
Chapter 42: ch 42

The Northern Auction PT2

-West Kingdom of Asgard. Winterfell-

-Winter Throne Room-

Harry thought that after what he did to the Karstarks who were his own family and the kind of force he used against the Boltons that no one in his realm would be so fucking stupid as to do stupid shit. But imagine his surprise when it turns out that's essentially not the case and he has a report in front of him that Jorah Mormont was working to sell classified information to the Hightowers.

It was so pointless, so idiotic and such a lack of use of grey matter. When the war against the Greyjoys ended a year ago he thought, is Jorah seriously marrying a southern girl from one of the most hated families by the Asgardians? After all, you only had to look at the actions of House Hightower throughout history against House Stark. It was so senseless that he couldn't see it happening.

But Jorah proved to be a fool when he was seduced by the woman. Maege was not happy and neither was Lord Jeor, but he had told them that they would be watched and observed. And he had not been wrong. The woman enjoyed a life a thousand times better than that of the south and yet she believed in the firm loyalty to her house of origin.

The good news was that Jorah hadn't been such a fucking idiot as to risk his house finances and afford the woman's lavish lifestyle. It was a very serious matter and although Jorah might have been tempted it turns out that Maege could have challenged him for leadership and that wouldn't have been good for him.

But within a year the woman had seduced and even given birth to a son for House Mormont. Young Jorhen was a fine boy who inherited nothing southern and was pure Asgardian. Hell she even sensed magic in him and at a more than decent level, but that was all the good that came from the marriage in question.

Jorah, enthralled by the woman, had agreed to help her obtain and sell Asgard family secrets to name the fleet. Luckily for everyone, despite the intelligence uses of House Hightower, Hariric knew what was happening and was able to prevent the plans for their ships from being sold, especially the newest ships to be manufactured thanks to his new applications.

The result was that before Jorah was warned he was arrested, along with the woman in question. It was done quietly. Stealthily and meticulously. But after that they had been rushed here. They had already sold the two broadswords, one for four million and the other for three and a half million. Now they would sell the two bastard swords.

But now he had before him Willas Tyrell, Dickon Tarly and well, a little bit of a prisoner, Garth Tyrell. The man had tried to rape a Dothraki woman who lived in Winterfell. The man was an idiot. She was a Valkyrie so to say that she handed him her ass was an understatement. The woman did not tolerate weak men touching her.

Garth's action was enough to anger him. The actions of the Hightowers were enough to make him want to send the western fleet and wipe the oldest city off the face of the earth. Besides being the seat of power of the maesters it was also where the faith of the seven had great influence.

But his wife and parents had told him that now was not the time to attack. Oh, it was so tempting. Both parents wanted to send a message to the lord that House Stark does not tolerate spies. That would probably be enough to scare the idiots of the realm. But it was mostly his wife who was against it.

He had nothing to say to what she planned. He knew that his wife had a vengeful and spiteful streak like a potential sun. So in private he asked her why exactly she didn't want to start a war. The answer? Jorah's son. The child was innocent. How would he grow up if he was associated with such things, huh?

Hariric knew that while his wife could kill almost anything with a look of pure indifference he also knew that she took the care of the children seriously thinking that they were innocent and did not deserve a shit burden for their parents' actions something he had to admit was justified in his mind.

Harry of course ran multiple simulations of what would happen if word of this got out. Mainly it would be that young Jorhen would be seen as the son of a traitorous bastard. He would be looked down upon. The boy would be seen as a bastard in the south and while he could be spiteful towards Jorah he could never blame an innocent child for the man's shit.

Jorah Mormont was the man responsible for this shit. No more, no less. And he always knew he was untrustworthy for his way of seeing things and even opposing him. So logically speaking he wanted him to pay. The betrayal of the new ships of both trade and war would have meant the loss of the element of surprise which was a great lord not in his mind.

But in the end he agreed to his wife's request and instead of shouting to the heavens that he had captured Jorah Mormont he had brought him before him to be tried later in secret by him for treason. And here he was meeting with the lords of the south of the Reach to set things straight. The fact that they also caught the imbecile who thought only with his penis was something else.

''Your Majesty, I want you to know that we do not agree with Garth's actions and that we actually wanted him to think twice before doing something shitty. Please accept our sincere apologies for his actions.'' Willas was clear. Garth was dying. He was useless and he was getting into more trouble than he was worth, which was bad.

''You know I thought after the lesson I gave your father about not messing with my house he would have learned a little more about it and not do senseless idiocy. Instead I have to put up with this fat fucking shit who thought he could assault a woman of my kingdom.'' The guy had also proven himself to be a racist and much more so there was no point in letting him live.

''I understand, but Garth Tyrell is still a key and important piece of the Reach kingdom. He is the castellan of Highgarden so he has the ear of my lord father. Although seeing the situation he has put us in, well I can say that position will not hold for long.'' Willas did not say that if the Starks did not kill him, he would kill him himself for his actions.

''Words are kind, but actions are worth a thousand words. Tell me, how can I trust your decisions or your actions if every time your family does something, it's to attack my kingdom? Archmaester Gormon tried to kill me after all. Your father started a war he didn't belong in. If you look at it analytically, it's almost as if your family is looking for trouble with me.'' Harry scoffed at the idiots.

''I can assure you this your majesty, Garth Tyrell will be taken to Highgarden where he will be expelled from his position. On top of that he will also see a punishment in the loss of the eggs for his attempted assault.'' Willas of course intended to kill him silently but seeing him lose the eggs was good considering all the monumental fuck ups he had made.

''Oh? I thought you southerners thought punishments like that were considered too barbaric and brutal. Hey who knew you'd think that was a good punishment for a would-be rapist.'' Honestly it was a punishment that was used very seriously. If a rapist was caught well to say it ended badly was an understatement, his wife had a dark streak for them and was very imaginative.

''While it might be considered monstrous and brutal, I am also a firm believer that when someone has done something truly stupid, they should be punished in a way that makes them understand the error of their ways. Seeing as how much he treasures his balls, I think losing them is a more than exemplary punishment.'' Willas just shrugged, though Garth's glare was worth it.

''You really won't seek to defend him? Protect him from his actions and find a justification for his actions? Most of you southerners tend to view us men and women of Asgard as less than nothing. Your father has a very good way of putting it actually.'' It was funny to see Willas's face turn pale at being made aware of his father's actions.

''Don't lump us all together. My friend Dickon here is Lord Tarly's son, considered the most competent of the Dominion's military commanders. And according to him we don't stand much of a chance against you. Obviously we don't want fights we can't win.'' It was the most logical and foolish move.

''I wasn't going to, you're Willas Tyrell. You're quite intelligent and considered a genius like no other. Your ability is incredible and since you were a child you were personally tutored by your grandmother in the art of personal analysis, psychology and analytical ability, you're no idiot. And that's proven when you came here knowing you wouldn't come away with anything physical.'' Harry smiled as he watched Willas nod.

''And your companion is Lord Tarly's eldest son. While his youngest son has already been regarded as a minor scholar, your friend is an impressive military mind. But that means nothing to me. All it means is that you are two intelligent people who tolerated an idiot in my country.'' Which was not exactly speaking of intelligence if he had to say so.

Willas sighed. What Hariric said was true, he was possibly the best trained person in the entire domain. His grandmother and the maesters had increased his study time and had put a real effort into making him shine. With someone like his father as a lord there was a good chance that without a capable leader the Domain would fall into the worst of situations.

At the same time, as he already knew, his uncle Garth was not the smartest choice to come. With Dickon present, he would have expected the possible third man to come to be someone intelligent to help him assess the situation, and the best would have been Baelor Hightower, as he was almost as well trained as he was, had much more experience, was family, and knew what it took to run a city.

Coming to Garth just because his father wanted to know what was going on and distrusted him only did more harm. Garth screwed up the situation in so many ways. So far this week he knew that they had been extensively watched and more importantly that they had been secured from doing anything. Garth Tyrell's actions only put them in a worse position.

''But while Garth Tyrell is a serious reason for my annoyance, he is not the reason I am angry with the houses of the dominion. A year ago and according to the laws of my nation I did not interfere when Jorah Mormont dared to marry Lynesse Hightower. Even though the Hightower house is one that disgusts me, I did nothing. Just the fact that they tried to steal secret documents and reports about naval production infuriates me... a lot.'' It was good to be honest.

Willas felt his voice go out. Really? Had they tried to steal secret documents from Asgard? Mira could understand why they wanted to obtain the ship production documents. The shipyards were not only sought after for their already quite advanced ship production, but also for the design of the powerful warships they had.

But something that didn't go unnoticed by Willas was that most of the ships in Asgard were based on ships from the Summer Isles, or at least the base design. Why couldn't the fucking scholars from the citadel work on the ship designs? Were they lazy? What the hell was Lord Hightower thinking? Whoever said this probably had his grandmother's fingerprints on it too.

''I...I have no words to express exactly what I did just now. I wasn't aware that such decisions had been made and that of all things my aunt had been sent to spy and steal. I wouldn't have done it because of how risky it was.'' It was logical, if they were able to deceive a kingdom for god knows how long, what was stopping them from continuing to prevent being seen huh?

''I would call it arrogance. Like what you can see in most southerners who seem to think they are above. I am very tired Lord Tyrell of people seeming to think that because the maesters say three shits you think you are special. Would you like a history lesson of the true history? Keep in mind that thanks to magic I am very aware of reality.'' Ah the good thing about traveling through the time stream and seeing reality and being able to witness those things.

''I... I can only say that it is not necessary. I understand and comprehend that my kingdom's actions are inappropriate. I have to ask, what would be your requests in this regard about what to do? Because I want to know them and present them to my family and have them decide on the matter.'' Willas would kill his own family for putting him in this shitty situation.

''How thoughtful. You'll discuss it with your family and try to resolve it peacefully while you plan how to stab me in the back. I won't deny that I believe in the need for subterfuge better than anyone and that occasionally surgical action is better than all-out war, but hey, your reputation speaks for itself.'' Ah, the good thing about having the reputation of political players.

''Don't you trust that my family wouldn't try anything and that we would possibly try to somehow hit you from behind with the intention of getting out of this alive. We would try to eliminate you so that your kingdom would be weak, Ashara would be named regent but actions of using propaganda would make it look like she killed you and then that would cause a civil war?'' The fact that Hariric quickly deduced his grandmother's game surprised him a little.

''Don't look at me like it's some massive surprise that I've noticed your great masterstroke that you're going to try to make it all show. You know what's great about history and having it well documented? That there are descriptions. That everything is known down to the last detail. And that's why I was able to find out how you play. So go ahead. Will you listen to my one offer? Or are you leaving and I'll make a single dive into the domain?''. Final decision just the way Harry liked it.

Willas sighed, Hariric would let him go. Not because he was a bad hostage. No, but because he would let them know. They would prepare themselves and that would mean spending money and food to prepare an army that already had very broken morale when it came to dealing with the Starks, which was most disastrous. Your army must have faith in you, damn it.

Of course there would be no war. Or at least not in the way they planned. With all the lords on alert and gathering it would feel like an expense. The other great houses would see their moment in this and take advantage of it. Obviously they would want to wage war but Hariric's true goal would be the destruction of Oldtown (it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the target of his wrath).

And even if they would recover, they would expend even more capital. They would be weakened. They would lose their only great city. The maesters would be wiped out. All in combination it would mean that the domain lost. So sadly, and even though his family was displeased…he accepted the terms of their surrender. Once again he realized that the gods were unfair in rewarding House Stark with such a monster.

-Dining room (later)-

The Stark family dining room wasn't just a big place with one giant table for lords and a bunch of little tables. It was one table for the Stark family and a bunch of tables for everyone who sat down to eat, whether they were other lords or soldiers, guards or whatever. This is where you could find Hariric with his three wives.

It's not that there wasn't anyone, in fact there were a lot of people. Among them many foreign dignitaries. Hell, you could see Catlyn Tully's face when she saw Elia Martell with her body with no signs of the disease or the blows of being premature. And you could practically see the looks on the faces of the dignitaries of Yi Ti and Volantis. The ones from Ghiscar left because well they did something stupid and well the threat of having their heads cut off isn't nice.

A few years ago, the fact that Elia lived in Asgard was known was a big no. Despite what some might think, the army was still green by Hariric's standards (it was black, if you don't have a strong magical division you are still weak) and well, they had not yet taken over the economy of the south and Essos in a powerful way.

Harry was of course counting on Southern arrogance. He was counting on these morons somehow deciding that they knew better and were therefore justified in attacking him. And when they did he would crush them without a doubt in his mind. He was not in the mood to indulge them in the slightest.

Although he found the look on Catlyn's face as she glared at Ashara amusingly. It didn't take a genius to know that Catlyn had possibly dreamed of being Lady Stark and starting the reforms that would make her name go down in history as the woman who brought faith to Asgard.

The sight of Ashara must have been a brutal blow to her already. A more respected woman, more loved, more in her earnings and much more. The fact that Ashara was clearly happy to have more female company at her table and to ignore a Tully could be enough to have the fish woman upset and naturally wanted it to end.

But he also knew that the Tully woman's anger was probably in the sense of Elia's presence. Before going through his medical method Elia Martell was a thin, almost anorexic girl, struggling with her own flat chest. She was beautiful in an exotic way with her olive skin and golden eyes. But in the sense of finding her a sex machine was a big no.

Now? Now Elia Martell had an hourglass figure. Accentuated curves. A decent enough chest. She was nicely plumped and sported a nice fit body. And the fact that she didn't look like a prisoner like she should be was pretty obvious to anyone looking which would probably worry people too.

Why would people be worried? Because of Rhaenys Targaryen and the supposed Aegon Targaryen. Obviously the southerners would think that he intended to put Aegon on the Iron Throne and marry him to his own daughter. Something that any southern lord would do, forgetting once again that he was not a fucking southern lord.

It didn't take a genius to know that if he did that any sons and daughters they might have had would be nothing more than power players to be used by the Southerners in their power game. Hadn't these people even learned yet that he wasn't one to sacrifice his family for political positions? What idiots, the whole lot of them.

She obviously knew that House Stark had to look for potential mates for their children, though she suspected that her son Cregan and Rhaenys would be together. Belladonna was very independent and if she was looking for a partner it would be someone who was a potential force to be reckoned with whether it was militarily, financially or in college. She wouldn't want a useless husband who would try to use her name in an attempt to rise in rank.

Because that was another matter that had to be taken into account. Any mate for her children. Any of them actually. It could make the couple's position rise. At this point she knew that many men and women from Asgard, the south and Essos must already be plotting to use and use her children for their personal benefit which was... annoying.

Harry was unlike any other lord in the realms. He was not a believer in arranged marriages. Also marrying his son to any southern house was a big no because of their political agendas and intentions to make them a tool to extend their influence and in fact they might try to use them as hostages to bring him to heel.

There was also a compelling reason for not marrying any of his sons off to the south. Two reasons, namely: the faith and the citadel. The strength of the faith was being severely shaken due to the fact that he was seen to be the champion of the old gods. Many wondered why the faith of the seven did not have a champion then? And that was destroying his position and power.

Faith couldn't allow such a thing. So they were going to do everything in their power to confront him. Would they try to kill him and his family? Quite possibly. You didn't have to be a genius to do such a serious divination. But Harry was far from an idiot and easily deduced the manipulation and the plan in mind.

The other group was the Citadel. Not only had he made them look ridiculous in so many ways by advancing Asgard the way he did. Oh no sir, it was the fact that he possessed magic that infuriated the Citadel the most. They were going to do something eventually. The fact that they were making fools of themselves only ensured that they were likely to plan on doing even more of their thing.

With all that in mind, Harry didn't have to be a genius to know that there would soon be pressure of some kind. Perhaps good old Robert would send an assassin with the intention of killing Elia. Or in Tywin's case, kidnap Rhaenys and use her in some way. Never mind. It would only be a matter of time before it happened.

''The fish girl's face is something. It almost looks like someone punched her directly in the face in a brutal manner. It's pretty obvious if you stop to think about it that she's not happy with my presence.'' Elia was satisfied. Finally, hiding was over. Not that she was hiding before. But now she wondered what the reactions of all the so-called players would be.

''You don't have to be a genius or a fortune teller to know that woman is furious. It's written all over her face damn it. She almost looks like she thinks someone has taken something extremely valuable from her.'' Shelia scoffed. She had plenty of reports on Catlyn Tully. None of them spoke particularly well of her as a woman of staunch faith who thought anything that strayed from the faith was blasphemous.

''She's probably just jealous. Here I was thinking that Elia is possibly running away all over the world trying to escape Robert and here she is sitting at the main table of our kingdom sharing a drink with us and completely ignoring everyone else.'' Ashara shared her own opinion which seemed to be at least the most accurate one.

''You're not far from what she thinks, Catlyn Tully is jealous. She saw herself on a high pedestal. For years her father told her her great mission in life. And not only is she married to a Lannister who has made it clear that she is nothing more than a broodmare. But on top of that she is little more than a glorified housekeeper.'' Harry laughed amused just imagining the face of the woman in question.

''I couldn't care less about the woman's opinion. But it's obvious that she's about to explode. She probably already knows that the three of us are with you and that can't be since we're then people disrespecting her esteemed faith.'' Elia had no attachment to the faith of the seven. Why should she? They were after all gods who never listened to her requests.

''There's a reason I firmly believe that religion and political power should never be mixed together for anything in the world, damn it. The biggest example was that idiot Targaryen king who was a staunch defender of the faith. We should have made a fucking example of him instead of just ignoring him.'' Religion had no place in politics from his point of view.

''She obviously feels threatened by you too Harry. You are basically powerful. Wealthy and influential. The biggest hope she had was that your children would get married one day and she hoped she could influence your children. That they don't must be a huge pain in the ass for her.'' Yes. For Elia that was obvious too.

''Children are the hope of tomorrow. Children are the hope of the future. Did you really think that I would one day allow my children to be influenced by those I deem unfit? What a short-sighted way of looking at the world. What more can you expect from idiots.'' It was just a logical move. You don't let your children be manipulated by anyone.

''I think she's also mad because she looks like a simple woman and I look radiant. I think she might even be thinking that I'm using magic to look more radiant and make more people think I'm special or something.'' It didn't take a genius to think that.

''In short, she feels threatened that because you are a Rhoynar you decide to throw my company to hell and seduce any man. And since Jaime doesn't seem pleased with her she thinks you are going to seduce the man she is trying so hard to keep on a leash.'' She couldn't be more pathetic in Harry's mind.

Elia scoffed. Catlyn Tully was too much of a southern woman. A proper lady. She didn't understand many things and believed that a lady's duty was nothing more and nothing less than to serve her house. Shameful. What about learning? What about growing? A person should be much more than a fucking figurehead, at least that's what she believed anyway.

Catlyn was afraid because she, Shelia and Ashara looked more like women than her. While she lacked a feminine figure, they had one. They had a very feminine body that basically made all men look at them with fucking lust. And that terrified the woman in question. Because as far as everyone knew, Jaime Lannister didn't pay much attention to his wife since he had his children.

''It's frankly annoying the way that man looks at us too. Kevan Lannister. The guy seems to think he hides his emotions very well. He's practically screaming to the heavens what he wants to do. How he wants to make all of us suffer and break you into pieces because it would make his family happy.'' Shelia would not give him such pleasure.

''You're talking about the man who is an extension of Tywin Lannister's will. Kevan Lannister firmly believes that what he's doing is the right thing. That he's thinking and acting intelligently. He's probably dying to tell his beloved brother that Elia is here.'' Knowing Tywin, he would do something tremendously predictable.

''It doesn't take a genius of any kind to figure out that Tywin would try to get his hands on Elia. Sure, the guy never accepted anyone saying something about him and taking away some power from him. Elia Martell made him look bad when she was the one who became Rhaegar's wife.'' He gave his sister-wife a look of pity who also cringed at it.

''It's not a question of whether he's angry about it or not. Tywin Lannister thinks he's a lion. Powerful, Strong and Invincible. If he thinks something has surpassed him, he lashes out. With me already giving him reasons, he's sure to do something that will make me have to give him a complete lesson on why he shouldn't fuck with me.'' And even so, Harry believed that the guy wouldn't submit much.

''You know his profile. The guy wasn't one to just accept that he was wrong and was in fact a firm believer that he was doing the right thing at all times for the good of his house, even if his actions were more or less likely to lead to considerable harm to his family.'' Tywin would think that he was justified in his actions after all.

''Well then I'll be a benevolent king...and tear him to pieces. I suppose it'll only be a matter of time before House Lannister makes their move. Hell I can look forward to their reaction for all I care.'' While some would say it was overconfidence on his part it wasn't, if anything it was that he wanted it to happen.

Shelia could understand her husband and actually knew what he was planning more or less. Harry wanted to set an example. If one of the great houses received a devastating blow, it was likely that all the others would know not to screw with them. And seeing that the house that would come out hit would be the Lannister house, it would be even more destructive without a doubt.

Shelia also deduced at least that Harry wanted to make sure the message got through no matter what. She knew Robert Baratheon would do something, hire an assassin? Possible. If the man were to do that, Harry would hurt him. But what interested him and Shelia the most was Varys. The man had been acting behind the crown's back in many ways and had his own plans. It wasn't too hard to deduce that he wanted to do something and that this could affect him.

At the same time if Shelia was honest she wanted to send a big fuck you to that bastard Doran Martell. It didn't take her long to piece together the big puzzle of the man who had planned to use the death of her sister and niece for his personal agenda. Harry obviously wanted to do it in other ways but knowing Harry her moves would be too fast. She wanted him to suffer.

''They're not the only ones interested. Look over there, the group backing Braavos. I gather they have something in mind. According to the last information we had thanks to Shelia, Braavos has relations with the last sons of Aerys. I suppose they must have their own ideas in mind at least.'' It wasn't too difficult to come to that conclusion in any case.

''Betting on a pure Targaryen is the same as gambling. Hoping for the best and not having it end badly is a fool's bet if you ask me personally. Especially with someone who has to bear the weight of a crazy and wild father's actions.'' Honestly, in Harry's opinion, it was stupid to have faith in the Targaryens.

''Not everyone thinks and sees things the same way as you, Harry. In fact, many people still see them as the great dynasty of dragons. The only survivors of the catastrophe. Possibly that will open many doors for them.'' Ashra just decided to play devil's advocate and make her opinion known.

''That is unfortunately an all too real and annoying option in my opinion. Braavos is probably using them as a sort of sword that he can use against House Baratheon should they stop paying what they are owed.'' It was a more or less logical move if you stop to think about it.

Ashara agreed with her husband. It seemed like the typical and smart thing to do. The Baratheon dynasty already had a certain reputation. Robert did as he pleased while at the same time Queen Cersei had a reputation for being a spendthrift. So essentially trustworthy he wasn't exactly, at least not in Ashara's mind.

So to ensure that the Iron Throne was fully paid off, it was in the Baratheon dynasty's best interest not to anger the bank. It was just the logical move, though she agreed with her husband as well. Trusting a Targaryen was the worst thing you could do, especially if the rumors were true.

But she wouldn't tell the men and women at the Iron Bank how to do things. If they wanted to gamble the way they were doing it fine by them. But frankly big debts are never a good idea to do for anything in the world. There was too much chance that something bad would happen.

-Wintercity Heroes Park-

The heroes' park was a park created by Harry. It was not very different from the great ancient forest where people went to offer their prayers, such as the gods' forest. The difference was that here there was a list of the men and women who contributed to Asgard and in this way they were remembered by everyone.

It was not just a memorial park for the various soldiers who had died in the Liberation War or the Blitzkrieg. This park was to remember the gentlemen and ladies who had made great contributions to Asgard in the past. To talk about the various scholars at the University.

All that mattered when we were here was to serve as an example for future generations. When Hariric thought about it, he did it more than anything to make people feel closer to the heroes and most importantly to remember that the heroes were human and that therefore they could watch them grow once again.

Jon was alone today because he wanted to enjoy a day of peace. With the presence of so many important people the Stark family was on alert in many ways and with worries. His father was massively distrustful of the various businessmen and women who would not hesitate in the slightest to try to make any move for their own personal agenda.

Jon knew that his father was very paranoid about men and women who were foreigners from Asgard. As he liked to say, he didn't know them, he didn't know what motivated them, and he had no idea what they sought in the future. All he knew was that they had an agenda, and that agenda didn't include them.

Jon might have once commented that his father could be more paranoid than anything. But at the same time he knew that when his father was something it was for a good reason and that whether people liked him or not he had his justified plans in mind and that the best thing to do was to be clever about it.

Like every Stark son, even though he didn't bear the name Jon, he had been raised to know, reason and understand what was essentially the reality of the political situation in his kingdom. To say that the young man was more than a little annoyed by the annoying people who wanted to interfere in their lives was an understatement. For him, staying still and being left alone was very serious.

Jon wouldn't deny that he wanted something more in his life than being a bastard. When he told his father about it, he only told him this: if what you want is to be something, just work hard for it and I will support you. If it was just him, it would be fine, but the whole family supported him. Even the last of his uncles and everyone else wanted him to have a chance at what he wanted.

Perhaps in another life he would have wanted to be a member of the Night's Watch. But his father had nothing good to say about the Watch and it was his hope that with the New Don once again beginning to be populated the Watch would once again grow in members who would be interested in its protection. They no longer accepted criminals from the South anyway because in his father's words they would not bring back scum.

Jon knew, and perhaps it was an exaggeration to say so, but when his father did anything, it was always planned down to the last detail. Perhaps it was one of the things he loved most about his father. His desire to make their lives the best. And now he would be learning magic. He was excited about it. But right now he was more interested in seeing the figures from the past.

Next to him was his sworn shield Jason Snow. Jason was part of the Sardaukar, the new military force created by his father to act to protect his family. While the Winter Wolves protected his father the Sardaukar had become the guards of each lord. They were basically knights both men and women who swore a lifelong oath to the one they protected.

They also served as best friends. In his father's words, having a guard who does nothing and only serves as a shield is stupid. Plus, his friend Jason was not only a highly trained fighter but also a very active wordsmith who loved to speak his mind. He could still remember how the man made it clear that he didn't like certain things Jon himself did, such as thinking badly of himself.

'' Look at me, I'm a Snow, but I've come a long way. I was kicked out of the army because, according to my commanding officer, even though I'm a good officer, I was required for this position. I'm a teacher and a friend. I can say that I've come further than many southern idiots.'' That was Jason's opinion.

''No matter how many times you come here young Jon this place is just amazing. The history and so much more.'' He was curious. Despite being a career soldier and intending to join the officer school Jason loved history more than anything.

''Father says that once he has enough Greenseers he intends to have them look into the past. According to him much of the true history has been lost thanks to the maesters and he wishes for it to be recovered above all else.'' Jon could only say that his father was a man who longed to prove that the past was real.

''As expected of his majesty. He's done more for all of us than anyone else and people who insult him should feel more disgusted than anything. What the hell are those idiots thinking when they think badly of our lord eh?''. Jason was a loyal supporter of Hariric Stark due to all the contributions he had made.

''I suppose it's jealousy talking, making people want nothing more than to mock his achievements and insult his work. Yes. I agree that they deserve punishment for it but I know that when the time comes they will be the ones to suffer.'' Jon's faith came from knowing his father and therefore he knew what he would do.

''It is as you say Jon. I know you have not come here just for the sake of distraction though. Your lord brothers are studying but you have preferred to come here to witness more things which is surprising to me.'' Jason looked at the boy wondering what his plan could be in this regard.

''I want to ask myself, what do I do in this life? What path do I follow? I know I'm nothing more than a child of a few years and that I still have a lot to achieve, but I'd like to know what to do about it. What else am I working on doing, if I'm honest?'' He wanted to know what else he could do with his life and prove that he was more than a bastard.

''Jon, that's it. I don't think it takes a genius to tell you, and your father has probably already told you this, but you can choose whatever path in life you want as long as you don't become a monster of some kind.'' Jason, like many others, knew of Jon's insecurities despite many attempts to help him.

''It's not that. I just want to do something symbolic. I want to be more than just Hariric Stark's son. I want to be useful to my family. I don't have to put my name in history like all these people, but no one will deny that I want to do something more in this life than just be a child who depends on others.'' He wanted to make something more of his life.

''First, do what every kid has to do as a kid. Grow, mature, learn and discover. You can improve yourself and your abilities in many ways and you can go far if you put your mind to it. You have the tools to do it. And if you want to, you can become something great.'' Jason knew it. He could sense it. Jon had so much potential.

''And that's why I've come here. History. Whether good or bad, serves to help us understand where we want to go. There are better and worse leaders among the different noble houses. I want to see their example. And then there are the different scholars and much more. I want to go much further.'' Some would say it was an exaggeration but he just wanted to be on a good path forward.

''Well... I can't say I know much about it. You know, I'm just a simple soldier and all that. But I've worked hard on my way. Being a soldier involved a lot. An impressive physical level and a brain on your side. As his majesty liked to say, he wanted smart and strong soldiers, not idiotic southern ass-kissers, so I can only share my experiences on the matter.'' It was the best he could do for the boy.

''So could you tell me more or less what I might be able to do? I want... I want to be good and I think you can help me. I think you can tell me how to do that. Along with the memories of all these great and disastrous people. I want to be better.'' For his family. To keep them safe. That was his plan.

''Well, to start with, as your father used to say, the mind is our best weapon. Then you have tools like your body and the ability to have access to learning. Use everything to your advantage and you can go far. But it all depends on what you want to be. What do you want, Jon?'' He knew that this was the boy's problem and that he had to face it.

''I want...I want to be amazing. I know it takes being good with a sword. Martial skills are a necessity in this day and age. And I know I want to learn. I know there's a lot to learn and I want to attain that knowledge so I can be amazing.'' Jon knew what he was talking about and what he was looking for.

Jason understood at that moment. Young Jon wanted to be strong, basically, but at the same time he wanted to be more than just a warrior. The boy was being trained to be a lord by his father, but his low hopes of being a lord made him think that he should focus on some other kind of search to help his family.

He was probably looking at the scholars and thinking that he should be able to do this on his own. Once he entered Isengard at the age of eleven he would be trained and educated in the arts of not only combat but many important skills and if he was seen to have potential he would be taught other subjects in more depth.

But he didn't see it as a bad thing. Jason knew Jon could go far. He had a good head on his shoulders if he did say so himself and he had a gift and talent for vision in the art of combat. The boy was also strong in a way. A strong will. He knew the young Stark could go far if he put his mind to it.

Jon really hoped he could be something more. Magic could make him special…but he would work to be more.

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