Chapter 241: Mandate from Heaven
The Twirling Wind Strike!
This Li Yong must have something to do with Zhao Qing Ying's disappearance.
Lin Fan stepped into the air and changed the direction of his descent, dodging the twirling wind.
"Where is senior martial uncle, Zhao Qing Ying?" Lin Fan pointed his spear at Li Yong and asked.
He quickly scanned the surroundings for any clues at the same time.
Behind Li Yong, in the imperial court building, he saw a familiar figure with chains tied to his hands.
It was Zhao Qing Ying, unconscious with his eyes closed.
But how was Li Yong able to capture Zhao Qing Ying? Lin Fan thought.
The next moment, he had his answer as he saw Li Yong taking out a seal made of jade, with dragons carved onto it.
It was the imperial seal of the Xuan Dynasty.
Li Yong raised his hand with the imperial seal, and it glowed.
"Kneel down before your Emperor!" He chanted, and the imperial seal gave out a golden glow.
Everyone dropped to their knees as if someone were pushing down on their shoulders.
"Argh." Ho Ming and Hun Yen Kun struggled to stand up but couldn't.
To Li Yong's surprise, Lin Fan was still standing upright.
"It can't be! All men should fear the aura of the Emperor. The mandate from heaven cannot be denied."
Li Yong couldn't believe his eyes.
How is this possible?
Every man was brought up to fear and respect the aura of the Emperor.
Lin Fan didn't know why the imperial seal didn't affect him much, but he wasn't keen to find out.
With his spear, he thrust it at Li Yong.
The slicing wave sliced through Li Yong's right hand, and the imperial seal dropped to the ground.
The next moment, Ho Ming and Hun Yen Kun were able to stand up.
"Senior martial uncle is in the imperial court," Lin Fan shouted, and Hun Yen Kun quickly leaped away towards the imperial court building.
Li Yong tried to stop Hun Yen, but Lin Fan thrust his spear into his body to stop him.
Blood seeped through the yellow robe of Emperor Li Yong and dripped onto the ground.
He turned his focus to Lin Fan and said, "You think you can stop me? This is my realm, and no one shall get out alive."
He held up his left hand and directed it at Quan Long.
Soon after, Quan Long was sucked towards Li Yong.
Ho Ming tried to grab onto Quan Long to stop him but couldn't do so.
He was dragged across the ground.
Lin Fan used his Celestial Primordial Claws and grabbed Li Yong's throat.
But Li Yong didn't even dodge and only gave Lin Fan a smile.
Li Yong's body began to absorb Quan Long into it.
Their flesh started to merge.
The sounds of bones cracking could be heard.
Li Yong's form started to turn into a mush of flesh.
Lin Fan used his claws and slashed at the pulp of flesh, but it was useless as the wounds healed immediately.
The pulp of flesh started to wobble, and bubbles popped from the surface of the flesh.
An explosion ensued, and the shockwave sent Lin Fan tumbling across the ground.
Lin Fan used his spear and plunged it into the ground to stop his tumble.
He stood up and saw that the flesh pulp had started to change its form.
It turned into a long shape, and four limbs with claws appeared.
On one end, a head appeared with Li Yong's face on it.
It was like a ghastly dragon.
"Never have I been forced to turn into this form. No man has been able to refuse the imperial seal."
The ghastly dragon said with Li Yong's voice coming out of its mouth.
Lin Fan held his spear back and prepared to strike.
The ghastly dragon came at him, and Lin Fan thrust his spear at it.
The slicing wave sliced a huge gaping hole in the head of the ghastly dragon.
But it didn't stop as it continued its flight towards Lin Fan.
Lin Fan quickly stowed his spear and took out his hammers.
He swiped the hammers at the ghastly dragon.
The next moment, the illuminated Ember Wolf and Frost Fang Ice Tiger lunged at the ghastly dragon.
"Argh." The ghastly dragon cried out in pain as the Ember Wolf bit on the head.
Flames burnt onto the head of the ghastly dragon, scorching the skin as the Ember Wolf emitted the flames from its mouth.
The Frost Fang Ice Tiger bit onto the body of the ghastly dragon, using its frost fang to send chills onto the body and freeze it.
Lin Fan lunged at the frozen body and smashed at it with his hammers.
The impact from his hammers broke the body of the ghastly dragon into two halves.
"Argh." The ghastly dragon cried out in pain and thrashed around on the ground.
Lin Fan didn't stop and continued to smash the ghastly dragon.
Pieces of flesh flew all around him as Lin Fan pounded on the body with his hammers.
Every pound onto the ghastly dragon sent chills down the spine of the soldiers who were watching.
Lin Fan finally stopped when he heard a familiar sound erupt in his mind.
[Ding! Congratulations on terminating malevolent intent.]
[Vengeance points + 600.]
[Current Vengeance Points: 3800]
Now, right in front of him was a pulp of mangled flesh.
He looked up at the imperial court building and saw Hun Yen Kun carrying Zhao Qing Ying out of it.
Lin Fan walked over, picked up the imperial seal, and kept it in his toad statue.
The soldiers all around him looked at each other.
They didn't know what to do with the abrupt change.
Suddenly, a loud pop could be heard.
One of the soldiers exploded into a mash of flesh and blood.
Next, the ground began to shake violently.
"Hurry, get out of here. Head for the castle gate," Lin Fan shouted as the buildings surrounding him began to crumble down.
Ho Ming and Hun Yen Kun nodded, and they started to run.