Chapter 135: The Graveyard of Secrets
Adrian was slowly waking up, he was sat, leaned against a gravestone. He was tied up, he tried escaping but his efforts were pointless. He looked around when he saw Harry tied to a grave stone, Harry was unconscious and his arm was bleeding.
Adrian heard a noise and his head snapped to see Peter Pettigrew standing alongside Red eyes and a third person.
"Wormtail, robe me" The person said softly, Pettigrew hurried to robe the person. Adrian's eyes widened in shock as he realised who that person was, it was Voldemort!
"Ah, someone's awake" Red eyes said in a low voice, similar to that of Consequences.
"Adrian Potter, we meet at last" Voldemort greeted Adrian
"You…you're Voldemort aren't you?" Adrian asked fearfully
"Yes, I am" Voldemort said with an amused smile
"Hmm, I can practically smell the fear coming from him" Red eyes commented
"What have you done to my brother?" Adrian asked, hoping to redirect the conversation
"He finds himself tied to the grave of my father" Voldemort said "a worthless muggle but without him I would not be standing here before you today, so he had at least one good use before death"
"Hmm, muggle father, learn something new every day" Red eyes said to himself
"Give me your arm Wormtail" Voldemort said
"Th…thank you master" Wormtail extended his arm which was missing a hand.
"The other hand" Voldemort said and Wormtail whimpered
"Oh hurry up" Red eyes said impatiently "it's just a little pain" Wormtail shot the man a quick glare as if to say 'no it fucking isn't!' He extended his other arm and Voldemort used Wormtail's dark mark to summon the other death eaters.
"Now they've all felt it" Voldemort said "some will come crawling, many will attempt to ignore it, they will pay the ultimate price." It was clear that he hadn't noticed the invisible mirrors.
Everyone who was watching the mirrors were absolutely surprised at Voldemort returning, even more so at the fact that he had just admitted that his father was a muggle.
Adrian watched as multiple death eaters swooped in, wearing their death eater costumes. He couldn't help but feel afraid, maybe if Harry was awake he'd feel a little better. Harry was confident, cool and brilliant at fighting, everyone Adrian wanted to be at this moment.
"Welcome my friends" Voldemort greeted the death eaters as they returned
"Master?" One death eater asked
"But how?" Another said
"I have returned, in time you shall know how, but I must say that it nice to see my most loyal friends and followers rejoin me in reuniting under the dark mark" Voldemort said, a few death eaters briefly smiled under their masks "however, I can tell our reunion will not be as joyous as is should be. I smell fear, I smell guilt, I smell deception. And above all, I smell foolishness from all of you, you avoided Azkaban by denouncing me yet you actually believed I was gone? Did you pursue every avenue? Check under every stone? To make sure I was not somewhere, I was trapped for thirteen years in my most weakened form, vulnerable and powerless."
"He is on a roll" Red eyes whispered to Pettigrew who was clutching on to the stump where his hand used to be
"My lord, forgive us" One Death eater started "we had no…"
"Crucio" Voldemort interrupted, hitting the man with a very powerful torture curse "Avery, you fool, to your feet. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, I do not forgive cowardly, treacherous and spineless imbeciles such as yourselves. You're inactions have cost me much time, set me back by years, but I am willing to forgive. Do not think you can't be replaced, there are countless ambitious and cunning youths that would kill to serve under me, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, my Lord" The death eaters nodded
"Good, you all have a lot of work to do, if you wish to repay your debt and earn my forgiveness. I doubt you will completely succeed but with time it may be accomplished. Wormtail has already repaid some of his debt, have you not Wormtail?"
"Y...yes my Lord" Wormtail stuttered, desperately trying to ignore the pain that was coming from his hands
"Wormtail's own sacrifice partially aided me in returning to my full power, and while he is cowardly and traitorous, Lord Voldemort rewards his followers" Voldemort waved his wand and a silver hand appeared where Wormtail's used to be.
"Thank you my lord" Wormtail said gratefully "it is far better than I deserve"
"That's something we agree on" Voldemort commented before turning to his death eaters "it is good to see you all again, but all of you pale in comparison to our guest of honour" Voldemort turned and looked at Harry "Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived"
"What?!" Adrian blurted out in surprise "W…what do you mean? I'm the boy-who-lived?"
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