Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 7

Gwen woke up feeling very refreshed and happy. A night's rest in the arms of a loved one proved to be the best medicine or drug as she rested her head on Jean's still-sleeping form. Her head seemed to fit perfectly in between Jean’s breasts as if they were just made to be her pillows, the softest, springiest, and suckable pillows in existence.


Gwen’s smile only became more pronounced as she continued to look up at the still-sleeping Jean. She knew everything was going fast, from just a couple of days ago when she would still fumble over her words before the redhead to now as they lay in each other's arms. She did not doubt they wouldn't be going so fast without the Yuri System and their unique circumstances.


Jean’s empathy and telepathy allow their relationship to develop quickly simply because she effortlessly knows Gwen’s feelings and desires. Gwen was then gifted her Yuri-Sense, and with that, she could even tell how Jean was feeling about her and gained further understanding of her desires. Even now, as she slept, Gwen found that Jean seemed still thinking about her. It was lovely.


Gwen lay there for a few more minutes, snuggling closer to the redhead and providing as much bodily contact as possible. She didn’t know when Jean would wake up and was 90% sure she was only awake right now due to her quick recovery time. And so, she lay there quietly and watched Jean’s sleeping form.


As she lay there, though, something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked at her system and was slightly surprised that she now had 28500YP. The realisation made her quickly remember that she had yet to open the store, and despite being curious about it, she couldn’t help but think back to the store introduction that Yuri gave her. She had a little trepidation about the store as it showed her all the things she might acquire.


She knew that her trepidation was unnecessary and unwarranted, but she also realised that anything she could acquire in the Gatcha, she could also find in the store. Being able to buy things like knowledge about time travel, the power over death, and much more was quite a shock for Gwen. It was reasonable to fear it, but she pushed those thoughts aside as she steeled her will.


Opening the store, she quickly found herself navigating through items, objects, powers, real estate, exchange rates and more. She quickly realised it was pretty overwhelming, but the hefty price tags she found were comforting. Knowing she had time until she became a superpower who could do anything. It meant she had time, time which she hoped to spend with Jean and any future lovers. She didn’t want to rush, and she didn’t want to have to feel like she had to do anything. Not right now, not when she was having so much fun.


That didn’t stop Gwen from spending some points; she was excited about what she could find. She couldn’t help but look back over the previous day and what she had been up to as some words resonated in her mind. Ned’s words about uploading stuff to YouTube and those thoughts further escalated into having a social media presence as her Ghost Spider persona. She couldn’t help but be a little excited about such a thought as she looked over the store and quickly found something that caught her attention.


She put her priorities first and quickly decided to purchase some healing pills that she may need in case of emergencies. Opening the medicine tab of the store, she quickly found what she wanted.


[Basic Recovery Pill: Helpful to mend minor wounds, maybe a shallow knife cut on the average human.] - 250YP -


[Medium Recovery Pill: On an average human, this could even repair old wounds like an old injury to their back.] - 500 YP-


[High Recovery Pill: Could even regrow an arm and cure cancer if given to someone.] - 1000YP-


Looking over the prices, Gwen was quick to start calculating. Let’s see, I have 28500YP right now, so I’ll purchase some of them. I want to make sure Dad and Aunt May are in tip-top condition, so let's get them both a High Recovery Pill, that’s -2000YP,  along with an emergency spare. That’s down to 25500YP.  Then let’s see… three medium is -1500YP, and then six Basic is -1500YP. That takes me down to 22500YP. Satisfied that she had some emergency medicine, she nodded and moved on. 


I will need some technology that can’t be traced back to me when uploading videos or managing social media; I’m not great at that. Do you have any suggestions, Yuri? She couldn’t help but ask.


[Hmm. I have just the thing. It’s called the Basic Techno Box -10000YP. The items inside are ordinary but ahead of the current time and have a built-in defence against such things. It comes with a phone, laptop, tablet, earbuds and speakers. All of it is top-of-the-range technology that you wouldn’t be able to find on the market in 2010. As long as you stay on Earth, you should have no problems using all of it freely for quite a while.]


That does sound tempting, but do I need all of that? I don’t see myself using tablets and speakers all that much.


[Indeed, I was just about to recommend merging your equipment. I’d suggest you merge the phone with your current one, the laptop with yours and then the tablet with your Ghost Spider outfit. You could use your visor like a PC rather than just the police scanner.]


Gwen’s eyes shone at Yuri’s words. The last thing she wanted was for her to waste the small amount of points she currently had, so she wanted to ensure she would put everything to good use. Thinking it over for a second, she nodded and confirmed the purchase. She quickly slipped her hand into her inventory as she sat in bed, not wanting to leave Jean’s side.


Taking out the high-tech box, she quickly got to work, spending another 300YP fusing the objects. Her phone, laptop, and Ghost Spider outfit became more powerful than a High School Student could ever need. Satisfied with her purchases, she was left with 12200YP and a smile.


She took out the laptop and set the brightness as low as possible. She didn’t want to wake Jean as she got to work. Just as she opened it up, Gwen was greeted by quite the sight as her lock-screen: Jean’s naked back, long legs, perky ass, flowing hair. It was a pleasant sight on her computer, but she still felt slightly confused. Something that Yuri quickly picked up on.


[I made a folder to save special memories like this so you can remember them. Don’t worry; when you are in public or others are looking at your laptop, they won’t show such pictures. These are just for you and your harem to see.] Gwen couldn’t help but nod in appreciation. It was a memory that she didn’t think she’d ever forget, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t want to look back on it in the future. [Furthermore, all of your appliances are now linked as well. Your phone, your suit and your laptop. And they are much faster than you will be used to.]


Gwen already realised the laptop's speed and was forced to agree. Her old laptop took a minute to boot up and start, while this didn’t take a second. Happy with the new kit, Gwen set up a new email address and social media accounts for YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.


Happy that all the accounts were made and connected, she quickly asked Yuri for extra help. Yuri, do you have any pictures for my profile picture or my banner on social media?


[I’m glad you asked. I have a selection that could work; all were snapshots from your web swinging and time in the streets.] A few pictures entered her screen, and she quickly found her favourites. Her banner for her channels was from her first night out, sitting atop a skyscraper and looking over New York in the dead of night. It was an astounding image that she saw herself using in the future for a long while.


Her profile picture wasn’t quite as lovely, though. It was a snapshot of her reflection as she ran up a building. It was a placeholder for the time being, and that’s all that mattered. Gwen was about to select the video and start editing. It was a skill she’d picked up from multiple school projects, but she didn’t feel she’d want to do it like this in the future. Yuri, can I buy an application to edit videos and posts on social media? Gwen opened the new application on her laptop with -200YP and imputed all the footage she had acquired.


The quick results surprised Gwen momentarily, and she was happy with them. For example, she watched over the bank robbery, and about six minutes of footage were condensed into a single minute. Leaving in all the incriminating evidence and the like for police. It had even taken out the time she brought up her phone and looked at her messages, which would have revealed her identity due to the background image of her and her father.


Setting up the videos to upload, Gwen let out a happy sigh as she realised that Jean was quietly stirring awake. She quickly tossed her laptop away into her inventory and was quick to slip back under the covers and snuggle closer to her lover. Only a minute later, she watched those beautiful jade-green eyes flutter open, and she couldn’t help but have her heart swell at the sight.


“Good morning, baby,” Gwen said with a smile, quick to pull her into her embrace, and before Jean could properly wake up, her lips were already occupied with Gwen’s. They sat there for multiple minutes, staring into each other's eyes as they shared light kisses to and from.


Gwen was sure they would have stayed there for the rest of the day if possible, but unfortunately, they were interrupted by the rumbling of Jean's stomach, causing the redhead to blush slightly. “It seems we missed dinner last night.” She couldn’t help but comment with a sigh.


Gwen raised her brow slightly, “Are you sure? I feel like I had quite the feast.” She replied, her eyes roaming Jean’s nude body. “And I’m pretty sure you got quite a feast of your own.” Her grin turned somewhat lecherous as she thought of everything they had done the night before.


Jean smirked, no doubt having similar thoughts running through her mind. “I suppose you’re right, but still, I’m hungry.” She said, slapping Gwen’s white buttock, leaving another mark before rolling over and taking Gwen with her. Straddling Gwen momentarily, she leant down and gave Gwen a long smooch. “Don’t tell me you’re going to leave me all on my lonesome to clean up?” her eyes looking towards the bathroom.


Gwen’s eyes shone and didn’t leave Jean any room to take back her words as she took hold of Jean’s legs and hoisted them up, causing Jean to wrap her arms and legs around her form as she took them to the shower, exchanging kisses.



Showered and ready for the day ahead, Jean led Gwen to her favourite cafe, where she usually orders her morning coffee. As they stepped inside, Jean got a few looks from the staff that seemed to be familiar with her. “You must have woken up late to be in now, Jean. Did you have a good night?” The lady at the counter asked, her eyes not so subtly hovering over Gwen, hugging Jean’s arm momentarily with a good-natured, teasing smile.


Jean smiled at the lady’s words. “Fantastic, thanks,” she replied. She also looked at Gwen not so subtly, causing her to blush slightly. “We’ll take two of my usual breakfast orders, eating in.” The lady smiled as she nodded. Jean and Gwen took a seat in the store window. Not much traffic was passing through the store; it was already 14:45 and seemed like a quiet time for this little store.


Gwen was happy to be able to find out more about Jean as they ordered breakfast, making sure to memorise how Jean liked her coffee and which breakfast she liked. Slipping out her phone, she wasn’t surprised by the texts that she got from her father, making her smile as she quickly found out that both of their missions were a success. She replied to his texts, ensuring he knew she was okay and congratulating him on his successful mission. Jean was looking over her shoulder and couldn’t help but be curious about what Gwen was talking about.


“Yesterday evening, we made a pinky promise that I’d ask out you, and he’d ask out our neighbour, Peter’s Aunt May. I asked him a surprise question because I thought he needed a companion, and he counterattacked by asking about you. I was planning on asking you out anyway. I felt it soon after what happened, and I saw the chance to push him to move on Aunt May, so I took it.” Gwen said lightly. She pulled out the camera app on her phone and showed it to Jean, who nodded.


Gwen wanted to take a selfie of them as she kissed Jean’s cheek. She wanted to share it with her father, but Jean turned her head to the side at the last second, causing the lips to meet. They only kissed lightly for a second before they separated. Jean looked at Gwen with a cheeky grin, trying to ignore the call of ‘You go, girl’ from the counter.


Momentarily surprised, Gwen couldn’t help but smile and send the image anyway with the caption, ‘You can do it!’. Their order arrived a few minutes later with a stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon, and they had a nice late lunch together. “So, any plans for the day?” Jean asked.


Gwen’s eyes immediately looked outside and towards the rooftops. She’d spent a night out, but she had yet to swing around in the day and wanted to see what kind of scenes she could find and explore the city she grew up in more than she already had. Jean noticed Gwen’s gaze as she spoke up. “How about we meet at my place for a late dinner, say 8 pm? You go have some fun around the city.”


Gwen immediately nodded with a smile, a part of her craving to go web-swinging. “That sounds like a plan. What are you going to do?” Gwen asked. She could tell that Jean was different from yesterday. Apart from the fact that they spent the night together, she knew she now had better control of her powers, so she wondered if she would get up to some mischief. 


“I think I’m going to head home, maybe nap for an hour or two, and read that book you gave me yesterday. I can’t deny I am a little curious about it.” Jean said after thinking about it for a moment. “Who knows, maybe it’ll give me some more ideas.” She said as her eyes roamed Gwen’s body.


Gwen couldn’t help but gulp in excitement as she nodded her head. “Did we do too much yesterday?” She couldn’t help but ask, a little worried.


Jean couldn’t help but chuckle as she shook her head. “Nah, yesterday was great. If I wanted to, I could have used my powers to ease the ache and any exhaustion; I just like the feeling of it.” Jean smiled. “I may not have a body like yours, but I’m plenty strong and have a few methods to take care of myself, so you don’t have to worry about me.” Gwen nodded with a smile; she understood that Jean was strong, her spider-sense seemed pretty accurate at judging the strengths of those around her, and she wouldn’t want to be Jean’s enemy. 


“That’s good then.” The two of them finished up their meals before walking outside hand in hand. Gwen escorted her back home, and they kissed before Gwen watched her enter the apartment building. Looking around, she slipped into a nearby alleyway and swung away a few seconds later. The only time Gwen had done any web swinging during the day was yesterday's bank heist.


Gwen felt like she had done an excellent job yesterday, and she was excited to swing through the streets and maybe find herself some trouble to intervene in. With such a thought, she slipped off the side of the building and webbed away. As she swung from building to building, she couldn’t help but be proud to be a New Yorker. She had never realised it before, either due to not paying attention or because she was still in High school, but her pride was due to her new senses, which were picking up on many Yuri relationships. She didn’t intrude on their privacy or anything, but feeling the Yuri in the atmosphere was a source of pride for Gwen.


At least, it was all going well until a tingle ran down her spine. The feeling was unlike her previous ones, though, and she didn’t feel any danger to herself. She felt a little confused as she webbed herself towards the disturbance she felt, and just a minute later, she arrived on a rooftop and wasn’t alone. She didn’t seem to have been noticed as the two women in their early twenties stood opposite each other, looking to be co-workers in similar office attire.


Due to Gwen’s Yuri Senses, she could feel that something terrible was about to happen, but just like always, she knew that before she acted, she needed as much information as possible. It would be irresponsible to act without the means to help and make things worse for the two women.


Gwen listened in on the conversation. She felt a little bad for intruding into a private affair but felt responsible for helping if she could. “Are you sure you want to do this, Lucy?” The one who spoke was a black-haired, stoic-looking woman with a frosty personality, at least on the surface. Down below, Gwen could tell that she was hurting by the turn of events that happened around her. Despite the cold tone, which almost seemed to come out threateningly, Gwen knew the truth.


The other participant, a busty blonde lady, showed a forced smile. It was so forced that Gwen and the stoic woman knew she didn’t want this turn of events. “You see, Hannah, this… I don’t know if this whole thing is…” The usually bubbly, happy-go-lucky girl was stuttering as she answered. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, but she was cut off when a hand fell on her shoulder, Gwen’s hand. Knowing that the situation turned dire, Gwen knew that she had to act before an incident occurred and something unforgivable happened.


Startled by the sudden interruption, the black-haired girl, Hannah, seemed ready to defend the bubbly blonde lady, Lucy, as she quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her behind her. Gwen smiled at the action; she knew Hannah was trying to protect Lucy. “It’s okay, I don’t want to harm you. I’m here to help both of you.” Gwen explained, which got them even more startled. Only vigilantes wore such outfits; did that mean a villain was nearby? Why else would she claim that she was here to help them? Lucy’s hand tightened around Hannah’s, ready to take action. “Haha, don’t be so tense. I’m going to show you something.”


While they seemed wary, they relaxed a little bit. Gwen raised her hands, and a book quickly formed above her palms. Gwen wasn’t too confident she could help this relationship, but she had a feeling in her gut that these two were made for each other and didn’t want anything to happen to them. Thus, she decided to pull out all the stops.


Startled by the sudden turn of events, Hannah and Lucy shared a look. They didn’t know what was happening, but they couldn’t help but be drawn to the books in Ghost Spider's hands for some inexplicable reason. Putting one book under her arm, she looked at the first book, opened it to the first page where a dedication was written, and read aloud. “Lucy Rivers, an extreme masochist who loves the idea of her best friend and lover taking away her innocence and treating her body like an object. Too embarrassed and scared of her lover’s reaction, she hid away her desire from her lover, and it has been eating away at her from the inside.” The blonde busty girl’s eyes opened wide before her entire head went bright red in shame as she was about to burst out in tears for having her secrets aired like that.


She was about to start denying it, ranting up a storm, but she felt Hannah’s hand tighten around hers, stopping her from taking action. She looked towards Hannah and was surprised at what she saw: a smile.


Meanwhile, Gwen smiled a little as she closed the first book and opened the second. Hannah knew that she was about to have her secrets aired out, but aside from embarrassment, she felt more excited than anything. Now that she knew Lucy’s preferences, how could she shy away from her nature? Gwen continued. “Hannah Wright, an extreme Dominatrix with the hidden desire to tie up her lover and have her way with her. Scared of her lover's reaction, she bottled up her desire and pushed it down.”


Silence descended on the rooftop as Lucy finally understood why Hannah stopped her. They looked into each other's eyes as Gwen continued. “I’ll leave these books here for the two of you. May Yuri Guide Your Way and Your Future.” Placing the books in their idle hands, as they were still too shocked, overwhelmed and happy to process it. Gwen left, and not a moment later, both of them were at each other, Hannah quickly sticking her tongue down the throat of the ‘helpless’ Lucy who was ‘trying to push her away’. The sparkle in her eye and the dampness in her panties told a different story.


[Yuri Relationship Save -+5000 YP-]


I see, so this is my purpose. It truly is a noble cause.


[Indeed, it’s not an easy road to walk, but it is a noble one nonetheless. One with dangers around every corner and thorns along the path.] Yuri gravely admitted, her cute pink eyes showing a severe expression for once.


Gwen felt a weird sense of pride blooming in her chest. It was different from when she saved someone from getting mugged or kidnapped; this was something beyond that. Saving Yuri relationships and showing others down an enlightened path was an honour not many could brag about. But Gwen could, for she had already stepped onto the frontline and survived. With this honour came understanding. Gwen could feel that not all yuri relationships were meant to last, but that didn’t mean those people couldn’t enter another in the future.


“Indeed, it won’t be easy,” Gwen said, finally realising the gravity of her position. “But things that are worth it never are.”



Gwen continued her web-swinging. Now and then, she stopped a minor crime, though they were usually something simple like returning a purse to an old lady, a few times at that. There were no bank robberies today, at least, though there was a robbery at a small corner store that she stopped. She gained another 1000 YP from petty crimes over the next few hours.


She also gained another 2000 YP due to her liberal use of the Yuri Book Summoning. She found several women who seemed to be troubled with their sexuality, and each time she handed out a book, she got 200 YP due to Yuri Spread. It was an eventful day, and it was also a source of pride for Gwen. She only interfered in that single breakup at the start of the day, and that was only because her Yuri senses seemed to recognise that something terrible would have happened if she hadn’t interfered. She did witness another one, but she made the decision that they were just not right for each other, and it was quite a toxic relationship. Therefore, she left the book with the victim in the relationship and hoped they would find better in the future, hoping and praying that they wouldn’t give up on Yuri due to the one bad apple.


Thinking about the events throughout the day, Gwen found that she had quite an eventful day despite waking up at two in the afternoon. With such thoughts, she continued her web-swinging, knowing she had a couple of hours before she needed to meet up with Jean. As she was web-swinging, she happened upon a familiar feeling of someone in trouble with her Yuri-sense; however, whatever was causing it was making her Yuri-sense go a little haywire.


As she arrived near the destination, her eyes caught sight of someone familiar. Peter Parker was walking towards Central Park, his camera in his hands. He had a photography hobby, and he usually took his camera whenever he went for a walk. Gwen didn’t pause because she saw her friend; he was the source of her Yuri senses going haywire, which confused her.


During the day, her Yuri senses had been picking up enlightened individuals around New York. Some were more enlightened than others, while others seemed to be at the height of enlightenment. She was officially proud to be a New Yorker when she realised the number of yuri relationships happening, and that pride continued to grow. But then, some individuals were struggling, battling with confusion about their sexuality, and Gwen always made sure to summon a book for such people.


But Peter’s case was new to her. She had yet to find a man who caused such a reaction in her Yuri senses. Hell, her senses didn’t even work on men… “Oh.” And just like that, it all made sense. “Dammit Pete. Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Gwen couldn’t help but grind her teeth. She wasn’t annoyed at Peter; she was annoyed at herself for being such a lousy friend. “Fuck!” her hands balled into fists. Gwen felt a headache before she took a deep breath and looked back over everything.


Gwen knew Peter was a good guy; she wouldn’t hesitate to stick her neck out for other people, and often, she got himself in trouble with her do-good attitude. Only now that she thought about it from another direction, a possible reason for her behaviour, did she realise what she may be feeling. Looking at it now, Gwen realised that Peter doesn’t care for her health and safety as much as others; it is such a simple reason and something that has been right before her for years, yet Gwen is too blind to see it.


Before I rush in and save the day, I have to ensure I have the means to help. Yuri, what’s the best way to gender-bend someone? Gwen asked seriously; she didn’t doubt that her system had a way. It was only a matter of points in the end.


[Well, there are a few different methods to get the job done, either through technology, magic or a simple Ying-Yang Reverse Pill. But the problem is, they are all out of your current price range. And not by a small amount.] Yuri said, and Gwen couldn’t help but grit her teeth in annoyance; before she could say anything, Yuri continued. [ Now, there is only one way for you to get the job done quickly. And I think that we both know what that is. Whether you want to do it that way or not is up to you and Peter herself. You could simply save up. Do keep in mind the cheapest option would cost you 300,000 YP]


Confused, Gwen thought for a moment before understanding dawned upon her. She had hesitated briefly, but that hesitation disappeared when she looked towards Peter. Now, she was a girl, and Gwen found she loved girls of all shapes and sizes.


Gwen took a moment to think about her options. She already planned to come clean to Peter about being Ghost Spider, but she had never planned to tell her about her Yuri system. But now, the situation has changed. Before she did this, though, she felt she needed to ensure it was okay with Jean. She knew Jean agreed with more members joining, but Gwen wanted to confirm. She took out her phone and quickly found her number. A few rings later, Jean picked up the phone. “What’s up dear? Are we still on for tonight? Or has something come up?”


Gwen hesitated for a moment before replying. “Eh. That’s hard to say. Let me tell you the situation, and you can decide.” 


“Oh? Lay it on me then.” Jean said, eager to know what had made Gwen like this. “Do you need any help?”


“Well, you know how I got that Power last night, the one from the book. It’s called Yuri Sense and lets me sense a girl's sexual disposition.” Gwen said. Jean already knew all this, so she wondered why Gwen told her about it again. “Well, while I was swinging about, I happened to catch sight of Peter Parker, and my Yuri Senses went haywire.”


“Hmm? That’s odd. I thought you said that your Yuri Senses only activated on women… Oh. I see.” Being the bright young lady she was, she quickly picked up on what was happening. “Wow. I never even noticed, and I’m a telepath. She did hide it well.” Jean said after a second before realising something. “Gwen, I know that you are probably beating yourself up about not realising it sooner, but it’s not too late to help her, is it?”


Gwen took a deep breath. “Yeah, but I still can’t help but be annoyed at being such a lousy friend.”


“Don’t beat yourself up over it. Hell, I’m a telepath, and I never had even the slightest of second guesses over their sexuality and gender. Anyway, I understand the situation. How are you going to help them?” Jean asked, confident that Gwen’s weird system had something to solve the problem.


“That’s the thing, I don’t have enough Yuri Points to buy the method I want. The only way to get it done quickly is to help Peter unlock a ‘Welcome To The Harem Gift Box’, and a Yin-Yang Reverse Pill comes out. I haven’t even approached Peter yet and am still tailing her, so I wanted to hear your opinion before I made any moves.”


“Honey, I already knew that there will be more women in your life, so don’t feel the need to hesitate. Help your friend. I support you 100% of the way. Just make sure you take Peter’s feelings into this and don’t do anything that could jeopardise your friendship. If you want, you can bring her here, and we can introduce her to the world of Yuri together.”


“Hehe, while I’d love that, I think it all comes down to Peter’s choice,” Gwen said, smiling softly, happy that Jean was so accepting of the situation. “I’m about to lose Peter. She’s going into Central Park, and it would be a massive pain to try web-swing around there. I’m going to have to get going.”

“Okay, good luck! *Smooch”.”


“Hehe, *Smooch* to you too.”

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