Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 6

Gwen and Jean lay naked, chests heaving, in each other's embrace. They had stared into each other’s eyes for the last few minutes as they shared light kisses and gentle gropes. They stayed like that for a long while, basking in the aftermath of their time together. Gwen rested her head on Jean’s shoulder at some point, but she couldn’t keep her mouth to herself as she continued to suckle on her collarbone, hoping to mark her mate.


When their breath finally stabilised from the intense workout, Jean couldn’t help but let out a content sigh. “*Sigh* So, pizza?” She asked, a smile finding its way onto her face as she continued to watch Gwen, who seemed to latch onto her side, feeling Gwen’s breasts and nipples poking her as she continued to suckle on her skin seemed to re-ignite the passion inside her, but she kept it at bay for now.


On the other hand, Gwen, who heard Jean’s question, couldn’t help but laugh. “Pft…Keh…hahaha…HaHaHaHahaha.” Maybe all the built-up emotions just needed an outlet. She laughed, and Jean soon joined her as they continued to giggle together in their embrace. Before long, Gwen calmed down but still smiling. “Yeah. Pizza sounds good right about now.” Despite saying so, Gwen didn’t move and seemed to cuddle in closer, wrapping her leg around Jean's. Jean continued to give Gwen the soft scratches on her scalp as Gwen seemed to shiver in pleasure at the stimulation.


[Not to interrupt your time together, but would you like to accept all your rewards? These are points from the Bank Robbery and your time with Jean.]


Despite hearing and responding, Gwen didn’t stop her work to mark her mate. Sure thing, Yuri. Just lay it on me; there is no need for the breakdown. 


[Sure thing! Your rewards are as follows:


+19500 YP


2 Free Gacha Rolls


Jean Gray Welcome To the Harem Gift Box; only Jean Gray can open it.


Gwen Stacy New Harem Member Mystery Box]


Gwen looked at her rewards with a raised brow as she continued to suckle on Jean’s collar; she pulled out Jean’s Gift Box and placed it on her lover's stomach. Realising that she had to explain it, Gwen reluctantly loosened her lips. “It’s a mystery box that only you can open. I will say that when I opened mine, a spider jumped out and bit me. It all ended okay, so just don’t accidentally destroy anything.” Gwen said with a giggle and couldn’t help but take another nibble at Jean’s collar, licking some of the sweat that trailed down from their intense workout.


Jean meanwhile couldn’t help but be somewhat expectant as she looked at the birthday present-like box in front of her. It was a gift from Gwen or her system, so she couldn’t help but be excited about it. Furthermore, she remembered Gwen's conversation with Yuri about how they may help with her powers earlier that day. She didn’t know how powerful the Yuri system was, but she knew that it was a bold claim to make. She didn’t know whether to believe the system, but she couldn’t help but have a little hope in her heart.


Jean didn’t feel like moving as she cuddled closer to Gwen and used her telekinetic powers to pull the string and open the box before her. Jean’s sight quickly zeroed in on a silver and firey gold object. She couldn’t help but let out a wry smile as she remembered that Gwen’s system had quite a sexual nature as she picked up the little butt plug from the box. The shiny silver toy was used for penetrating and had a golden phoenix on the handle. Jean’s eyes couldn’t help but shine in understanding the nature of this magical object. It was connected to her and her powers somehow. She could feel the presence of this butt plug as if it was a part of her. And she could also control it. A single thought was all it took for it to vibrate between her fingers.


She looked over to Gwen, whose eyes were fixed on the toy, and she had a slight blush on her neck. She couldn’t help but let out a small smile. She quickly moved and pulled Gwen into her embrace. The toy teased Gwen’s back entrance, promising penetration but not entirely giving it to her. Gwen looked up at Jean, her eyes pleading and almost begging as she wiggled her ass closer to the toy before Jean spoke up. “You’re not allowed to take this out without my permission. Is that understood?” She commanded, and Gwen couldn’t help but blush further at her tone, sending butterflies in her stomach, as she meekly nodded her head in consent.


With a grin, Jean grasped the toy and waved it before Gwen. “Suck.” She commanded once again. Gwen’s gestures and demeanour showed that she was shy, but her eyes were telling the truth as she meekly nodded her head again, putting the toy in her mouth, slicking it up with her saliva and bobbing her head up and down for Jean to watch. Satisfied, Jean took the toy out of her mouth and placed it in her mouth, further lubricating it, much to Gwen’s pleasure. She took the toy and teased Gwen’s back entrance again before pushing it inside, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Gwen.


Jean couldn’t help but savour the sight of Gwen going slightly crosseyed at the invasion of the foreign object before her hand descended onto Gwen’s behind, leaving a large red hand print on Gwen’s bare white ass. Gwen came again just from that, Jean feeling the juices splash on her thigh as she grinned down at Gwen. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” She asked. Gwen nodded with a happy smile through her half-lidded eyes. Giving Gwen a long look for a moment, admiring the view, she kissed her forehead before focusing her attention back on the box.


Looking inside, she focused on a smaller box with a phoenix engraved on the top. It looked similar to a jewellery box, but as Jean opened it up, she found a fiery red pill instead of jewellery. She looked at it for a second but didn’t touch it, placing it to the side and picking up the second-to-last item inside the box. It was a book with a phoenix engraved on the cover.


Curious, she opened the first page and was surprised to find a description of the pill to her side. Raising a brow, she read the description briefly before looking back at the pill in shock.


Gwen saw her reaction and couldn’t help but raise her brow. “What is it?” She asked, confused about Jean’s reaction.


“According to this book, it’s called a Phoenix Harmonisation Pill. It will allow me a better and stronger connection with the origin of my powers while giving me better control over them. If this book is right, it may help me with my problem of always picking up thoughts of others.” Jean said, a little star-struck about the turn of events. “What do you think Gwen? Can I trust it?” Her voice was slightly weaker than before, showing a more vulnerable side as she looked at Gwen.


“If you’re asking me if you can trust Yuri, I believe you can. I don’t see any reason for it to reward me for finding a partner. It also said, ' If you don’t have a harem of powerful girls, then how do you expect to rise to the top.’ I think its goals are clear. It wants not only me to get stronger but also my lovers.” Gwen explained seriously. She could only imagine what Jean had been put through due to her powers, but she was 99% sure she could trust the Yuri system. She pulled Jean into a hug and rested her head on her shoulder. “I’m also here with you through whatever happens.”


Jean couldn’t help but smile as her hesitation quickly disappeared. Pulling Gwen closer to her form for support and comfort, she sighed as she threw the pill inside her mouth. Nothing seemed to happen for a moment before; suddenly, the cry of a phoenix echoed from the depths of her mind, and her mind was clear. The cry seemed to have blown away anything negative in her mind, any restriction that may have been there. Then, all of a sudden, Jean felt a raging heat from inside comparable to the sun, but it was contained inside her, and unlike normal fire, this one was healing; this one seemed to be life in and of itself. Life in the form of fire. Jean let out an enormous burp, flames spitting out of her mouth but not lighting anything on fire. 


Gwen looked up in shock at the sudden turn of events before looking back at Jean with worry. She didn’t know what happened, but when she saw a tear rolling down Jean’s cheek, she quickly hugged her to make sure she knew she was there with her. She kissed her forehead and face and smothered her, kissing the salty tears off her face. 


Jean meanwhile felt as if born anew; Jean felt free for the first time. Her powers that had constantly been influencing her were now under control. The thoughts of others are only there to be heard when she wants to. The multitudes of emotions now wouldn’t affect her and her mood, and she was free to be herself for the first time. But most of all, the sealed memories that had long been locked away were now there for her to see. The death of her parents in the car accident all those years ago. It was an accident, and she would have broken down into tears if it wasn’t for Gwen’s head resting on her shoulder, grounding her.


She couldn’t help but look towards Gwen again, this time with new eyes; a smile couldn’t help but break out on Jean’s face as she confirmed her feelings. She was falling in love, and she knew that more than ever. Taking a deep breath, she blew away all the other worries in the back of her mind and focused on the present. She wanted to calm the worried Gwen, so she took her by the chin and kissed her lips. She was transmitting the feelings she had towards Gwen through empathy.


Gwen’s heart couldn’t help but swell as she felt the emotions as they continued to kiss. Light kisses, nothing like their wild kisses from earlier, as they just reinforced their shared feelings for each other. A few minutes later, they separated again, and Gwen continued snuggling up to Jean as she took the last object out of the box. “That’s awesome.” She couldn’t help but say as she imagined Jean wearing the outfit.


“Damn right, it is!” Jean replied, probably even more enthusiastic than Gwen to try it on. A single look at her body, which was still covered in sweat and juices, dissuaded that idea, at least for now. Looking at the green and gold tight-fitting outfit, Gwen’s eyes couldn’t help but shine. The green reminded her of Jean’s jade-like eyes that would cover most of her body and legs. From the elbows to the tips of the fingers, were golden, followed by gold from the middle of the thighs down to the tips of its feet, which also sported high heels. A golden sash around the waist as well. Then, around the neck and down to the centre of the breasts was a black triangle, with gold in the shape of a phoenix in the centre of the chest. To finish it off, a golden mask that you’d find at a fancy dress ball that could be quickly taken on and off depending on if she wanted to hide her identity.


Gwen couldn’t help but imagine Jean wearing it with her dazzling red hair; she thought the outfit was perfect. Similar thoughts passed through Jean’s mind as she couldn’t help but appreciate all the Yuri system was doing for herself and her lover. The duo continued to look at the outfit with satisfaction. Eventually, Jean used her powers to place it in a drawer, focusing her attention back on the book she put to the side. “So, what is the book about exactly?” Gwen couldn’t help but be curious about it.


Jean skimmed through the first few pages before she placed it on the bedside table. “It seems like an explanation about my powers and a training manual so I can continue to improve myself. It should be quite handy.” Gwen’s lips again found Jean’s neck as she nodded in understanding. “Was there anything else that you got as a reward?”


Gwen nodded. “Yeah, two Gacha rolls, another mystery box, and some Yuri points.” She navigated the system menu, quickly pulled up the Gacha, and decided to use them both soon so she could return to having fun. “A white drop, being a crate of soda cans,” Gwen said, summoning it from her inventory and placing it by the side. She looked at the packaging and found a familiar pink-haired, pink-eyed girl seemingly in the middle of a dance. “That’s Yuri, by the way,” Gwen said simply, looking over the 24 cans in the crate.


Jean also looked over them with a raised eyebrow. “The name ‘Yuri Juice’ is a little on the nose, don’t you think?” She asked. Gwen couldn’t help but chuckle lightly while nodding. But despite that, she still took one of the soda cans, curious about the taste of a drink supplied by the system and cracked it open. Taking a sip, she couldn’t help but raise her brow at the refreshing feeling it gave her. It was much more refreshing than any other soda she’d tried.


“You should try it,” Gwen said simply as she handed the can over to Jean and placed the rest away in her inventory for later consumption. She already found that it was her new favourite soda, and she honestly couldn’t see herself drinking much of anything else in the future. Shaking such thoughts away, she spun the second Gacha. This time, she got a blue drop, and her eyes couldn’t help but open wide. She felt a wave of knowledge and experience almost download into her body and brain. Karate. A wave of knowledge filled Gwen’s mind about punches, kicks, throwing and joint locking. It passed by in a wave, similar to how she got her spider powers, and suddenly, she just felt better and more equipped than before. “That was trippy.” She couldn’t help but comment with a smile.


“What happened there? I feel something different about your mind.” Jean asked, somewhat concerned.


“I just learned karate. Not at the master level, but enough to know how to use my strength more efficiently and how to throw a kick, punch, throws and joint locks. It seems pretty cool.” Gwen couldn’t help but appreciate her new knowledge and experience, nodding in satisfaction. “It also seems that I don’t need to go out of my way to learn martial arts like I expected. I’m sure this won’t be the only drop I’ll get from my Gacha.”

Jean raised her brow in surprise, and she couldn’t help but reevaluate the origin and the powers behind the Yuri system. It had helped her with her problem by pulling out a random pill; it seemed to have quite the power behind it. “What about that other mystery box?” Jean became increasingly curious about Gwen and her system, so she couldn’t help but ask.


Gwen’s eyes shone in curiosity as she quickly took the box from her inventory. The last one she opened gave her the spider bite, her new purple friend that she still had to greet properly, her Ghost Spider outfit and a book/guide about Yuri. How could she not be expectant as she opened up the new box?


Pulling off the bow, half expecting her to be jumped by something, she found that it opened without fanfare as she looked inside. Gwen raised her brow as she was greeted by the first package inside. It was a package of different stationery, including a pencil case, pens, pencils, glue stick, ruler and more. She didn’t expect to get something like this when she opened it up, especially as each item had a Yuri theme. “I don’t get this. I don’t see myself ever using these in public.”


[You say that, but each of them increases the speed at which you work and the presentation/neatness of your work. If you can spend less time studying and writing, then you will have more time focused on your girls. Honestly, I don’t see how you could not use them. Don’t you want to spend more time with Jean?] 


“I know what you’re doing… and I hate that I know you’re right…” Gwen gritted her teeth and threw them inside her inventory. Although Jean only heard one side of the conversation, she still couldn’t help but let out a little laugh, somewhat understanding what was going on. Looking back inside the box, Gwen shook her head, and a familiar-looking jewellery box appeared in her vision. Jean was curious, but this one didn’t have a phoenix on the box, so she knew it was for Gwen.


Opening it up, Gwen noticed the pill inside was the same size and had a similar mysterious feel. However, this one had a mysterious grey mist-like characteristic unlike the Phoenix Harmonisation Pill, which was a fiery golden colour. “What is this one, then, Yuri?” She couldn’t help but be a little attracted to the pill, a little excited and expectant, as she knew the last one had miraculous effects on Jean.


[It’s a Mind Reinforcement Pill. It will reinforce your mind, making it stronger, sharper and quicker. It will also place a barrier around your mind to stop the intrusion and defend against telepaths.]


Gwen furrowed her brows. Defending her mind was quite attractive, but she quickly grew accustomed to Jean reading her mind and having their private talks in class. She felt it was easier to be herself with Jean when she knew all her thoughts would be picked up anyway. “Would it be possible to give Jean access while not allowing others to enter?” She couldn’t help but ask.


[It would be possible with a bit of practice. Also, due to Jean’s powers being closely tied to the origin of Psychic powers in this universe, your mind defences would have little effect on her, especially when she starts using that book to help with her training.] Yuri explained patiently. [On top of that, due to Jean now having better control of her powers, there’s a very little chance she’d use them on you unless there were extreme circumstances.]


Gwen nodded at Yuri’s words, and after only a moment of hesitation, she shot the pill into the back of her throat. The effect was instantaneous; a cooling sensation appeared around Gwen’s head while she was refreshing her mind. She could then feel a presence in her mind as walls started to be placed with thick spikes ready to fend off attackers. Not only that, Gwen also found her thoughts even smoother than they previously were. She also felt her mind. It was an odd experience; she had always known she had a brain in her skull. But feeling the metaphysical presence of her mind was somewhat trippy.


Meanwhile, Jean was aware of what was happening when she first saw the pill; her mind scanned it subtly, and she could somewhat understand its functions. The gift she receives appears slightly based on the girl she’s with. Her getting mind-defences for sleeping with me is pretty obvious. I wonder what else she may acquire. She thought to herself, looking towards the last item in the mystery box that looked like a book. “It’s good that you got yourself mind protection, my dear, but how about we schedule extra lessons for the future? I feel you’d be a good student, and I can’t wait to reward you for your hard work.” Jean smiled, leaning down and licking Gwen’s ear slightly, still feeling quite horny despite all the fun they had earlier.


Gwen smiled and quickly agreed; she especially loved to be called ‘dear’. Sharing another kiss, Gwen focused on the last object in the mystery box. This time, it was a pink-coloured book, and Gwen didn’t need to be a genius to know it was probably a Yuri-type book. However, when her hand touched the book, it seemed to disintegrate into a pink mist before flowing inside Gwen's hand. It was another familiar feeling she felt just the night before when she acquired a new power, the Yuri Book Summoning. This was another one.


[New Yuri Power Unlocked: Yuri Senses.


An enhancement to your already powerful Spider-Sense. It acts as an advanced Gaydar that allows you to know at but a glance the sexual orientation of the woman around you. Do they only like men? Maybe only like women? A bit of both? Your Yuri-Senses power allows the user to sense Yuri in the surrounding atmosphere. Are two girls making out? The user will know. Is someone struggling with their sexuality? The user will understand and even get rewarded for helping them with their troubles. Is a woman secretly crushing on the user? Well, now she can make a move if needs be.


All for the sake of Yuri!]


Gwen couldn’t help but gape at the new power that she just acquired from the Mystery box. But what surprised her even more was the feelings she felt radiating from Jean. She couldn’t help but feel her heart melt due to the intense emotions, and suddenly, she felt like she was the luckiest person in the world. Taking a moment to get used to the new feeling and knowing that there were no more little gift boxes or prizes to be found, she quickly found she was mounted on top of Jean again.


“That book was a new Yuri skill called Yuri-Sense. I can now know the sexual orientation of women around me. And I can tell when a woman is struggling with their sexuality and help them with it. And I can tell the feeling that different women have towards me.” Gwen said as she leaned down towards Jean. “I suppose it’s a little like your own power. However, I can only sense the emotions of women rather than everyone. And I obviously can’t hear their thoughts.” She stated as she started to grind her hips against Jean once again. “And I just want to tell you, I love you very much too.”


Jean smiled when she heard Gwen’s words. Everything was moving quickly; just this morning, she woke up, as she had any other day, expecting the same things to happen. And yet, her world seems to have just turned over for the better in just a day. It was an unexpected turn of events, but she suddenly felt more alive than ever, more excited to find her future now that she had someone to spend it with. And the world seemed more colourful than it had been that morning. Jean’s smile turned soft as she also took hold of Gwen. She lightly picked her up and placed her on her back, and Jean leaned over her.


What followed were slow kisses that transmitted their feelings, gentle touches and caresses as the two made love together. They forgot to have dinner as they spent the entire evening and night giving whispers of love. They continued until the sun rose and poked through the gap in the curtain before they finally drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.

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