctioned off as a memento of the Valyrian dynasty. While it might seem exaggerated, Harry intended to sell the metal that was goblin silver and use it as an element of costume jewelry. Oh yes. He knew that many would be paying for it. Although instead of silver he could make it in gold and white gold. He would see.

However, the memory of the trip brought a grimace to Jon's face. His son had been unconscious for five days. When he woke up, he told him that he had learned a lot of Valyrian magic. At least his son was not an idiot like many others and he agreed that while magic was powerful, it had its drawbacks, such as the fact that the Valyrians only knew how to use magic by sacrificing it instead of taking advantage of their innate energy or that from outside.

Harry sighed as the door to his room opened and his father Rickard Stark entered. The man was showing his age, although his physical appearance still seemed imposing. Without wasting any time, he got two glasses of whiskey and poured a small amount of it into each one, as well as the ice cubes. The two of them looked at each other.

''Why don't you start by telling me what's been on your mind? I've been your father for many years. You have to admit that watching your son be amazing was impressive. Watching you be scared is hard. And I know you're more than a little scared right now.'' Rickard went on to enjoy his whiskey as he watched his son calmly look at him.

''I have to tell Jon the truth about his birth. I have to tell him that he is essentially not my son and that for the last eleven years we made him believe he was my son to protect him from a delusional moron and a bunch of bloody fucking politicians.'' She didn't like it. Jon was from Asgard. It made no sense in her mind to tell him he wasn't.

''I must admit that you are in a very difficult situation then. Whether you like it or not, my son, you are in the dilemma of having your son's wrath on you for a long time or lying to him and allowing him to live a deceitful life, which I do not think is fair to your sister.'' Not only would it be unfair to her, but it would also bring bad consequences for the family.

''I know. Lyanna loves him. She loves him as much as her other children and wants to be a part of his life. She wants him to meet his siblings. Is it weird though that I feel bad and want to hide it because I love my son?'' Harry had never been caught up in this shit. Even when she adopted Delphini she never knew of his true parentage.

''I think, son, that you are not thinking about it from an intelligent point of view. To begin with, you must consider that your son has a true story and it is his right to know it, especially because in the end you have no right to hide anything from him about it.'' He could understand that they kept it from him for the first few years. But after that, his son should have told him no matter what.

''I guess it's more fear. It's funny. Look at death in Valyria. That thing would have made any other challenge I'd ever faced seem insignificant for sure. And yet when I face my son I'll actually be getting into a fight a thousand times worse.'' I didn't know what else to say about it other than the fact that I felt like I was trapped.

''You are a good father Hariric. You probably didn't intend to become attached to him beyond the love of an uncle for his nephew. But you saw so many good things in Jon that you found him more than worthy of being called your son. You also fear and hate not having the opportunity to be able to tell your son much more. But the reality I'm afraid is that you have to accept this no matter what.'' As annoying as it may be.

''I guess I'll just have to accept that I screwed up monumentally by letting myself get attached to him. It's just - you know why I'm proud of Jon? He's not just a skilled learner. He's empathetic. He has a knack for understanding people. He has that cold side when he needs it. He's very much like any of my sons.'' That was the disastrous thing. She'd become very attached to Jon.

''It should have been obvious that you would become attached to him. That child is obviously very similar to your children. But remember this. When you look at him you will have to accept that he is your sister's son and that she has the right to have a life with him no matter what anyone else says.'' It was the right thing to do no matter what anyone else said about it.

''ahhh like it or not. I was going to leave it anyway it's just...we recently found out that Jon had a leech from that damn red god did you know? A red god who was essentially planning to use him to turn him into his new body in the human world.'' It was that bad for all of them.

''So you're undecided. You don't think Jon is in any way prepared to survive the shitstorm that is now being told that he is essentially now the son of not only Lyanna Stark but a Targaryen rapist.'' Rickard could understand his son. He wanted to protect Jon just like everyone else did.

''I know I can trust my sister not to push it. I also know I can trust the people who are close to Jon to help him on his way day by day, bearing the weight that will hit him. But the reality is that I don't trust in the slightest what it is like to face the heartache of Jon knowing all this.'' Gods, when did he become so sentimental? Okay, he was soft on family, but never before this much.

''I think your fears are justified. Children of Asgard are durable. Strong as steel. And we're not brittle like those southern cunts. But in the end children are children and we don't want them to suffer or feel immense pain in their lives. We want to protect them.'' It was the most logical move if you stop to think about it and Rickard couldn't blame his son.

''And what's worse. What makes him blame me more than anything. I was the one who didn't do his job right. If he had discovered the seed. If he had discovered the red priest near my son. Right now Jon wouldn't have to face what have been years of doubts.'' That's what hit him the hardest. That he didn't do a good job.

''Hariric. You can't blame yourself for being tricked by a being that's thousands of years old and had a plan. That doesn't make sense son. You screwed up but you fixed it in the end. Because in the end what really matters is that you were more than capable of fixing what was wrong.'' The truth is that his son could be pretty stubborn.

''I'm an expert in magic. Besides, the gods are fucking cheaters. We all know that. I know it better than anyone. And the reality, as much as it disgusts me, is that I failed the child who was under my protection. I don't know how to look him in the eye just because of that.'' It was simple in his mind. And now Jon had knowledge of Valyrian magic. What if that wraith had tried to possess his son, huh?

''Hariric before you keep killing yourself in your own head for the fact that you weren't able to do this thing or solve this problem let me be the one to tell you that at the end of the day you're just a human being. Don't let the fact that you built all of this somehow go to your head.'' Rickrd feared, and rightly so, that success had turned to his son.

''I guess. I should have known better. It's just... I can't explain it. He's my son. Okay, he's Lyanna's. But I've raised him as my own and the thought of having caused him any harm makes me want to crash into something for screwing up so monumentally.'' Harry groaned. He didn't like feeling like this.

''What you are feeling is quite normal if you want my opinion on the matter. It doesn't matter how you can see it nor does it matter how you can consider it. The fact in the end my son is that you feel that as a father you have failed in the most sacred duty: to protect your son.'' Oh by the gods he knew how his son felt, didn't he feel the same when he was unable to protect his daughter from that Valyrian bastard?

''And Harric. Before you think you've made a mistake remind me what is the definition of making a mistake? Making a mistake and not correcting it. Tell me, have you corrected it? The answer is yes because my grandson no longer has that demonic stain on him. He is now a young man free to live life the way he wants which is more important.'' In Rickard's personal opinion his son was fine. He screwed up but then he fixed it.

''Besides, if you think that any of the family hates you for not finding out, that's another thing. From the day he was born, like any child you've taken in, you've spent time with him. You've trained him. You've given him support and love. You're a good father, Harry. Never doubt that, my son.'' He wasn't going to let his son doubt himself for anything in the world.

Harry didn't know what else to say exactly. What was he supposed to say at this point huh? Was he supposed to just say that he felt better? The feeling was there. Because now he felt like he hadn't failed his son. Well he still felt like shit but at least he wasn't kicking himself in the balls anymore for thinking that he screwed up so badly.

At the same time Harry, if he had to be honest, felt better because he also felt that he had finished with one of the worst episodes of his life. Because before, no matter what he did, it could be said with simplicity that he felt that he had been failing his son by not being able to make him feel loved enough.

Hearing his father tell him that making mistakes was human was okay. Gods knew that screwing up was the definition of being human. What counts is that you are able to correct the mistakes and move on. At least that's what he thought about it. It was more than some might say they did to their children.

Knowing he was on the right path made him feel a lot better. He was still afraid. Fear? He hadn't felt fear in a long time. It was both a beautiful and terrifying emotion to be honest with himself. The emotion itself was hitting him. The fear of being a failure as a father in some way.

A father's feeling of the unknown is always a constant in life whenever you worry about your children. His greatest fear at the moment was for Jon's fate. But Harry decided there was no point in making this any longer and decided it was time to do what was best for his son.

''Would you please take Lyanna and be present with my wives and mother to tell Jon the truth? It's about time Jon knew the truth no matter how painful it might be.'' His son deserved to know the truth dammit. And he didn't give a shit if he hated him afterwards. Well that's a lie. It would hurt. But his son deserved the truth.

-Time Skip: 30 Minutes Later-

When she called Jon she was lucky to have his parents and wives there. Lyanna had arrived brought by Hedwig along with Tykren who was there to support her. So she sent for him to call her son. Instead of seeming like a hostile environment she was trying to make it seem as normal and welcoming as possible because she didn't want to hurt her son.

When Jon arrived, he sat down, though worried. Then the story began. The story of the ambitions of a madman obsessed with a prophecy that led to his mother and sister being kidnapped. To his mother being raped. That told him how Rhaegar was a son of a bitch and how Harry destroyed him completely before sending his soul to an unprecedented hell.

Jon sat there staring into space as if it was the first time. Harry winced at this knowing that his son was most likely debating things at the moment. His wives were there at the moment giving him support knowing how difficult it was. Lyanna was trying to get closer. Tykren was watching his wife carefully. Everyone was nervous.

Harry could sense the questions Jon had at that moment. The young man was obviously very confused and Harry wasn't going to be the bastard to hit him for having fucking questions. What kind of person would he be to attack another for having questions that he thought he had a right to at least know?

''Why? Why hide this fact from me? Why keep me from knowing the truth of my heritage? Why not let me know about the fact that… I'm not a Stark?'' Jon felt sick. He couldn't look at any of them. He couldn't know how exactly they would react to him but what he knew was that he was going to milk them for answers.

''Who the hell says you're not a Stark huh? You have the blood of a Stark Jon. I don't care what anyone says about it and I couldn't give a shit about the opinion of any cunt who decides you're not a Stark just because of one event in your life.'' Harry should have known the first thing he'd say was that he wasn't a Stark.

''But I'm not a Stark. I'm just a bastard. A tool. That man had planned to use me to take over the North and use its resources. How can you just look at me, huh?'' Jon was furious. He felt bad. Why did everyone have to look at him with so much affection, damn it? Why couldn't they hate him?

''Hating a child when he's not guilty of any shit and whose culprit I caught a long time ago seems stupid to me. However, you may be wondering why he hid it from you? To put it simply: it was to protect you.'' Harry knew that wasn't the best explanation but the boy deserved it.

''Protect me from who, eh? There's no one who would dare do anything to you. Everyone knows that anyone who gets angry with you is doomed.'' Jon looked at his...uncle with a look that made it clear that he didn't buy it for anything. His uncle just grimaced at the fact while the others looked nervous.

''Despite my husband's power and knowing that Asgard was becoming a powerful kingdom, the reality is that we are far from invincible. And there are many people who would not rest until they got their hands on us. And you are truly special Jon.'' Ashara looked at the boy. He was just a child who had just had his world turned upside down.

''Jon, what Ashara is trying to tell you is that shit hits hard if you're not careful. And even though we are powerful, there are those who would have given everything they have to kill you. Or use you. You have to understand that they are dangerous in more ways than one.'' Elia knew the southerners' ways of playing and doing their thing.

''Nowadays Jon, although we would like to say that there are no ones stupid enough to go after Asgard's affairs, the reality is different. And you would have a lot of power. You would have all the power and support of Asgard. And anyone could have thought of using you to get to Harry.'' Shelia could tell that her stepson was very upset.

''But why would people do that to me? I mean, I'm just the bastard son of Rhaegar Targaryen. My chances of being a so-called tool of power are very low at best.'' Jon couldn't believe it. Really. He had a hard time seeing it. Unfortunately for him, the others didn't think the same as him.

''Jon, even if it is true that you are the bastard son of Rhaegar Targaryen, there are those who would seek to control you by all means. There are players of the so-called game in the south who are always looking to expand their power and who would try to use you to be able to direct the new control of the remaining six kingdoms.'' The flowers especially. Tywin would kill him. Doran would possibly seek to marry him off and if not, kill him.

''Not only that. Jon, you have to understand that unlike Asgard where Harry has worked to unite the families in a single goal and maintain order and stability, things in the south are very different as everyone is constantly fighting to see who comes out on top.'' It was the best way to explain the game to a child. At least that's what Ashara believed.

''Jon, before you think there's more to it, you need to understand that the Southerners don't see the throne as someone to be respected. They see it as a game of chess. They surround the king with their pieces and make him expendable. With the power you're slowly building, there's a chance they'll seek to control you even more.'' Because the Southerners didn't like anyone who might be a threat.

''This may sound excessive and some might even say that we are exaggerating things for you. But the harsh and dark reality is that if they discover your ancestry it won't be long before we have a lot of idiots who will want to use you to plan their hostile takeover of the six kingdoms. Especially you.'' Shelia could sense the boy's doubts. They were quite logical too if you stop to think about it.

''Why me? What's so special about me? Even if it's true that that spirit being gave me the knowledge of the Valyrians and... Uncle Hariric has been teaching me about the magic of the First Men. I have nothing to offer them. I would be a worthless king.'' Jon couldn't understand the danger. But this time he could see the look in their eyes and he knew the reason.

''You... you're family. I don't give a shit about what assholes think. And I care even less about what a lot of assholes say about it. You're family. And being family means I'll do anything for you. No matter what it takes.'' Harry was never going to let that kid talk bad about him again for anything in the world.

''What Hariric means Jon is that well if we're being honest we'll support you above all else. In the minds of the southerners that would mean that becoming king would mean having the power of Asgard at your fingertips.'' Ashara could tell it was a possibility...though knowing her husband she would burn them first for their mere suggestion.

''Jon, you are a precious son of this family. You are a priceless treasure. Unlike us southerners, we couldn't help but turn the world upside down for you. So logically, knowing some of the players in that damn place, it's very possible... that they thought that by controlling you they could have some power over us.'' Elia grimaced at how she put it.

''Although Elia's way of explaining it is a bit too crude, the reality is that as a son of Asgard you will always have the advantages that we give you. And we will not hesitate in the slightest to burn the world for you. Never think otherwise.'' In Shelia's opinion, she preferred to see her enemies, even civilians, suffer from hunger and pain rather than see a member of her family suffer.

Jon didn't know what to say about that. It warmed him, obviously, to know that he was so loved by his family. That he wasn't an outsider. That he wasn't less than anything. And that they didn't think any less of him for being a child born of rape. But the idea of ​​danger was beyond terrifying to him.

''I want... can I go out please? I need to get my head together.'' Jon just felt like this was so strange. His uncle gave him permission before walking out the door.

Harry watched Jon leave the room and sighed. Whether he liked it or not, what had come out of here was what he had to get out of here. He didn't like it and truth be told he knew it was a lot to ask but he would have honestly preferred Jon yelling at them or something. He could see the pain in Jon's eyes and it made him feel like shit.

Harry watched his mother and sister leave and nodded in agreement thinking that this would be a godsend for Jon. His mother was a very direct but loving person who would be able to explain things to him more or less. His sister on the other hand deserved to spend some quality time with her son. As every mother should spend with her son no matter what anyone else says.

No matter how you put it, one of his greatest regrets was separating his sister from his son. Gods, how he hated it. The problem was that he knew the ruse wouldn't have succeeded if it hadn't been for that. He had fooled everyone for a long time. Although he could guess that possibly some people weren't as fooled as he thought.

Whether he liked it or not, plans were being made against Asgard again. Myr. Ashai. Those two would be the first to fall. Myr would become the center of power in Asgard in Essos and where Jon would rule. While he hated the hell out of sending him there, he knew Jon had a lot of potential. He was as strong as Cregan and Belladonna damn it. So he knew he could have a bright future in it.

Could Jon just stay in Asgard? No. Not for nothing, but because Jon aspired to have something in life. At least he wasn't delusional thinking that he had to serve in the cursed winter land that was the Wall. Although he had come to respect the past time of the Night's Watch, the truth be told that they were now nothing more than bandits. The Legion did much more than they did and that is saying something.

But now he had to deal with what he had here. His wives looked at the door in pain. They had never wanted to hurt Jon. Jon who grew up with his children. Jon who essentially grew up to be part of the family. No matter how he looked at it he knew that his wives were not having a good time.

''That kid is tougher than I thought. He didn't break despite all the pressure that was hitting him. Even though he was hurt by the fact that his life was going to be even more complicated, he held on very skillfully. I have to admit, it's a good thing that he's part of our family.'' Rickard was happy with all his grandchildren. And Jon had just earned himself another important position.

''I hate that my nephew has to go through this. Holy crap, do we have proof that Varys and that damned Dominion harpy along with Doran Martell could actually be investigating Jon in some way?'' Those three were the most worrying. Varys had suspicions that he wasn't loyal to the Iron Throne but to a family. Olenna was a manipulative bitch. And well, Doran was just plain stupid.

''Nothing at all. But if I know them as well as I do I'd bet a lot of gold that they already know more or less about Jon and have been plotting for years how to capitalize on him. Quite possibly Olenna will want to offer Jon a chance to rule. Varys if our suspicions are correct will want him dead. Doran will scream or somehow tell Robert.'' Those were the three scenarios.

''I don't like it. Damn we're on the fucking defensive. That's something I don't even like in the slightest. We should remind those fucking morons not to fuck with us. But I also don't want to start a war that would result in thousands of deaths.'' He could entrust the job to his war wolves but he had his suspicions that they would be blamed.

''Wolves of war are not an option unfortunately my love. Doran will likely be ousted from power. Arianne has gathered a great deal of support in her name to end her father's rule.'' While it saddened Elia that her niece had planned to eliminate her own father she couldn't say she felt much pain about it.

''Varys is just a dagger. He's basically here to hit weak points. If we kill him or eliminate him there's a chance that one of the players will use it to increase their power which would make the Baratheon reign more efficient. It's in our interest to keep them as divided as possible.'' Shelia of course knew that thanks to her military training.

''But we can strike the old woman of thorns. Although I don't see that as being entirely right either. According to our intelligence sources, Mace Tyrell barely does anything anymore and it is his son Willas who leads the domain. He is the one who is the power in the south. And while I won't deny that killing him would be excellent news to throw the realm into chaos, it is not entirely in our interest.'' Willas was the only agent containing Tywin and Ashara knew that they needed him alive.

''A very bad situation. But we'll deal with things as they are. First and foremost we'll deal with the morons who attacked us. And then we'll see. There's time. Jon hasn't had any of those around yet. And seeing as he's so advanced I'll train him in several skills that will allow him to know when they want something from him.'' This would give Jon a very real advantage.

''If you want my advice son I would recommend letting your other children have more of an impact on Jon. Cregan has always been very protective of him. And belladonna has certainly had a more than beneficial impact on the young man. Both of these could be just what you need for young Jon.'' Rickard knew what he was doing. And seeing the four of them looking at him he could sense that they were thinking very carefully.

''Perhaps it's for the best. As things stand now I've done Jon considerable harm and he deserves to be around people who have always been loyal to him no matter what anyone told them.'' Harry sighed. Whether he liked it or not the reality was that he had hurt Jon and he himself believed that Jon deserved a fairer deal.

''I think you're punishing yourself too much, Harry. While it's true that Jon has taken a hit, you've always been a support for him. You just have to give him some time and you'll see that everything will work out.'' Ashara was very sorry. Her husband loved family more than anything.

''Harry you are being ridiculously stupid if you ask my opinion on the matter. Jon is a strong boy. While his faith in us has been shaken I can certainly assure you that he is a strong boy and he will surely be back to beat us all with his words.'' Shelia knew that her husband was just thinking about it too much.

''It was obviously going to be a hard blow for him to have his real father be a monster. Let's be honest, that was going to hit him no matter what. But what he's feeling now is neither anger nor hatred. But fear. A fear born from fearing that we'll see him differently at some point.'' It was logical for Jon to feel that way despite how stupid he was seeing that the last eleven years never treated him like that.

Harry sighed. But he knew his wives were quite right in what they said. Jon was a fine young man who could handle a lot if he put his mind to it. Not only that but he was sure his son would eventually accept him. No matter who his fucking sperm donor was. Jon was his son and that was final.

Now he would just have to wait patiently until his boy accepted the shit out of his life. He knew he would. And he knew that at least now he couldn't be manipulated. It was all upsides in his mind. However, he hated that his mind was thinking of this as a game when it was his son's life.

-POV Jon-

Jon left the room not knowing what to do at that moment. Well, what he hated was that the man he had called father was not his father at all. Not only that, but his real father was actually a rapist who kidnapped his mother so he could use her in some kind of stupid prophecy and because it suited him to conquer his kingdom.

Gods Jon hated Rhaegar Targaryen. Ever since he could remember, when anyone talked about Targaryens they would tell him to look at history. And yes. No Targaryen was saved because in the end even the last Targaryen that existed tried by all means to screw them over for some stupid sense of superiority.

Knowing he had Targaryen blood made him feel strange. He was disgusted that he was the product of rape. Yet despite that, they looked at him with loving, affectionate eyes. None of them hated him or despised him. And that's what bothered him the most if he had to be honest. Knowing that he was not despised.

Why couldn't they just despise him, damn it? Why couldn't they just hate him like they should when he deserved it, damn it? Why did his uncle and aunts, as well as the woman who was his mother, his uncles and grandparents still love him? He couldn't understand it. They should have killed him when he was just a baby.

While in the ancient forest he couldn't help but think of all the fun he had with his so called brothers. They brought him nothing but smiles and joy. Cregan was the older brother always watchful but fun. Unless you did something stupid because then it was all seriousness and no fun.

Cregan had always treated him with affection. When someone said something to him, that person had to face it. There were times when he had complained that they were too protective of him. Cregan had scoffed that there was no such thing as too protective when it came to protecting his baby brother. How embarrassing to be called that if he had to say it.

Belladonna was the loving sister who was always there for him and who would try in every way to cheer him up when he was having a bad time. She would use magic to make figures of light. Or she would use her runes to make fun constructions. His sister was always trying to cheer him up in any way possible.

And as if that wasn't enough for his sister, she was always going to him. Even when she should have been working or studying, she had time for him. For Belladonna, it was more than obvious if you stopped to think about it, that if her brother was having a bad time, then she had to get involved in it to fix it.

Why was it that when he had come here to gather the courage to leave he couldn't help but think of how much he loved them and then how much it would affect them if he left? Gods he wanted to protect them. The Southerners wouldn't rest until they got their hands on him. He was determined to do everything to protect his family.

''You know little wolf, you shouldn't think so high and with so many stupid things in mind. You should find yourself more interested in the future day by day if you want my personal opinion.'' Lyarra's voice came from behind a tree and she began to walk in the direction of her grandson. Her poor grandson who was having a bad time.

''I am a danger, grandmother. A threat. As long as I live in Asgard, those who have plotted against our family will rest on nothing until they get their hands on me. You must help me get out of the realm.'' Jon was willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of his family. No matter the consequences.

''ahhh so brave. So willing to sacrifice yourself. But you're wrong Jon. You're wrong. Let's say you get out of here. What will you do? You're just an eleven year old boy, my little grandson. You don't have the ability to take care of yourself.'' Lyarra approached and hugged him before making him stand next to her on a large root.

''But King Robert wouldn't rest until he got his hands on me. That man was obsessed with...mama Lyanna. And he wouldn't stop if he thought she had a child with a man who wasn't him. He'd surely come after me with everything he had. It would be war.'' Jon shuddered, but as bad as it sounded, he didn't want his family to go to war for him. He didn't deserve it.

''You think you don't deserve to go to war for yourself? That our family would abandon a member when they are in danger and threatened? You are wrong Jon. For you and any child of Asgard Hariric would slaughter and ruin the southerners. Though especially for any of his family.'' Lyarra sighed. The boy needed it all out of his system and that is what she would do.

"I don't want a war in my name, Grandma. I just don't want people killing each other because of me. I would like everything to be resolved as peacefully as possible." She didn't want the blood of thousands on her hands.

''And what do you think would happen if you left Asgard? People would look for you. They would look to use you. To manipulate you. And they would use you as a hostage against Hariric. Whether you like it or not, life has put you in a bad position. Luckily, you have a family that loves you.'' Whether his grandson liked it or not, life would not give him peace just like that.

''I'm sorry. I was just thinking that I don't want to remind everyone that they practically kidnapped my mother so they could make me. That I'm just another piece in someone's chess game.'' Jon groaned. Gods how he hated that. How he hated even thinking about just being a pawn.

''If you don't want to be a pawn of anyone, grow strong. And you are lucky to have Hariric. And I was also told that you had acquired the knowledge of Valyria. A knowledge that alone will make you more powerful.'' She truly sympathized with her grandson. He wasn't a bad boy. He was just in a very bad situation for himself.

''It's knowledge that sends shivers down my spine. The Valyrians made the manipulation of fire an art. And there is no power more destructive than fire. I have knowledge of how to shape the world with fire. And honestly, that scares me greatly.'' The very idea of ​​manipulating the power of the Valyrian Empire itself scared him greatly.

''Do not be afraid of something that is a part of you. You do not see your father fearing your power. He can wield the power of the runes. And I know he has created much with it. I know he is capable of great things with the power of the runes themselves so if anything you should think that the power of fire is beneficial to yourself.'' All of his grandchildren were talented. Jon was no less.

''I... I see. What should I do now, Grandma? I feel something strange. On one hand, I'm impressed by the lengths my uncle will go to protect me. The limits he will cross. But at the same time, I feel a little angry for not letting me grow up with my mother.'' Jon didn't want to seem ungrateful. But he felt like years had been taken away from him with his mother.

''I don't think you're thinking about this right, Jon. You're thinking that Hariric took eleven years from you so he wouldn't have anything to do with your mother. I would see it as Hariric using eleven years of your life to protect you and keep you safe from the great dangers of this world.'' That was how she saw it.

Jon thought about it carefully and had to admit that what his grandmother told him was very true. His uncle had hidden him and protected him for eleven years trying to keep people from knowing about him so that they would not plan to use him as a tool of any kind in the so-called game of thrones that the southerners like to play.

''Besides, if you think you're strong enough, I'll let you know that you're still a child and you have more than a little growing to do. Be patient. Go to Isengard as Hariric intends and you'll grow up there. Though knowing your uncle, he's probably already decided that there's no point in hiding your ancestry.'' It was a possibility. Though Hariric saying it would still take some time for him to do so.

''I want nothing to do with the Targaryens. I am a Stark through and through. While I will not renounce the knowledge given by the ghost and embrace some of my Valyrian ancestry, I refuse to acknowledge that man as my father. As far as I am concerned, Hariric Stark is my father.'' That was the decision he made and nothing will change that.

''Well. That's a good way of thinking and much better than I could have said it... now I will leave you with my precious winter flower. Lyanna has died from being with you for too long my precious grandson.'' With her words spoken Lyarra left her grandson with her daughter and left.

Lyarra knew of course that this was going to be very difficult for Jon. But it was what it was. She frowned at the thought of the outside threats. She was sure there would be people who would give anything to get their hands on her precious grandson. She didn't like it and there was nothing she wanted more than to remind these pieces of trash what it meant to mess with a Stark.

Looking back she smiled as she watched Jon bury himself in a hug with Lyanna. Oh gods they were so cute. It made her so happy to know that her precious daughter had finally been able to join her son. It made her cry with joy at it. If it weren't for the southern imbeciles she could have possibly seen this happen much sooner.

The smile of joy however turned dark. He knew that Jon's future was far from being as kind and bright as many might think. Some would try to tempt him into setting his path and direction towards the conquest of the six kingdoms. He wouldn't allow it. He didn't want that kind of people near his grandson so they could spoil his every day with demands and such.

But…for now she would just stare at her grandson and see what he would do from now on. If he was like any of her grandchildren she was sure he had a lot on his mind.

I was excited about the future.

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