Chapter 135: Christmas in Grimmauld Place
Harry and Ginny sat in Sirius's house on Christmas day with Sirius, Remus, Hermione and the Weasleys, except for Percy, Charlie and Bill. They were all currently sat in the kitchen, with the Weasleys all crowding around Arthur who had seen better days. He was bandaged and bruised and Harry was very sympathetic for him, Arthur despite being a bit whipped and poor was a very kind man.
"Well done Harry" Sirius whispered "I'm proud of you"
"Me too" Ginny kissed him and Harry didn't hesitate to kiss her back. It was only a short kiss but Ron saw it and without fail he began shouting.
"Oi! Would you two keep your hands off each other?!"
"Sure" Harry smiled "we can kiss without our hands"
"For goodness sakes Ron!" Ginny exclaimed "it's Christmas and our father is alive yet all you can think to do is shout at me and my husband for having a small kiss! Get over yourself, just because nobody wants to kiss you doesn't give you the right to interfere in my life."
"Ginny don't be rude!" Hermione ordered
"Was I talking to you Granger?!" Ginny narrowed her eyes
"Ginny!" Her mother prepared to scold her when Kreatcher popped into the room, he eyed her with anticipation and Molly deflated a little.
"Mom" Ginny turned to her mother "you don't see me shouting at you when you and dad kiss so what right does Ron have to do it to me?"
"Kid makes a good point" Sirius agreed "now this is Christmas so why don't we start handing out presents?"
"An excellent idea" Arthur definitely agreed, he did not want to participate in a fight, he agreed with Ginny but knew that no matter who he sided with the other side would give him an earful.
Everyone started handing out the presents, Hermione mostly got books. Ron mostly got food and clothes, the same for the twins. Harry and Ginny received broom kits, books, pranks and some food. Soon it was Harry and Ginny's turn to give out presents.
"Alright this is for you" Harry handed a box to Arthur, he opened it and his eyes gleamed. "they're muggle toy" Harry explained "it's a collection of historical figures, Romans, pirates and soldiers and such."
"Thank you!" Arthur smiled
"Not a problem dad" Ginny then handed the twins a couple of boxes "pranks from America and Germany, we figured you could see how our fellow countries do it. The red box is muggle pranks from America, the yellow is non muggle while the blue is muggle German pranks and the pink is magical"
"We thank you sister" The two wasted no time in ripping into the boxes.
"Remus this is for you" Harry handed Remus a box and a note, he opened the box and found a nice pair of robes. He then looked at the note and found it was a receipt.
"What is this for?" He asked
"A year's supply of Wolfsbane" Harry explained "luckily it was cheaper than last time because Snape agreed to make it for you so all I had to do is buy the ingredients. The potion will be delivered here around twelve tomorrow"
"Th…Thank you Harry" Remus was close to tears
"It was no problem" Harry assured him
"I can't believe it" Sirius spoke "we'll have to send Snape a thank you note, oh well, now what did you get me?"
"Nothing much…just this" Harry handed Sirius a pair of tickets, Sirius read the tickets and his eyes widened.
"These are VIP tickets to the Puddlemere and Holy Harpies game"
"Yep" Ginny nodded "we figured you could take Remus or whoever you're currently dating"
"And I've brought you some new robes as well. I've had Kreatcher put them in your room" Harry replied "that reminds me, Kreatcher!"
"Yes master" The house elf approached
"We got you a couple of things" Harry smiled at him "first we have some chocolates, I know you like them, and a brand new pillowcase to replace your old one. It's getting a bit dirty and as the main house elf to the noble house of black, we can't have that. And don't worry, this pillow case is not us freeing you, you're still stuck with us."
Kreatcher took the chocolates, and the new pillow case, the house elf soon found himself in tears. Not even his former mistress and master was this kind to him, Sirius had even began treating him kindly since the boy arrived. At first he was a bit shocked when he was handed the pillow case, he was close to begging when he was reassured by his second master. Kreatcher looked at the pillow case like it was his new best friend, slowly he wiped the tears away, he couldn't cry on his new present.
"How could you?!" Hermione demanded after obviously misunderstanding Kreatchers crying
"Uh Hermione" Remus spoke quietly
"Why did you that?" She continued, ignoring Remus who had attempted to stop her
"Do what?" Harry was genuinely confused
"The chocolates were nice but why did you give him that pillow case?"
"Because his old one was old and dirty" Harry said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"Look at the poor elf, he's crying!" Hermione pointed at Kreatcher "you got his hopes up, he could have been free but you made him cry when you told him he wasn't!"
"Quiet!" Kreatcher demanded, silencing the bushy haired girl "you will not talk this way to master Harry"
"Oh I know" Hermione lit up as an idea came to her, she took the Weasley jumper "you can take this jumper and be free"
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