Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 8

“Hey, Peter! Wait up!” Gwen called out, catching up to her best friend, causing Peter to turn towards her. Gwen was instantly hit by a wave of care, love and affection from her Yuri senses, followed by another wave of self-deprecation and bitterness from Peter. Her expression revealed nothing as she looked at Gwen with her usual smile.


“Gwen, it’s good to see you!” Gwen’s expression couldn’t help but cramp a little. She knew that Peter was hiding her feelings, but to such an extent that she couldn’t even see a minute change in her face, which Gwen hadn’t expected. Peter must have noticed something as she approached Gwen, putting her hand on her forehead and checking her temperature. “You feeling okay? You look a little red.” The wave of concern from Peter was heartbreaking for Gwen. She was going through so much and still showed care and concern for her friend.


“You idiot!” She couldn’t help but mumble, taking Peter’s hand and dragging her deeper into Central Park, finding a bench to on in a relatively quiet area. While dragging Peter along, she couldn’t help but ponder how she was about to approach the topic to Peter, but eventually, she decided to be as upfront about it as possible. She didn’t want any more secrets between her and her best friend. Secrets only lead to pain, like the pain Peter is bottling up. Peter's face was unchanging, sporting a wry smile as she was dragged through Central Park.


A few moments later, Gwen dragged Peter to a quieter area, and they sat down under a tree in the shade. Peter was confused by the turn of events as they sat shoulder to shoulder under the tree, wondering what news Gwen seemed to have for her. She could tell it was big news just because he knew her so well, but she couldn’t fathom what it was; either way, she’d be happy to listen. “I’m Ghost Spider.” That was certainly not what Peter expected from Gwen’s mouth if the dumbfounded expression on her face was anything to go by. Gwen wouldn’t have been surprised if a bug flew into her mouth.


“Whaa…Don’t just drop that out of nowhere!” Peter said, a mixture of excitement and shock as she looked around for anyone who may have overheard them. “What if someone heard you?”


“Ha, that’s cute, Pete, but I have some good senses now,” Gwen said with a wry smile, knowing pretty well that nobody overheard her. “Anyway, I was planning on telling you later, but something came up, and I decided to tell you sooner rather than later.”


“I see.” Peter's eyes turned serious, assuming the worst as it seemed like whatever this situation involved her, but she couldn’t think of what it could be. “Well, I don’t have any powers, but can I do something to help? Actually, how did you get the powers? Is it a mutant power? Were those webs from your body or your technology in your suit? I’ve already run some simulations in my mind, and I think it’s possible to replicate. How strong are you? Like, what’s your bench press? You’re going with the spider theme, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you could lift your body weight ten times over. “ Peter quickly went into a barrage of questions.


Gwen was overwhelmed by the questions and couldn’t help but place a finger on Peter’s lips, silencing him. “One thing at a time, okay?” Getting a light blush from Peter and a nod, Gwen removed her finger. “Right, bench press? Honestly, I’m not sure. I could lift a few tonnes safely, but I’m unsure how far I could go if I tried my hardest.” Gwen answered after a moment of consideration. “The webs are organic, not technology.” And finally, “I got my Spider powers from a spider bite.”


Peter, being a long-time friend of Gwen, immediately caught onto Gwen’s last sentence. “Why did you say Spider powers with such an emphasis? You made it sound like you’ve got more powers.” Peter asked as he furrowed her brow slightly, wondering where this came from. He’d realised that Gwen was a little different on Friday morning compared to Thursday evening, but she attributed those changes to Gwen planning on asking out Jean and didn’t look further into it. Now, she realised that something else was at play simultaneously.


“Well, let’s just say that I acquired a Yuri system,” Gwen said, smiling wryly. And looking at the confusion on Peter’s face made her feel a little better.


“A Yuri system? Honestly, I’m not sure what you mean.” Peter said, raising a brow in confusion. She’d heard of many types of systems before, such as the immune system, the nervous system, a computer system, and the digestive system…but a Yuri system? That was new. And it was something she acquired?


“Ahem. Well, on Thursday, after school, I realised I had some private time as Dad wasn’t home yet. And so, I pulled out a Yuri novel I’d been reading before…doing something a lot of people our age do to…loosen up…” Gweb said, a slight blush on her cheeks.


Seeing that Gwen was somewhat embarrassed about talking about it, with a blush on her cheeks, how could Peter not tell what she was insinuating? “You masturbated?” She said bluntly, finding Gwen cute when she blushed even harder at his words.


“Ahem. Yes. Anyway, after I…finished?...” Gwen said, her lips squirming in embarrassment. While she and Peter were close friends, they still had their boundaries with each other, and they’d never talked about this kind of thing. That and the fact that Gwen still saw Peter as something of a little brother she had to keep out of trouble made the conversation more awkward than it needed to be.


“Orgasmed?” Peter asked, really not helping at all as Gwen blushed further. But she was having fun watching her friend squirm in embarrassment. It was a new side to Gwen that she’d never had the privilege of seeing before.


“...Yes…Anyway, It was then that I noticed a screen hovering in front of me…” Gwen then told Peter everything, recounting the events and the facts about the Yuri system, just like she had with Jean. Including the spider powers in the form of a ‘welcome gift’. “If anyone asks, I got my powers by Spider bite. I don’t want others to think that my origin story started with… well, you know.”


Peter chuckled as she thought about that. She couldn’t help but compare her stories with some real-life heroes or comic book characters, wondering if they actually had a secret like this behind their origin and just covered it up. She couldn’t help but find the thought amusing. “Don’t worry, Gwen, your secrets are safe with me.”


Gwen nodded, her expression turning serious. “Well, we have the reason I approached you today.” Gwen started, looking Peter in the eyes.


Hearing Gwen’s voice, which held a mixture of seriousness and care, Peter listened carefully. “Peter, yesterday I unlocked a new power thanks to my Yuri system after my time with Jean. The power is called Yuri Sense.” Gwen then told her about the power and the things she had achieved with its help, such as saving that relationship. Peter found it quite an odd power but attributed it to the nature of Gwen’s system; she still listened carefully, already having an idea where this was going, but chose to keep quiet and listen.


“The thing is, my powers only work on women. I can’t tell you the sexual disposition of men at all, which was why I was surprised when I could sense yours.” Gwen said, a strained smile on her lips as she took hold of Peter’s hands in her own, hoping to show that she was there for her. “I don’t want to assume Peter, but I don’t want any secrets between us. And I also now realise that my actions make it sound like I’m forcing you to open up to things and that this may be a pretty dick move on my part. But I just want you to be happy.” Gwen said she had a few tears in her eyes as she looked at Peter, whose eyes were also red.


Feeling Peter’s self-made barriers start to fall, Gwen quickly pulled Peter into a hug, patting her back as Peter rested her head on Gwen’s shoulder. “It’s alright. You should have known that I’ll always support you.” Tears streamed down Peter’s eyes as she sobbed in Gwen’s embrace. They stayed like that for a few long minutes before Peter lifted her head, Gwen passing her a handkerchief she stored in her inventory so she could wipe her tears and blow her nose. “How long?” Gwen couldn’t help but ask.


A strained smile appeared on Peter’s face. “I…I think I’ve always known…a little part of me. But I was sure of it soon after you came out to me. I didn’t know much on the subject but wanted to support you, so I decided to do some research, and well, you know how much of a rabbit hole the internet is. The signs were all there from one place to another, and eventually, I came to the realisation.” Peter said quietly.


“Fuck Pete. That was years ago. Why didn’t you ever tell me? You do know I’d have supported you and been by your side every step of the way, right?” Gwen couldn’t help but give her a light punch for being stupid.


“Haha. Yeah, I know…I know.” Peter said, wiping away any remains of the tears. Despite saying so, Gwen knew the reason Peter didn’t tell her. Peter was always the type of guy who lent a hand to someone in need but never accepted help from others. He was an idiot sometimes. But a loveable idiot nonetheless.


“From now on, I want you to open up more and ask for help if you need it, not just bottle it up inside. I don’t want you to be consumed by your emotions simply because you didn’t talk with someone. You know that everyone in our group would support you, right? You can ask any of us; we’d have been there for you.” Gwen needed to ensure that Peter didn’t end up like this again. “Does anyone know? Or have you been keeping this all to yourself?”


“Aunt May knows and supports me through it all,” Peter said with a smile. “She was the one that guided me through the internet and looking at all the things about it. With her job as a nurse, she’d seen quite a few others also go through the same as me.” Peter and Gwen both smiled at that. Honestly, Gwen always thought that Aunt May was too good for this world; she would always be an angel in her eyes. She also felt her father was lucky to have such a chance. “So, what now?” Peter asked.


“Right…I’ve got a couple of options for possible paths forward.” Gwen started. “First and foremost, as I told you earlier, part of my system is a store. I can buy anything from said store, and I mean that literally. There is a pill in there called a Yin-Yang Reverse Pill that can change one’s sex. Unfortunately, that costs 300,000 YP, and I only have 20,000 YP currently.” Gwen said, and a look of hope crossed Peter’s face at the mention of the pill. “Now, I haven’t had the system long enough to make an exact guess of how long that would take to save up, but we could be looking anywhere up to three months for that option.”


“There are some other options in the store as well, but they are all more expensive, but probably a better value for points. For example, getting access to the technology and equipment for the procedure would cost 700,000 YP, but it would work for more than one person. Anyway, that doesn’t matter for right now.”  Peter nodded as she listened, still fascinated by such an odd and powerful system that her friend had somehow acquired.


There was one more option that Gwen had to announce before they decided on their future course of action. With a slight blush on her cheeks, Gwen told Peter the method. “The other option is to have sex with me.” Gulping saliva, Gwen continued, ignoring Peter’s wide eyes. “Jean was similar in a way. She’s a telepath, but she was having trouble controlling it, making her pick up on things everyone else thought. After we had sex, my system gave her a ‘Welcome to the Harem Gift Box’ and inside with a pill that strengthened her whilst stabilising her powers.”


“So, you’re creating a harem now?” Peter asked with a slight chuckle, but his thoughts were elsewhere as he was still reeling from the information. “So you think that if we…you know…then I get a gift box, and…the pill you were talking about may come out?” Peter asked. To be honest, she was conflicted; she didn’t want to lose her virginity as a male before she lost it as a woman.


Sensing the conflict in Peter’s mind, Gwen continued. “Well, yes, but if it would make you more comfortable, I could buy a Lesser Yin-Yang Reverse Pill. It only costs 15,000 YP and only lasts 12 hours. To be clear, I don’t mind if you take the pill or not; either way, you’re still Peter, and I can only really see you as a girl now due to my Yuri sense. Oh, just asking, did you already think of a name to call yourself when you become a woman?” She asked, curious.


Peter nodded. “Mum and Dad gave me the name Peter when I was born, so I decided to keep it as close to that as possible. Petra Parker is going to be my name. Aunt May and I had talked about it for a long time before we settled on it.” Gwen nodded, but she couldn’t help but raise a brow. Didn’t she also think that would be his name in an afterthought at some point? Shaking such thoughts away, she nodded her head with a smile. The name did suit her.


“Great then, Petra! Have you decided what you want to do?” Gwen asked with a smile.


Petra sat there for a moment, thinking over her options. She’d fallen in love with Gwen years ago but kept that to herself in the past, knowing that Gwen wasn’t interested in men; she had long moved on from the crush and looked towards someone else. Still, something at the back of her mind knew that she still had feelings for Gwen; it was hard not to when she was such a fantastic girl. And now she had the chance to be with her; how could she pass up on such a chance? However, there was one little thing to make clear first. “What about Jean?” She asked, knowing that Gwen had been crushing on Jean for about a year, and she didn’t want her decision to come between them in their relationship.


Gwen smiled. “Honestly, I consulted her about this before I talked to you. I wasn’t sure if it was the right choice, but even with her telepathy, she never noticed that you were hiding such a secret, meaning that you buried it quite deep. She also supports that my powers will get stronger the more women around me due to their nature. She also said that if I had a way to help my friend, I shouldn’t hesitate. Oh, she invited us to her place if you decided to go the sex route, so we can both show you the ropes, if you know what I mean.” Gwen said flirtatiously, nudging the flustered Petra with her shoulder. “Well, that’s all up to you, though.”


To say that Petra was surprised would be an understatement. She’d had very little interaction with Jean but also couldn’t deny that she was attractive. Still, there were some other things to think about as well. “What would our relationship be afterwards?” Petra asked; she wasn’t sure she could commit herself to such a life as Jean already seemed to have. Could she be part of a harem? Would they go back to being friends afterwards? Was it a one-time thing? Could they still be friends afterwards, and if so, would they become friends with benefits or something?


“Hmm, I didn’t think that far ahead.” Gwen went quiet for a long moment, looking at the sun in the sky and the surrounding park. It took a few minutes before she replied. “In my ideal world, I’d like you to join Jean and I. I want you to know, Petra, I love you and always have, just not always in the same way I do now. You’ve always been like a little sibling that I’d have to pull out of trouble, but I also know you’d have my back. But I also realise that could be a little unrealistic. I can’t force you to join my harem, and I don’t want to either. But I do know that I want to help you solve your troubles. You can decide if you want to join afterwards, but do know that I will actively try and seduce you if you try and get away.” Gwen said with a smirk before kissing Petra’s cheek, leaving her blushing.


Gwen’s words resounded inside Petra’s mind. As she looked at the slightly mischievous expression on Gwen’s face, she couldn’t help but realise that she’d never get over her crush on Gwen, and neither did she want to. Gulping back her saliva, she thought back to Gwen’s openness, how forthright she’d been through the whole situation, and finally, how comfortable she felt due to her most profound secret being out. A massive burden she didn’t even know she was carrying seemed to be gone now, and while she still didn’t feel perfect, she felt a lot better than before.


Gulping back her saliva, Petra thought about her options. Despite thinking about the positives and negatives, she knew there was only one option to take. “I…I think I could use help from you…and Jean.” Petra was blushing up to her ears. A tiny part of her knew that she wouldn’t be able to let go of Gwen; she was just too good of a person ever to let go, and now that she had this chance, she wouldn’t miss it. She may even get a sister as well in Jean.


Gwen couldn’t help but let out a beaming smile that seemed even more radiant than the sun above their heads, at least in Petra’s mind. “Great!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining as well. Gwen stood up and took Petra’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “Well, we’ve got a little time before dinner; how about we have a little date?”


Petra couldn’t help but smile at the words that left Gwen’s mouth. A date with Gwen? How was she ever going to refuse?


So, they walked around Central Park on a simple date, enjoying each other's company while feeling closer together than in years. There were no more secrets between them, and with that change, the distance between them, physical and emotional, seemed to get closer and closer steadily as they talked, flirted and spent time together.


Before long, the two of them had left Central Park, hand in hand, and walked away towards Jean’s apartment.



*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*


Arriving at Jean’s apartment, Petra’s arm was squished in between Gwen’s soft breasts. She couldn’t help but have a little reaction downstairs due to the sensation, which was odd for Petra. She’d been in similar situations with other girls she’d had a crush on, including Gwen. Never once did her ‘little buddy’ show any reaction. ‘Maybe it’s because I know Gwen sees me as a woman?’ She couldn’t help but think.


They didn’t have to wait for long as the door opened, and a beautiful redhead made her entrance. She was in casual clothes that you’d expect someone to wear around the house: loose bottoms that were more comfy than anything and a crop top. Her hair was turned into a bun, and she had just come from the kitchen with some sauce on her cheek from the earlier preparations. “Just in time, dinners about to be ready.” Gwen and Petra just nodded dumbly as the smell from the kitchen told a story.


“My god, Jean. It smells lovely.” Gwen couldn’t help but say as she pulled the redhead into a kiss. Petra watched for a moment before she looked away, blushing. She still wasn’t used to seeing Gwen kiss someone else, but she couldn’t deny that it was an enjoyable view. “Ehehe, she’s still a little shy about everything.” Gwen couldn’t help but tease Petra, finding her best friend cuter than she ever thought possible. “Maybe I just need to push her off the deep end for her to get used to it?” 


Petra looked back towards them, wondering what she’d see at the ‘deep end’, only Gwen and Jean giving her a teasing smirk. Realising she’d looked to see what they’d show her, her head blushed red in embarrassment. “Aha, I never knew my best friend could be so cute,” Gwen said as she licked her lips before advancing on Petra. She took her cheeks in her hands and looked Petra dead in the eye. “Sorry, Pet, but you are super cute right now. Have you decided to use the Lesser Yin-Yang Reverse Pill or stay how you are?”


Petra thought about it momentarily before deciding; there was no use in hesitating now that she was here. “I’d like the pill, please.”


Nodding her head, Gwen quickly purchased the pill and brought it out of her inventory for Petra to see. The pill itself was a little like the previous two that had been consumed, only this one was less brilliant and a bit more dull. It had a Yin-Yang symbol, but it seemed to change now and then. Petra took the pill from Gwen, looked at it, and then at Gwen and Jean, who were both giving her encouraging smiles, before throwing it down her throat.


The effect was quick, just like the previous pills. Firstly, her previous height of about 5’10” quickly became about 5’7”, still taller than Gwen, who was 5'5", but slightly shorter than Jean, who was 5'9". Her shoulders became less broad and more dainty as her facial features became soft and less sharp. Her breasts enlarged, but not enough to strain against her shirt, which was already too large for her. However, you could still see where the shirt rested due to the bumps in her chest.


The first problem came from her lower half as her hips widened and strained against her leggings; she reacted quickly, though, as she unbuttoned her trousers. Jean also reacted quickly; her telekinesis found loose pants she could change into. It all took about twenty seconds from start to finish, and Gwen couldn’t help but blush a little as she realised that she was more than emotionally attracted to Petra; there was a physical attraction there now that wasn’t there before. Even Jean couldn’t help but raise a brow in appreciation for Petra’s beauty.


That’s not to say that Petra was ugly or anything before she switched sexes; it was just that there was this change around her. It was apparent that she just seemed more comfortable in her new skin. After looking down at her chest, feeling her new body for a few moments, she let out a pure smile towards her best friend. Any doubt that was there, any second guesses about her decision were all gone. She was Petra Parker, and she felt good about it. “Well, how do you feel?” Gwen asked with a grin. She didn’t need her Yuri sense to tell Petra she was happy.


Before she could react, and that’s saying something for Gwen, Petra already had her arms around her and was giving her a bear-like hug. “I feel amazing; I feel so light,” Petra said, her smile almost blinding with small tears of happiness in her eyes. Gwen couldn’t help but be happy for her best friend. “Ah, is this my voice? One two threehehehe” She couldn’t stop as her smile was almost infectious. Jean and Gwen couldn’t stop smiling with and for Petra.


Gwen felt like she was back in the past; the energetic, bubbly child she had grown up with was back, happier, and bubblier than ever. Only now that she had seen her like this again, back to her usual self, had she realised just how much this had weighed on Petra. She hadn’t been like this in years. While Gwen was still hugging Petra, Jean was also pulled into the hug by the happy Petra. Before long, the adrenaline seemed to calm down as Petra took a deep breath. And took a step back. “How am I gonna explain this to Aunt May?” She couldn’t help but ask with a worried look on her adorable face.


“Don’t worry about that for now, Petra; let’s enjoy the moment.” Jean stepped in and took Petra’s hand. “Let’s first get you into something a bit more comfortable,” she said, showing her a change of clothes. “Why don’t you go to the bathroom and explore your body a little bit? Dinner will be ready in five minutes.” Petra excitedly nodded her head and went to the bathroom. Looking towards Gwen, Jean couldn’t help but say. “How are you going to explain this?”


“Ha… To be honest, I have no idea.” Gwen said simply. “All of that was secondary; her happiness was my main priority. We may be able to play it off as long-lost sibling returns?” Gwen said while raising a brow.


Jean raised a brow at that. “Haa, I suppose I could help with this. You’ll need to come clean to her aunt and friends, though. A subtle use of my powers could make people avoid her or replace memories about Peter with Petra, making it seem he was always there and that they were the same person. Just a subtle manipulation, but you’d need to go over all his files, changing everything that needs changing.”


Gwen raised a brow at that. She wasn’t against manipulation to ensure Petra was happy but wanted to avoid it if possible. “You don’t think we can just call it an unexplainable phenomenon of her waking up one morning with a changed body? Say she wished for it, and the next day, she woke up like that? Maybe made a wish on a shooting star?” Gwen said.


Jean was about to deny it, but, “Well, I can’t say weirder things have not happened in the past.”


“Eh, we can ask Petra about it tomorrow; let’s enjoy the evening now.”


Jean smiled at that and returned to the kitchen to finish up and get everything ready.


Had anyone else planned to write a bunch yesterday, but Black Myth Wukong came out and ate up almost the entire day? Yeah, me too...

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