Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 138: Unveiling the Past

Voldemort blocked the first one, ducked the second one and swatted away the third. He fired another killing curse at Harry, who rolled out of the way and disarmed a death eater who he saw drawing his wand.

"Stop" Voldemort ordered his death eaters "do not interfere, this is between us"

Voldemort fired a cruciatus curse, followed with a binding curse and another torture curse. Harry rolled out of the way, and fired a cutting curse at Voldemorts neck, he then aimed his wand at Voldemort and a small arrow shot straight at Voldemorts face.

Voldemort blocked the first spell and caught the arrow with his free hand, he tossed it in the air and changed it into a snake.

"Kill him!" Voldemort ordered the snake, the snake charged towards the snake

"Stop!" Harry ordered the snake in parsletounge, Voldemort and everyone else froze

"A parsletounge?!" Voldemort shouted in rage "Impossible!"

"Attack him!" Harry ordered the snake and it charged at Voldemort

"No, stop!" Voldemort hissed "I am your master! Attack him!"

"I am not your enemy!" Harry spoke in parsletounge "Attack him!"

"I am your master!"

"I'm better looking!"

"What does that have to do with anything?!" Voldemort asked in English

"It'd be a crime to bury perfection such as myself" Harry smirked "you on the other hand"

"Kill him!" Voldemort hissed

"I will let you eat that guy" Harry pointed at Peter as he spoke in parsletounge "if you attack the creepy, pale red eyed idiot!"

The snake seemed to have made up its mind as it charged after Voldemort, Voldemort quickly managed to get rid of the snake and looked up, he quickly dodged the killing curse that was thrown his way.

Harry followed up with a cruciatus curse and another killing curse, Voldemort dodged the first then conjured a block of marble to stop the second. Voldemort banished the marble at Harry, but just as he did an arrow struck him in the foot.

Harry quickly waved his wand and the marble changed shape into a sword, Harry grabbed the sword with his free hand, he tossed it back at Voldemort who had just removed the arrow, Voldemort caught the sword with his hand while he used his other hand to heal his foot.

Harry extended his free hand, a sword materialised into his hand. Not just any sword, the sword of Godric Gryffindor himself.

"Impossible!" Voldemort shouted

"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means" Harry grinned, knowing that the reference would go way over Voldemort's head but he made it anyway.

"Good lord! Is that the sword of Godric Gryffindor?!" Ludo Bagman shouted "I can't believe it, a Slytherin possesses the sword of Gryffindor!"

"Inconceivable!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

How did Harry Potter get the sword of Gryffindor?! He was a Slytherin! That reminds Dumbledore, he should probably look into getting Harry to go to Gryffindor, he just couldn't have the boy-who-lived stay in the house of dark wizards.

He was very worried at the moment, Harry was using dark curses and had revealed his parsletounge ability. Dumbledore would have to remember to get him to stop using dark magic as well, this was going to be a lot of tough work.

"He's amazing!" Lily whispered to James, she couldn't keep the awe out of her voice despite the unbelievable sense of fear and terror she felt for her son.

"He's fantastic!"

"Did you three know he was a parsletounge?" Remus asked James, Lily and Sirius

"No" They shook their heads

"Like it matters!" Lily said "Have the aurors found them yet?!"

"Lily" McGonagall came up to the group "The aurors are working on locating them, they are close"

"Tell them to hurry up before I set my wife on them!" James said, and Lily did look like she was about to rip someone apart if she didn't get her children back soon.

"Don't worry" Daphne's voice caused both parents to look at her "Harry will be fine"

"Aren't you worried about him?!" James demanded

"Of course I am!" Daphne snapped "I'm bloody terrified he'll get hurt! But he'll come back! I know he will!"

"What makes you think that?" Lily asked hopefully

"Because Harry told me about his past" Daphne answered "I can't tell you it so don't ask. It's up to Harry to tell you, let's just say that you have to be an exceptionally strong person to do what Harry has done."

"About the muggle hunting" James started

"He didn't hunt muggles" Daphne cut him off "yes he hurt and killed muggles but it wasn't because they were muggles and it wasn't for the fun of it"

"Then why?" Lily asked

"Like I said, it's up to Harry to tell you"


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