Chapter 28: 28
-Poniente. Asgard. Winterfell. 283 AC-
-Meeting Room of the Northern Government-
Hariric was sitting in the governing council room of the kingdom of Asgard. It had been three years since they had officially parted ways with the seven kingdoms. It had been three years since the kingdom of Asgard had taken shape. And since then he hadn't regretted his decision. The biggest interest of his was the people of him not having to worry about the so-called power play that those assholes had in the south.
The parting had been clean. Although of course when you have hostage the guardian of the south, the brother of the guardian of the west and several nobles from the riverlands, the stormlands, Dorne and the valley they all agreed to let them be. Though Hariric knew that the only reason they were let go was because they wanted to lick their wounds from what was essentially the greatest defeat in the history of the southern kingdoms.
Ever since he completely crushed the military force, magic had also been talked about throughout the kingdom. Not only in Asgard but also in the south. The reactions had been different depending on where you look at it. Frankly he would have ignored it but he was very concerned about what the intentions of those in power might be if they had a chance to do anything if he was sincere.
In the North the fact that their king had magic was seen as a sign that the old gods were very much in agreement with their decisions. He had had to hit the ground hard when a group of morons tried to form to worship the Old Gods as if they were a physical manifestation. They had been a real pain because they wanted to make their opinion as valuable as the faith of the seven in the south.
Hariric hadn't consented in the slightest, explaining that a rotten branch was tolerated in the south and look how bad they were. He would not tolerate the manifestation of a church with power in the North. Asgard would survive without the need for a religious faith or anything like that. Naturally they took it badly and tried to eliminate it. They tried to move the people against him. It didn't go well.
It was after capturing the ringleaders that he discovered who they really were. They were a group of children from families of the old men who thought they could exploit the rise of magic as a way to make a name and power. Hariric made sure that everyone knew the truth and what is more important he sacrificed them to the old gods so that it would be known that they really did not have the power they spoke of.
With the jerks stopped in their tracks he knew things would now be more or less calm at least. Or at least he thought so. The fact is that even though he had beaten the crap out of religious power, it was time to face political power. It goes without saying that the different lords wanted to know if their children could be capable of magic and in that case they demanded that he teach them what he knew.
I spend the first few days laughing at the sheer audacity of these people, really? demand? Did they just expect me to count their abilities and that they would have the advantage or whatever? Hariric had to make a monstrous effort not to laugh at them for what was essentially in the minds of all of them. How could they even think that he would give them the slightest chance? What a fucking joke.
I send for each gentleman and after explaining that they had no authority over him, I explain to them that they would be lucky to leave with their heads on their shoulders the next time they even thought of demanding something from them. They tried to threaten him. Tell him that they had armies to break him. Then Harry just told them that they could test his strength but if he had to he would kill them and take away any chance that his children who were friends of his would inherit shit.
The lords were smart enough to accept things but in these three years they had been trying to get each of their commanders to leave the army to take charge of the positions they had to occupy. The possibility of a threat from their own parents' actions for pushing a wolf was all they needed to know how badly they had stumbled with their so-called demands.
But he was not heartless. He said that he would be testing the children of each of his commanders to see if they were capable of using magic. Naturally, some lords especially complained about Lord Karstark because he said that since they were family he should give importance to them. Hariric only sneered at the man before informing him that he didn't intend to be a person who would give a shit for anyone who would sit idly by when things happened.
After that it went to another incredibly annoying point in the way that people wanted the territories of traitors. The good news is that when he told who the territories were going to, they more or less shut up. At least it was for a while that they shut up until they found an excuse for complaining about it just because they thought they had a right to complain somehow or some other shit like that which was annoying.
Harry got tired of having to explain that his reason for not dividing up the territories between them is because each fucking lord had a fair bit of territory to play with and giving them more would have been stupid. The lords of the north had their territories in which they had to invest and look for ways to get new profits. It goes without saying that although there was a setback, the demand was still there.
Honestly nobles were a pain in the ass on the best of days. And as if that were not enough, they thought they could send more or less demanding letters. It is because they thought that no one would dare to mess with them or that their actions would have no consequences. He mocked that they thought in such a way but he decided to leave it. The more excuses they give him, the less he would have to strive to see them removed from power.
Anyway things were like that. He had formed the governing body. The governing body was divided into several divisions formed and designed to run a fair government and one that was clearly well interested in advancement. All the ministers must have achieved something impressive: studies. As I made clear, each lord had to be competent in a matter so there would be no thought of helping a noble or whatever.
At this time there were several ministries: defense, foreign, interior, economic, medical, education and administration. He had selected for each position people he could count on who could do the job more than anything else to make sure everyone was loyal. He did not help that he used magical contracts to avoid betrayals not only in them but in the ministries. There would be no corruption in his government by any means.
And today was a meeting because there were important points that had to be discussed. It wasn't something he liked but there was a Gathering every three months unless a catastrophic event or something of the sort occurred that then required a gathering early. Fortunately up until now there hadn't been any reason for such a meeting at the moment which was good.
''Okay, I call this meeting the Asgard governing council. We will start with the most important thing and what has been in Asgard's plane of interest in the last three years. How is the situation going with the affairs in braavos foreign chief?''. The foreign manager was an important man who had passed the tests expected of a person looking for a job like this with flying colors.
''The situation is… tense. Due to the fact that it was that banker's support against House Stark in providing the funds to House Bolton to start a coup against us that led to the kidnapping of Lady Lyanna Stark the situation has had to be handled carefully my lord.'' The head of foreign affairs had had to make a lot of things clear to Braavos in the last three years.
''did the iron bank as well as the sealord really think i would be okay with doing the same business as i did with braavos after they were responsible for my sister's kidnapping? What kind of morons did they think I would even put up with such a thing?'' Having to break agreements with the Braavos had necessitated the building of a larger eastern trading fleet but not that it mattered in his opinion as it worked out.
''Apparently it was the opinion of the majority of the bank that you would be past due and therefore the assets could be used. In fact, thanks to our information search network, they planned to blackmail both the prince and Lord Bolton in exchange for more profit. The foreign minister made fun of the most backward mentality of the lords of the iron bank.
''Then I don't see why we should of all things even be thinking about shit. In fact…I think we should teach a friendly lesson not to fuck with Asgard again. Foreign minister options''. Oh yeah, they thought they could collude with their enemies and think they could get away with their shit? Well, then he would make sure they paid in blood for their actions.
''The most viable and effective option would be to attack the businesses of the iron bank. Right now we have one foot in their territory in the form of the business company Olympus with which they have no way to compete. We are talking about expanding it to assimilate all the companies of which they are inns''. The Olympus generated considerable wealth for everyone in Asgard and was in every free city which was very beneficial for them to expand their power and influence.
''I suppose it's a more than viable option. How much would it actually cost us to expand Olympus in the middle of Braavos? Any advantage we can seize will be used to our advantage to harm them.'' Harry chuckled in amusement thinking about how the group of jerks could potentially be having a hard time.
''before moving forward my lord I would like to comment that we would have to make the buildings resistant to any possible plan of physical attack. Although it is a low possibility, they may try to burn them down if they see that hiring thugs to cause damage does not work.'' It was a very sure chance they would try. Not now but when they thought they could get away with it they could try anything.
''I'll take care of it personally. These are very valuable assets for all of us. It would be just plain stupid of me to just leave them to be torn apart by people who for whatever reason think they can get away with it.'' Yeah. He would have to place runes to protect what is his land in possession.
''I would also like to say, Your Majesty, that this would only be the tip of the iceberg. Locating every business they own and seeing it attacked would be highly unwise. Instead I would like to suggest that we buy out their contracts and use our ships instead of the iron bank's to then make business owed to us.'' The foreign minister finished giving his advice with a look full of venom.
''It's not a bad plan. OK. start. Ask our war wolves to start gathering information. If a business doesn't join us, mark it as a threat and attack it. Only when the bank understands that it is better not to screw Asgard will I be satisfied with things.'' People didn't attack someone strong.
The foreign minister agreed. The sealord had the bloody face to think they wouldn't dare attack them. The bank made every excuse to defend itself against them. His majesty wanted to make them suffer and he agreed with it. Besides, if they made things clear to them with this, he was sure that then they would never even think of something like that again.
''with foreign affairs concluded Shelia I would like a report from internal affairs what is the current situation of Asgard? Where can we see more flaws that need to be polished?'' As the former head of her intelligence division it was only fitting that she would name Shelia Rogare the head of the home office as well as the mistress of the former lands of Ryswell house.
''There are several points and pockets of discontent throughout the kingdom, my lord. Even though we managed to crush the rise of the ancient faith made flesh there are still those who try to keep the movement alive and use it as a way to expand their power. The only religion that had a good thing and a bunch of morons were intent on putting an end to it just because they wanted a bit of power in their hands.
''By the old gods. And I thought that this should have been settled already in a damn way. What have your men managed to learn about it, Shelia? If there is still such a movement we have to stop them. Especially if they're trying to promote their opinion and the idea that parlor tricks are a great way to talk about the power of the gods.'' The idea that there is a religious cult taking advantage of the uneducated bothered him.
''They are mostly trying to win over the little people with the manifestation of achievements as all you have achieved is a manifestation of the gods through you and that therefore only those true devotees will be in contact with the old gods my lord. They appear and they leave. They don't sit still.'' She groaned because those people were a real pain in the ass.
''Putting a group of wolves almost seems like an exaggeration but apparently it is not. We have to find out who they are and more importantly, where did they get the damn ideas and support for such a way of thinking?'' If there was one thing that Hariric would not let spread through his country even if they paid him a mountain of gold, it would be religion uncontrolled.
''With all due respect, Your Majesty. I think setting up a pack of the wolves might be the best action we have at hand for this. Whoever these defenders of the old gods are may try to gain more and more power until they are a true movement and they would become an even bigger pain." Shelia had thought and had faith that once the Boltons were dealt with, the annoying pests within her territory would have ended.
''If your opinion is that we should make people more serious about this then it will be done. What can you tell me about them? Is there any data about them that can be used to track them somehow?'' Harry could easily start looking for them. Would be the best.
''The little that is known is that they reach the smallest places of population. They appear. They say nice words. They make derogatory comments about a few things and then quickly leave before they can be searched by the rangers. They do some unique displays, period.'' Shelia only knew that the rangers wanted to get their hands on those assholes because of the amount of shit they did in their lives.
''…we will have to capture at least one of them. Once we catch one of them we should be able to find out more. Unless they obviously have a way to control the information or are able to prevent someone from getting their hands on them.'' This looked like a magician.
''I will put some of the members of what is the war wolves to be able to follow the trail and thus know where they go. How they move and much more. You have my word that we will not fail you my lord. Shelia was determined to complete the mission. Not just because it was her job, but because these men and women were a threat to the peace they had created.
Hariric was thinking intensely about what this situation was. It didn't matter which way he looked. What mattered most is that House Stark was able to resolve this. He knew that some might just think it was a simple matter but he didn't believe it. Religion would always be in his opinion one of the greatest weapons used by the world to extend its power and influence to do its will and manipulate the most uneducated minds.
''My lord, if possible, I would like to go over the country's financial reports. I think this is a very important point because there could be potential ideas that could be of interest for expansion.'' The finance minister was none other than his former banker. It was logical. Who better to manage money than a person who did control it as a job?
''of course. Sorry, I was thinking about the disaster these people are who keep thinking that just for some divine reason or whatever they must make life difficult for all of us. Please start with your report.'' Hariric sighed. He should snap out of what it was like to think about something too deeply. He knew the problem was just a matter of finding it and hunting it with all possible skill.
''Of course, the first thing I want to report is that our reports of sales abroad are maintained, although the problems of the war still exist. Not to mention breaking the alliance with the Dornishmen. On the West front we have seen monetary losses although a recovery is expected, my lord.'' The fact is that war is bad. People had to spend money on other things.
''The truth is that I expected it. The economic situation in the north is still strong, that's good. The defeated paid the price for even thinking that they could lay a hand on Asgard and that in itself makes me happy, is there any information that you think might be worth knowing about it?'' The fact is that if they could not buy it is bad. But if they could buy even in small amounts it was something that would work out.
''The way things are right now, the situation, my lord, is that it will take a while. Let's give it another three years before all the land can be able to buy. Although of course we will still have to deal with that useless king annoyance. Yeah. Robert Baratheon did not have the best of opinions of any of the ministers. But seeing the ease with which the man spent was bad enough in the minister's mind.
''has the king done anything that could be bad enough? I have more than understood that he spends proper money in this regard and that he overspends. Harry couldn't quite understand. If Robert Baratheon wanted to bankrupt his kingdom it wasn't his fucking problem.
''I fear my lord that things could be worse than you imagine. Much, much worse. The fact is that King Robert's level of spending is unprecedented. I give him another two years before he drives the kingdom into what is utter bankruptcy. King Robert was a waste of money.
''There's nothing I can do about it unless it's getting into that man's head and telling him he can't do that. If I had been capable of such a thing, I would have already done that action just to prevent him from marrying my sister, so I don't see a viable solution. Is there something that has been tried in this regard?''. This was so fucking annoying.
''I have spoken with the foreign affairs ministries as well as with the head of the intelligence and analysis division my lord. There is nothing. I estimate that in three years we will have lost our client unless we find a way to prevent him from continuing to lead his government down this bad path. He gave the bad news to his lord. But his lord only seemed to be thinking of it as half a problem.
''I have a question, is there the possibility that the king asks third parties to pay for it in exchange for what is essentially a debt to those governments or nobles? If so, we could see that there are no such losses in our business.'' Of course. Who would be the jerk who would think of all things that it was a fucking good idea to jump right into such a shit storm?
''…it's a posibility. The truth is that the king seems to care little more than his vices and his majesty, so it is possible that if someone comes and offers him, my lord may accept it. You have to be ridiculously stupid to think that such an idea could work.'' It did not enter the mind of the Minister of Finance that a person idiot enough to think in such a way would come out.
''You underestimate the level of ambition in the South. I guarantee you. By having a hand in their own king's affairs and having the opportunity to control the policy that is made in the six kingdoms there is no doubt about it that they will do whatever it takes to get their way." Yeah. He could perfectly see Tywin Lannister even putting his house's wealth on the line for his house's power at court and much more.
''So I guess we wouldn't see a problem on that front. Our greatest concern at present is also the expense of maintaining two fleets to ensure that no one tries to hinder us as well as two entire trading fleets my lord.'' That was all he had to say.
''I guess it's good then that we get rid of the problem. The fleets are maintained. It is better to have matters under control. I wouldn't be surprised if we have pirates hired by the cities themselves with the intention of putting a hand on our resources.'' I wouldn't miss him. I would have to make the ships with more firepower. It is true that the galleons had a lot of firepower but it was better not to risk it.
The finance minister agreed. The senseless loss that would be the fleets would hit them. Indeed the galleons were well armed with several tension cannons that were capable of shooting farther than the most powerful ballistae. The projectiles were wildfire bombs which guaranteed to destroy their targets with little to no effort which was a good thing.
''My lord, I have information that I think may be important. It is about the possible expansions and military campaigns assigned for what is the movement against the remaining Stepstones without counting the island taken by the Martells''. The Defense Minister was a woman. She was very excited about what the possibilities of military expansion were.
''That's something that would obviously interest me. What can you tell me about the advanced campaign plans for our kingdom to have to deal with all things? Any threat is better to be recorded as soon as possible.'' The idea of being able to start a military campaign would be good. Although he knew that Asgard as a whole could be quite large and they were far from populating twenty percent there were advantages in expanding.
''Yes your Majesty. Naturally, when he informed me of his plans for a military campaign to annex what the islands are, I thought, what a great plan, isn't it? However, every great plan always has its drawbacks. Knowing that any plan we made would have to be done fast. And efficient''. Any plan they made would have to be quick and silent.
''Yeah. That is the greatest difficulty we would have when starting any type of conquest plan. No matter how well thought out our plans are, they would run into the problem that we would have to face a situation of little help because they are far away.'' It was the same thing that happened in the past in the conquest of the Americas. They were far away so control would be difficult. Well unless you include magic.
''indeed, my lord, but I thought, what would happen if we went to the islands one by one and dedicated ourselves to the fortification of the islands. We start with a less visited or seen island and work our way up from there. With that done we would have the battle plan secured the majesty of him. She laughed at a plan that, although it would take time, seemed more effective.
''An island-to-island invasion? It's not a bad plan. Actually…you just gave me an idea. I think it's about time we started the magical skill development expansion." Hariric smiled. Yeah. This seemed to be quite good and at the same time it gave him the excuse to test his new invention. What would the other kingdoms look like once they realized this new advantage on his part?
''Have we had a breakthrough that is applicable for military use my lord? In other words, I don't want to doubt your word but so far all magical applications have been oriented to cities and the use of elements to produce resources. I never thought we had military advantages of any kind.'' The minister did not know what to think of this. What could this new development be?
''That's because I thought idiotically that I had to more or less keep magic off the battlefield. Not for nothing but because magicians on the battlefield are something we don't need at this very moment... at least not for now. No. This new magical invention of mine will be very useful.'' With a gesture several sheets of paper flew up and were placed on each of the men.
Each minister looked closely at the pages until their eyes bulged out of their sockets. For what reason? Because what his lord had created was basically a way to connect two points separated by a great distance. What they didn't know is that this was already done in his world and he just had to rediscover it. It took him three years to make it viable which is saying something.
''As you can see right now, what better way to use this as a tool to allow us to quickly expand into the Stepstones and later into the disputed lands huh?'' Hariric saw the look of surprise on everyone's face. He couldn't exactly blame them. Except for Shelia none of them knew of the power of magic. In short the only limitation was the imagination.
''My lord…how can I say this. Well let's go with the simple. This one magical invention would mean a complete change in warfare. If we had these in strategic positions all over our territory we would be able to keep our territories under control even those that are technically far from our control.'' The defense minister was stunned. What could she say besides how terrifying this was?
''That's more or less the idea. As well as being able to extend and increase the population centers throughout the North without the need to overcrowd the cities. With this done we should be able to connect many centers and places as large agricultural land locations.'' It was a plan he came up with. But in the military sense it could be said that it would have more effects.
''and militarily…if we can put up a big enough gate we'll be able to go anywhere that's under our protection. And what is more important, maintaining contact with those parties would be possible without the limitations of distance. Yeah. She was delighted. The mere idea... the Asgard empire could grow without problems and what is more important nobody could tell them shit.
''It was just an idea that I had and it occurred to me. The truth is that almost all my magical knowledge is more or less something that occurred to me. Ideas that pop into my head and make me think of things with potential.'' From Harry's point of view these were ideas that just appeared and helped him in many ways.
''Your Majesty, with this addition, more and more people will want to discover magic. Has a method even been discovered so that we can discover possible magicians? If that were possible we could recruit more people and pass on at least part of their knowledge to them.'' The one who spoke now was the education minister who was naturally excited.
''I have ideas. But they are just that. Ideas How can I be sure they will work? I would need to connect it to my main connection with the ley lines and from there it should be possible for us to connect to the entire world and learn about the magical potentials that exist on the continent." Harry laughed. As if he was going to tell them that he already had it operational. He wanted to show that everything was unfolding slowly.
''If that works my lord we can see so much potential. We have yet to understand where magic comes from but at the University of Isengard we refuse to follow the methods of those barbarians in the citadel. Open children who seem to show magic''. The Minister of Education found out about the methods used in the citadel to study magic and there was nothing he wanted more than to kill them for it.
''If we could understand magic, we would be one step closer to understanding ourselves. We're lucky magic isn't scorned here the way it's scorned in the south. Those damned worshipers of the seven would kill any child with signs of damn magic." The cursed lords of the seven would see the wizards as threats to their so-called faith.
''my lord let me be the first to tell you that in that case we would have to prepare what if the children are from the south? The masters or the faith of the seven would kill them for being called abominations against what they think is order''. The minister shuddered. The mere idea of imagining children slaughtered like animals by these people.
''Once my device works I will make sure that there are rapid response teams throughout the South. It will take a while but I think a troupe of traveling comedians would be a guarantee that things work out pretty well to get agents moving that will get the kids to safety." And he knew exactly how to make it work.
''That my lord is an idea that I can see working. Would you like a list of our best actors, actresses and instrumental workers? That could be good as long as people don't know in any way that they're moving all over the South.'' Yeah. He could see the lord's idea of him working. Thanks to the communication mirrors (another invention of his lord) it would be possible to communicate from one part to another.
''It's the thing I can think of the most that could work. It's the least we can do for those kids just to make sure they don't end up being used in disgusting ways by all those monsters. Which leads me to ask a question: how is this experiment that we started up going?''. Harry smiled with anticipation as the man became more than excited as well at what the good news was.
''we set to work on it immediately my lord. And things are going well. Now we can talk about our first batch of Wyvern Riders. He was right that if they got young and a warg with a friendly, young disposition joined them it would possibly become a symbiotic relationship.'' He could still remember when his mistress brought the idea to him.
''it's good. Counting as scouts and attackers from above would be good. I can't wait for them to become a new armed force. It will take years before that happens but I'm calm. Strong connections are always a good thing.'' Hariric nodded satisfied that his experiment had been more successful than he actually expected. What was he supposed to say besides how happy he was that it didn't blow up in his face?
The minister nodded in agreement. Not everything had to be for weapons. This would allow them to comprehend and understand a race that in a few words would be impossible if something they came to understand in some ways. Wyverns were like dragons and only an idiot would think they could master them. They only listened to their fellow humans which was pretty good in itself since Wyverns were amazing research subjects.
''This is all for the day. We will meet in the coming months. Head of foreign affairs next time I want a progress event report on what's going on in the outer regions. We have to know about the situation in the southern kingdoms yes or yes." Information was a power that was better to always have on your side.
''interior affairs minister. I know I can't ask for big demands. But if possible put some wolves to watch certain towns. If possible, they take care that the observation is as discreet as possible. If this works we will know how our enemy is really watching our movements.'' She had some ideas about it but if it was possible he wanted to check it out.
''Economy Minister. I know we are doing well and the profits we are making are good, but I would like you to develop a savings system. I don't want Asgard to waste the gold. I want it well stored and well producing. If something is being misappropriated or spent senselessly, I want to know right away." Money was the blood of a country while people were the muscles, bones and organs.
''Defense Minister. Study each of the southern commanders. I have a feeling that despite the crushing defeat three years ago, they may be plotting against us once again. I refuse to give up a single chance. I want their profiles learned and then taught at the officer academy.'' Even though it was three years ago that they defeated their enemies in the south, they knew their enemies. They would not give this up without a fight.
Each of the ministers nodded according to their lord's plans. What were they supposed to do besides? His plans weren't exactly bad and in fact they were well conceived ideas. Besides, this was just a plan in case. They were sure that his lord would have new ideas designed for the advancement of his kingdom and achieve new goals to meet. At least that's what they believed.
Hariric watched his ministers leave while he was thinking things over very carefully. But what he was most worried about right now was this religious group. Why? Why were they doing all this? It was pretty obvious that they were interested in making life difficult for him. Or at least trying to move things in the kingdom so that they could cause chaos and damage in the kingdom which was a problem.
Yet he had the feeling that whoever was doing this was magical. A person who was able to hide and move his pieces as if they were a simple shadow tool. No matter which way he looked it was pretty obvious that they were a tool just to be a way to screw up his day. Things were certainly getting complicated just because of this.
Sighing wouldn't help anything. She had her suspicions as to why they were doing precisely this. Knowing the potential enemy of hers she was trying to move the little people to become superstitious. So when the time comes he will try to make a move against him and his family. He knew that despite all the help he had done, people would always turn against a person if given the chance.
That's not counting the opportunists. This further explained why these so-called nobles were in on it. He had thought that he caught the ringleaders but it was false. No. He had trapped a cell. Possibly whoever was behind all this wanted to make it look like a move that was impossible to stop. Why the hell did all these things have to happen when he had finally achieved some of his goals?
-Crown Lands. King's Landing-
-Red fortress. Small Council Chamber-
Jon Arryn felt a powerful pain. This pain was because of what was the situation of the six realms. Yeah. Six. There was no longer a seventh kingdom. The North or as they were now called the kingdom of Asgard was now independent and not accountable to the kingdom as a whole. That was bad for several reasons.
The first bad thing about all this is that he had had this glorious vision of pulling the strings to make the North support the faith of the seven. Why should they keep faith with that stupid piece of wood when what they should be doing is serving the true faith? They were frankly stupid and ignorant.
But the most massive blow was not in the loss of his target. No. His blow is that the North had taken everything with it: his taxes, his inventions, everything. Basically the possibilities of the South to replicate their advanced knowledge were running into a wall and without the taxes from the North the situation was more than bad.
It didn't help that Robert was demanding that they deliver premium alcohol and you wouldn't imagine all that liquor was coming out mostly from the North so they were basically paying the North for their products. Not to mention spices, silk and many other things. They had to give money to the North. Nobles from all over the south were forced of all things.
In his mind he was trying to find ways. For a while he thought about waging war to the North, could they overcome the full power of the seven kingdoms? He doubted it. But then the bloody hariric Stark came up with that he had magic and was able to kill a being of magic himself. People were afraid of him and the fighters would not go without fear anymore.
The royal fleet was in pieces so they couldn't hope to match their military might. The Redwyne fleet was also in pieces. And the Arryn fleet was barely a shadow. The only one that lasted was the Lannister fleet and he doubted that they could compete militarily against naval military might. The only hope was possibly having superior combat forces.
But as if that wasn't bad enough they had rebuilt the moat or as the Twin Wolves were now called. Its strategic position made it impossible for a conventional army to be able to get its hands on the North and at the time they were trying to conquer it the North will come with all its legions and gods knows the damage they might have suffered in the process.
And as if that weren't bad enough it seemed that the North has a group of highly trained military experts in sabotage tactics, assassination, infiltration and much more. They would call it something wrong and he would even like to reproach the North for that, but Hariric Stark would only shrug his shoulders thinking that he was just a sore loser complaining about not having the advantage.
Gods he hated this. They had entered into plans. A plan of more than twenty years. Thought with the idea of taking out the targaryens. For what reason? Because they were foreigners. They reached the mainland and conquered it. No gentleman accept it. But the Arryns absolutely despised him. Even when the Targaryens abandoned their dragon gods. Even when they lost their monstrous dragons. They should never have let them be.
Thus came his plan. A civil war. A war that would see the Targaryens driven out. Aegon the Fifth proved to be very helpful. Due to the actions of him trying to help the little ones he had angered the nobles. It is true that an intelligent nobleman would treat his people well but most saw them as little more than trash. But Aegon faced all the lords of the realm.
And then Aerys arrived. Oh yeah. Aerys and his madness. He didn't know how it came about although he had theories. Madness doesn't escalate the way he does. No. Someone else was after Aerys. Could it be the firedark? Yeah. It was a possibility. He wouldn't let those idiots try to get rid of the idiot king. But even in spite of this, it was also a good help as he treated the lord of the west.
So he took advantage of Aerys, what if he was wrong? One word here and he had the second son of House Stark to be made his puppet into the wild kingdom. A word to help his situation and Robert was engaged to that wild bitch. Yeah. Everything was going well... until that damned brother of his flew into a rage and ruthlessly devastated the kingdoms that opposed him.
Three years had passed. Three years after the war and the aftermath was still felt. Dorne had certainly recovered the nobles from him but it was as simple compensation and because Hariric stated that in exchange for it he considered the alliance with Dorne erased. That had destroyed the political presence of Prince Doran, one of the most dangerous minds in the seven kingdoms.
Then he caught Tywin Lannister's brother yes…but slaughtered every lord that was with them. His army of thirty thousand men passed by the sword. There was no mercy in the hands of his ward. He only took Tywin's brother because he could be useful in some way. But it was nothing more than a tool to be discarded later.
And the lands of the rivers. They basically razed them. The men who faced them died. The nobles died. Three houses had been completely wiped out. This was something that although it didn't bother Hoster that much, it did bother him. For now all the houses of the six kingdoms looked in dread at Hariric Stark. With real fear.
And the Dominion didn't come off their tactics either most of the competent Dominion commanders got stuck with just mace Tyrell going with some incredibly idiotic captains the result? Very simple and it is that the southern army died. The nobles dead except for Mace. And then used as a bargaining chip. Things got very ugly.
I hated this. Fuck how she hated him. The plan did not go as it should have. But she calmed down. Oh yeah. He was calm. Let them be free for a while. When the six kingdoms had recovered, they would begin their campaign against the North. They thought they could escape the wrath of the six kingdoms but they couldn't because behind them they had the wrath of the gods themselves.
''Lord Hand the council has assembled as you requested. They're waiting for it right now.'' Ser Hugh told the lord of him who nodded to him. Ser Hugh wasted no more time and left, revealing at hand the king's council that had been formed.
For starters there was Varys the spider. Varys was a man from Lys. Bald. And a eunuch. He was considered a man technically incapable of harm. But if there was one thing he was recognized for even before anything else, it was his ability to obtain information. No one could prove it but he had one of the most extensive information networks.
The next man was an old man. It was Pycelle. Pycelle was a man from the western lands. And as a young man he was considered a great scholar, proof of this were the different chains that they all carried demonstrating their studies. But what is more important is that from a young age he was supported by the Lannister family which meant that he was a Lannister man through and through.
Another man to stand out is for his hard countenance and lack of compassionate gaze. His name was Stannis and he was Robert's younger brother. Unlike Robert Stannis, he had a serious and even brutal personality. He was the lord of the ships of the seven kingdoms and considered a high-quality naval tactician. However, he resented his sister for certain decisions made by Robert.
The next man to be mentioned was one who unfortunately had to take yes or yes. His name was Tygett Lannister. The man had changed a lot from his stay with the Starks, becoming much calmer and being much more in control of himself. He was the law teacher and had taken control of the gold cloaks. Saying that he was in control was like seeing a master swordsman's death grip on his sword.
The last man to be there was his strongest ally: Petyr Baelish. Petyr was a man, not a physical demonstration at least. He was not what you would expect from people, but if there was a reality, it was that he was a genius economist, proof of this was the more than exemplary administration that he did in the valley. Unfortunately no matter what I did things were that the corona situation was not good.
''gentlemen. Thank you all for coming. We have many things to discuss. The first I want to know is Lord Pycelle. I want to know how close we are to replicating the different secrets of the North.'' The secrets of the north were a nuisance. How had this uneducated realm been able to create glass? Or make plants that can't live there live? They must have known for the good of their finances.
''Not very well my lord hand. I've talked to everyone I know. A special working group has been put on it. Discover the glass Make silk possible. Make the spices can be produced. Your medicines. All of that is something we'd like to get our hands on to help balance the realms." Pycelle growled. I growl for real. If there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was being outclassed.
''it surprises me. It was Lord Stark himself who made all these discoveries. As well as knowing how to distil all the different drinks or what foods could grow in the North. And yet the citadel has some of the most advanced minds and yet they are still unable to advance. Petyr couldn't help but make fun of the maester. Why? Because he found the situation annoying.
''We have done everything we could. But since forever the masters of Myr have kept their secret of glass production hidden and now that damn Stark not only managed to discover it. Rather he makes much better and superior glass.'' It was not a joke. They had to buy glass from the Starks since Myr glass was four times as expensive. And the fact is, they didn't like it.
''King Aerys gave them time to investigate to the north. And we have placed enough funds in these three years to help in the investigation. And despite that there has been no significant progress. I think maybe there should be a cleanup in the citadel.'' Stannis growled. The very idea that they were spending large amounts of money just because the citadel promised progress was stupid.
''He may have used his magic to be able to make such progress. In the past, the dragon lords were able to chain the dragons, the most powerful beings in the world. What prevents a Northern lord with magic from not discovering things like that huh?'' For him the excuse was that. Magic (not that he was on the wrong track) and he firmly believed that it was only magic that gave him the advantage.
''please. Just using magic as an excuse is stupid as well as an exaggeration. Okay, you don't want to admit that you maesters aren't that smart. Because since you founded your university, in how many levels is your nation advancing huh? That printing press is a monstrous invention.'' Petyr couldn't help but drop the offensive comment to sink the damn old man even more if possible.
''But what if what our esteemed grand master says is true? My little birds do not go very deep in the North because they are easily detected. But if they have said many things from the north and I begin to think that Hariric Stark uses magic for it''. Varys decided to offer the opinion of whether he was liked or not by the people in the room who gave him a look.
''what do you mean, what has this so-called king of the north done besides getting some better drinks and glass? I can conceive a little about the plants but the most magic-savvy civilization was the Valyria and they used fire and blood. For the first time in the entire meeting Tygett spoke. Obviously intrigued by whatever magic he could apply.
''Lord Lannister. Magic is an unknown element. How much do we know about it? What is your potential? What are its uses? Nothing. We don't know anything about her. Not even the esteemed order of the masters knows anything. But what if it were the explanation for such a revolutionary advance in the north? Because when you eliminate everything, only that remains: the unknown. Varys smiled as he did that he only made people more nervous.
''If that's true it would mean the North has been able to get its hands on people with magic. If so, how is it possible? How do you find magic? Where do magicians and practitioners of such arts come from? That's the question we should all be asking ourselves.'' Jon was nervous, could the North really be gathering people with magic so they could harness it?
''Well lord hand let me say it. The winter king makes all cities in the north have access to great sources of water. He makes something called hot water without the need for fire. He causes cleanliness in his cities. And of course there are more advances to point out, how else could he be capable of such things if not with a group of magicians?'' Varyys could practically see the gears working in the mind of the king's hand.
''If indeed Hariric Stark has somehow assembled an army of magical we must respond. Varys you will have to put your informants at risk but we must find out about them. We cannot tolerate the presence of threats against our great kingdom.'' Not to say prevent the north from strengthening even more if possible.
''That will be very difficult my lord hand. I would practically have to infiltrate his government business. There are still those who hate Hariric Stark or rather are jealous of his grace. But getting them to work together with us will be very difficult.'' From the latest reports the karstark house was jealous of their cousins' advances and wanted to make a profit. He could exploit it.
''a moment my lord hand. Before thinking about that we should consider our actions. Suppose we go ahead with this. That we're basically trying to meddle in northern affairs. And therefore we started an internal fight. What happens if they discover us?''. Now Tygett was speaking like the military commander that he was. You don't start a fight if you can't win it.
''Go where there is a lion that seems to be afraid. What is it, Lord Lannister? And here I believed that you would be eager to return the favor to sir ned Stark for the fact that he defeated you in battle. Petyr smiled condescendingly at the master of House Llanister. His position made it impossible for him to take the golden cloaks. His attempts to spread into them were impossible because Tygett seemed to smell them and kill them making it clear who they must be loyal to.
''what I am is cautious. He once angered the North and as a consequence the kingdoms bled. Not one or two but each and every one. They have made it clear that for them conventional warfare is a big no. They will fight and kill without mercy and efficiently attack all those who even think they can face them." The very idea of facing the Starks is one that did not appeal to him very much.
''And for what reason should we fight fairly with them? They made it clear in that war you were defeated in, or did they not use men who were experts in assassination and sabotage to maim the domain realm huh?" Petyr just shrugged, though the prospect of getting rid of a threat like Hariric Stark didn't make him lose sleep.
''You're talking big to someone who isn't exactly into military affairs. You don't know anything about that man. You don't know what he's capable of. If we send an assassin and he fails, what do you think the consequence will be? Any assassin we send could be broken because we don't know the ways they have to get information.'' And that was very scary.
''I have to agree with Tyguett. The very thought of launching such an attack could only be afforded if the attack has a one hundred percent chance of success. If the attack fails, what's to stop you from launching the same attack on all of our families to cause chaos and then launch an advance huh?'' Stannis taunted the man with the coins. He didn't trust him.
''And that's not to mention anything else. We are talking about starting a fight that we don't even know if we can win. What happens if, as a result of an attack, he decides to kill every last lineage in the south? You don't know Stark. You don't know about him and in any case you are underestimating him a lot.'' Tyguett would not risk his family just for the chance of coming out victorious in some way he had little chance of.
''stop. No such thing will be attempted. What Stannis and Tyguett say is true. Any attempt on Hariric Stark's life could turn against us and seeing as he was responsible for what he did because of his sister, if we attack him or his direct family and fail, what will be the consequences?'' Not to say that the kingdoms were not ready for that. Not yet.
''Although the idea that there are these magic users and Hariric Stark is gathering them under his banner worries me, I have to agree with Mr. Mano. Tempting him to attack us is the stupidest thing. You have to be patient and when a certain opportunity presents itself, hit for real.'' It was better not to attack. It was better to be smart and wait for the right moment to start what would be the usurpation of the north.
''Okay, that's settled. Let's stop arguing about these matters and move on to other things…like preventing this kingdom from going to ruin somehow." Jon sighed. How was he supposed to prepare the kingdoms for the future takeover of the north if they were in the red? Money was needed for the war. Money that they had less and less.
Although Jon's words were clear, not all the lords agreed. They had Hariric Stark to worry about. And they had to move forward to stop him from using magic as a weapon.
Before it was too late for them.