Chapter 129: A Slytherin's Courage
"My whole family has applied for Italian citizenship and plan to live and work there permanently. The purebloods of Britain have never hid the fact that they don't want magic users of mixed blood or race in their country, well I intend to grant them their wish by offering an alternative to Hogwarts in a country that has welcomed us with open arms. I am sorry if this doesn't quite fit in with your plans but I refuse to raise children in a country that thinks of their mother as a mudblood and allows twelve-year-old girls to be sold to the highest bidder. Until Britain deals with it's bigotry problem and brings itself out the dark ages then the Potters will live abroad. As to your choices had Fudge still been minister I would have advised closure but Amelia Bones is an honourable lady who will always give of her best, with her in charge you have a chance."
These revelations were perhaps one too many for some of the people in the hall, a few of the smarter students had quickly worked out what that would leave them with while the board of governors faced being stripped of their power and influence if Hogwarts came under direct ministerial control. The crowd was starting to get ugly when Amelia spoke, "Lord Potter I would like to thank you for ensuring that two criminals were brought to justice tonight and for destroying Lord Voldemort's wand, I know we can count on you to finish the job."
The sheep stopped their bleating with the realization that they still needed this upstart.
"On behalf of the ministry I would like to put forward a recommendation for "Order of Merlin's' for you and your group."
"Madam minister, while flattered I feel I must refuse though I would like to put forward a Hogwarts student for one, she is a pureblood Slytherin who took on Voldemort, Lestrange and Pettigrew without a wand and managed to free her betrothed, if you would like to return to the Institute we can go over the details there."
Amelia just smiled, Harry knew there was no way she wasn't going with them tonight to hear their story and he had just provided her with the perfect opportunity while poking in the eye any suggestions that he himself was bigoted by recommending a Slytherin for their world's top award.
"Professor Vector, please assume charge of the school until we return on Monday with some solutions, can I assume that the other schools will be returning home?"
Both answered that they would be leaving in the morning and Amelia had Tonks take the slug to a cell while Connie took the old goat to St Mungo's, she was going to take the goblet to Gringotts herself and then the three would meet there before heading to the institute. This should be quite a tale Amelia thought though she had no idea just how big a tail it was.
The Institute crew used Harry's portkey to take them home and were all glad tomorrow was Saturday, facing Voldemort and Dumbledore in the one day was an excessive Halloween, even for Harry.
Millie sat beside Ron's bed waiting on him awakening from his terror induced slumber, she was doing something that she hadn't done before and wasn't happy with they way her thoughts were going. She was analysing their relationship by comparing it to those she had seen tonight and it didn't exactly measure up. The large Slytherin had watched the Grangers, Lupins and the Potters as well as Neville and Luna and Lord Black with his girlfriend. In every case both partners were attentive to each other with glances and casual touches whereas Ron had never even held her hand unless she grabbed his, no hugs or kisses were ever initiated by the red head leaving Millie to wonder just what their relationship was.
Millie was well aware she was no beauty and didn't expect her betrothed to profess undying love but she didn't think she could continue a relationship where there wasn't ever affection coming from the other partner, even a dog expected a pat on the head once in a while.
Ron awoke with a start and shot right up in bed before Millie managed to grab him by the shoulder, "Ron it's ok, we're safe." She could see the confusion in his eyes so tried to reassure him. "Harry and Hermione rescued us and we're in the Potter Institute."
The change in her betrothed's demeanour was astonishing, "Potter! We didn't need rescuing by him, I had it under control but as usual he has to play the hero and claim all the credit again."
This was a side of Ron she'd not seen before and definitely didn't like, she managed to calm him down before asking a question she swore she would never ask, "Ron I don't expect you to love me but do you even like me?"
No answer.
"Am I an embarrassment to you?"
Again Ron had no answer.
"When that Gryffindor girl made a play for you why didn't you tell her you were betrothed?"
Millicent sat there with tears running down her cheeks as Ron's mouth opened and closed like a goldfishes without a sound being emitted, when the Potters entered with Neville, Luna and Ginny he finally had an outlet for his temper.
"Potter, playing the great hero again I see, gloating over your gold as well by bringing us here to show off."
Joan had ran over and jumped on her 'aunty Millicent's' knee and hugged the crying girl, Millie soon had her large arms wrapped around the small girl and drawing comfort from the fact that at least someone wanted to hug her.
Harry was still coming down from his fight with Dumbledore and in no mood to take shit from anyone, especially this prick. "Just what is your problem Weasley? We go against Voldemort to save your sorry arse and you have the audacity to shout abuse at us! Add to that the girl who got you out of there is sitting here crying, you seem to be determined to take being a dickhead to a whole new level. This building sits on a large cliff and I have people begging me for the opportunity to throw you off it and you're beginning to convince me they've got the right idea."
Hermione knelt beside Millicent, "we have to return to Hogwarts next week, you're welcome to stay here till then and get your head together. I know how much Ron used to infuriate me and you look as if a break would do you good."
"What about me?" came from the ginger whinger.
Hermione actually snarled at him, "what you have yet to realise Ronald is that not everything on this planet revolves around you. Ginny told us that while she was going to be sold your only concern was for a bigger room than you had at the burrow, what kind of a selfish human being are you? There's no way you can stay here as my parents would kill you, mum's already put a bullet in Molly, killed Lucius Malfoy and shot Voldemort while dad's only managed one death eater so far though he did blow off Bellatrix Lestrange's arm and Dumbledore's hand."
Hermione looked ready to attack Ron and there wasn't one person in the room now who would lift a finger to save him, fortunately Joan interrupted.
"Mum, can aunt Millicent stay with me? Tomorrow's Saturday, we could all go shopping."
"That's a great idea sweetheart, Millicent the minister is coming here shortly could you put your memory of tonight into a pensieve for her to watch? Joan could then take you to her room then aunt Millicent wouldn't have to watch it again."
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