Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 136: The Dark Lord's Challenge

"You?" Voldemort chuckled "You are nothing but a spoilt brat, not worthy to even talk to me. You see" Voldemort spoke to both Adrian and his followers "that night I attacked the Potters, I subdued James Potter and the mudblood, the mudblood begged for me to spare her son. Once I was done with the both of them, I entered the room where both children were awake.

One was a red headed crying irritation, the other, a green eyed warrior. I could tell from the eyes alone, that this one would have the potential to be a threat if he ever reached adulthood. I would've killed him that day, if not for one thing, one woman to be exact. Dorea Potter, sacrificed her life to save her grandsons, she used ancient magic to protect them both. My killing curse bounced right off of young Harry and I was left weakened for all these years""

"S…so…I'm not the boy-who-lived?" Adrian asked quietly

"You are nothing more than a boy who was lucky he had powerful family" Red eyes spoke

"Well said" Voldemort replied

"My lord" One death eater spoke hesitantly "who is this man?"

"Me?" Red eyes asked with an amused expression "You may call me 'Red' and I'm the guy who's going to leave in a few minutes, when I come back I hope at least one of you are alive long enough to provide me with a pensive memory"

"Pensive memory of what?" Another death eater asked

"Of Harry Potters escape of course" Red said as if it should be obvious

"Escape?" Voldemort narrowed his eyes

"Escape" Red repeated, unafraid

"How can he escape?" One death eater asked "he's tied up, outnumbered and in the presence of the dark lord himself"

"He will escape because he is Harry Fucking Potter" Red spoke "and out of all the people here, he is easily the most dangerous"

"You believe Mr Potter to be more dangerous than me?" Voldemort asked with disbelief in his voice

"Yes" Red nodded "I do, the second he decided to fight back he will start small, he won't go full out because if he did then you'd all be dead within a minute"

"You can't actually believe that Potter even stands a chance against our lord!" A death eater exclaimed

"I can and I do" Red replied "Potter is no ordinary boy, the first time he performed the killing curse was at the age of four. He killed three muggles using that one curse, can any of you say the same?"

"That's impossible" Voldemort said with disbelief

"It's true" Red was smiling underneath his bandanna "me and Potter used to go muggle hunting together, best days of my life"

"You're lying!" Adrian shouted "Harry wouldn't do that!"

"Wouldn't he?" Red walked closer and kneeled down in front of Adrian "Let me tell you something Ginger, you know nothing about your brother, all you know is the mask he puts on. I've seen the real him. He has stolen, tricked, injured and killed many times over and I know he will do it again. It disgust me how he lowers himself, hides his true potential for the sake of you and those others. Unworthy to even be in the same room as him, do you know that I killed my first muggle alongside him?"

"That's not true!" Adrian refused to believe him "That can't be true!"

"Your brother is a diamond among dirt, he's the only reason I'm alive, I intend to repay him. By bringing out his true self, he won't hide among the common people anymore, he will rise above you filth and stake his claim as the most powerful wizard of all time. No longer will he pretend to be weak to satisfy the rest of you" Red stood up and looked at Voldemort "if you manage to survive the night, then you have my respect. Just remember, when you come back dead or beaten and bruised, I told you so"

"How dare you even begin to think that this pathetic child could pose a challenge to me?!" Voldemort pointed his wand at Red

"Blast me, hex me, curse me. It won't make a difference, the truth is what it is, and if you don't believe me then return tonight with all of your limbs and I will gladly accept any punishment of yours. You see Voldemort, it's night time and the night, that's when he hunts best. Again, tell me if you manage to survive, if you manage to keep all of your limbs then I will admit to underestimating you. Goodbye for now" Red walked off, into the shadows before he disappeared.

"Damn" Harry groaned as he woke up, he looked around to see Adrian tied up while Voldemort and the other death eater were looking at him "oh…hello Tom. It's nice to meet you again".


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