Harry Potter: Shadows of Tomorrow

Chapter 136: Family Bonds and Conflicts

"NO!" Kreatcher jumped back in horror, he ran to Ginny and Harry dropped to his knees in-between them and grabbed hold of both of them. "Please! Master! Mistress! Do not free Kreatcher! Kreatcher is a good elf! Kreatcher will…"

"Kreatcher" Ginny cut Kreatcher off "we have no intention of freeing you" Kreatcher lit up and hugged the two as hard as he could.

"But…but why?" Hermione really couldn't understand what was going on

"Are you that thick Granger?" Harry turned on her "I've lost count of the amount of times you've been told that house elves like to work! Why don't you just get over it?"

"Because it's wrong!" Hermione responded "forcing them to work without pay!"

"Does Kreatcher look forced to you?!" Ginny took over "he was literally begging us to not free him? Elves were made to work, we have no delusions that some wizards treat them horribly but that doesn't meant that all of us do. As for pay, like we said a thousand times before, they don't want it!"

"Pay Kreatcher?" Kreatcher spat "Kreatcher not so lowly a house elf that he need paying."

"Hermione" Sirius interrupted "it's clear that Kreatcher is perfectly happy with the way things are so you are going to leave it at that"

"Thank you master" Kreatcher bowed to Sirius, who felt a bit weird knowing that before meeting Harry he would have gladly gave the elf clothes and got rid of him but now he has, admittedly, become rather fond of him.

"Don't worry Kreatcher" Sirius replied "any other presents Harry? Ginny?"

"Yes there is" Ginny smiled, she whispered something in Harrys ear. Nobody heard what she said but the way Harry was straightening up and smiling told them a lot, the shiver that went down his body also helped.

"Okay!" Harry said happily, it was a little louder than he intended but he continued "this is for you Gin" Harry enlarged a box from his pocket and Ginny quickly opened it, she gasped when she saw it.

"That's a Firebolt" Ron breathed

"Good to know his vision is still working" Harry commented

"For me?!" Ginny asked, Harry gave her a look that said 'do you really have to ask' before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly

"Am I to understand that you like it?" Harry joked once she finished

"Love it!" Ginny picked up the broom

"I'm sorry Harry" Mrs Weasley interrupted "but there is no way that I'm allowing Ginny to have that"

"Funny" Harry narrowed his eyes "you make it sound like it's up to you to decide what she does"

"Harry I've heard how fast that broom is, it's dangerous" She argued

"Mrs Weasley Ginny is the best female flyer in her year" Harry argued back "in fact she was so good that she got the position of keeper, reserve chaser and reserve seeker. The other chasers have also trained her, she can easily handle it. It might take her a few minutes to get used to it but other than that it's not really a problem"

"But it isn't lady like"

"Some of us don't care about being 'lady like'" Ginny spat out the last the words like it was a curse "I love quidditch, and I love flying."

"Why does she get a broom like that?" Ron asked

"Because her husband can afford it" Harry replied "don't worry Ron, I'm sure one day you'll find a girl rich enough to give you presents. Of course the trouble will be finding one that likes you without the influence of a love potion"

"What about us?" Hermione cut off Ron's angry reply

"The same applies" Harry shrugged

"No I meant what did you get us?"

"Oh…well I didn't get you anything" Harry admitted

"Why not?!"

"Didn't know you were coming" Harry replied "as for Ron I couldn't think of anything to get him apart from food and at the rate he keeps eating he'll be lucky if he can see his toes by the time he's forty so I decided against that."

All of a sudden footsteps were heard from the hallway and Albus Dumbledore walked in. Sirius and Remus were furious at him turning up but they kept their emotions to themselves and plastered a neutral face.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Molly greeted him cheerfully "how wonderful to see you, sit down and have a cup of tea" It took every fibre of Sirius's control to not remind Molly that it was his house and tell Dumbledore to get lost.

"I appreciate the offer Molly" Dumbledore replied "but I was wondering if I could talk to young Harry in private"

"Fine" Harry sighed, he knew better then to argue. He could delay it as much as possible but he wanted to get the old man out. Ginny nodded as he stood up, Harry knew she would be listening and she knew that he knew, he also knew that she knew that he knew. She also knew that he knew that she knew that he knew. He also...

'Oh for goodness sake, forget the bloody loop and go' She mentally shouted 'hurry up, I want to know what the old codger wants'

Harry mentally smiled before accompanying Dumbledore to an empty room. Dumbledore prepared to take the single chair but Harry had beaten him to it, Dumbledore eyed him and he knew what he was implying. And he was right, Harry took the seat to signify that he was the bigger man here, Dumbledore sat on the sofa and faced him.

"Harry" He began "I would like to ask you something"

"Obviously" Harry nodded

"I would like to know" Dumbledore ignored his comment "why you supported Curse?"

"Supported?" Harry raised an eyebrow "if memory serves me right then I never battled against you"

"But you did publically agree with him" Dumbledore argued

"Yes I did" Harry replied "if you're wondering why I did, it is because that man deserved what he got."

"How could you say that?" Dumbledore asked with a hint of worry in his voice

"With my mouth" Harry cheekily replied "I'm sorry sir but I have no sympathy for the man, did you know that he raped a friend of mine? If he someone wanted to kill him then I have no interest in stopping them"

"Harry that is not the way"

"No sir, it is an 'opinion'" Harry emphasised the last word "besides, I don't know why you're going at me for. Am I the one who's going out and killing death eaters? I bet have of your order agree with him."

"We can continue this particular discussion another time" A tired Dumbledore replied

"I have no doubt that you will make sure of it" Harry responded

"Harry" Dumbledore ignored his comment once more "now that Voldermort is back I would like to teach you occlumency" Dumbledore had originally planned on Snape doing this but he couldn't use him anymore and he couldn't use another expert in case they realised what was in Harrys head.

"Why?" Harry asked, he knew why but wanted to hear the answer.

"Have you been getting pains in your scar Harry?"

"Why?" Harry repeated


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