Harry Potter: A Twist In Time

Chapter 127: A Rally for Support

The Institute party were rallying round to comfort Ginny except Harry and Hermione; they never took their eyes off Dumbledore. As minister for magic Amelia had to act and sent her aurors over to arrest the pig since Penelope now looked exhausted but it was the Hogwarts board of governors that she addressed.

"Governors we have a hard decision to make here and I really only see two options as the status quo is now untenable, we either bring Hogwarts under ministry control or close it."

Dumbledore couldn't help but notice his opinion wasn't even being sought and now realised the writing was on the wall, he was being sidelined and quickly becoming a nonentity. Potter's revelation about the diary and Voldemort's survival meant he was aware of horcruxes, Riddle's name entered in his own handwriting probably signified knowledge of the prophesy leaving Albus with no cards left to play. Potter on the other hand had Severus, Molly, Arthur, Oliver in St Mungo's and the information from the goblins to wheel out at any trial.

Albus was beginning to realise just how badly the master manipulator had been out manoeuvred, he himself now had two choices of either sinking quietly into ignominy or going out with a bang. Sitting quietly in a cell in Azkaban was just not a future Albus was prepared to accept so he was going to go out with a bang and take as many of these ungrateful bastards with him as he could.

All conversation stopped with Dumbledores next words and the old wizard was delighted to be the centre of attention once more, "Harry my boy I really must congratulate you on a job very well done but then again your little mudblood bitch always was an annoying know-it-all. I knew from the moment she was sorted into Gryffindor that another Potter would end up with a mudblood and even that stupid bastard Weasley couldn't keep you apart forever, I was hoping he was going to ruin her for you though."

Harry just smiled at him, "why thank you Albus, you just won me five galleons."

Albus was hoping to at least make the boy angry before provoking him into a fight but this totally confused him.

"You see my beautiful wife bet me that you were too stupid to work out we were manipulating you but I maintained that you would put it all together eventually, of course I stipulated that it would be way to late for you to do anything about it which is why I got the full five. I wasn't worried though, you are so arrogant in your belief that no one but you can see the big picture that it was actually very easy to get you to do exactly what we wanted."

Albus was raging inside, this cocky young bastard actually had the nerve to stand there and criticise him, Potter was going to pay dearly. "And just what was it that you wanted?"

Harry was keeping him talking as Ginny moved with Joan into the centre of their formation and Pomona kept Amber company in the middle of the other, Dumbledore was going for his big play here so his name would be forever in the history books but the Potters were having none of it.

They didn't expect him to pull this tonight or Joan would never have been near Hogwarts, but not knowing that students were missing was inexcusable and the final straw for Amelia. If the old man wanted a fight they wouldn't be holding back, not with their family here as there was just too great a risk one of them could get hurt.

"We knew that you would put so many charms on that goblet in an attempt to force me back to Hogwarts we would have no problems ensuring Riddles name came out as well. You are so predictable old man that we were at least two steps ahead of you at every turn."

Amelia understood what was going down here but couldn't see anyway to stop it, Albus was determined to have his moment and there's no way the Institute crew was going to back down. She started quietly getting the students out of the firing line while the Potters got ready for the unavoidable fight.

Albus was reaching for his wand when the metallic click reverberated around the otherwise silent hall as everyone waited with baited breath for the fight of the century.

"Mum, please don't kill him just now."

"You'll have to give me a good reason son because right now I want to cut him in half, just like that Malfoy arsehole. Even Voldemort couldn't shield against my shotgun and this prick has harmed my family way more than those other two ever did."

"He wants a grandstand finale mum, to show the world that he was better than Harry Potter, it will hurt his pride a lot more when I kick his arse in front of all these witnesses."

"Are you that confident Harry?" Dumbledore was trying to install some doubt into his mind but again there was that smile.

"My beautiful muggle born wife could easily kick your arse old man, it's your play so lets have it. Some of us have a school to run properly and don't really have the time to waste standing here listening to an old has-been's drivel."

Albus moved like lightning as his wand fired his flaming whip curse straight into Potter's group, it should cut most of them in half. For all Dumbledores speed Harry was quicker and, calling on his seeker reflexes for the second time that night, caught the flame whip with his bare hand.

Albus couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him, not only had the brat caught his whip; his hand appeared undamaged which was impossible. He then felt the drain on his core as Harry held hands with the mudblood before giving him the final piece of the puzzle.

"The power he knows not old man."


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