Harry Potter: Shadows of Tomorrow

Chapter 134: Secrets and Shadows

Harry and Ginny made their way to the room of requirement and Harry immediately pulled his two-way mirror out of his pocket and enlarged it.

"Hi Sirius" Harry greeted Sirius

"Hey Harry" Sirius replied "what's going on?"

"Are you alone?" Ginny asked

"Yes, I'm in my room, why?"

"Put some privacy charms around the room and we'll tell you"

"Fine" Sirius placed the charms before looking back at Harry "now my irritating godson, would you and your better half kindly mind telling me what's going on?" And Harry and Ginny did just that, informing him of Warius and Daphne.

"I'm glad you killed him" Sirius growled "I would've done it myself"

"Yeah so back to the hall" Harry continued telling the story "Malfoy starts mouthing off so I transformed him into a ferret"

"What?!" Sirius burst out laughing

"It's true" Ginny smiled "we'll send you a pensive memory"

"Then Astoria" Harry continued "my polyjuiced lookalike, tells everyone to leave and after a bit of shouting at Dumbledore everyone does. Then Umbridge starts shouting at me and I blasted her out of the great hall, she'll live sadly but she's injured and will be out of our hair for at least a week or more hopefully a month."

"I'll tell Remus about that" Sirius grinned "you should have transformed her into a toad in my opinion"

"Would it have made a difference?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"Probably not" Sirius conceded

"Anyway, I manage to get the other teachers out then it's me and Dumbledore. We duel and he constantly tries to convince me that the way I'm going about it is wrong and I should join the light side"

"Of course he did" Sirius was not surprised "it's no secret that Curse is powerful and if he joined the order he'd be a valuable asset and Dumbledore would look good while gaining another pawn"

"Tell him about the end of the duel" Ginny said excitedly

"End of the duel?" Sirius raised an eyebrow

"Well" Harry blushed "Dumbledore tried to read my mind, but my hood kept him out, while he was realising that I took a plate. I threw it at an angle and it bounced off the floor and struck Dumbledore…between his legs."

Sirius had had enough, he burst out laughing and actually fell to the floor, he was useless for the next five minutes because he couldn't stop.

"Oh" Sirius wiped a tear away "by the way, Dumbledore is still assigning the order members to the department of mysteries but he won't tell anyone what they're guarding."

"Bloody old codger" Harry sighed "never mind, my elves are keeping watch as well so they'll notify me if anything happens."

"Smart boy" Sirius smiled "anyway I got to go, I have a date"

"That's nice" Ginny spoke "what is her name?"

"I…I don't know" Sirius admitted "it starts with an A I think, never mind, I'll ask Kreatcher. Before I go, Remus is currently out on a date with Nymphodora (don't call me that)Tonks and there has only been the one meeting since you left and that was just discussing the guard times for the department of mysteries. They made a list of the times, I'll have Kreatcher send it to you. Bye guys!"

"Sirius seems to be having fun" Harry commented once the mirror turned off

"Why don't we?" Ginny suggested as the room turned into a bedroom "I don't think anyone will interrupt us?" Harry leaned down and kissed Ginny.

"Someone had better be dying if they did" Stink popped into the room, looking panicked and scared.

"Arthur Wesley is dying!" The elf screamed

"Fuck!" Harry shouted. He made the motion of pulling his hood over his head and was now turned back to Curse. Without a word he disappeared, leaving a very worried Ginny.

The next day Harry and Ginny were called into the headmasters office, McGonagall was there along with Mrs Weasley. The headmaster had technically just called Ginny but naturally Harry was going to come as well and everyone knew better than to question it.

"Good morning" Dumbledore greeted the two

"Hello Professor" They greeted

"Miss Weasley" Dumbledore started

"Mrs Potter" Ginny corrected him.

"Mrs Potter" Dumbledore amended "it saddens me to inform you that last night your father was attacked at the ministry."

"What?!" Ginny burst out, in reality she knew what happened because Harry had told her but she still had to pretend to be ignorant.

"Worry not" Dumbledore spoke in a calming voice "he has been badly injured but he will recover shortly"

"What happened to him?" Harry asked

"He was attacked whilst guarding something for the order"

"What was it?" Ginny asked

"I apologise but I cannot tell you" Dumbledore replied

"Why not?" Harry responded "if her father was attacked over it I think she has a right to know."

"It is classified information Harry"

"What are you? The government?" Ginny retorted

"Don't be rude Ginny!" Molly shouted

"Rude?!" Ginny shouted back "dad could have been killed but you're going at me for wanting to know what he was nearly killed for?"

"Mrs Potter" McGonagall spoke up "your father was rescued by the vigilante known as Curse"

"Now Minerva" Dumbledore interrupted "is it really necessary to inform them of that?"

"Yes Albus" The stern witch replied "if anyone has a right to know it's those two" McGonagall turned back to Harry and Ginny "if you two wish I can accompany you both to visit him"

"Thank you Professor" Ginny nodded, the Potters and McGonagall took some floo powder and left through the fire place.

Albus was left all on his own, wondering many things, how on earth did Curse get into Hogwarts? Is Harry falling from the light side? Is Ginny doing so as well? Why didn't Harry's scar give him a vision and tell him what Voldermort was planning? Is Curse going to recruit Harry? How did Curse know to save Arthur? Did Curse know about the prophecy? Who is Curse?

The questions flooded into his brain and he was infuriated to know he did not know the answers, there was only two thing that Albus learned that day. The first is he knew less than he had liked, the second was he would from now on place protective charms on his undergarments. It still bloody hurts!


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