
Chapter 41: ch 41

The Asgard Auction PT1

-Westeros. Kingdom of Asgard. Winterfell-

-Lord's Solar-

Harry found himself now looking amused at the four eldest children: Jon, Rhaenys, Cregan and Belladonna. The four of them had been left in his care because in his wife's exact words they could use a positive influence. Instead he amused himself by getting them to play a fun game.

Hey, no one should blame him. After hearing about the merchant (confirmed to be from Pentos and a friend of Illyrio Mopatis) Harry felt that Jon needed some real positive reinforcement in his life. A chance to really shine in life. Seriously, the southern bastard mentality was idiotic.

Of course she knew the real reason for the Blackfyre Wars. Part of her had to question the maesters' brains. These people should have been stopped a long time ago. They were the ultimate manipulators and mischief-makers in Westeros. And no one had noticed and had them completely tied down.

I knew that any god worth his salt must be looking at humanity with something close to disappointment. Any logical person or person with a brain would have realized long ago that maesters occupied too privileged a position in the world. And yet despite this, maesters were still treated with respect and without looking down on them.

Instead of analyzing them and wondering if they could be traitors, people trusted them. Why? Why did people do that? His trust in the masters of Isengard was a magical contract. He would not do anything against the university and they in return would never plan to betray Asgard. It was logical. He didn't care who targeted the university as long as it was profitable and as long as they kept up the production level.

One of Harry's biggest reasons for seeing the shortsightedness of trusting maesters was the fact that they had access to children. Children who were easy to influence and turn into a tool that was, in short, an extension of their order's will. Idiots, the whole bunch of people who trusted those morons.

But where did this come from whence it was said that they were the ultimate manipulators? Simple. It was the maesters who organized the dance. It was the maesters who killed the dragons. It was the maesters who orchestrated the blackfire wars. Simply put, they were responsible for unprecedented damage.

The logical thing to do, if you think about it, would have been to break up the maesters and put them under absolute control. The problem is that the maesters were also made up of what were essentially noble people. Make no mistake, this would also be true of commoners. In fact, I already knew that there were some masters at the university who were debating taking control of Asgard by educating children.

To stop those teachers, he had already informed the head teacher of the university that if he did not want him to intervene personally, he had better stop those teachers himself... now. He was not going to allow that just when his children were about to start entering university, they would be attacked by those imbeciles.

However, his mind was that the southern mentality was idiotic and that he was not going to allow Jon to be crushed in any way by the southern stupid beliefs about bastards being the spawn of the devil. Seriously, such a mentality was stupid.

Also, over the past few days, he had noticed a change in Jon that was both interesting and welcome. Jon was now very interested in improving himself. He studied and practiced in the yard to be the best. He didn't need to be a genius or use magic to know exactly what was going on with his nephew.

Rhaenys, Cregan, and Belladonna seemed to notice the changes in Jon and had tried to reassure him that he didn't have to worry in the slightest about anything. But Jon wanted to prove himself worthy. He was proud and worried. And his sister wanted him to do everything he could to protect her baby. Hell, even Tykren was worried about the young boy.

But at the same time he understood and reasonably sympathized with what Jon was thinking, he also knew that Jon wanted nothing more than to make his nephew understand that he could always count on family no matter what others said. At least that's what he wanted him to think.

At least his latest strategy of having them play a positioning game had had the effect of keeping them entertained. He honestly liked seeing the boy happy. Though Cregan sounded annoyed that he couldn't be as flexible as Rhaenys or Belladonna or in Jon's case he had a certain advantage in size.

''That's enough you two. Come here. We've had a good time playing that game and I think it's time I told you about the great talents you all share and that I'm going to help bring out no matter what.'' Harry smiled at the four children. Instead of his normal commanding voice he had his soft, connectable voice. He never understood the whole thing about sounding like a commander to a son damn it.

The four boys stopped their posturing but doing so had the effect of them falling over like a house of cards. Fortunately for them Harry had enchanted the floor to make it soft for falling. The four boys moved towards him. He sat down and made the four of them actually sit in front of him.

''So tell me, what do you think is the greatest power that House Stark currently has? You don't have to worry if you don't know. But if you think you have an answer to that question, go ahead and speak. The truth will set you free.'' Harry smiled at the children, wondering what their answer would be.

Jon looked at his three older figures who were practically glowing with excitement. Rhaenys responded by creating a small flame and a stream of water. But both Cregan and Belladonna were different. From Belladonna emerged a rose while Cregan created a breeze of air. It surprised him.

''Well, you could have answered. Jon doesn't know anything about it. Jon. It's time for you to know one of the greatest powers our family has: magic. The power to affect the entire world and to be able to, in a few words, make everyone fear us without a doubt.'' Harry enjoyed Jon's look of excitement while the other three children were just happy.

''Magic is real? I mean everyone always says you're the blessed one of the old gods but I thought they meant that because you were really smart and always seemed to know when a person was trying to trick you.'' Jon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Magic. Magic seemed to be one thing he never expected to see.

''Ja father is capable of magic. A lot. Not just the magic you've seen. He's capable of so many amazing things that it makes everyone look at him with envy. I'm sure you could learn a lot from him actually Jon''. Cregan always liked to talk about how amazing his father was. How could he not want to do it this time, huh?

''Indeed. Uncle Harry is capable of doing a lot. And what's more, he has been teaching us many things that have a great future and significant hope. I can only imagine the envious glances of many of the idiots who think they are somehow above us.'' Rhaenys smiled excitedly. Since she started learning magic she could say that she felt better.

''It may not seem like it Jon but many of the works done in the realm of Asgard are thanks to father's magic. We know this because father has explained it more or less in detail but if you heard him speak exactly you would probably be speechless.'' Belladonna spoke with controlled emotion but letting it be known what she thought was the truth.

''Relax children. Jon is just a child who is beginning to understand. As for talents, there are many types of magic. Magic is classified according to the skill you wish to learn. But we will start with the magic that is most intricate with you at this point.'' Harry smiled at Jon who looked obviously pleased.

''Magic sounds like something cool your majesty but is it actually safe to actually teach it to me? I mean...I'm just a bastard.'' Jon looked down. It was a dream come true. Something so magnificent. But despite all the excitement he felt lately he still felt like he wasn't right for the family.

Harry frowned and gritted his teeth. It would do the little boy no good to feel his rage and anger. A rage and anger that threatened to consume him. He hoped to be able to use his animagus form soon. It wouldn't hurt to have that power since he was sure more than a few would tremble at the power of the ifrit's presence in this world once more.

''We've told you once and we'll tell you again Jon. We can tell you that the shit that stupid fucking idiot of a merchant told you is just what's done in the south. Here in Asgard we do things differently.'' Cregan could see where Jon was going. He feared that just because he was different somehow he didn't deserve to learn. Stupid in his opinion.

''Jon, I'm a Southerner. Well, I can't really say I'm a Southerner because I only lived in the South for three years. Do you know what my mother thinks of those bastards? That they can totally go away because what matters here is family more than anything.'' Rhaenys didn't like that the boy she saw as a little brother was like that.

''Honestly, you can shove the opinions of those Southern fools up your throat if you want my honest and sincere opinion. Southern fools are only like that because they are unable to accept the consequences of their actions and understand that they must be responsible for the decisions they make.'' Belladonna would never forgive someone who told her brother that he was a bastard, damn it.

''Jon. I understand that that merchant told you that this is the way things are done in the south but remember this: This is Asgard. You live according to the people of Asgard. What matters most in this world is the life you choose to make here, not the one others think you should live.'' Harry truly felt sorry for Jon. Why couldn't they just leave him alone?

Jon didn't say anything other than lower his gaze. Before he knew it he was hugged by the three oldest children who were obviously more than a little protective of him. Secretly Harry wondered how Rhaenys would react to knowing he was her brother. Jon was more than a little shaken by his family's actions anyway.

''As for whether or not you deserve to learn magic, that's simple. You're a Stark. It would look bad if you didn't learn magic. But more importantly, you're my family and magic is part of the great gift you have. It seems logical to me that you become a master of that field.'' Harry could sense his adopted son's nervousness and he didn't blame him for it.

''Let me give you some advice. If you live your life expecting to meet people's expectations, live to meet the expectations of your family and not those who don't love you and certainly don't wish you any good. There's no point in thinking about what other people might want from you.'' There was no point in living your life thinking about what morons wanted from you in Harry's opinion.

''This goes for all four of you. There will be people in this world who will try to tell you how things should be. How they work and how things should be done. But you must not do it that way. Why? Because even though people find it hard to believe, you are Starks. And you do things your own damn way without caring about the opinion of the little fucking shits.'' That was his will.

Cregan nodded in agreement with his father. His own mother and grandfather had told him that for some strange reason people expected them to do things differently than usual and that otherwise they would call you things: heathen, savage, etc. However, he agreed with his father that they would do things their own damn way.

Cregan simultaneously felt it was satisfying to have his own father tell people who seemed to think they could tell them how to do damn things to go to hell. Honestly, why should they bow down to others? Acknowledging them would of course be inappropriate to not acknowledge other people's actions. But to think that they believed they should do their bidding would never be.

Rhaenys nodded in agreement. Granted, she wasn't a Stark, but her own mother, like Martell and Targaryen (although she had come to despise that part of her blood after learning so much of her family's history), had to tolerate and listen to her own will and nothing but her own. It was true that she lived in a kingdom and had to respect its rules. Not impose her way of thinking. But she should never change what she was just for the ambitions of a few.

Curiously, the lesson of this came with the history lessons of the Targaryens. The dance of dragons was a clear example. What did the opinion of a few pieces of trash who believed they could have authority over the one who commands matter? The one who governs is the one who has the power. He must respect but never be intimidated by the thoughts of others.

Belladonna frowned. Would she obey someone who told her to be something she wasn't? Even as a magical nine-year-old she already knew that such an attitude would only lead to one thing: skewering the pompous imbecile who thought he could get away with such absolute damn shit.

She was an Asgardian, daughter of the Winter King and the daughter of the Crimson Spear. Simply put she was what she wanted her ambition? She wanted to be free to choose her path and destiny in the future and give the opinions of the many bastards who might think they knew what she wanted in their minds. That was how she worked out the way she saw it and having her father's approval only made it better.

Jon looked at his father with an emotion he couldn't explain. Not obeying the rules and regulations of others. Not listening or paying attention to people who seem to think they are special just because of some trait. He was a Stark. He was more valuable than any shit. Did they call him a bastard? That wasn't an insult anymore, not even in the boy's mind.

The more he looked at his family the more he realized something he hadn't really realized. His father loved him. His brothers loved him. Who cared what a person who had no place in the kingdom said? That in itself would help take even more weight off the young boy's shoulders in the future even though he didn't know it yet.

-Wintercity Black Wolf Inn-

The Black Wolf Inn was one of many inns in the city. And it was very different from a southern inn, which only made Kevan Lannister's mind hurt more. Why? Because the inn was six stories high. Each floor had four different rooms that in turn had three bedrooms and a first-class bathroom that put everything done by the south to shame.

Kevan had to grit his teeth. Yet another blow to the Southern way of doing things. Why wasn't House Lannister at the castle? The answer is simple. It turns out that King Stark didn't want to show favoritism to what was nobody for the presence of what was the auction. Four Valyrian weapons for sale. That had attracted a lot of people.

Besides the Black Wolf Inn there were three other inns on this level. Although he had a place next to Jaime and Catlyn in the inn with him there were also other wealthy lords from what was Westeros counted as lords of the domain lands. No one from the west had come besides him. No one would have the balls to try to show up and steal a sword from his brother damn it.

But the most people who had come were businessmen from Essos. The three large inns were full. The Emerald Dragon Inn (and he was surprised that an inn had that name, although at the same time he cared little) had been practically taken over by the Yi Ti emperor's group. And the Black Tiger Inn was taken over by the people of Volantis, Braavos and a group of representatives of the Ghiscar empire.

Although he had been sure that he would get the sword for his family, he grimaced when he realized that the people present were no joke and that there were in fact many wealthy people who were making a place for themselves in the place. What was worse and more painful was the top-notch service that they had in the hotels from what he had seen.

He had moved around the city in the week they had had and well he had realized that the city had much more to offer. It was the capital city. It was also a brutal blow to the southerners' ego that the city didn't smell like shit. The city was clean and the buildings were made of black stone a thousand times better material than the last time he was here.

He had caught several lords of Essos making observations and he grimaced. Volantis wanted an alliance with Asgard. And Braavos, though it could never regain the powerful alliance it had with Asgard, wanted to improve its situation in all things. It was a hard blow to Kevan who knew that it would not sit well with his brother.

His brother would be upfront that they were the most powerful house in Westeros. At least in all six kingdoms. But Asgard was showing improvements. Unprecedented improvements of any kind that made the realm look ridiculous. And what was worse was that he had noticed that the Starks now had an air unit in the form of the Wyvern Riders.

His brother would be furious. Very much so. Every attempt to steal Asgard's secrets had met with a painful end. House Lannister depended on its gold mines for a fair amount of income and its vassals mostly depended on mining as well. But Asgard lived on business and mining. And it was not one business like the domain lords were but a variety of them.

Kevan was actually jealous of witnessing this, a very serious part of him told him that he should take notes and learn how the kingdom of Asgard did things so he could emulate them. But at the same time, a part of him knew that this was an impossible task. His brother would never change his ways and in fact operated with an ideology based on what his kingdom did not have to change.

He also winced at Catlyn's presence. It was no secret that Hoster Tully had wanted to marry his daughter Catlyn to Ned Stark. He had possibly even been plotting to kill Hariric Stark and make his daughter the mistress of the realm before it became independent. And what was worse was that Catlyn was a fool.

The reason she came…was to take her away from her children. Jaime's children had inherited Lannister blond hair. But instead of green eyes, they had Tully blue ones. But they had inherited something very special: their grandfather's head. That was something Tywin wanted to see flourish.

So he wanted to keep them as far away from Catlyn as possible, who seemed to have very idiotic ideas. It didn't matter that Catlyn was very religious and well, Tywin had a rather unpleasant opinion of the faith of the seven after the loss of his precious wife. Yes, Tywin Lannister was not a big believer and Catlyn doing everything possible to impose her faith was very bad.

And if Kevan himself had to be honest he honestly preferred not to play the game of having to take on a daughter of Hoster Tully. The man had so far made no move to try and tell them that he should have a say in the children's future but he had already heard from Catlyn that she wanted to send the children to be raised in the riverlands which was a big no.

Tywin wanted his best grandchildren at home. Steffon was showing substantial skill with politics but he was also warm which made Genna think he could be a good king if he did the job. Frankly anyone was better than the incompetent king they had right now on the Iron Throne.

''Gods, why can't we hire the Starks to do things better in the Western lands? The gods know that compared to them we are lagging behind.'' And so another guest made his presence felt: Tyrion Lannister. The youngest of Tywin's sons had been very curious about the realm of Asgard.

''If you think I'd somehow let a single bit of pagan sorcery set foot in the kingdom my children will one day rule, you must be more short-sighted and blind than I thought you could be.'' To say that Catlyn had a bad relationship with Tyrion was an understatement. Oddly enough, Tywin had trusted the dwarf to teach his children administration, something she didn't like.

''You're even looking at the level of comfort they live in here aren't you? These people have better lives. Their small, commoner people have a better way of living here than our finest nobles. And the city doesn't stink which is a significant victory if you ask me.'' Tyrion could only say that the Starks were doing much better than all of them which was fucking pathetic.

''If you haven't realized that these people are defying the beliefs of the gods and that it is only a matter of time before they fall to the power of the gods themselves, then you don't know what you're doing.'' In Catlyn's opinion, Valyrian culture fell because they offended the gods and that it was only a matter of time before these Asgardians suffered the same fate.

''A word of advice then, so that I'm not being called a bad guy: don't talk to the people of Asgard in that tone. They might take it as an insult. You can have your opinions. Maybe even express them. But if you expect them to bow down to you, you're very wrong, since these people are devotees of the old gods, just so you know.'' The same gods who curiously defended things that made the Andals look bad.

Catlyn growled before leaving no choice and closing the door to her room. The other three Lannister men just watched her go. A person so devout to the faith was just a nuisance at best. Hoster screwed up monumentally when he was raising her if the group had to say so. Meanwhile Tyrion just looked at Jaime as if he was a poor bastard.

''Just as a piece of advice brother. You better keep a good eye on her while she's in town. If she does anything to offend the Winter King I see us banned from the auction at the very least. At the very most I see her arrested and executed or worse.'' Tyrion had a very simple opinion of Harry Stark and that was that if someone offended him they could either be humiliated or destroyed. There's no tolerating those people.

''Believe me she'll be under surveillance at all times if that's all I have to say on the matter Tyrion. It's just that I'd rather not give her a massive headache if possible. I'll have her under close watch and if she tries to do anything I'll stop her the moment she does it.'' Jaime just hoped she wouldn't do anything stupid damn it.

''You better make sure. Because the last time someone pissed off a Stark it was the Freys. You remember what happened, right? How they were destroyed? And the only Fey blood left alive are our aunt's children. The rest have been hunted down to extermination.'' It was curious how every trace of Frey blood existing in the kingdoms had been exterminated courtesy of Hariric Stark.

''You know, I'm having a hard time understanding that. It turns out that it was Prince Rhaegar who kidnapped his sister and I don't see him hunting down members of the Targaryen family. And yet the Frey family has been wiped out to the last member. Does that make sense to you?'' Jaime couldn't understand what was going through Stark's head in that regard.

''Oh that's simple enough if you must know. The Freys were idiots. It was a war and normally Harry Stark would have gone to war on anyone who offended him but do I need to remind you what Walder Frey asked for? Yes. The guy had too much ego and it cost him the existence of the house.'' The maesters called it cruel. Tyrion (and his father) called it laying the groundwork so that no one would fuck with him in the future.

''I suppose. Tell me Tyrion has your time away been productive or have you been visiting the recreational area of ​​Wintercity? They say they have a lot to do other than drink and spend time with the whores actually.'' Jaime looked at his brother interested. Although ever since he met Tysha Tyrion had proven himself to be a good Lannister. Maybe that was why his father didn't do anything.

''Just so you know, I spent my time checking out the guilds. Did you know that half of the goods that are exported by Asgard come from Winterfell? The houses produce the raw materials and the Starks transform them into what is needed. It's quite a clever method if you ask me.'' Tyrion had been more than a little impressed if he was being honest.

''But that's not what has you fascinated, is it nephew? I've known you long enough to know that you've found something truly unique and interesting that makes you think the Starks have a significant advantage.'' Kevan looked at his intelligent nephew who just nodded in agreement.

''Yes. It turns out anyone can carve runes. You just need the equipment. But fueling them is where the magic comes from. I don't know how the Asgardians do it but the rune guild is heavily employed by all the lords of Asgard for the upkeep and improvement of their structures as well as the surveillance of other areas. Simply fascinating.'' Tyrion wasn't lying as he found it most unique.

''Are you saying that if that were true we'd just have to get a bunch of runemasters and the feeding part would be the hardest? Fascinating. Maybe with this we can finally compete with Asgard.'' Kevan smiled. That would be news that would make Tywin truly happy.

''Before I declare victory I'd like to figure out how to feed something. No offense man but I've read quite a few things in that library, did you know they even had a book that says: Magics that no human being intelligent enough would dare to touch if they had a brain. Quite an interesting book.'' And of course that book had attracted a lot of people's attention.

"There's a book on magic? It's almost like the Starks are just trying to hide their secrets as if it were nothing more than a joke." Kevan scoffed. Typical. The Asgardians thought they were special and this was their chance.

''Man... just from reading that book I realized that if anyone touches that magic they'll be so screwed that they'll be destroyed. So no. I don't think we need to mess with that magic. Besides even if that were true we'd still have to figure out how magic works which we're not capable of.'' Tyrion sighed at his uncle's idiocy.

''Would it really be that hard to get runemasters? We just have to approach them and make them a good offer and they'll agree with us, simple as that.'' Kevan never understood why people should be so loyal to the kingdom of Asgard.

''The people are loyal to Hariric Stark. And more importantly, do you really think a man who masters magic with the talent that this man does has left any room for it? I think if we try to steal from his runemasters, well, he might take it personally. Do you want us to lose everything?'' Tyrion sighed. He honestly preferred to distrust someone who possessed magic.

The reason for Tyrion's distrust was simple. If you thought about it, Hariric Stark was no ordinary guy. But the problem was that they didn't know anything about him, but what if he was able to create water with runes and remove waste that prevents him from stealing their gold, for example? Or maybe detonate explosives in their fortresses? Maybe his uncle and father would be okay with trying to sting the wolf. He was not okay with it, damn it.

There was something else though. Hariric Stark wasn't holding back. No. If he were a betting man he'd say that Hariric Stark was growing his family's assets to further empower Asgard. With the destruction of the enemy houses completely and taking absolute control of their resources he knew that House Stark had an easy time surviving just about any shit.

His father believed that gold and the promise of land could tempt people. Hariric probably already knew that. But if there was one thing he also knew, it was that the Stark was probably planning something. A move that would give him an absolute advantage over the other lords of the realm of Asgard even further. Something that would make him supreme ruler.

He sincerely hoped that his brother's wife wouldn't piss Stark off. He already had enough of that with Cersei who was short-sighted and thought that for some strange reason they could easily win them back. Seriously, even though he was Andalo after knowing about the women of Asgard he knew that underestimating one was foolish. But his sister had that unique gift of making everyone think that women were idiots and delusional.

-Con Los Tyrell-

Even though the Queen of Thorns would have enjoyed going to see the auction in person, it was not possible. It turned out that Mace still suffered from those stupid fits of rage against House Stark. And lately he had met with undesirable assassins to whom he promised gold in exchange for bringing him the lives not of Stark but of his children.

Olenna was many things. Blind she wasn't. And she was very afraid of what could happen in the future with the Stark house. So instead of traveling to Asgard she had stayed in Highgarden controlling her son while at the same time killing every hitman seen by her foolish son and at the same time thinking of ways to solve this damned mess.

So it fell to Un Willas Tyrell to travel up there. Mostly for another reason. One of the Queen of Thorns' greatest fears was House Stark's outspoken desire to build relationships. All the free cities except Myr were present and hoped not only to acquire the swords but to make beneficial deals with House Stark.

Logically speaking, Willas knew that her grandmother's fears were not unfounded. Especially since Hariric had much to offer. Much more than any house in Westeros. Certainly Ghiscar had not come for an alliance but out of interest to explore the defenses, although knowing the leader of House Stark, the chances were that he wanted to use them in turn.

But it would be terrible if Volantis or god forbid Braavos came out with a strong alliance with House Stark. Thanks to the stupidity of one of their bankers the Bravoosi had lost possibly the most profitable alliance of all. Of course they couldn't be blamed entirely. Hariric hadn't let anyone know of his real strength or that he had an incredible spy network.

But there was a chance that House Stark would ally themselves or at least build good relations. The new Karstark lady had possibly had one of the best times with Braavos. Not only did they supply silk which was good. No. They were also supplying the wood taking away a very lucrative business from Qohor which had those men infuriated.

Well, the smiths of Qohor were already furious with House Stark. Their steel was a thousand times better. They were much more artistic with detailed smiths if requested. They were also able to color their swords. And finally, Stark somehow possessed the knowledge to reforge Valyrian steel, although he thought that he was forging it rather than reforging it.

Why did he think that was so? Because he couldn't explain where he got enough steel to create three large suits of armor, the metal for a greatsword, and the metal for a bastard sword and a short sword. The cerberus was no joke. The three brothers were very well equipped and had enough on their hands to make them rich if they sold their weapons.

On top of that was his lady wife's spear which was made of Valyrian steel and had a red hue. So yeah. He thought Hariric Stark had a way to recreate the metal but despite being able to do so he wasn't selling it. Possibilities? That Hariric Stark didn't want to arm people or that he knew a lot more than he seemed to at least.

Hariric Stark had built a powerful trading empire anyway. They sold everything. And they bought nothing. They had reclaimed the lands taken by the Targaryens and turned them into farmland controlled by the Cassels, one of the great noble houses. Between them and the other houses that provided food, the realm had plenty of food not only for themselves. But for livestock of many kinds and for selling foods that you don't just find.

In Willas' humble opinion, he was the example of a god who had brought nothing but prosperity to his people. How could the septons and maesters say that their gods were false when House Stark was obviously benefiting from them? But what mattered most to him at the moment was to look, analyze, and come back.

It was no secret that Hariric Stark despised the southern houses. Well, despise is putting it mildly. He suspected that given the chance he would have probably torn them apart even more if possible. But that was why he was here. To observe and if possible build an alliance.

The best alliances were those built with blood. A marriage alliance. Of course he couldn't ask her to marry just anyone in the family. Though honestly if Hariric's daughter looked anything like her mother when she grew up he wouldn't say no. But with that came the obvious fear.

They had spies in Asgard. People who had no problem betraying the Winter King. But those people made it clear that anyone who wants the hand of a son or daughter of House Stark better think twice. He doesn't accept weaklings as he kindly put it and he certainly doesn't accept proposals where his family would be held hostage.

And as much as he would like to say that they had honor, he didn't believe the same. His grandmother taught him that honor didn't count for much in war, and it was a war. A war for supremacy. So if he were to marry a daughter of Asgard, possibly that daughter and her descendants would be used as a tool against said kingdom.

''You know it's incredible that we have made fun of them in so many ways and yet they are the most advanced kingdom of all. If only they would deign to share the knowledge they have gained it would help the other kingdoms in many ways.'' Dickon Tarly was Lord Tarly's eldest son. The boy, like his father, was a military man. His father respected Asgard. But Dickon was a little more... arrogant.

''We underestimated them. For years they've been taken advantage of. Exploited and used to their advantage. The Targaryens. The Tullys. The Arryns. Even us. We've taken advantage of them. Of their situation. And when a true leader came along for them, look what he created.'' Willas would be the first to admit he was impressed.

''Yeah, well half of this shit is built courtesy of Hariric Stark's magic. That magic has given him a huge advantage. Frankly, what would that man be without magic? He'd probably just be another savage.'' The person who spoke was Garth Tyrell. And well, he came on Mace's orders because if Olenna found out about his presence, she wouldn't let him go.

''I would be very careful how you refer to and speak of that very man you insult uncle. You may think you are possibly a person of high power because you are our castellan. But in the eyes of Hariric Stark you are just an Andal. And look what he did to the Andals when given the chance.'' Yes. He should know better in Willas' opinion.

''Like it's a real threat. Besides, it doesn't matter what shit this Stark does or what he thinks. Maybe if we show the queen a good time she might be willing to do something for us.'' Garth laughed at the joke as if he thought it was funny in some way. Neither Willas nor Dickon laughed.

''Don't even think about it. If I see or even hear that limp thing between your legs come out for a walk I'll cut it off. We're here to build alliances not destroy them because you're an idiot, do I make myself clear?'' Willas would not allow the situation of her family to get worse just because of the idiot.

Garth looked at the boy with a frown and walked away. But the truth was that he cared little for what he thought because in his opinion these northerners (he refused to give them the name they gave themselves, they were savages no more no less) were putting on too many airs and that it should be the place of the good gentlemen of the south to educate them in their colossal errors.

Garth also scoffed at what an idiot Olenna's grandson was. Who would want to side with Stark, huh? They were morons who preferred to mind their own business, so he didn't see how that would be a problem of any kind anyway. On top of that, there was also the fact that in his personal opinion, Harry Stark was a good-for-nothing.

Garth left the room deciding that he would go have a good time. And if he found a decent enough wildling he would put his charms to work. What he didn't know was that because of his reputation he had a team of observers at all times. If he did anything they would bring him before their lord who would mete out justice in true Asgardian style.

''With all due respect Willas, but why the hell did you let your father foist it on us here? My lord father wants me to see if we can learn anything military from the Asgardians. Their way of waging war against the south proved too efficient and wiped out too many of our troops.'' It was the most disastrous war and despite the maesters' attempts it had already become history.

''I honestly don't want anything to do with him. If possible I'd like to keep him as far away as possible from any plans or actions we might take in this regard so we can be able to move around more mobile. But the father was a jerk and managed to foist him on him. Grandma couldn't stop him.'' Willas wasn't much of a prayer man after his leg accident but even he was praying that his grandmother wouldn't kill them if he did something untoward.

''I'm afraid he'll make a decision that will bring the Asgardians down on us. They don't want us here. I think the only reason they're tolerating us is because we're depositing gold in their hands. If it weren't for that we'd surely be full of shit at the very least.'' Dickon would admit that his opinion of these people was bad but he'd never seen anyone who hated him so much.

''You're not thinking like them. In the eyes of the Asgardians, the southerners are the cause of most death and suffering in the last three hundred years. They willingly joined the seven kingdoms. They refused to make war. What did they get in return? Aegon's descendants screwed them in every possible way and as if that wasn't enough, the Andals finished off the blow.'' It didn't take long for Willas to make an analysis of the situation.

''So we're neither wanted nor desired. The only reason we're here at all is because Stark wanted to send the message that he was selling the weapons, so that we'd see them and know that we'd never get our hands on them, right?'' Dickon quickly realized that the Starks had no intention of selling the weapons to the Southerners.

''That's something anyone with half a brain would realise. Whether we like it or not there are a lot of rich people in Essos. A lot more people. And if anyone from down south tries to buy the weapons the Iron Bank will come down on us like a brick wall because we still owe the bank two million.'' The Crown owed the Iron Bank two million. If gold was spent on Valyrian steel swords they wouldn't look kindly on it.

''Ahh, I was happier when the Starks were those people that nobody wanted and preferred to stay high up in the North without anyone bothering them. Why did they have to be lucky enough to have a new charismatic, intelligent, competent leader with the gift of their gods? What the hell did they gain from that, damn it?'' Dickon sighed. Life would have been simpler otherwise.

''They say the gods are capricious. But that's just the gods of the seven. If I had to guess I'd say Stark got tired and annoyed with being crushed and decided it was the best time to break people's balls and the old gods just agreed with him.'' Honestly it would have been better if the gods hadn't gotten in the way.

''You know the citadel has been very tense lately. This magic thing hasn't been very nice to them and the fact that the Starks are probably going to get their magic back in a few generations has put them in a worse mood than possible. I hope they don't do something stupid.'' His brother Samwell was a coward. But smart. Even as a child he had been entering the citadel from time to time and what he had to report was not pretty.

''If the Citadel does anything shit that ends up blowing up in anyone's face it will be on them not us. If the Citadel just thinks they can get away with whatever they plan they are sorely mistaken. At least not while Asgard is so fucking militarily superior.'' As long as the Asgardians were this strong he honestly didn't want any trouble.

''Father wants to study their way of fighting. Despite being outnumbered they were much more efficient and yes my father the guy who seems to think that people should be tougher was convinced that things could improve if we emulated them in that sense I think that says it all''. His father was a military man and anything that helped them militarily was welcomed in his mind.

Willas sighed. Things weren't looking good for his kingdom's affairs if he had to be honest. He knew that the maesters were jealous of their knowledge, the proof of which was that they chose who learned and who didn't. But it's one thing for them to be like that and quite another to know that they could plan an attempt to rob the university.

He didn't want to seem like he was exaggerating, but it was problematic enough for Willas. Besides, Asgard currently outclassed them in every sense of the word. They were stronger, better armed, and had far more resources. Plus, their way of fighting seemed far more efficient than any southern lord. They were outmatched, as much as it pained him to admit it.

Willas just expected to watch, observe and deduce that the Asgardians were not a real threat to the family. But knowing his father, his delusions and much more he knew that unless someone got rid of his father they would be in a world of trouble. With that in mind he turned his gaze through the window that showed the great city and in its center the imposing fortress. Yes. The Starks were not an enemy he wanted to screw with.

-Winterfell Fortress-

Hariric couldn't believe the level of stupidity before him, really. The Ghiscari hadn't come to buy his weapons at the auction, but to take a look at the defenses and then organize a series of attacks that were aimed at taking down his family. To say that had put him in a bad mood was like saying that some people don't know how to use their brains.

Now Hariric was an understanding man (no he wasn't but he was good at holding back before exploding) and he hadn't decided to kill them, cut off their heads and then send them back. He had already done that with the people of Ibben because they were chasing whales in his territory. The threat of military deployment might have to be made.

But attacking the Ghiscar Empire wasn't smart. These bastards were the living example of terrorists. They had so entrenched the slave way of life in their territory that trying to change it could only be done by killing everything that lived, conquering the area and starting from scratch. That's how bad the whole fucking thing was.

So Harry decided to be a good person of sorts and decided that what he would be doing was essentially cleansing his enemy. How? A virus. It had already infected the members of the delegation which included some high ranking members. Once they reached Ghiscar the magical virus would activate and act like a plague that would kill them very slowly thus destroying their government and much more.

War was not a pretty thing. That was a truth he knew all too well. But the sad truth was that Ghiscar would never have left them alone. The culture of that empire revolved around slavery, seeing men and women as nothing more than pieces to be used. And obviously a nation like his would have been too attractive.

If the situation had come to an all out war Harry knew that any Northern slave they got their hands on would either be executed or used as meat shields. The Ghiscars did not play fair. So he decided that if they weren't going to play fair then neither would he. It was that simple.

It was little known but some of the worst plagues known to mankind were the work of the Black family. They did it as a subtle way to eliminate key enemy pieces. The other deaths? Unfortunate cases of collateral damage. Something that he himself, although disgusted, agreed was necessary no matter what.

So he was willing to go to great lengths to eliminate his enemies. And so he did what he did. The disease could only grow outside the country through another countermeasure created by himself. With this done, he knew that it was not only the center and the capital that were going to suffer but multiple cities that would blame the Ghiscar empire.

He was also aware of the less than ideal presence and threat of the Volantis. These people were untrustworthy. They thought themselves special and unique because of their Valyrian blood and believed themselves unbeatable. His plan was to take control of the disputed lands. For what reason? More plantations that could be useful and he had many things in mind.

He knew the morons would try to stop him. He knew a way to hit them where it hurt most effectively and he knew he would accomplish his mission. That was all that mattered in his mind. But his thoughts drifted to something else when a runner came rushing in.

Once he read it he sighed. Why couldn't people be smarter in this realm?

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