
Chapter 40: ch 40

Plans for an Auction in the North

-Westeros. Kingdom of Asgard. Winterfell-

-Hariric's personal office-

Hariric was looking through the notes provided by his brother Benjen. Of the soldiers deployed for the entire military campaign, fewer than twenty had died and the only reason they died was bad luck. It was not a bad number but it was once again proof that a competent army is more capable than a barking rabble.

The Greyjoys had gathered the pirates together with the intention of using them as a raiding force. They were promised riches and the chance to sell slaves. When West Harirc's fleet entered the battle, the eastern fleet also set out. The pirates had been badly beaten and had fled to the Basilisk Islands, abandoning their bases in the Stepstones.

His spies in the free cities have already informed him that Lys is preparing to launch an advance of mercenary forces with the intention of taking control of several. In turn, Tyrosh is doing the same, which promises without a doubt a complete massacre in the foreign lands that will be taken advantage of by the men and women of Dorne expanding slowly.

A report from him told him that Oberyn Martell had finally broken free of the curse he had placed on him. Not bad. It meant that he was showing true remorse and that he would truly never do it again. There were different types of curses to use in a Black's repertoire. Some of these curses were simple like making the person never be able to leave the bathroom for more than twenty minutes again.

The curse he used against Oberyn was based on a karmic curse. It basically turned a great action done against what was ideal or correct on his part into punishing the person who did the action for a considerable amount of time. The curse could be turned into many useful ways.

A man who enjoyed food would taste like ashes to himself. A drunk would never taste alcohol again. And a man who loved to travel or sleep like Oberyn would never feel the joy of expansion and at the same time would never be able to feel good in the warm embrace of a lover.

Oberyn was different from Doran because of what Ashara told him. Oberyn was fire, passion and heat. He was a man of emotions. But he lived by a complete ethical code that served in a few words to make people understand that he did things in a certain way and form. In short, as long as you don't do anything to him, he won't do anything.

Oberyn was already regretting what he was doing to Lyanna. But the guy was loyal to his family. Loyal to his brother. An ambitious brother who wasn't sorry to sell his sister like a piece of meat all for the sake of expanding his political influence. So logically the curse had hit…and pretty hard from what he could tell.

Oberyn had spent the last eight years living unwell and traveling and even if he stayed in one place he would be restless and paranoid. The hassle and pain of that was good. But the best thing was that except for his lover Ellaria Sand he never sought sexual pleasure again. And at least Ellaria understood why. One goal would have been to ruin that relationship but it seemed the woman loved him so good for him.

But there was one more part of the curse. An unimaginable pain as he thought and dreamed of all the worst fates that could befall his sister. That his sister might have been sold as a pleasure slave or something of the sort. He knew Oberyn had been tormented every night, every morning, and every evening.

But he had to admit that he was impressed. He had endured eight years of pain and misery. Much more. He had half expected him to actually kill himself. But he turned out to be Elia's brother. He wondered how the woman in question would react to knowing that her brother had escaped punishment… unfortunately he couldn't say the same for Arthur.

Arthur worked in the mines. Unlike the other royal guards, he thought that the punishment should be more exemplary since he was related. Lywyn Martell was in exile taking care of Daenerys. Ser Barristan lost more of his honor and respect with each day. Ser Oswell and Ser Gerold had lived a life of fugitives, of suffering and pain similar to Oberyn until they were caught.

Jaime had been saved. She didn't hold him responsible even though he was a Lannister. Well, he was in Casterly Rock right now with his wife Catlyn Tully. What better punishment than that woman as a wife? Her reports already told her that the idiot was close to one foot in the grave because she had already had three children with Jaime who ensured the legacy of the Lannister house and therefore in Tywin's eyes made her no longer useful.

But Arthur, oh yes. Arthur, the sword of tomorrow. His punishment was knowing that he had sullied the title of the sword of tomorrow. From the great and noble knight, he was now only seen as the bastard kidnapper and rape assistant, which was good. He had him working in the mines. And he would serve his sentence. Every day was hell for him. Let it not be said that he did not know how to punish people.

His mind went to his brother Benjen anyway. He had proven himself to be as much a Stark as himself and Ned. Hell he was sure Lyanna could prove it too. Benjen had destroyed the ironclad military and had returned with not only a Valyrian great axe but also two Valyrian greatswords and a hundred thousand golden dragons.

And it also showed why his brother was, in a nutshell, a smart leader. He had proposed to auction off Valyrian weapons so that they could pay their soldiers. Just by giving each soldier a thousand gold dragons they would be very well rewarded, and that was without counting payments for military service.

''I have to admit that your idea... is not bad. The soldiers went to war and fought for the house of Stark. For that alone they deserve recognition and renown at least. But a monetary reward is not a bad idea.'' The swords could sell for two million or more. And the axe could be broken and reformed into two bastard swords. With this the kingdom could have easily earned between eight and twelve million dragons.

''I know that well the weapons are my spoils of war. But after basically reforging the Valyrian swords you found all over Westeros that were lost Ned and I already have swords. I know we could give the weapons to other noble houses. But I truly believe that the soldiers deserve recognition.'' Benjen would argue his case with teeth and more.

''I never said I was against it. In fact I see it as a more than correct action on your part. Handing over the Valyrian steel weapons is stupid and a waste of time. However, selling them or at least auctioning them off could be beneficial to the kingdom as it could do us a lot of good financially.'' As his uncle Marius would say: you can never have enough money.

''The Southerners will certainly come to buy the weapons, thinking that it is the best way to expand their presence in some way. And on the other hand, we have all those merchants from the East who like to show off and show off.'' The various merchants from the East would not hesitate for anything in the world to try to demonstrate their wealth.

''That's a big yes they will do. We are now a real economic powerhouse as we are selling many unique products that reach almost every corner. Gods what pain I will have to endure people from Yi Ti even coming to see if they can safely obtain one of the reformed axe weapons.'' It was an absolute certainty that Harry had no doubt in his mind.

''The wealth of Asgard will also attract many. While there have been observers since we got rid of the dragons, more people will come. You have to understand that we are producers of not just one resource, right brother? So they would not just come to buy. But to evaluate.'' Benen quickly learned the game.

''Yes. Westeros didn't attract much attention before. Why would it? Only the Lannisters were presented as potential opponents or threats to the great game of true power. A game in which economics has more influence than politics. Our realm has changed that radically. And that's without taking into account magic.'' Every day they found more magical children on each continent and brought them in. With the elimination of the red faith and weakening the great other it was possible.

''But getting back to the important matter at hand is that these weapons are very attractive and we can sell them. Valyrian Steel is not a unique metal but an extraordinary and rare one. Unique even. People would kill for it. And so we will have people looking to get these weapons. We can get a good price for them, right?''. Benjen was sure that was the possibility.

''Yes. Valyrian steel is considered a valuable treasure. A metal that is both durable and enchanted to an impressive degree. Even I have yet to discover how to reproduce the enchantments in the forging process of these weapons. Though I assume it will only be a matter of time.'' That was a lie. He was more than capable. What he didn't say was that he wanted to use it as an excuse.

''You still want to go to Valyria? I won't deny it, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and truth be told if there's anyone capable of getting there it would surely be the same person who has skills that could compete with the men and women who once lived there.'' Benjen couldn't deny it. His brother could be the first person capable of such a thing.

''I am well aware of the risks. Far more than you might imagine, really. But Valyria contains the most advanced magical society yet. Its potential could put us centuries ahead of our competitors in the kingdoms and free cities.'' And it could be used as an explanation for all that it would bring to light for magic.

''I believed that according to your own words, blood magic was dangerous and volatile. That when combined with sacrificial magic it creates traces that in essence can bring nothing but pain and misery if the sacrifice is made by taking advantage of the darkest emotions.'' Although Benjen did not possess magic, his son did and Hariric explained in detail what should not be done.

''I have no intention of copying what those blood-related imbecile idiots did. What I want to see is their progress so I can try to recreate it. I've recreated their black wall to make our fortresses stronger and better. Why not look for more improvements that could be beneficial to House Stark?'' Any benefit is always positive in Hariric's opinion.

''I suppose I should have seen it. I just worry about it, brother. You are the beacon and the light of Asgard. You have basically rebuilt the kingdom. You have shaped it and made it what it is. If anything happens to you, the kingdom will be severely harmed. And our enemies are going to try to make something happen to you.'' They had too many enemies in Benjen's opinion.

''I am well aware. I would say that if I embark on an expedition to Valyria the chances are very high that our esteemed friends in Braavos will do everything they can to make sure the expedition fails no matter what.'' Braavos would fight with everything they had to prevent any of Valyria's secrets from coming to light.

''Yes. Those people came to despise the Valyrians to an unprecedented point and if they think that you might be trying to bring to light the ancient secrets of Valyria I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they moved against you brother.'' Benjen knew well that the planning of those people could be a great pain that would hit them.

''We'll be smart then. But you have nothing to worry about. We'll spread the word about the offer to enter an auction for the purchase of a Valyrian steel sword. The greatswords will start at a bid of two million while the bastard swords will start at a million and a half. Let's see how much we can get out of it.'' Oh yes. He could see a lot of people coming just for that.

''I hope Tywin Lannister doesn't come bro. Being in his presence pisses me off. The guy just gives me bad vibes and I still haven't forgiven him for the half of shit he's tried to pull on us'' Benjen hated and despised the Lord of the West. Not just for being a tyrant. Half of Asgard's problems were only because of him.

''It's obvious he's getting desperate. With each passing year the mines in the West are drying up more and more. His attempts to compromise members of his house in order to gain power are obvious but what is the problem he's brought you into? I didn't think he could be so troublesome.'' Harry had to admit that might sound a little more than interesting.

''He's been sending out contracts to marry my future daughter to his current heir, Jaime and Catlyn's son. The guy makes it seem like it's a huge win for everyone because his daughter could aspire to at least be something more than her current position.'' Benjen growled like a wolf at what was said about his unborn daughter.

''Unbridled arrogance. That's the best way to describe Tywin Lannister. The man still thinks of himself as the center of the realms. But he knows his situation. He wants to use a member of our family as a shield. Perhaps just educating Jon Arryn from his wrongdoings was a mistake and teaching him would have been a good option too.'' Tywin was a bastard with too much ego in Hariric's opinion that he reminded him of the Malfoys.

''Yes. And mind you. He expects a significant dowry because he would be marrying a girl from my family who is not even the Ruling family because his grandson is the future lord of the western lands. And he makes no secret of the fact that if I don't comply there could be some kind of retaliation. The face of that imbecile.'' Oh gods how he was dying to bury his sword in the Lannister's heart.

''So fucking predictable. He's scared. He knows that Lannister power is waning and with the loss of the mines his wealth will go down the drain. So he's essentially looking to gain an ally that he thinks he can threaten. Maybe I should be the king of Asgard who sends him a reminder that he's not to fuck with my family.'' Where was Tywin getting these thoughts from?

Benjen nodded in agreement. But like his brother, he had a hard time understanding where Tywin's arrogance came from. If it was true that his mines were drying up, the most important thing would have been to find and build an alliance in the right way. Instead, Tywin had threatened him in the hope that he would break before him, which made no sense at all.

Benjen (as well as the entire family) knew that Tywin only saw the family as pawns. His brothers saw him as a great patriarch who was interested in protecting the family and after Tytos' screw-ups that was logical. But Tywin Lannister only believed in Tywin Lannister. The others were pieces to be used and to promote his political interests.

What Benjen didn't know but Harirc suspected from his spies was that Tywin was afraid. He knew that the moment House Lannister lost its greatest asset then they would be surrounded by enemies. Tywin hadn't exactly made allies. So he sought to build an alliance or support powerful enough. After all, if a Stark were to marry his heir, he trusted Hariric to protect said heir because he was allied with his family.

The problem with Tywin was that the man didn't know how to negotiate like a nice guy and was in fact a firm believer that he and not others were the ones who had the best situation. It didn't help his strong belief that the other families including the Starks were beneath him. A way of thinking like that that has been ingrained for years is not going to go away just like that.

Tywin toyed with the idea that he could manipulate the Starks, believing that since Steffon was the heir to the throne, Hariric and his family would never want to confront him for fear of a war with the six kingdoms. Little did the lord of Casterly Rock know that the Starks cared little and that in the end if it came to it they would put the entire family to the sword without further ado.

-Winterfell Nursery-

The sound of babies was something that quickly became noticeable. Even the children of the guards and maids were here, something that Ashara knew would be seen as idiotic in other parts of Westeros. But of course when everyone is loyal or locked into contracts with your house it is logical that distrust does not exactly exist.

Ashara found it pleasing to see the children running around on the floor. Well, more like crawling. Elia and Shelia's children were doing well. And she had great news for her husband that she was pregnant again. Just imagining Harry's expression at the news made her laugh since she knew her husband well enough to know that he would be elated.

What not many people knew about her was that even though she was married to her lord husband, she had not lost sight of her roots. Her family was more or less well off. Her brother ran the family but things weren't going well for him due to the fact that the Stark and Martell alliance essentially went completely down the drain.

Her brother especially despised her because she had failed to fulfill her duty to her family by killing her husband and handing the kingdom over to his family. She was furious. Did he expect her to just betray him like that? Besides the political suicide it would be, why would she turn her back on someone she loved?

It wasn't just Nymphadora's memories that had her already head over heels for her husband. No. There was also the fact that she didn't believe in paying for a bond as important as marriage with betrayal. What the hell was her brother thinking? In Dorne everyone cursed his name but that didn't matter too much to her.

However, watching his family had allowed him to learn from a dangerous boy. Gerold Dayne. Dark Star. The boy was ambitious. VERY ambitious. He wanted to take over Lord Dayne's position and take the Sword of Dawn for himself. The boy was dangerous in many ways because of how far he seemed willing to go in his plans.

But that wasn't the worst of it. His spies had discovered that he was in constant contact with Doran Martell. Doran didn't want to give up on his plan to put someone on the fucking Iron Throne. What the hell was Doran thinking? Why ally himself with the Targaryens anyway? It was stupid and pointless, not to mention the plans he would have to put into action.

She knew Doran. He wouldn't strike out now with a sense of war. Oh no. He would seek an all-out war that would decimate the various families who were too weakened and exhausted to stop Doran from imposing his strength. Doran might want to boast about being unwatchable. But after growing up with him she knew him.

What's worse is that Doran could think of doing something to his family in order to get them into the middle of all this. One look at the children was enough to make him want to take his spear and stab his good brother straight through the heart just for the sheer audacity of him thinking he could get away with it somehow.

She wasn't just furious about that, of course. No. The fury was that she also knew that Doran was a man with a grudge. And she knew that when he felt upset about her past actions and that she turned her back on his plans that he would seek revenge against her. And that he wouldn't care who fell for that revenge bullshit.

So if she was honest she didn't trust the man she once saw as a brother and she was worried. Oh yes she knew that in Asgard no one would dare to do anything. You would have to be either fucking crazy or very desperate. But she knew one absolute reality and that was that Doran was a man who could make others take the blame for his actions.

She knew her husband was aware. They had discussed it. Even Elia had told her so. To trust that they were safe with so many conspirators upon them was pointless. What did her husband do? He had invested money in ensuring even more security. When asked his plans he only answered with one word: Valyrian.

She could understand. Valyria was the most magically advanced society known. So it wasn't hard for her to figure out his plan. He was going to design things that would make everyone and his mother look at him as if he were the discoverer of miracles. She honestly agreed. She didn't know what her husband had in mind but knowing him he had something in mind that was both wonderful and terrifying.

But her attention right now was on the babies. More specifically, her daughter Andromeda, Shelia's children, and Elia's children. She only knew that it had to be some kind of strange miracle that they both had twins. It was just her luck. Although in Elia's case she could see the happiness of her oldest and most well-known friend.

She knew that for Elia the throne was not a reason. Elia was well aware of the ways of the Andals. According to them a woman could not rule. A part of her wondered where the fools got such ideas from. Still, despite that, what Elia liked most was being a mother. Rhaenys had been a great gift but she knew that having more children made her happy.

In Shelia's case, she knew that being a mother made her feel like more than just a tool. Even though her husband didn't treat Shelia like a tool and in fact loved her very much, Shelia couldn't help but think that she was just an instrument. Seeing the children happy certainly made her feel better. What kind of man who only sees you as a tool gives you children?

''Those kids are going to be a big, serious problem I can tell you that. I don't need to be a genius to see in them the trouble-making ability I saw in Oby growing up.'' Elia smiled amused as she looked at her son Maron Nymerios Martell and her daughter Ellerya Nymeria Martell. Both were children who were the epitome of happiness.

''Knowing your family it won't be so bad. And knowing Hariric he will put every real effort into seeing the two of you grow strong. My children seem calmer. But their Valyrian appearance might make some people look down on them.'' Shelia sighed. Her children resembled a Valyrian with their platinum hair. Valder was an energetic child while Selena was very calm.

''The way I see things right now I see my Andromeda giving orders of god knows what kind to all the children. Cregan and Belladonna are already very aware of the children and believe me when I say that they possibly have the greatest shield known in their hands.'' Ashara smiled as she looked at her daughter. Like her brother she inherited his violet eye instead of the greyish green eyes that Belladonna inherited.

''If she's anything like her father and mother, I can say that she'll be capable on her own. We're probably talking about a guy who has essentially planned way ahead. And you're no slouch, sister. Although, of course, he probably wants to have a peaceful life.'' Shelia knew her lord very well. She had always seen him plan. Always be several steps ahead.

''You can't blame my husband for always thinking several steps ahead of everyone else. If you want to blame someone blame the bunch of idiots who seem to have made it their life's mission to try and screw him over somehow.'' Frankly it annoyed her. Her husband just wanted peace for his family. Yet the morons' planning made him have to go all grim on them.

''You don't see us being against him. Frankly I always thought it was stupid to try to bite him and betray him. Doran has always had too high an opinion of himself, believing himself to be better than everyone around him. It's ended up blowing up in his face in the worst possible way if you ask me.'' Doran has always had an ego problem.

''That's what I don't understand. I had an alliance that guaranteed the North would sell its products at thirty percent of their price. Thirty percent be damned. It could have been great. And yet Doran threw it all away and is now planning to kill us all because I wasn't the piece he wanted me to be.'' It wasn't a very sensible thing to do.

''If you ask me, Ashara, Prince Doran is a Southerner. That arrogance has always been in him. Always has been. He always thought he was above your husband. And he thought everything he got could be stolen. Doran just considered the options and thought he'd be on the winning side and that was it.'' Shelia had drawn up a profile of Doran. It didn't look good for the prince.

''I just thought we were a family. I grew up with him. He was that older brother. Serious, smart and capable. He gave me help. He taught me. He guided me when I needed help, damn it. He could have been amazing. But instead of being that, he asked me to kill my husband. Did he even realize the meaning of such an action?''. Ashara could never understand what that man was thinking with such an action.

''If you ask my opinion, you have to understand that many in the South, including myself, think that the North is uncivilized. A bunch of pagans and little else. Look, I know it's a mistake to think that way, but that's what they put in your head. The maesters. Your parents. The septas and septons. They all seemed to see the North that way, and it's become Asgard.'' Elia sympathized with her brother because she knew that Doran's way of thinking was very typical of the South.

Ashara had to give it to her. She herself had been raised that way. When the princess was teaching them and much more, she wasted no time in pointing out the Asgardians as people who did not like to leave their realm and who preferred to stay doing their things without being bothered by others. That led to the mistaken idea that they were not capable of doing anything.

''That mentality has proven disastrous for the South. The Targaryen dynasty has already seen it firsthand. I just hope Dorne doesn't go through the same thing. I honestly know Hariric knows many ways to wage war and that was a kind one if I'm being honest.'' Her husband's memories. Of how he brought those who defied him to their knees in their old world. He was no good to his enemies and she didn't wish that on Dorne.

''Relax right now Doran is more concerned with finding a way to secure a fruitful alliance that will lead to his great ambition that will give him the Iron Throne. Pathetic if you ask me. Doran just looks at the seat and thinks that a woman can do anything but the Andals will never allow it.'' Where almost all the magical ethnicities held women in high esteem the Andals thought of them as nothing.

''The fact that he is willing to sacrifice his daughter out of hand is disturbing and disgusting to me. His daughter Arianne is proving to be a more than worthy heir according to your spy network. To sacrifice her out of hand seems to me to be a senseless and idiotic action.'' This showed that either Doran was not comfortable with the girl or he felt that there was something wrong with Arianne.

''Knowing my brother as I do there's always the possibility that he thinks he sees his daughter as capable and competent enough to overpower Viserys. Forgetting what Queen Rhaelle went through, how is he able to do that while forgetting his family? That seems troubling to me. Doran never thought so low of his own family before if you ask me.'' Elia didn't want to believe that her brother could be so wrong.

''She's an innocent child and she gets caught up in Doran's plans and agendas. She's not much different from Tywin Lannister if you ask me. They're both tyrants but in different ways. If you want to know more, part of me is waiting for this to blow up in her face in the worst possible way.'' I would never look kindly on a father who would sacrifice a son or daughter for his own benefit.

''I don't think there's anything to worry about. Most of Dorne no longer respects Doran Martell. And on top of that with the potential rebellion the Yronwood are brewing the best thing he should do is sort this mess out if you ask me.'' Shelia just thought that Doran was being stupid to leave that option open.

Shelia actually scoffed. Doran Martell was a politician like her husband said. But he wasn't the kind of politician you had to worry about unless you gave him flights of fancy. Doran seemed to think that everything would go according to his plans and that he could maneuver people into his plans without thinking that other people had their own way of thinking.

Shelia also knew that although Doran thought himself especially connected, the truth was that with all the people who had lost confidence in his leadership, what he should do was try to consolidate his family's position. However, she spoke of how bad his head had to be to think that obtaining the throne translated directly into having the support of his people.

Shelia did not hold out much hope for the desert man who seemed to think that his house was perfectly fine and that he would not have any real problems to face. From her point of view, House Martell was going to need both a charismatic leader and a ruthless and efficient leader when it came to making decisions for the good of his people.

Her biggest problem would be when Doran decided to try and somehow move against her husband. The flames in his hands should be an indication of how bad a decision that would be on the part of said man because before allowing him to do such a thing he would have him burning. But knowing her lord husband he probably already counted on it and it was part of his plan to place Arianne Martell as Lady of Dorne.

Elia for her part didn't know what else to think of her brother. She knew that Doran could be an ambitious person. And she knew that Doran was more than willing to sacrifice people for his benefit. For example, the first time this had shaken her was when he had essentially abandoned her to her fate in the capital to survive.

She had no proof, but she suspected that her brother had wanted her dead to use her as a method to unite the people of Dorne in a future war that he would wage to put a new king and queen in place. So cold. She almost found it hard to believe. But the problem was that all the signs were there, unfortunately.

He would like to think that his brother wouldn't be capable of turning against his own family for a piece of iron. But it's almost as if Doran believed or thought that this piece of iron was the answer to his prayers in some way or perhaps a way to solve his problems with what was his life which was the most idiotic thing.

She knew, however, that Doran was a jealous man. And when he felt that he had been offended, he would come up with a plan to get revenge. She knew this well, since she had seen numerous lords feel his anger because of well-designed plans that took into account almost all aspects of the lords, which ended with them coming out badly.

But her confidence that he could get to her husband. No. His ambition was probably not just to beat her husband and kill him. It was to destroy everything her husband had done. Honestly, a part of her hoped he would try if only to see his face when those same plans blew up in his face in the worst possible way. She could be vengeful too.

-Courtyard of Winterfell-

Rickard Stark and Lyarra Stark were happy. How could they not be? Their family was prospering. They were free from the political ambitions of the South. They were free from the schemes of those who thought the world could burn as long as they could stay on top, and their son didn't seem to want to stop with his ambitions to improve as a kingdom.

Truth be told, for Rickard there was a great moment when his son declared independence and named the North as Asgard. Since then his son worked day and night improving. The runes of the first men made many things possible. But besides that his son did not stop there looking for more and more things that he obviously wanted to use for his benefit.

Rickard had also seen how he treated people. The Black Wolf. The Winter Wolf. The Blessed Wolf. His son had many titles and many people looked at him with respect. Of course knowing that there were things that had gone to hell like House Karstark had hurt him. Weren't they family? Why did they turn against their own relatives?

Hariric was immersed in his work but that didn't stop him from doing many things for the little people which also helped him build a reputation that made many people look to him with hope. How could they not do such a thing when he was essentially always trying everything to make people's lives better, huh?

And yet Karstark had still had the fucking balls to plan. The death of his grandchildren. Of his children. Of his family. When Hariric explained the curse to him he still thought he was falling short. Until he understood. Rickard Karstark would feel no pleasure in life. At most he would give him a few years before the bastard took his own life like the coward he was.

But seeing his grown grandchildren brought a smile to his face. Yes. That included Jon. Even though both he and Lyarra wanted nothing more than to break, kill, and tear apart Rhaegar Targaryen, they both agreed that blaming his grandson was wrong. Though he could still remember his children's pain at what happened to their beloved child.

Oh gods what he would have given to have that bastard at hand. At least he was amused to know that his pride and joy had trapped Rhaegar in a hell where he was suffering in every way possible. His loving wife even found it adorable in her own words that her precious son was defending his sister even more.

When Jon was born it was difficult. Her daughter was a young girl when she had him. But her beloved son was a man who knew much. And to her surprise it was Ashara herself who helped along with many others. The application of water magic to help with the birth and the different forms of elixir used ensured that her precious daughter survived.

She could still remember her daughter's wailing when she was told she had to stay away from Jon. Despite being the product of rape, her daughter already loved the little wolf dragon dearly and wanted nothing more than to keep him safe with her. She could understand that. But her own son and even Ned agreed that he was dangerous.

With the seizure of power by Tywin Lannister and Robert Baratheon, it was obvious that they were after anyone with Targaryen blood to prevent them from being a threat to the throne that those bastards had stolen for themselves. Did they really expect their son to swear loyalty to them and more shit? Asgard only bowed to the dragons. No dragons. No kneeling, simple as that.

Hariric's main concern had become keeping his sister safe because Robert Baratheon had shown to have an unhealthy interest in her. Jon Arryn had also shown that he would stop at nothing to use her as a hostage against House Stark. Faking her death was the best thing he could do for his daughter's sake.

As for Jon, it was obvious that a Stark had to protect him no matter what. The problem was that both Benjen and Ned were unmarried and the prospect of a child out of wedlock might put people off. So to avoid that, both Hariric and Ashara said that the child was Hariric's bastard. I could still remember some idiotic people making fun of Ashara for it.

The girl he chose as his son's Stark displayed an unprecedented streak of cruelty in putting men and women in their place. Whether through words or martial force. As Hariric liked to say, he didn't marry a flower. She was a worthy warrior who deserved to be respected and best left alone.

Watching his grandchildren playing in the yard made him smile. Especially since instead of playing with swords or whatever they were playing strategy games. According to his own son, not only did one have to cultivate the body but also the mind. What good is the best sword if the one wielding it is an idiot with no brains of any kind? A most logical move in his personal opinion.

And as for his wife. She stood there watching with pride though she was not alone. You see besides them Hedwig was there watching. Her son's phoenix was a clear observer who kept an eye on the young as she liked to say. One time some idiot approached her grandchildren with bad intentions. The smell of burning flesh was very strong.

But hidden in the shadows unseen was Fenrir, his son's wolf, who watched everything with analytical eyes, obviously watching his master's children. The wolf was monstrously intelligent and could see and he himself could even say that if the wolf had his way, anyone who approached them with bad intentions would have their head torn off.

''They are very cute. They may be young but they are much more determined and are much smarter than most children. According to Harry it is thanks to their magic that allows them to mature earlier which is quite impressive.'' Lyarra smiled at the sight. Her grandson Cregan was the most thoughtful of her grandchildren. Although of course Jon was already proving to have a quick mind if she had to say so.

''They are the children of our great wolf. What else could you expect from children born to him other than unparalleled geniuses? If anything bad comes near them I look forward to seeing them torn in half. Thank god Ophis isn't around.'' The gigantic snake preferred to keep a watchful eye on the younger babies. Just to be safe.

''The gods really blessed our family when Harry was born if you think about it. And I hope we see more of them. Although to be honest I'm a little scared about people getting close to them. There's been too many people.'' Someone in particular wanted to get to the children. Luckily after spotting the first merchant trying to make an impact on the young princes they had been more attentive.

''Normally I'd say something like it's logical since they're the sons of a king. But I have to agree with you. That's why Harry always has Fenrir around and Hedwig watches them from the sky. But just in case I've asked him to put an extra plainclothes guard near them just in case.'' The merchant had been a slaver who wanted the Stark children. His son hadn't taken kindly to that.

''Jon is the easiest to get to. Even if Asgard doesn't have a low opinion of bastards there are still those who think they're special or something above it somehow. The only reason they don't say anything is out of fear of Harry.'' The last time some jerk insulted Jon Harry executed him by hanging. No one wanted to joke about it.

''He's still too young to know his parentage. And I really don't see why we should tell him he's related to those dragons. He's a wolf through and through and I don't give a shit what those Southern cunts think.'' His biggest concern was that the Southerners would try to use him for their political agendas.

''I've known you Rickard Stark for a long time. Your biggest concern is what the Southerners would do, isn't it? You're afraid they'll find out and try to make him their subordinate or puppet ruler in some way.'' The Southerners could try god knows what with his grandson.

''I don't trust them. I frankly distrust them for all the things they might try to bring. And that ego. That damn ego. They think they're so special. So unique and superior to us. Trying to turn it into a weapon against their own family. What I wouldn't give to see the first moron do such an idiotic thing.'' Not to mention how much I'd enjoy tearing them to pieces for it.

''Relax, my love. Besides, I doubt we have to really worry about that. Or have you forgotten the protector and guardian who is always watching over him? Jon is not alone. He has a family close by. Don't worry about him as much as you might because you should know that Harry and Lyanna wouldn't let anything bad happen to him.'' The mere idea of ​​someone trying to lay a finger on him was laughable.

''I think there is a threat. That Varys. He's known as the spymaster. And he's clever. It's quite possible that he has suspicions about Jon thinking or at least believing in some way that Jon may be the son of that dragon. And Varys strikes me as the kind who might try to use assassins.'' He was a man who himself could say would not see a child but a stone in his path.

''We just have to protect him. Besides, can you imagine your son's reaction if someone tried to somehow lay a hand on his precious nephew? Jon is protected by the Wolf of the North. There is no one who would even dream of laying a hand on him.'' She doubted anyone could do a thing against young Jon.

She could understand where her husband was coming from though. His distrust was not without reason. If there was one thing that was wise about the southerners it was that they would never be united. Too much arrogance and too many ideas of superiority. They would not rest as long as they thought they could make a profit - the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lanna Stark? Two magical lines united.

She wouldn't be surprised if they would somehow try to get their hands on him just for the potential utility of using him as a tool against their own Hariric. Especially since she knew that her Harry would never lay a finger on the boy. That only made them more despicable. She could understand that they would be desperate but the children were innocent dammit.

For their part, both Cregan and Belladonna were enjoying themselves playing the different thinking games their father and mother had created. In their own words, they must know how to think and use their heads. Just look at the foolish and incompetent lords of the south who seem to think they know better but their education leaves a lot to be desired, damn it.

Cregan knew that learning and using one's mind was what was expected of a true leader. For example, Risk was a game his father used to teach strategy. The same could be said of chess and other games of that nature. But his father also created games like poker that were designed to teach people to deceive and read people.

Cregan would be the first to admit, how could he not admire his father? Everyone around him said the same thing. How could his father have turned his kingdom into one that no one (not even himself) would give a damn about and turned it into the great military power it was today? How could he not look at his father with admiration?

His father had taught him and Belladonna that brutality and cruelty were only to be used on enemies. As he said, your allies must respect you. Your enemies must fear you. In Cregan's personal opinion, he had looked through the history books of the ancient lords of the north and realized that many were like that.

But Cregan also realized that his father was a very complex person. At least in the sense that every decision he made and every action he took was carefully thought out. And as his father liked to say, he gathered competent people who didn't tell him what to do but gave him options on how to do his job better.

Cregan was happy with how things were going more or less except for when he saw his half-brother Jon. He was there. Alone. That couldn't be. Without thinking twice he moved from where he was and went to his brother to see what was wrong with him. Something he couldn't accept. As his father and mother said, family was worth more than gold.

Jon was a simple matter in the eyes of the Stark prince. He was family to him. He had heard enough people tell him how he shouldn't be and how he should focus more on things like his studies. He despised them because they told him to put his brother aside. What kind of family would do that? Family is family no matter what anyone said.

''Jon, what are you doing here alone? Come here with me and we'll do a few things. I'm sure there are more things that you might find interesting and that might at least have the effect of making you smile.'' Cregan knew his brother would resist but he wasn't going to let him.

''I'm just thinking about things and how they are, brother. It's just... a lot, you know? Being a bastard and especially the bastard of the High Winter King isn't the best.'' Jon hadn't heard many people mock his status (mainly because Hariric would be very displeased with it) but he still remembered the merchant.

''What that merchant said was meaningless if you ask me. What could a man who didn't grow up here in Asgard possibly care? People think less of you because they want a reason to feel better about themselves.'' Cregan had heard his father say that one only makes fun of you to lift one's own spirits.

''But that doesn't make it any less true Cregan. I'm just a bastard. I will inherit nothing and I am simply a stain on our father's side.'' Jon looked down. He didn't want his brother to see his tears. What he wasn't prepared for was his brother's hug and when he looked up he found it there.

''First off I doubt our father cares too much about people's opinions. Do you remember the last time someone said honor? He replied, 'Is it something you eat?' Father doesn't give two shits about honor unless it's to prove he's a man of his word.'' Everyone knew it. When Hariric Stark gave his word that's what you got.

''But there are already plenty of people who look at me and say I'll bring misfortune. They use those Darkfire rebellions that happened in the southern kingdoms to talk about why bastards aren't exactly a good idea.'' Jon expected to receive a reprimand. All he got was a sigh from his older brother.

''I don't know why you give any sense to the actions of those who are essentially little more than imbeciles. Southerners are idiots. As for ambition, it's good to have it. You just mustn't let it get the better of you in any way. Mother and Father say that a person without ambition falls short in life.'' If his parents said that, it must be true.

''Lady Ashara is very wise. She is very nice to me. I half expected her to hate me or something just because I am her lord husband's bastard son.'' He had heard from enough people that southern women did not take kindly to bastards.

''Mother is not just any woman from the south. She is from Dorne where passion is very common. Besides in the words of mother, why would she hate an innocent child when the guilty one is the man or woman who couldn't stay still eh? Besides as mother and father like to say: we only hold those who have their things clear responsible.'' Her parents were very clear about that at all times.

Jon felt much better hearing his older brother's words. You see, not long ago a merchant came by. He had been trading in interesting things. And he said many things about bastards. Children of sin they called them. It heightened his sense that he was a bad son.

The merchant quickly disappeared. He didn't know what had happened to him, although judging by the look on his father's face he could tell that he wasn't happy with the merchant and had possibly expelled him from Asgard (the merchant was being deeply interrogated because he was a slave trader and he wanted to know more about his ring of selling people) and therefore he would never hear from him again.

But the merchant's words reached him and he had carefully informed himself of the so-called bastards of the kingdom in the interest of knowing more. And that was when he found them: the Darkfire Rebellions. They were basically rebellions organized by the bastard children of King Aegon the Fourth and whatever they wanted.

Then Jon began to tremble. Would he do the same to his family? Would he turn against them himself in an attempt to gain fame and much more? The very idea disgusted him. He didn't want to betray his family, damn it. But the fear was there. He didn't want to be a monster. He was deep in his thoughts when a new voice brought him out of them.

''Honestly like mother and father say you shouldn't believe a single bit of shit that is said in the south. Southerners are liars and are less than trustworthy people. Besides like father likes to say we don't know exactly what happened in those rebellions or at least in the first one of them''. It was also the logical thought in Belladonna's mind.

''You see even my sister says that. Look Jon what that man said was wrong. Here in Asgard what is most respected is not the name, not the surname and certainly not the honor. Strength. The power of oneself. You have to build your power and strength so you will be respected and people will say shit about your bastard name and all that.'' Cregan just sighed. His little brother had too many problems.

''Besides if you want my honest opinion Jon what the southerners say is just an example of how wrong they are. They build and create relationships and alliances that break and fall apart due to their ego-filled actions. We are not like that little brother.'' Belladonna had a loving smile on her lips.

''And as for anyone calling you a bastard, just tell them this: even as a bastard, I'm worth more than you, for I possess Stark blood. That's all that should matter to you.'' Both brothers sighed at Jon's small problems.

Unbeknownst to Jon, a new flame filled his heart. The flame for defending his family from all threats.

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