
Chapter 39: ch39

The Consequences of Every War

-West. King's Landing. Red fortress-

-Tower of the hand-

Jon looked at the information before him and sighed. The plan hadn't gone quite as he had intended. If he was sincere the plan had a lot of potential. But unfortunately I forget that the other party was also playing. And I forget that Hariric Stark was not one to leave potential threats in any way. The Greyjoys, although weak to Asgard, were still a threat.

It all began when Varys informed him of Balon's plan to declare his independence and declare himself king of the ironmen, the iron islands, Cape Kraken and part of the riverlands. When Varys told him that he couldn't think about how stupid and pathetic the damned idiot was. Varys himself found it funny.

Following the fall of House Frey, the Mallisters had assimilated the old lands and had rebuilt the bridge where it stood once again, although they were much more honorable and fair to those who crossed it. House Mallister was the most powerful house of the rivers. It was not a joke. House Mallister could easily take on any problem the river lords gave them.

Jason Mallister the Lord of the Rivers ruled the only valuable city of the Rivers and was the man through whom the different resources that were dear to the Lords of the Rivers entered. He also had a strong negotiation with the Lannisters since it was through his ships that the food that was so needed by the Lannister army and the people of the Western lands came in.

Jason despised the Tullys, whom he called traitors for simply being freeloaders and much more. He had allied himself with House Stark when Asgard was still part of the kingdoms and currently they were one of the few allies who had any kind of trust from House Stark on the continent which was a huge pain in the ass.

The thing was that the war had three things as its objective. Balon's son would go to Asgard and kidnap Ned and Benjen Stark as well as his wives and kill the children. If the children carried the capacity for magic it was best since they were aberrations. Otherwise they would be welcomed as innocents in heaven as it should be.

He knew that the wives would be raped constantly but they weren't what he thought was too big of a concern. One was a Mormont so she was a follower of the old gods while the other was from Norvos who followed different gods. The fact that both women were what a woman should not be was just something else.

With Eddard and Benjen trapped he hoped Hariric Stark wouldn't be able to make a move. At the same time he knew of the ambition of Rickard Karstark and his allies who saw his power severely reduced and hoped that they would make some kind of move. They would fail. But they would keep Hariric entertained that he would have to maintain order in his territory, restore order in the areas affected by the conflict and control himself. He was good.

But Hariric Stark had not bowed. He didn't know how, but Hariric kept people under surveillance, which spoke of a spy force equal to or even (and this made him tremble) superior to Varys', which meant that he possibly knew about the movement and decided to use it. Now the fact was that he eliminated the last traitors of Asgard and further established the strength of his family.

When I see the conflict coming, I use it as an excuse. His brother Benjen led the western fleet with his marines and a Winter legion. The legions were put to the sword completely and laid waste to the iron fleet and then set out on a campaign to destroy as many bloodlines as possible for the iron islands in their campaign of revenge.

While they did not kill the children and wives they did decimate the male population and made sure that all the lords and children above an age who could lay their hands on them were brutally murdered. In just four days of time, the Iron Islands received possibly the most brutal blow in their entire history except for when the Targaryens subdued them.

Another part of their plan had been to harness the military strength of the Ironborn to harm two houses: the Mallisters and the Lannisters. The Mallisters were the most powerful house of the rivers, something that worried both him and Hoster, fearing that the Mallister house could initiate plans to ally themselves with more houses of the rivers and dethrone the fish.

It didn't help that Hoster's son was an idiot. The boy, like Hoster's daughters, seemed to think that when someone takes an oath it is binding and then he crossed the line. Edmure Tully was an idiot who was constantly offending the river lords. If an opportunity presented itself House Mallister would take advantage of it and see them taken down just for the fact that they were useless.

So the plan was to use the force of iron led by both Aeron Greyjoy and Rodrick Greyjoy to destroy the Mallister army and harm the city. If the city had been caught off guard, I knew it could have worked out beautifully. Unfortunately the Starks warned their allies in the riverlands. When the attack happened, two things that the ironborn did not count on happened.

The Malister army was not there and the city was alert. Aeron, who was a fucking fan of the drowned god, and his nephew, who was, although a looter, not a soldier, charged and found a city waiting for them and then the army appeared and destroyed the squid army by trapping them. The Mallisters did not leave anyone alive.

At least the Lannisters were beaten. The Lannister army was Gerion Lannister's pride and joy. He had supervised its construction. The man was a lover of what it was to travel and had discovered methods of making good ships. Not Asgardian style but better. He had trained the crews and everything. So the blow was as if his heart or at least a lung had been ripped out.

Tywin had used the Greyjoy raid to plunder the entire Greyjoy treasury to pay for repairs to what was Lannisport. It was that sad. The blow was serious. Tywin's reputation damaged because if there is blood in the water the sharks come. And well they had seriously damaged Tywin's military capabilities by destroying the navy.

But the plan had been a complete failure in Jon's mind who thought that it was now very possible that they had the Asgardian threat. If Asgard knew about the attack there could be a chance that they knew that he and varys directed Balon's attention towards Asgard especially which would be bad.

''You know Jon I always thought of you as a kind man. A man of strong code and irreproachable honor. But with this action I realize something. Although you have honor, you use it as a shield so that they do not see that you are capable of other things.'' It had not been difficult for Robert to discover the truth. He was furious because Ned was in danger. But nothing else.

''I don't know what you're talking about Robert. I am a man who, above all, will always have honor. How can we look at ourselves and affirm that we are not capable of doing what is just and correct in the necessary moments?'' Jon looked at his pupil. Robert had only been able to entertain himself in the siege of Pyke which left him lusting for blood.

''Oh yeah. But you know I asked myself a question. If the kingdom of Asgard knew about the attack, is it possible that we knew about it too? And if so, how would we benefit from it? Once I saw the battles everything became clear. The Lannister fleet, the destruction of Lannisport, the attack on the Mallisters and the attack on Asgard. Well thought out...poorly executed if you want my opinion.'' Robert was many things. A whore and a drunk of course. But if he was something he was good at he was a warrior and general.

''If you know what I did then you understand why I did it. It was too good an opportunity not to take advantage of. What he did not expect is that Hariric Stark would have spies and agents to inform him of movements in the Iron Islands. It's more the speed at which he found out to do all the planning surprises me more than a little.'' Jon was upset.

''You should never have underestimated that guy Jon. He built Asgard. The kingdom is what it is because of HIM. He made it happen. A dream come true. Underestimating him has only made your plan fail. And well. I guess I have to be the bearer of very bad news for you.'' With that he handed her a letter. The letter had arrived and he was the one who picked it up just by pure luck.

Jon frowned and opened the letter. Elbert and Lyssa were dead. An attack by mountain savages. At least that's what was said. But Jon wasn't stupid. He dropped into a chair as he processed everything. Hariric Stark had not taken kindly to the attack on him and his family and had responded by killing his heir.

''You were playing with fire. Asgard believes in playing with hitting back. The Asgardians always believed that if someone hit you, you hit back with much more force. The mad king learned it the hard way with his son dead and his dynasty expelled, what were you thinking Jon? Yeah. Robert was deadly serious and he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

Jon didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say? He did it for the kingdom. He did it through the valley. He knew that with the bad blood between them it was only a matter of time until Hariric Stark said to launch an attack on the valley. After everything he did. It was obvious that he would want revenge. Now his heir and his wife were dead.

''I'm sorry Jon. I'm really sorry. But you must understand that if we had left Asgard alone this would not have happened. Don't look at me with that shitty look. I am very capable of judging people. Hariric Stark would not have done anything if there was no attack against him. It's that simple. You attacked him. "He hit back and he won." Robert hated to say this to his teacher but he had no choice but to do it.

With that said Robert left, leaving Jon alone. Robert truly felt for Jon. Elbert was a good guy. He had a good head on his shoulders and was astute and intelligent. That and she followed in his uncle's footsteps very well. But the moment you messed with Hariric Stark's family you were unleashing something much worse than death. He just looks at what happened to those inbred pigs.

Robet hoped Jon would learn from this. But he also knew that Jon could decide to take this as a matter of personal justice for the attack on Asgard. He hoped he wouldn't. Because he could do severe damage to the valley before the other kingdoms had time to plan an attack against them.

-Puerto de King's Landing-

If there was something that Varys loved about the capital, it was its different secret tunnels. Thanks to the darkfyre notes he was able to know about them and therefore was able to use them to his advantage. That included using them as his method of moving his little birds around the fortress and other places without anyone noticing.

Varys smiled thinking how easy it was to slip away. But that same smile died not moments later. The cause? Well you see, Varys had a problem. A problem of epic proportions in the way that his latest plan to hit the Asgardians had gone really wrong for him.

The plan was simple. They kidnap Hariric Stark's brothers, making Hariric look bad. Due to the Karstark rebellion he has to take charge of the situation in Asgard and cannot come to the rescue of his brothers. So that means his future death because the southerners provoke the ironborn.

This would lead Hariric to despise and hate the southerners and at the right moment all it would take was a spark. For example, if his son or daughters are attacked by someone from the south. Cersei Lannister wouldn't need much help for that. The woman was jealous and she was sure of her superiority.

Then war would fall between Asgard and the six kingdoms. Which would be used by them to overthrow the Baratheons and reinstate the Blackfyres as the legitimate rulers. They would marry the mad king's daughter to Aegon and then everything would be ready. The power of the kingdom would be his. The conquest of Asgard could be done over time.

But that plan had gone wrong. It turns out that Hariric Stark had a good spy network. So good that he was able to know when someone wanted to do shit with him and therefore was able to prevent the attack on his brothers by the Greyjoys. And now his brother Benjen had charged and attacked the Ironborn with brutality.

A part of Varys was actually scared for fear of what those savages would do to him if they could get their hands on him. If they discovered his part in what was a plan to harm them. To know that his actions led to the death of his sister. Yeah. Varys was many things. An idiot was not one of them.

After the brief war (hell the maesters were calling it the blitzkrieg) that was this he thought things would be normal. But a moon ago, her friend Illyrio informed her that she wanted to talk to her friend. She knew her old friend well enough to know that he wouldn't put the plan at risk just by himself.

So here he was at the port waiting for his old friend when he saw Pentos' ship. Without thinking twice she approached the boat and entered, reaching the cabin. There her old friend was waiting for him, and if anything he looked less than pleased, had things gotten that bad for her friend?

''I thought you were the one who said we should be careful when meeting. It must be a very serious reason for us to meet of all things. Tell me my friend, what is happening that worries you so much?'' Varys knew his partner very well. Well enough to know that when something made him angry it was serious.

''There have recently been a series of attacks on my businesses. Little things. Insignificant in themselves. But serious enough to make me realize that someone wants of all things to hit us where it hurts the most.'' Illyrio was a businessman through and through. And he was clever. He was able to see a preemptive strike when it was made.

''And what reason would someone have to attack you my friend? You are a good businessman in Pentos. One of the most powerful. Forgive me if I find it hard to even believe that someone could of all things want a fight with you just like that.'' You had to be crazy to pick a fight in the commercial sector with his friend. Especially with his way of doing things.

''You may find it hard to believe but this was not a preemptive strike. This was a demonstration attack. And those responsible are the Asgardians. Somehow they have made a relationship between you and me or at least they have come to know that we have some kind of relationship.'' The very idea worried him. What would happen if they found out about his son?

''That...that's impossible. I made sure to cover my tracks. Nobody knows about my past. No one can have an idea where I come from. All people know is that one day I was sold, I lost my eggs and after that I had to rise from the ashes.'' Varys was now afraid, could the Asgardians know more about him?

''What matters is that the Asgardians know about me. They knew about my business not in Pentos but in Volantis. They attacked them and stole everything of value there, leaving me with almost nothing. A serious attack. Not because of the loss. But because of the message they were sending." In this life everything that mattered came with a message.

''They are basically telling us that they know about our relationship and that therefore they are more or less aware of our interests. Damn Asgardians, how can they possess such a good intelligence network?'' Varys didn't know what else to say about it except to curse those who were now possibly his most serious enemies.

''Hariric Stark has attacked striking knowing that it would do certain damage and that it would make us retreat safely. He knew that the blow would make us feel inferior and fearful. From now on, try not to get involved in these people's plans to attack Hariric Stark." He didn't want to suffer any more loss of any kind if possible.

''I'm afraid that might be difficult. I have recently been confirmed with the death of Jon Arryn's heir as his wife. "Hariric was obviously not happy with the idea of ​​someone screwing him over in any way and launched an attack on everyone involved." Yeah. Jon Arryn had been beyond screwed in his opinion.

''avoid seeing yourself involved in the troubles of Arryn. That's a dying house at best now that their heir is dead. Whether he liked it or not, Jon Arryn unleashed this on himself. "I don't want to see the trouble we would get into if we tried something against him." Thank you but I preferred to avoid trouble with House Stark seeing that they could hit hard.

''I'll leave it to Arryn. Plus I doubt he'll live much longer. While he may not look like it but if Tywin Lannister is half as smart as he is I'm sure he must have already figured out what Jon did.' If Jon Arryn thought he could screw people over and there would be no consequences he was very wrong.

''Yeah. Although she has benefited us. The destruction of the Lannister navy has meant that they have to spend gold and resources rebuilding themselves as a force. Resources that they cannot use to strengthen their army. By the time we fall on them they will be completely ruined in every way possible.'' Yeah. In Illyrio's opinion leaving it was best.

''It's a shame not to be able to put a hand on Steffon. That child is the key to the Baratheon dynasty. As long as Tywin lives, he can, in short, benefit from the existence of his legacy. The only way to bring him down is for that child to die.'' As long as Steffon lives the Baratheon dynasty will still live.

''Let them believe that nothing can happen. Everyone thinks an attack on the king is the smart thing to do. Perhaps the most sensible thing is to take advantage of them hitting the shit themselves. If we can have Cersei be the one to kill her own child it will be even better.' If Cersei was as crazy as they said they could turn her against her own son.

Varys nodded and left. He was sure that his plans could not go wrong in any way. Unfortunately for him there was one thing that neither he nor Illyrio could count on: Asgard. Once again they had brushed aside the Asgardians as if they were no threat to his plans.

After the attack on his brothers, Hariric decided that he wanted to know more about his enemies. So logically he decided to spy on Varys. The best way to know more about them is to have them together in the same place where they would feel safe. That's how she devised the plan by attacking Illyrio's possessions and making the two meet.

The wolf soldier received the report of the mouse he had kept spying on the two schemers and growled. It seemed that these people wanted to start a war at the expense of his lord. He was obviously furious about it. So he had to inform the master about him. If this merchant or this eunuch thought they could manipulate his lord, they were wrong and big time.

-House of pleasure-

Petyr threw a bottle of wine against the wall in anger. So many plans in mind. So many ideas. And all destroyed. Why? Because Lyssa was dead. Lyssa was going to be his puppet to take over the valley. Make him have a son. She then kills the two Arryn alive. And then marry Lyssa. A simple plan.

But lyssa was dead. She killed by Asgardian retaliation. She never thought that this Hariric Stark had the balls to do something like that. But he made it look like an attack by the wildlings, could he make it look like it was done by none other than House Stark? Oh he was sure he could spread the word to a lot of people for it.

But the problem would be retaliation. Hariric Stark had proven himself capable of retaliation. And to be decisive. If he made any plan in which he thought he could hit that damned man and it didn't kill him he knew one thing for sure: the effect would be certain death for him.

In his mind the fall of House Lannister was an absolute necessity. Especially if what he wanted was to get his Cat back. But his plans were also tainted there because Jaime Lannister had had children with his precious Cat. He had dared to touch his precious Cat that damned idiot. blond.

With that in mind he began a new plan. Nothing else mattered. Either way she would have what she wanted. He would not rule the throne but the one who would rule would be just a puppet of him. His Cat would be on his lap. Yes, everything could be saved if he had a lot of luck on his part or at least that's what he thought.

-The Dominion. Highgarden-

Olenna Tyrell was sitting debating a few things while thinking. To start the blitzkrieg. Or the fool's challenge as many others called it. It was what it was because Balon decided to attack the one person who shouldn't have been attacked if you were even a little bit smart.

Hariric Stark had once again demonstrated his cruelty and brutality by essentially having his enemies broken by his hands or more specifically that of his brothers. It stood to reason that her power would have just settled a little more now if she had to say so.

The situation was getting even more complicated. The speed of the ships and their offensive capacity made them the most fearsome warships. With them on their side, the hegemony and control of the seas would be safely in the hands of House Stark, no matter how much the people disliked it. That's how bad it was for them in more ways than one.

She thought about her own family. Until a while ago her family had been the one that had, along with the Lannisters and the ironborn, a foot in the power and control of the sea. It was one thing that gave them the advantage over their enemies. However, despite this and despite her ability, the fact is that House Stark had kicked them out in the fucking ass.

With the Starks, having built a powerful navy in such a short time surprised her. Boat design required time and dedication. Since Hariric Stark started there were three different types of ships in work: Brigantines, frigates and galleons. And it was obvious that soon the latter, the Galleons, would be the ones that would completely replace the brigantines.

He did not like it. Scratch that. Hell he despised how his powerful house was in this trouble and cursed himself for the fact that it was all thanks to multiple game players screwing with House Stark. If the maesters had not made their power plays he could try to make marriages with people of Asgard and take from them what was in their possession.

But the maesters and other groups had burned many bridges in Asgard. The multiple attempts to introduce people to steal different resources did not help. Such as glass production, improvements in metallurgy, better agricultural techniques, the newest medicines. The maesters wanted that under their control. But it was all the possession of House Stark.

If she was honest she wanted to take everything from the child. Hey she was honest in what she was she. While some might argue against it, in the end she was a housewife who wanted the best for them. Unfortunately as much as she wanted to do that it would involve the use of spies and the use of people in positions of power. And the last war showed that that would not be enough.

The destruction of the last houses that could have served as spies in Asgard had been surprising. She, like everyone else, hoped that after the hour of the wolf House Stark would withdraw and decide to isolate itself. But instead of doing that Hariric Stark seemed to have an eye on southern affairs. As if he was watching everything they did.

Of course the mere idea that an Asgardian had such a competent security network was enough to scare her and possibly any player with power in the southern houses. Because it would mean that House Stark had ideas. I had plans. And he had designs in mind for the south or at least for revenge.

Olenna was many things but an idiot was not one of them. After the actions of House Tyrell in having screwed the Starks as much as possible, she knew the reality. As soon as she was given a chance. Even if it were a miserable chance, Hariric Stark would fall on them like a ten meter high wall.

Of course the actions of the maesters would not help either; his new contact at the citadel kindly informed him of everything that the citadel had stolen from the Asgardians. Runic knowledge, the ability to possess animals, and green vision. Three unique magics that could change everything.

Those three magics alone could have made the Starks the second most powerful house only surpassed by the Targaryens because of their dragons. And maybe not even that if they could take control of the dragons. His contact let him know that the books were no longer in the possession of the citadel.

What did that mean? Very simple. That Stark had them in his possession. That the same person she didn't want to know about the maesters' betrayal held in her hands the fact that they had been robbed. You didn't have to be a genius to know that House Stark would destroy them.

And the domain lords were all cowards. There were a few like Randyl and like Paxter. These two knew how to play the situation. But most gentlemen (and if their son was on that list) had a tendency to think too much of themselves but when someone stood up to them they were cowards.

Hariric Stark had proven himself capable of waging war effectively and brutally. He defeated the South while then expelling the Targaryens from Westeros. You didn't have to be a genius to know that that boy was probably already making a lot of plans to ruin the Dominion for whatever reason. They just had to give it a fucking reason and it would hit like a wildfire bomb.

''You know grandmother, even I am able to see the tension that runs through your being. It doesn't take a genius to realize that you're full of problems and that you want nothing more than something to break it. I guess things aren't good at all in your opinion, right?'' Willas was the most thoughtful of his brothers so he was the most capable of seeing people and analyzing them. A gift that his grandmother wanted to see grow.

''I am looking at the big picture before us and I will be the first to say that the Dominion is far from having a bright future ahead of it. Your father's past decisions and the decisions of some overly influential people have earned us an implacable and ruthless enemy with many resources.'' Olenna sighed knowing the truth of the difficult situation.

''If the situation is as bad as you make it, Grandma, perhaps the best and simplest thing would be to step back and properly observe the situation in order to find a viable solution to all of it. "At least that way we can try to minimize possible potential damage." Everything could be solved with patience as long as idiotic people didn't crush it.

'Do you think that almost three hundred years of the Dominion seeking to ruin the North in order to eradicate the faith of the Old Gods as well as years of plunder courtesy of the maesters will be good enough for House Stark to forgive our future?' '. He wondered what his grandson's reaction would be. He grimaced.

''If what we are talking about is a situation in which House Stark has been attacked, I say that we prepare for a brutal blow that will destroy the foundations of the kingdom. Perhaps we should expect to see the annihilation of several families. From my own view the Starks are not ones to let anyone fuck with them.'' Willas had respect for some houses. But none like the one he owned for House Stark.

''Your father allied himself with House Targaryen which caused our army to be decimated. But his sister died. I have met many people who treasure family. Many see the family as a resource, but him? He saw his sister as a precious treasure. "House Stark will not forgive his loss of life just as it has proven not to forgive Jon Arryn's hand in forcing a marriage on him." Yeah. News reached her of the death of his heir.

''Just because the father allied himself with the dragons, Hariric thought we were a threat. The fact that the father is always talking about how we should rise up against the pagans and everything is bad. "And I assume you are referring to the recent death of the Arryn heir." Yeah. That had reached Willas's ears.

''I fear for our future my grandson. Hariric Stark is not one to let something like a threat be present. If your father continues with his so-called plans to screw up Asgard I can assure you that we will see an attack. As for Arryn, screw him. Who did he think he was to force a fucking marriage, huh?'' Yeah. Jon Arryn got what he deserved.

''Even if we can make Father think before acting, we still have to point out that according to you, the maesters have been sabotaging the North for years and looking for ways to steal their knowledge. "While Hariric has already made a fool of them, it remains to be seen what he will do to make sure they don't screw him up again." Only an idiot leaves an enemy unfinished.

''The maesters have loaded us with their shit. They dedicated themselves to stealing knowledge about magic. I wouldn't be surprised if at this moment the Dornishmen are also searching to see if they have done the same with them. "I wouldn't want to be in the shit storm we'll be in if word gets out about what they've done." Because then everyone and their mother would charge at them.

''Perhaps letting the maesters take the blame for their actions would be best, Grandma. If you want my opinion, they brought it on themselves. His actions have made many gentlemen look bad. And we have lost a lot on our side. A little lesson in humility wouldn't hurt them at all." Willas only offered his opinion.

''Yeah. The very useless have not stood up for themselves in recent times and if anything all they have done with their actions is steal and make us look bad. Maybe a little learning about not screwing with those in charge again would be best.'' If the citadel thought that they could not be punished then they deserved a very serious punishment.

Willas agreed on many things with his grandmother. His father could easily be the doom of House Tyrell if several things were not done. To begin with he feared that his father might be plotting to ally himself with less than worthy individuals in order to exact revenge on Asgard. Say what you want but he honestly preferred not to attract the wolf's attention.

Also, like her grandmother, she believed that if the maesters thought they could have money and resources without having to pay, they were wrong. Even if it meant putting them in chains and making them understand their fucking place in society. They existed to serve. If they did not like to obey and had their own ideals, then they would be released from service.

-The Western Lands. Casterly Rock-

Tyrion had seen his father angry several times in his life. And it was not a pretty or pleasant sight at all. Damn it basically conveyed the message of run for your life if you want to escape the fury of his father when he was in a bad mood dammit.

He knew that the only reason he was considered a valuable asset was because his father did not want internal fighting and because with Asgard in front of him it was very easy to see that any internal threat could be used and capitalized on by them to harm them. His father didn't want that.

Now this damn war had been a complete disaster. She had caught them with their pants down. Their fleet ruined, their reputation damaged, and their credibility as effective Rulers ruined.

His Uncle Gerion wanted the head of the fucking squids and was very angry with Arryn when he conveyed that they would not have the heads of the Greyjoys and instead the Baratheons would take in the damned squids to educate them wisely.

He knew he wasn't the only one who was upset with the current situation. His uncle Kevan and his uncle Tygett had lost a lot of respect by not being able to set up defensive lines and recover the spaces lost to the Greyjoys. It was Asgard who achieved it only served to enrage them even more.

Tyrion knew that his brother Jaime was worried and fearful of the future of the house. Jaime wasn't a leader like his father, he didn't exactly see himself capable of dominating vassals who wanted nothing more than to see members of his damned family bleed due to pure stupidity.

Tyrion approached his father's plot thinking about all the shit of recent times. The logical thing most people would do would be to blame House Stark. After all, weren't they the ones who started this? Weren't they the ones who screwed up the balance of power?

But Tyrion had more people to blame. The Targaryens for being unworthy leaders. The Tyrells because if what he discovered is true they could have a sleeper agent in every fortress. The Arryn and their Andala obsession. The Martells and their games in the shadows. Yes, many guilty.

As he thought about it, Tyrion knew that things weren't going to get better just because he wanted them to be better, they were going to need a lot of help to make it happen and that would mean looking for allies, something his father wasn't exactly skilled at.

His father had a tendency to see everyone else as beneath them. He couldn't say he blamed him since there was a reason to be proud of the Lannister name damn it. But damn if seeking to antagonize those who are too strong is a very bad idea from Tyrion's point of view.

He knew that right now Tywin's eyes were exactly on the lands of the Rivers, the reason for this is the Mallister house that could become a powerful ally to gain more control over the region seeing that the Tullys were almost doomed.

Normally I would have suggested searching the valley but there was the option of a fucking civil war brewing. Although Jon Arryn did not have a direct heir, there was a young man named Harrold Hardyng who was his last heir, a part of him wondered why Stark had not precisely killed him.

His mind revolved around the possibility that he saw that this was an incompetent leader, while Jon's nephew was described as a skilled, charismatic and easy-to-trust leader. In short: a mask that hid a manipulator. Hariric Stark really knew where to aim damn it.

At least he knew he had to support his family damn it, Tysha and his daughter's safety depended on it because he knew that if something bad happened to his family then he would never be able to protect his family from threats, so even if it was I was supporting them out of a personal interest.

When he entered the lot he found only his father and Kevan. Why weren't his other uncles here? Tywin had his eyes closed although there was a letter there that seemed to have put his father's mood even worse, which did not promise to be anything good.

Kevan didn't seem in a good mood either, in fact he almost looked white as snow at that moment. Tyrion honestly wondered if his uncle was losing his blood on one hand, but it was at that moment that he saw his father's eyes open and the man looked about to kill someone. Fortunately not him.

''The war caught us by surprise, I thought it was bad luck. But I was looking to open a potential alliance with the Mallisters and they kindly informed me that Jon Arryn may have negotiated with Varys so that we would not realize, we have been attacked by our own so-called allies.'' Tywin was not in a good mood.

''We always knew that Jon Arryn is more than what he shows, many may want to believe that damn stupidity that they are high in honor and everything but as the Asgardians would say, we must remember that the Andals fought most of the time without honor and only boasted of their victory in Andalus books. Tyrion was greeted with a nod of confirmation from his father.

''Indeed, it was the Winter King himself who wrote to me to inform me more fully of some things. "He sent me exactly one copy of the Arryn diaries from the last three hundred years, no wonder that man has a personal vendetta against House Arryn." If Tywin was honest at least he had killed people.

''Has Stark obtained solid evidence of Arryn machinations and plans? So forgive me but tying our destiny to a house that is already dead is stupid. I say we prevent the princes from being affected by that idiot's talk.'' Tyrion wouldn't put his nephews at risk damn it.

''Courses of action are being taken in this regard, whether I like it or not, I'm going to have to think about it. What gets worse is that Arryn even has plans to usurp control of the Lannister house by using Jaime's children and that treacherous fish girl.'' Tywin did not tolerate traitors, especially those who endangered his family.

''I have no idea about that, however father I would like to point out possible internal threats to deal with. Namely those who can think in a way that we should charge forward and unthinkingly support the Baratheon seen what we have seen.'' Tyrion received confused looks from both men but Tywin gave him a single gesture.

''Right now, thanks to the actions of Jon Arryn, the six kingdoms are facing a difficult situation: the wrath of House Stark. I know we are strong and I know we have many advantages but Hariric Stark has proven to be a planner and even more so a person who acts accordingly. "We cannot act without brains and even more so think that we will just get away with it." Tyrion saw his father staring at him.

''What do you mean by that, Tyrion? We have always acted very analytically, especially after the Hour of the Wolf debacle. The defeat of our forces and the blow we received taught us that we must have more information when acting." Kevan looked at his nephew strangely.

''I'm not saying this to offend, but very unpleasant rumors have reached me. Cersei may have plans or ideas about how to deal with the Starks. An attitude that makes her believe herself above them. "The last thing we need is for Stark to consider that an attack." They didn't need any more trouble damn it.

''Do you think that Cersei's attitude made the Starks decide to use potential suitors from other houses and those who wish to see other things to use them to bring chaos and make the houses of the six kingdoms confront each other all for the purpose of harming us all." It wasn't a difficult thing to conclude.

''Indeed father, at this moment we believe that Stark is possibly plotting against Arryn. He very possibly is not done with them and in fact he is planning to finish them off or even destroy his lineage after discovering what that book says.' Tyrion saw his father nod.

''It was a conclusion that I actually came to myself, because if there is one thing I have been able to see, it is that Stark does not take kindly to anyone who offends or threatens him. And Jon Arryn has planned all sorts of unpleasant things for him and his family.' Tywin understood, one couldn't attack a family and just expect to get away.

''However, father, there is one more target, a group that without us realizing it has attracted his wrath in an unprecedented way: the maesters and the domain. Along with House Arryn during the last three hundred years both groups have exploited, damaged and much more to House Stark, I think it is obvious that they will not just let it be.'' Knowing the Starks the possibility of that was very low.

''What have the maesters done? How have they collaborated with the Dominion and House Arryn to earn the enmity of House Stark? The maesters are an important pillar, if they are going to be attacked it could be disastrous for all of us.'' Tywin frowned but wanted a full report.

"They are responsible for the theft of many northern relics, for the attack on several northerners and their bloodlines being beaten, for having planned the eradication of House Stark, for collaborating with the Targaryens to weaken the northerners and much more father." Tyrion saw his father shudder, it was the first time in his life that he had seen such a thing.

Tywin considered things, it seemed that his suspicions were true. The Maesters might have drawn the wolf worse than he thought. His spies in Highgarden informed him of Gormon Tyrell's past plans and he believed it to be a simple incident. But this quite possibly meant that they could have planned and much more which was not good.

Tywin thought and considered things but in the end he knew what it meant: an opportunity. When House Stark finished with the Dominion they would be ready for the harvest. They would take control of the citadel and beyond that much more, in the end it might be more beneficial to let the Starks do their thing.

It seemed to be a good day all in all.

-Dorne. Spear of the Sun-

Arianne looked at the data. It hadn't been too difficult to convince her father's spy chief that it was in his best interest to join her rather than her father. After her father's monumental screw-up in what was the Stark affair, many were doubting him and his spymaster had almost considered betraying them in favor of the Yronwoods.

Fortunately she took matters into her own hands. Her distrust of her father stemmed from the fact that her father wanted to make an attempt to put someone on the throne. The spymaster was an intelligent man but he knew how to see the big picture. Putting anyone on the throne would most certainly end with them dead.

As if that wasn't bad enough his father wanted to place his bet on the Targaryens, seriously? House Targaryen was doomed. She knew it well. No one would want to have anything to do with them seeing as they were a house that was worth more trouble than profit. But as if that weren't enough, could you trust a family that breaks its oaths?

In this world one's word is what defined one. With Tywin Lannister he was one of those men that you knew would give his word and keep it. He could be cruel. He could be brutal. But if he said something he did it no matter what. At the end of the day the issue at hand is that with a man like that supporting the crown someone like Viserys Targaryen was simply an aside.

As if that weren't enough (and she agreed) there was the possibility that the Asgardians would make an effort to kill everyone who once again supported House Targaryen. And that they actually put their hands into seeking the eradication of House Targaryen by all means.

He couldn't say he blamed them for it. The Starks had suffered because of the Targaryens. Offense after offense. They had endured, They had persevered. Until the wrong stone was thrown and Hariric Stark felled the Targaryens completely with a blow so monstrous she could tell it was even beautiful.

The spymaster thought that if Doran reached an agreement with House Targaryen there was a possibility that Stark would set his sights on them. So he thought of allying himself with the Yronwoods who were obviously eager to get their hands on his kingdom. Luckily she wasn't an idiot.

Convincing him to support her was not difficult. Although her father might have the right to marry her if her fiancé died then there was no problem. Also the problem is that her father was saying that he was looking for her but if she got married she would completely break her father's plans and agenda without any doubt.

Besides that, if she had to be honest, she wanted above all to avoid the attention of the gentlemen because of what her father made her see as undesirable. Her bastard father only saw her as a resource. She now understood better why her uncle Oberyn called her father a headmaster. Her father didn't see people. Only game pieces.

Her uncle had started helping her. He suggested slowly eliminating the agents who supported his father. Although she was skilled, she knew that these people supported her father above all else because they thought they were very close to him. Unfortunately for Doran Martell, whatever Hariric Stark did to Oberyn Martell made many fear the consequences.

Yeah. The dragons had devastated the country. They had destroyed it. But they intended to add it to their territory. But Hariric Stark wouldn't do that. And many feared magic because the possibilities were very wide and could have many effects that were not expected. Magic was the unknown.

Arianne knew that her uncle was thinking of ways to counter magic. Turn to other magicians. The few remaining red priests could be a good idea. In recent years they had been hunted to near extinction. Even Volantis had expelled them so as not to attract the negative attention of Asgard who demonstrated their power with each passing day.

Arianne continued looking at the data in front of her and groaned. Having Asgard as an ally would have been the best thing that could happen to them damn it. Her kingdom would flourish in the same way Asgard was doing. Or perhaps at a lower level but they would still flourish. Instead they were this bad and had no one to blame but their father and his ambitions.

His uncle came through the door showing his annoyance. The curse on the good man made his life miserable. His only source of light was his daughters. At least Hariric hadn't cursed him to hate his family. But everything that once brought him joy disappeared. She kind of hoped that he would find peace someday.

"Well, niece, this could brighten your day, but it seems that the problems with pirates and other riffraff that have been a hard day for all of us to deal with have escaped in the east." Yeah. He was still shocked by that shit himself if he was honest.

''oh really? Pirates and slavers are not the most intelligent group. "They seem to think they are above everyone and in fact they think they can attack anyone who may be a threat to them." The Stepping Pirates were a pain in the ass at the best of times due to their unprecedented brutality, savagery, and cruelty.

''Yeah. But it turns out that the pirates reached an agreement with the Greyjoys. You see, it seems that Greyjoy had them to attack merchant ships and offer them safe harbor. "When House Stark basically did what they did, they got very nervous." Oberyn laughed at the pirates for how hard it was for them.

''The pirates allied themselves with the Greyjoys? Although if you think about it carefully, of course it is possible. The Greyjoys would promise safe shores to dock in their attacks on the western coast during their movements.'' Arianne should have known that was a very high possibility.

''oh but that's not the only detail. You see, it seems that our dear pirate friends had decided to hunt and capture Asgardians to sell them to the slave masters so that if anyone had magic they could offer a colossal sale.'' Oberyn shuddered at that unique detail.

''okay...then I can see why they would run away. If Hariric Stark found out about this, he would launch a military campaign solely with the objective of destroying his enemies, who in this case are slavers. And if they were captured by Asgard he no longer has to respect that black thing. Arianne could understand her fear.

''and you wouldn't see how bad it is because it turns out that the tiger masters of Volantis wanted Asgardian children who showed magical abilities so they could turn them into their own military force thinking that if they could be magical their lines would also be strengthened somehow.'' Obery almost fell over laughing.

''Uncle...is there a possibility that House Stark is aware of the intentions of the triarchs of Volantis? Because if so, I think it would be possible then that House Stark could have a new objective in mind for its forces.'' Not that she cared. If they hit Volantis it wouldn't be so bad.

''Even if that were the case, I doubt that House Stark will move against Volantis at the moment. No, they will want it to be a surprise move that allows them to finish them off in one hit. Hariric Stark seems to love surprise blows. That guy has a love for hitting with his pants down and that's saying something.'' Oberyn could admit that she could understand what the man was doing.

Oberyn knew that the Asgardians were certainly dying to tear their enemies into pieces. She couldn't say he blamed them for wanting their enemies dead. Who doesn't want their fucking enemies dead? But reality is rarely so simple and straightforward that one can just move on.

However Oberyn could honestly say that if necessary House Stark would move to break their enemies with complete safety. That they would not hesitate to kill them. Why would they do it? They dared to challenge the entire power of a kingdom and he believed that Stark was one to take severe revenge.

-Essos. Braavos-

Viserys was currently looking at the news that had reached him thanks to a merchant. Namely the absolute defeat at the hands of the Northerners. He would never call them by the name they had. In his opinion they were just fucking savages who if they deserved one thing it was a fucking pike and their heads on those pikes.

He could easily remember the days. Those days when House Targaryen ruled magnanimously over the other kingdoms. They were benevolent rulers who led the kingdoms with a firm but kind hand. And then those wild dogs rose up in rebellion. Why? Because his brother had taken the man's sister.

Her brother had wanted nothing more than to make her his queen seeing as how Elia Martell had only given birth to two children. And seeing how sick it was he thought it was logical. They needed more Targaryens. They needed more powerful people to help keep the seven kingdoms under strict control.

He could remember his mother praying for his brother. To his father praying for the victory of his son, and what came of it? His brother who had somehow attained magic was killed of all things by Stark. Stark had achieved the ability to use magic but did not share his secrets as every subordinate should do.

His brother fell to the sword of that barbarian. And then he and his newborn sister, with the death of his mother still fresh, left their home for Braavos. All because people couldn't stand the glory of dragons. It was they who brought order to the seven kingdoms. And they expelled them as if nothing had happened.

Ser William told him that something would soon happen that would brutally hit the northerners. And he was about to celebrate. He was about to be happy. But then news reaches him of how the North had crushed the ironborn. Only a group of savages could defeat a group of honorless monsters like the ironborn.

But it didn't matter. Revenge would be his. The dragon would rise and once he did the North would pay for his transgressions. After all he was the dragon now.

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