Chapter 128: Breaking Bonds
He was terrified now as the drain on his core was substantial and he couldn't break the spell, he reached into his robes for his other wand and drew it only to hear a loud boom as searing pain shot up his arm. Albus looked at his now ruined hand and had no more aces up his sleeve.
The group of six were glowing, as all were in physical contact with Harry and Hermione while Dumbledore's magic was redistributed where it could be used for the light side. The spell ended when Albus had no more magic left in his body and Harry silently summoned his now useless wand and snapped it right in front of Dumbledores crooked nose, a blur that was Joan Potter flew past them and swiftly kicked Albus as hard as she could on the ankle. The noise of the bone breaking was louder than that of his wand being snapped as the old man fell full length on the great hall floor like a tree being chopped down.
"You're a bad wizard and I'm glad my daddy kicked your arse."
Hermione clutched her daughter to her, "Joan, what have we told you?"
"Sorry mum," a chastised Joan turned back to Dumbledore, "I'm not allowed to say arse but your still a bad wizard and I'm glad my daddy kicked your butt!"
Hermione kissed the top of the young girl's head, "that's much better sweetie."
Amelia Bones well remembered Harry just absorbing her stunner but this was something else entirely as she watched him hold onto that curse before the explanation for Snape's condition hit her like the knight bus, they were drawing off the old bastards magic and Dan Granger's pistol just ensured that using a second wand was no longer an option.
The man now lying on the floor of the great hall bore only a passing resemblance to the Albus Dumbledore that adorned the chocolate frog cards; his face was pale and haggard as his appearance now matched that of someone of his great age. Amelia was sure he wouldn't see Christmas and had a decision to make, did their world really need the spectacle of a trial for this wizard or could the healing start quicker and better without one.
He would never see Azkaban, as the old man probably wouldn't survive a weekend in that resort, she reckoned that his last days were going to be spent in a secure ward at St Mungo's. She would have to consult with the Potters about what would be best for Magical Britain.
Harry approached her, "Amelia, there's another wand that needs snapped tonight." He pulled out Riddle's wand, "we took this of the self styled Lord Voldemort earlier tonight and he wasn't looking too good since mum blasted him with her shotgun and my wife and I disarmed him before he turned tail and scampered." The gasps could be heard throughout the hall as Harry snapped the hated wand that had killed both his parents.
He walked over to the contestants and noticed the Hogwarts entry was the Slytherin beater who had hit Alicia with his bat, claiming he thought she was the bludger; Harry hoped the dragon roasted his arse off.
"My wife and I are being forced to take part in this competition but we have no intention of taking it seriously, the winner will come from one of you three and we want to wish you luck."
Victor was desperate to say something to this arrogant boy who had upstaged the whole competition then had the audacity to claim they wouldn't really be trying to win, only the fact that he'd just performed a feat that Victor had witnessed and still didn't believe kept the Bulgarians mouth shut. He just gave a curt nod that Potter could interpret any way he wished.
Fleur had heard about Harry Potter from her little sister who had a crush on him but he was supposed to be fourteen! The Lord Potter before her looked older than that and his wife on his arm looked every bit as powerful as him, being part-veela she could see the enormously strong bond between these two and knew her sisters dream would remain just that.
Bole couldn't help showing he was an arse, whether he was affected by the vela charm and trying to impress or just an arse wasn't certain, "afraid of a little competition Potter?"
"What I'm afraid of Bole is that you aren't even a little competition, skilful champions have died in the past so what chance does that give you of just surviving, never mind winning. When you can't tell the difference between a beautiful broom riding girl who's wearing bright red robes and a bludger I really fear for your life."
Bole didn't know if he was being insulted, challenged or complimented so just came up with one of his stock answers for situations beyond his understanding before walking away, "well you would say that."
Hermione spoke to the other two champions, "please don't judge Hogwarts by that example, the headmaster had alienated a lot of students and only the dregs seemed to have entered. As bad as Bole is with a beaters bat he's actually worse with a wand in his hand."
The two Potters suddenly found themselves interrupted and almost surrounded by the Hogwarts board of governors, "Lord and Lady Potter, we would like to invite you and your school to return to Hogwarts. Dumbledore is gone and we think Pomona Sprout would make an excellent headmistress."
The icy glares from the Potters made the entire board take a few steps back but the chill contained in Harry's voice had them taking at least another one, "I thank you for the invitation but have no intention of returning to Hogwarts, Pomona LUPIN is an excellent headmistress but of the Potter Institute and under contract to us. This contract has some severe penalty clauses so she will be going nowhere without our consent which will not be forthcoming."
He quickly glanced at the Lupins to see them both trying to stifle their laughter.
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