Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 88: Chapter 84 - Before the Meeting

Shirou Emiya came out of Akeno shrine with a face full of bruises, with Rin and Rias walking behind him with a dejected face. The two of them was the culprit that made his face became like that. Shirou can feel his face is stinging and full of pain and if he try to touch the bruises and wound he feel more pain.

With all the power he had in his arsenal it's almost impossible for Rin or Rias to hurt him like that, but for someone like Shirou that have a principle that he can hurt a girl that not evil in his eyes or weaker than him. When the two girl making him a punching bag he can't do much except to reinforce his body with magic a little so his wound because of what they do to him wouldn't too serious.

And his effort to reinforce his body is pay off, because after Rin and Rias making him a punching bag, both of them can feel a hurt in their hand who right now became so red after punching Shirou body who became more harder than usual.

And because of that right now both of them, walking behind Shirou because they don't want to show their faces that are currently looking in a lot of pain.

The reason why Rin and Rias making Shirou a punching bag because of what Akeno do to him in the shrine.

When Rin, and Rias who already recover from the side effect of the Forbidden Balor View going to the shrine where Akeno lives to picking up Shirou. They became so angry right away after seeing Akeno kissing Shirou with a French kiss right in front of them.

And right away the separated Shirou and Akeno, to stop their kissing. After that Rias punishing her queen because she dare to steal the march before her, by kissing Shirou before her. While Shirou reprimanded by Rin because of his carelessness, his lips was stolen by Akeno.

Shirou then became a punching bag for Rin and Rias and for what happen after that you reader already now about it.


Shirou, Rin and Rias finally stop walking after the three of them arrived in the Kuoh Gakuen. Along the way the three of them didn't talk to each other, Shirou don't talk because he have a hard time to talk because his cheek is swollen, Rin and Rias because both of them were so concentrated on holding back the pain they were feel so they didn't have time to speak.

The three of them didn't going home right after they going from the shrine where Akeno lives, but they walk straight to the Kuoh Gakuen. Because the conference between the three great faction will be held in that afternoon.

They walk straight to the Old school building, the place where Asia, Sakura, Arturia and Griselda, already waiting inside the club room.

"Shirou-san! Why your face became so swollen like that!" Asia face became so paled after she saw the condition of Shirou faces. And immediately summon her Twilight healing to heal Shirou wound. "Let me heal your wound!"

"Senpai! Why did your handsome face full of bruise!" Sakura said she fell so worry when she saw her dear 'senpai' faces full of bruising. "Let me treat your face so it will became handsome once again."

Sakura running to Shirou and treating Shirou face with a healing magecraft that she knew, followed by Asia that treating the wound with her twilight healing.

Feeling confused why Shirou faces became like that, Arturia walk towards Rin and Rias who she think knew what happen to Shirou.

"Hey Rin, did you know why Shirou faces becames so swollen like that?" Asked Arturia.

"Yes, Emiya-kun became like that because I and Gremory-san making him a punching bag," Answered Rin.

"Because he dare to kissing with Akeno in front of us!" Rias said with angry tone. "To punish him! We punch him till his faces became like that."

"Oh, well no wonder his faces became so swollen," Arturia said in a irritating voices."I would cut his c*ck if I were you."

"Arturia if you cut his c*ck, how he doing a se* with him!" Shouted Rin.

"Ah you're right!" Arturia said with a red faces. "Then I will only punch him in the stomach till he throw up."

"Why you didn't punch him right in the faces like me or Tohsaka," Rias said.

"Because I don't want to ruin one of his best asset," Arturia said.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Rin said. "Maybe the two us is little bit too much by punching his faces."

"And I'm sure that you also hurt because you punching him right?" Griselda said. "From what I see, your hand have some injury because you trying too hard punching him."

"Emiya-kun body is so hard," Rin said with a red face. "As hard as a stone."

"Yes, it really hurt when we punching his faces," Rias said. "I didn't think his body can be that hard."

"Knowing Shirou maybe he use reinforcement to protect his body," Arturia said. "It's a miracle you can making him battered."

"So that's why his body became so hard!" Rin said feeling angry to Shirou. "To think he use reinforcement to protect himself! That's cheating!"

"Well almost anyone would do the same thing if someone want to hit you," Griselda said. "It was a human nature to protect itself in a dangerous situation."

"And Tohsaka for your information there is no way I would let you hit my faces without a fight," Shirou said who still healed by Sakura and Asia. "Even though making my body almost as hard as a stone is a little bit too much I'm sorry if I made your hand feel hurt."

"Senpai stop talking we still try to heal you!" Sakura said.

"Sakura-san, is right Shirou-san!" Asia said. "Please stop talking!"

"Well let's set aside this useless conversation first, I don't see my peerage member in this room," Rias said. "Griselda-san did you now where they are?"

"Oh, they helping the training of your sissy bishop," Griselda said. "Because they think it interesting, Xenovia also helping them."


Outside the Old School building, Xenovia, Kiba and Koneko are helping Gasper with his training. While Issei who is still had trauma because he can't accept Gasper as a boy, and right now Issei is sulking under the big tree with his head on the top of Irina lap who try to comfort him.

Xenovia, Kiba and Koneko helping Gasper practices using a baseball.

Koneko is the one who throw the ball and while Kiba and Xenovia using the bat to aim it at Gasper so he can stopping it using the Forbidden Balor View.

The practices is running smoothly, because of Shirou advices. Gasper can control his Sacred Gear better.

And they keep practicing until Gasper exhausted.

Not long after that Saji has came to send some document from Sona to Rias.

And after he finish with his job, Saji walk to the back of the Old school building after he heard that Rias other bishop is already out of the Old school building and right he doing some training in the back of the old school building with the other O.R.C member.

And when he saw a cute little girl with a blond hair, Saji faces instanly blushing. Because for him that girl was his dream women.

"Yoo, how all of you doing!" Saji said greeting the member of the O.R.C.

"Ooh, Saji-san huh," Kiba said. "What are you doing here?"

"I got a job from Sona-kaichou to send some document to Rias-Senpai," Saji said. "And because I heard from Rias-Senpai that her other bishop is already came out from the sealed room. I decide to see the bishop by my self after I know all of you training the bishop in the back of the Old school building. But I didn't think the other bishop is a very cute little girl!"

"Ohoook!" Once again Issei vomitting a blood from his mouth after he hearing what Saji said making him remember his trauma to Gasper gender identity.

"Issei-kun be strong!" Irina said cheering on her boyfriend. "Fight you trauma! Don't let your bad trauma win againts you, Issei-kun!"

"Shiit!" Saji said who surprised because suddenly Issei is vomitting a blood. "What the hell happen to Hyoudou, vomitting a lot of blood like that!"

"That's because of the trauma he had lately," Koneko said.

"What kind of trauma that made him vomitting a lot of blood like that!" Saji said.

"Oh, the trauma he had is he can't accept Gasper our other bishop beside Asia is a boy who really look like a girl!" Xenovia said.

"Yeah, Gyaa-kun is cleary a boy who love dressing as a drag," Koneko said. "I don't understand why Issei-senpai can't accept him as a boy, what a pervert."

"T-that cute blondy is a boy!" Saji shouted. "All of you are try to prank me right?"

"H-he is a boy Saji," Issei said with a paled face because he losing too much blood. "Even though my inner heart still cannot accept that fact."

"Wha-what that's impossible!" Saji shocked he didn't expect that the girl on his dream is a boy. "There is no way a girl that cute is a boy!"

"I'm not cute!" Gasper shouted. "I was a boy, even though I have a hobby to wear a cute dress."

When Gasper said that word in a cute manner, making Saji faces becames so red and not long there is a lot of blood that came out of his noses and then Saji pass out on the ground.

"Oh, well I have a comrade that can't accept that Gasper was a boy ehehehehe," Issei said with an evil smile, if his blood still a lot maybe he will react in the same manner as Saji. But because he already vomitting a lot of blood, he react nothing to Gasper cute act.

"He is really are a pervert like you, Issei-Senpai," Koneko said in a cold tones.

"Well any normal and healthy man would react like Saji," Kiba said. "I would too, if I not held back my self for reacting like that."

"So what well we do with him?" Asked Xenovia.

"Yeah, we cannot just let him lie down on the ground like that," Irina said.

"Let's just call someone from the student council and let them take care of Saji-senpai," Koneko said. "Because right now we don't have a time to take care of him."

Everyone nodded, all of them still have something to do after all.


In the front of Kuoh Gakuen right before the meeting between the three faction is start.

"So Shirou why did you ask me and Asia to go home?" Arturia asked in angry tones. "Please tell me a good reason before I do something that will make you feel regret!"

"I have a feeling that something bad will happen in the meeting," Answered Shirou with a serious faces. "So I want you to protect Illya, Kuro, and Miyu while Asia will be your support. In case there is an enemy attacking Emiya Residence or Luvia mansion. Because right now mom and dad is out of town so they can protect Emiya Residence and Sella and Lizz while they strong their level only as strong as Illya and Kuro. So both of your help is really neccesary!"

Arturia and Asia expression change when they hearing Shirou answer, Shirou was someone who will not lie if something bad will happen. Of course they believe his answer.

"Shirou I don't think I need to protect the them right now," Arturia said. "Because the three kid is pretty strong themselves after the training they do all this time."

"Yeah, I agree with Arturia-san," Asia said. "Illya-chan, Kuro-chan and Miyu-chan is quite strong as a magical girl because I already seeing them fight when they training. Are they really need our support?"

"While they quite strong, they lack of experience will became a weak point for them if there is an enemy that can using it againts them," Shirou said. "And if there is an enemy that is more stronger than them coming to Emiya Residence, that will be very dangerous. That's why Arturia your power atleast above ultimate level, so you're the only one who can protect and help them."

"Allright allright I will protect them," Arturia said. "Sigh, Shirou you're pretty stubborn when it come to protect the one you loved."

"I will do the same thing with you and Asia if you two need my protection," Shirou said with a smile. "Because the most important thing for me in my life is to protect all the people that I loved."

Shirou words made Arturia and Asia blushing, they didn't expect that Shirou will say something romantic like that.

After that Arturia and Asia is going home to do the task that Shirou gave to them, with a happy smile in their faces. Because both of them feel very happy when he said that he loved them. That was enough for them as a motivation to do what Shirou ask to them.


In the afternoon all the VIP member of the three great faction already arrived at Kuoh Gakuen. And right now they already assemble in the meeting room within the Old school building.

From the devil faction Sirzech is came with his wife Grayfia and his fellow mao, Serafall, Sona older sister who held the title Leviathan.

And both of them wearing their formal clothes with a very luxury ornament.

From the Heaven, there is Michael, her sister Gabriel and Griselda who act as their bodyguards.

Michael wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.

Gabriel his sister had the appearance of an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure, and because of that she is known as the most beautiful woman in Heaven.

And Griselda their bodyguard wearing a black bussiness suit, because she is not a nun anymore she think it would be more apropriate if she is wearing a bussiness suit in the gathering.

On the Grigori side, Azazel with his 12 wings unfurled, Akeno father Barakiel and Vanishing Dragon, Vali. He wearing a black robe elaborated with ornaments, Barakiel also wearing a same outfit, but Vali only wearing a white t-shirt with a black jacket.

And from the Kuoh faction, there is Rin, Sakura, Shirou, and also Sona, Rias, Akeno and Tsubaki.

The meeting between 3 great power of Biblical Faction finally started!

Author Note: Cliffhanger the meeting will be start next chapter.

Read advanced chapter up to chapter 146 at Pa.treon.com/Raylight25

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