Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 5

Hey all! I just wanted to say thanks for all the positive feedback so far. I started writing this a couple of months back but never got around to uploading it, causing me to stagnate with my writing. It seems that I needed the boost you all gave me in the comments to get back into writing, and I've been enjoying it again. I'm writing chapter 21 to put that into perspective, but I was only on chapter 18 when I first uploaded it just a few days ago, despite the long time I spent writing.

I thought I'd also let you know that you can read five chapters ahead on my Patreon. I just uploaded chapter 10.

I hope you keep coming back to read more! Enjoy!


School had finished, and it being Friday meant that they had the whole weekend to kick back and relax, at least after they’d finished their homework. Stepping out of the school building alongside Jean, Gwen couldn’t help but be excited about heading to Jean’s house and spending time with her new girlfriend. They walked towards the school car park, which confused Gwen a bit, but it didn’t take long to find out why when she realised that her girlfriend was much more awesome than she thought as she hopped into a Dodge Challenger and sat behind the wheel.


“Well, are you joining me?” Jean said with amusement at Gwen’s shocked face, quickly getting a nod in response as she entered the passenger side door.


“So, where do you live, Jean?” Gwen asked as she adjusted her seat belt.


“I have an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. It’s not far from Mid Town, only a ten-minute drive.” Gwen nodded her head.


“Peter and I both live in Queens, just on the other side of the river from Midtown,” Gwen said. “We're neighbours and have been since I can remember.” While Queens was over the bridge to the East of Midtown High, Hell’s Kitchen was just to the West and not too far from school. 


Gwen had never really been to Hell’s Kitchen, simply because it was out of the way for her on the other side of her school compared to where she lived. “I would have thought you two were dating if I couldn’t read your thoughts. You’ve always seemed close to Peter.”


“Eh, honestly, if it wasn’t for the fact that I like girls, he’s probably up there with the men I would like to date. He’s just a nice guy, and I’ve known him forever. We know pretty much everything about each other.” Gwen said frankly. If she was going to date someone, she wanted it to be someone she could trust and see herself spending the rest of her life with, and who better than your best friend for such a role?


“Hmm, have you decided whether to tell him about your Yuri Powers?” Jean asked, curious if she’d tell Peter about them.


“Hmm, maybe not my Yuri powers. Even I must admit that telling others about such a thing is a little embarrassing. I think I’ll leave my Yuri powers a secret for my partners or possible partners and keep that as ‘harem only knowledge’. Maybe if he ever finds himself gender-bent, then I’d let him know.” Gwen said in mild amusement, thinking that Peter being gender-bent would be pretty funny…and oddly fitting; maybe she’d call him Polly Parker? Patsy? Hmm, Petra? Yeah, that works, Petra Parker. “But I plan to tell him about my Spider powers soon.”


“Mmn, I was just thinking about it earlier. You’ve got quite a good group of friends around you. With her passion for being a reporter, MJ could be an invaluable asset. Peter has a good head on his shoulders and is wicked smart; you should have seen his thoughts when he thought about the web shooters. Ned could be your ‘guy in the chair’; he seems like he would fit that role with some training. And Harry has the assets to help, and with you having saved his sister, he’d be all the more willing to do so.” Jean said, revealing a cold, calculating aspect that Gwen had never seen before.


Noticing Gwen’s concern for her when she analysed their good parts and traits, Jean couldn’t help but softly chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ve seen a few groups like yours that have done something similar.” Jean explained, thinking about it for a few seconds; she decided that she should at least show Gwen the same level of trust she had shown if they would start a proper relationship together.


Taking a deep breath, Jean started to explain some of the things happening between different factions of mutant kind and where she came into place in the matter. “You see, I’m somewhat of a balance breaker between the two groups. On one side is the X-Men, led by a telepath named Charles Xavier. I was part of the X-Men but broke off from them when I turned 17; I then joined Mid Town High for a normal life. I lost my trust in them and never looked back.” Jean explained.


Gwen nodded her head in understanding. The X-Men weren’t some secret organisation but a known group that recruited and saved mutants worldwide. They usually promoted peace between humankind and mutant-kind, hoping to stop conflicts between mutants and humans. She knew about them, but there was only so much a member of the public could learn about them, and they may not have been all sunshine and rainbows as they were made out to be, at least according to Jean. That meant that the other group must be…


“Then we have The Brotherhood, led by Eric Lehnsherr, aka Magneto. He, well, he’s one evil motherfucker, to put it bluntly. But he also has his reasons for his hatred of humankind, and after some of the things I’ve seen humans do to mutants, I can’t help but agree with some of his ideals. They are opposites of one another, both idealising their ideas, one going about it too soft and not getting anywhere, the other going all out, raining terror over others. They always fight and can never seem to find a middle ground with one another; both are too set in their old ways and never really pushing forward and making the world safer for mutant kind or humankind.” Jean said and took a deep breath. Gwen could see that both of them were getting on her nerves.


“And then we have me. Someone that they used to see as a pawn in their game but too powerful of a pawn to control fully. Someone who could stand up to both of them despite not having great control of my power. They fear me, which stops them from going too far.”


Gwen couldn’t help but feel a little funny. ‘I got myself an awesome girlfriend, huh?’ She thought, causing Jean to laugh as they continued their drive to Jean’s home. “I’ve never really understood why we call mutants like that. The word mutant seems like an insult, and one usually thinks of a mutant as a freak of nature or something like that.” Gwen pondered. “Why not go for something like… I don’t know, Evolvers. Maybe Meta-Human? Empowered Humans? Gifted Ones? Even Chosen Ones? Such names have many more positive connotations than ‘Mutant’.”


Jean looked over to Gwen, watching the traffic go by and speaking carelessly as if it were just an afterthought. But the thing was, Gwen was 100% right. Jean couldn’t help but smile a little. It was a small step, but she fell in love with Gwen the more she spent their time together.



Pulling up outside an apartment building, Gwen couldn’t help but look around with a smile, excited to know more about her girlfriend. Just as they exited the vehicle, Gwen was hit with a familiar tingle down her spine, causing her to furrow her brows before sighing. “I’ll catch up with you in a minute, Jean; it seems like something is going down.” Jean looked over in confusion for a moment but quickly caught her thoughts.


“Sure, just make sure to prioritise your safety. On the top floor, the window will be open, and you can just let yourself inside,” Jean said, kissing her lips before she headed inside.


With a smile, Gwen quickly looked around before heading into a back alley. Moments later, she was out of there and kitted out in her Ghost Spider attire before swinging to the crime scene. It was a few streets over, and Gwen was surprised to find police were outside the building. Broken glass could be seen around the building, and it seemed like whatever had happened had broken the windows.


Gwen looked around and quickly got a lay of the land. It seemed to be a bank robbery, and they were making quite a mess. The broken glass could be attributed to a fear tactic: shooting their guns to make everyone know that they had guns and weren’t afraid to use them. Unfortunately for them, a particular spider could use that opening and quickly webbed herself inside, sticking to the ceiling and finding the best possible vantage point.


Getting a lay of the land, Gwen quickly realised that she was limited in the actions that she could take. There were too many possible hostages and potential accidents that could happen. She also didn’t have the advantage of being in the dead of night and inside a dark warehouse. Even if she somehow cut off the power, they would still have the sun's natural lighting, and she couldn’t simply pick them off one by one. Yesterday’s experience in the warehouse was like a tutorial for me. She couldn’t help but think.


The robbers numbered five, and each of them was armed with a pistol and either a shotgun or a machine gun. She wasn’t all that worried about the machine gun, and she felt very little threat from such a thing, but taking on four of them and also a shotgun was something else entirely. Being the daughter of a police Chief, Gwen knew quite a lot about guns. While she could probably dodge assault rifle fire, the unpredictability in the spread of the shotguns made them a trickier variable.


With that thought in mind, she knew she needed to take out the shotgun wielder first and foremost. Gwen kept looking at the bank robbers, and the more she watched them, the more confident she found herself as she ran a few simulations in her mind. She knew the risk but also knew that Jean could be very naked right now and waiting for her to return. Gwen also realised that, while the consequences could be high, this was a perfect chance to see what she could do.


She narrowed her eyes, taking into account the positions of the hostages, who were all grouped together and even in relative cover from all but the shotgun wielder. The one she needed to take out first. Each of the robbers was also carrying a duffle bag with money in it, and with her senses, Gwen couldn’t feel any other robbers in the vault below. It seemed that they were just waiting for their getaway.


Something that was confirmed a few seconds later. “Our ride will be here in 45 seconds. Get ready to transport the cash,” one of them, Gwen, assumed to be the leader due to his presence among the other criminals. “Get ready to take some hostages for human shields.” He called out, and Gwen knew that if she was going to make a move, it would be now or never. And the thought of the hostages leaving the relative safety of the cover was the thing that tipped the scales in Gwen’s mind.


She leapt into action as her webs quickly found the shotgun in the man's hand; yanking it from his grip, she swung around with the shotgun before launching it at the forehead of one of the machine gun users, effectively temporarily disabling the shotgun user and knocking out another at the same time. The next second, she webbed the floor behind the second SMG user and pulled herself forward with strength, her feet impacting the chest of the man and smashing him into the wall a second later.


Gwen felt her senses buzz as she looked around and saw the situation. Two down for the count. Three were still up, but one was fumbling for his pistol while the other two quickly aimed her general direction. Both of her wrists shot out at the same time, both finding an assault rifle each and pulling them away from their targets and also pulling the targets to lose their footing. Not even a single shot had been fired from start to finish as she webbed both their faces.


Another tingle went down her spine as the last man standing, the shotgun user, pulled the trigger of his pistol; with a calm mind, Gwen tilted her right shoulder back and to the side before webbing the shotgun once again and returning it to the man's forehead and breaking it on impact, leaving a bleeding wound on the man's head.


Gwen’s tense body calmed momentarily, but that seemed to be a mistake as another tingle went down her spine, and a shot of another pistol went off. This time, it came from the hostage area, and Gwen dodged the bullet by the skin of her teeth as she flipped around, webbed the woman's head and pulled it hard, making it impact the desk that had been covering the hostages. She knocked the woman out for good.


Gwen was quick to web the robbers and the woman who was pretending to be a hostage before looking back at the rest of the hostages. “You’re all good now.” She said lightly as they stared at her with wide-open eyes, nodding their heads. Gwen let out a long sigh before webbing away from the scene and finding herself on a nearby rooftop.


Her heartbeat was somewhat fast, both from adrenaline and shock. She wasn’t shocked at getting shot at; in fact, she felt that she did a damn good job on that front. The hostage was the one that frightened her. She went into the situation expecting five people to deal with, something that she had the confidence to handle and even different plans based on the course of events that she could act upon. But now that she looked into her visor, at the wanted mugshot of the very woman who shot at her, who had previously been in prison due to grand theft auto, she should have expected the extra, if only she took an extra second to scan the hostages. “Lesson learned, I suppose.” She couldn’t help but let out a sigh, her shoulders finally loosening as she leaned back on her hands, looking over the cops who were storming the building a few seconds later.


“I’m gonna need some pampering from that small scare.” She thought, a grin on her face as she slipped off the building and let out a web a second later, swinging towards the beautiful redhead's home.


It took less than a minute to find the window that Jean was on about, and as Gwen slipped inside, her mouth opened wide in shock behind her mask as she was greeted with a beautiful sight before her. Jean was still changing, giving Gwen a view she wanted to etch into her mind and soul forever as she stood there dumbly watching the beautiful scenery before her. Gwen’s eyes roamed the toned back, and she couldn’t help but appreciate Jean's effort to keep her body in shape. Gwen wasn’t sure whether her powers kept her in shape like her own spider bite, but the few pieces of training equipment around told Gwen that it was mainly through effort.


Gwen’s eyes caught sight of Jean, who seemed to be letting her hair down with a shake of her head. The lush red hair now cascaded down her naked back as she shook her head back and forth to give it more volume. Gwen couldn’t help but find her mouth watering at the view as she gulped her saliva.


It seemed like the show had only started as Gwen’s eyes eventually reached Jean’s bountiful bottom. The number of things that Gwen wanted to do to that ass couldn’t be listed on one hand. Jean moved her legs slightly, bringing Gwen’s sight down to the floor as Jean hooked her feet through the hole of some panties on the floor, securing them around her ankles before she bent down slowly, giving Gwen a view of that delectable honey pot. Gwen found herself enchanted for a moment, her eyes not listening to her as her breathing deepened.


It was only when Jean started to pull on those panties, making them travel up her long, toned legs, that she found herself able to tear her gaze away. Moments later, with her panties on, she slowly turned around. She was giving Gwen a view of those perky breasts that seemed to defy gravity. But what enchanted her even more were those beautiful jade-like green eyes that contrasted sharply with those soft pink nipples. Her eyes were at a loss for where to look as she admired them both.


Jean meanwhile felt pretty damn good about herself. She could feel Gwen’s desire from the moment she stepped inside the room, which seemed to only increase with each passing second, and Jean was surprised that she hadn’t jumped her yet. With slow steps and deliberately swaying hips, Jean advanced towards Gwen, also taking in the sight of her Ghost Spider outfit for the first time, which didn’t leave all that much to the imagination regarding the shape of her curves. 


Gwen found that Jean was already before her, and she was still frozen as Jean leaned in. “Well then, my little hero. How did your little adventure go?” Jean asked, her voice teasing as she looked at Gwen in amusement. She didn’t need to see her face to know that she was blushing up a storm due to the show provided.


Gulping back her saliva, Gwen could hardly form a sentence as her eyes roamed the body before her. “It…It was…good.” clearly distracted.


A bell-like laugh escaped Jean’s throat as she couldn’t help but find that Gwen was adorable. Realising she was being teased, Gwen knew she needed to go on the counterattack. She lifted her mask off her face slowly, putting in her inventory, as a pout found its way onto her face. Her baby blue eyes were somewhat teary as they looked up at Jean, those pouty lips, that blonde hair. Jean knew that Gwen had pulled out all the stops, and she couldn’t help but blush in excitement as Gwen looked at her like a trapped animal as if she were begging. A fire roared inside Jean as she blushed and found it hard to quench the flame.


A cheeky smile formed on Gwen’s face as she realised that Jean seemed to desire her just as much as she did for her. Her eyes narrowed into crescents due to her smile as she walked forward, her Ghost Spider outfit disappearing into her inventory as she stepped forward with a sway in her hips, bringing Jean back from her thoughts; her eyes trailed over Gwen’s naked body with open desire, very similar to how Gwen was looking at Jean.


Gwen’s arms snaked around Jean’s neck as she went on her tiptoes before pulling Jean into a kiss. It started as soft, little pecks on their lips. Their eyes locked onto one another; the naked desire in each other's eyes was like a roaring flame. The small kisses eventually turned into longer kisses and nibbles on their lips. It was only moments later that Gwen realised that her legs were wrapped around Jean’s hips, a pair of hands groping her bottom, pulling her cheeks apart and grabbing handfuls of flesh. This only further fanned the flames as Gwen’s kisses turned even more feral as the two exchanged saliva, their forms pushed together, and Jean’s slightly larger breasts seemed to devour Gwen’s as their nipples touched.


Gwen’s body was alight with pleasure as Jean’s hands continued to roam her body, grabbing Gwen’s thick thighs and reaching up further to caress her back. Her hands glided over Gwen’s front, caressing each of her abs before finally getting a handful of her breasts. Jean seemed to be toying with Gwen’s body as she broke the kiss, slightly lifting her and looking at Gwen’s breasts for a second before her lips latched on. 


Gwen couldn’t help but grind her core into Jean as she was held in place, her pussy lips leaving trails of juices over Jean’s abdomen as her head shot back in pleasure; her throat couldn’t help but let out wanton moans, crying Jean’s name as her breasts continued to be feasted on. “Yes, Jean! Just like that! Don’t stop!” Her words spurred on Jean even further, her teeth nibbling on her nipples lightly, her lips sucking, her hands groping, kneading and pinching Gwen as she held her up in her arms in the middle of her bedroom.


Gwen had enough of the build-up; she wanted more. She needed more. “Come on, Jean. It’s just there. Please. Finish me. Play with me.” Her core grinding into Jean even harder than before, but something had changed. Jean was playing with her body, but not like before. She continued to let her climb higher and higher, but she wasn’t letting her over the edge. “Please, Jean. I’m begging you!” She seemed to be using more strength to grind her core into Jean, but she found herself powerless in Jean’s hands.


Jean’s eyes, meanwhile, were alight with pleasure as Gwen continued to beg; the whining noise that escaped Gwen’s throat seemed like a heavenly tune that she just couldn’t find the willpower to put an end to. Wouldn’t it be blasphemy if she was to put a stop to these sacred sounds that seemed to come from the heavens themselves? She also realised that keeping this tune going was necessary; an intense build-up for the finale was just common sense. And so, she continued to play with her body, her whines so desperate, so pleading for release before finally, Jean felt like the finale was upon her. 


She didn’t hesitate as she pushed her finger inside the sacred instrument in her hands. A momentary silence followed before a crescendo, and Jean found her instrument shaking uncontrollably in her hands. The constant moans escaped Gwen’s throat for the next two minutes as her body shook uncontrollably, and Jean pampered the shaking body, her eyes alight with sadistic pleasure.


Eventually, after a long couple of minutes, the crescendo got quieter and quieter. The constant shaking had turned into minor spasms, and her heaving breath had turned into deep breaths. Her whole body seemed doused with sweat, and that flame that had been building since the first kiss that morning had been put out with only a tiny spark remaining.


Jean looked down at Gwen, now placed on the bed, stroking her head lovingly as Gwen’s consciousness slowly returned. The first thing she saw through her half-lidded blue eyes was a pair of green orbs that looked at her; the tiny spark left in Gwen’s eyes only needed a small ignition, something she found in those green orbs as that tiny spark turned into a steadily growing match. “That… that was bullying,” Gwen stated, her breath still taken. “What did you do?” she asked as those eyes continued to look at her. A hand stroking through her hair and fingernail scratching her scalp, sending comforting waves through her body. Not that I minded it… That was heavenly. She idly thought.


“Hehe, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was just following what your heart was telling me. I’m glad that it worked so well.” Jean said as her fingers slipped out of Gwen’s slopping pussy, she looked at it for a moment before giving her finger a lick. “Hmm. It’s quite sweet.” Jean said, causing Gwen to blush heavily. Before she could form any protests, she found Jean’s fingers inside her mouth, and she was sucking on them, cleaning them up with a heavy blush, causing Jean’s smile to widen. “Good girl.” she praised.


Gwen’s eyes seemed to sparkle at the words as she looked up at Jean and Jean back down at Gwen; she couldn’t help but imagine a dog's tail behind that was wagging back and forth rapidly. That already blazing inferno inside her eyes seemed to be scorching like a sun as she looked down at Gwen, whose breath started stabilising.


With only a tiny candlelight left, Gwen wasn’t confident she could fight such a raging inferno without help. However, the longer she looked into Jean’s eyes, the stronger that flame became. A surge of energy seemed to come from Gwen as she slipped out of Jean’s grasp, mounting the redhead.


Gwen was in perfect place as she slipped her legs between Jean’s, and they seemed to slot into place perfectly, pussy lips meeting as Gwen started to thrust at Jean from above, taking one of Jean’s legs over her shoulder as she continued to grind against Jean. Her already sensitive pussy lips alight with pleasure as she heard a moan escape the redhead beneath her. The moan was like music to her ears, and she couldn’t help but capture her lips as they continued to grind against each other.


As Jean continued to get more and more heated, she couldn’t help but moan in pleasure even through the shared kisses, her body buckling under Gwen’s as they continued to grind. It all seemed to be going well until a coldness came, and Jean realised that Gwen had stopped and moved her position. She didn’t know how, but Gwen’s face had ended up between her legs, and she could hardly react before she felt the warm, wet tongue invade her sacred garden. Her breath hitched, and she instinctively grabbed the back of Gwen’s head, pushing her deeper into her core.


Gwen continued to use her tongue, but her eyes never left Jean as she stared at her passionately. Those green eyes that were looking back at her with passion and lust, the deep blush from the tips of her ears to the base of her neck, the heaving of her chest as she ground her hips closer and deeper so Gwen’s tongue could reach further. Gwen continued her assault, one hand reaching up and grabbing, pinching, massaging, and kneading the breasts above while her other joined her tongue, probing further than her tongue could reach. She followed her instincts in an almost primal way as she continued to thrust her fingers inside Jean.


Gwen couldn’t help but smile as the need for release built up in Jean’s eyes. Gwen knew why Jean seemed able to toy with her body in such a way. It was due to her telepathy and empathy. She could quickly latch on to find what made Gwen tick and quickly adapted to the responses she was getting. But Jean wasn’t the only one with a unique sense of what was happening. Gwen’s spider senses had been enhanced by the Yuri system, an enhancement that seemed to be made for situations like these.


Gwen followed her spider-sense, quickly finding Jean’s sensitive spots, like the gentle strokes of her hips, a cold breath on her lower lips, and a tiny little poke and prod at her back entrance. They all seemed to push Jean further, and Gwen found herself almost studying the reactions each of her actions was causing. It was like she was back in the science lab in school.


Gwen continued her feast, her probing touches and her gentle gropes. Before long, Jean stilled, the blush on her face deeper than ever, her back arched, her toes clenched, and her breathing seemed to stop as her jade green orbs were hidden behind her half-lidded eyes as her pussy surged forth. Gwen became increasingly refreshed over the next minute as she continued her feast.

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