Chapter 137: Voldemort's Greatest Fear
Dumbledore couldn't believe it. He was watching what was happening. Voldemort was alive! That proved he was right, he knew that he would come back. As the conversation continued, Dumbledore continually descended into disbelief and shock.
Adrian wasn't the boy-who-lived! He had spent all this time on the wrong boy! He should've been grooming Harry to be his successor and not Adrian! All those years and plans were wasted!
That red eyed man seemed to know Harry Potter, he seems confident in his ability to escape. Potter must be skilled if it's believed that he can escape the dark lord of all people. What had Mr Potter done to make that red eyed man believe that he is the most dangerous person there?
Harry performed the killing curse at the age of four?! How?! That shouldn't be possible, no four year old would know how to perform the killing curse or have the necessary emotions or intentions required to do it! This looked bad! Having the boy-who-lived, the symbol of the light, capable of performing a killing curse!
He killed muggles as well?! Muggle hunting?! This was ridiculously bad! He couldn't have the boy-who-lived hunt muggles! He needed to be light! Dumbledore needed to find a way to bring him to the light! He would have a lot of work to do if he wanted to get Mr Potter under his control.
"James, that's ridiculous!" Lily spoke to her husband "Harry would never go muggle hunting!"
"I know, I don't believe it either" James replied "there's got to be more to it than that"
"So Tom" Harry said as if he was having a regular conversation "how are you doing these days?"
"Do not call me that" Voldemort replied
"Call you what? Tom?" Harry said, pretending not to know "Why? It's your name, is it not Thomas?"
"You will show me respect" Voldemort aimed his wand at Harry
"Do you think that I don't respect you?" Harry asked, causing Voldemort to pause "You'd be wrong, I do respect you. I respect you a lot"
"Do you?" Voldemort asked
"Yes, with just a few hundred men you were able to bring an entire country to its knees" Harry replied "and it's clear to anyone with a brain that you're a powerful wizard. If you kill me tonight then I can take some pride in the fact that it took Voldemort to finish me off"
"Hmm, perhaps you have some intelligence after all" Voldemort replied
"I respect you, I just don't like you" Harry responded "I respect your abilities but I do not respect who you are"
"Is that right?" An amused Voldemort asked "Tell me then Potter? What am I?"
"You are the half-blood son of a muggle and a squib" Harry said, making Voldemorts eyes widened "you are the man who swore vengeance as a boy against all those muggles who had hurt you, you are the man who swore vengeance as a child against all the purebloods who looked down on you because of your blood status. You are the pathetic man who ruins lives to make up for what you've suffered and you are the man who will die with my foot on your neck"
"Crucio!" Voldemort fired the spell at Harry, Harry screamed and thrashed for a few seconds before Voldemort released the spell. Voldemort turned around and took a few paces when he stopped at the sound of laughter, he turned around to see Harry Potter laughing.
"Wow" Harry said between heavy breaths "is that the best you got Voldemort?" Adrian, the death eaters and the people watching through the mirrors all looked at Harry like he was crazy "I expected better from you Tom"
"Careful Potter, you will regret your words" Voldemort warned
"I regret a great many things in my life, standing up to you is not one of them"
"Regrets? Like muggle hunting?"
"Muggle hunting?" Harry raised an eyebrow "Who told you that I hunted muggles?"
"It was Red" Adrian spoke
"Ah" Harry looked at Voldemort "your son was wrong" Many jaws dropped at Harry's reveal, Voldemort had a son? "What I did wasn't muggle hunting, it was surviving , it was necessary"
"Harry?" Adrian said
"Adrian, I'll explain everything later" Harry said to his brother "I promise, for now, just keep quiet and enjoy me beating up the worst dark lord that Britain has ever seen"
"I grow tired of this" Voldemort said as he aimed his wand at Harry
"As do I" Harry responded "let's get this over with, I want to at least kill Pettigrew before I escape. "
"How do you plan that?" Voldemort snorted "You're trapped here"
"True, but this trap has a great big mistake, an incredibly stupid and obvious mistake"
"Which is?"
"There's one thing you never put in a trap, no matter how sure you are of it working, you never ever put it in a trap. If you're smart, if you value you're continuing existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow then there is one thing you never ever put in a trap"
"What's that?"
"Me" Harry grinned
Harry opened his hands and blasted the gravestone using wandless magic. The gravestone that Harry was tied to exploded, covering him in dust and smoke. Voldemort fired a killing curse into the dust, but it was clear that he missed when Harry rolled out of it and jumped away from Voldemort to gain some distance between them.
Voldemort fired another killing curse, Harry ducked under it then aimed his hand at Wormtail. Harry's wand flew from Pettigrew's pocket into his hand, he then blocked Voldemorts bone breaker.
"Wandless magic?" Voldemort asked, clearly impressed
"Yep, I'm full of surprises" Harry nodded as he fired an eye gouging curse at Voldemort who blocked it
"That was a dark curse"
"You think I care?" Harry said as he dodged Voldemorts cutting curse, and retaliated with two cutting curses of his own and a bone breaker.
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