Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 87: Chapter 83 - Akeno Past

Akeno face became a little paled after she hearing Shirou question. She really not expecting that word would came out of his mouth.

"Emiya-kun, I really don't like to talk about that clan," Akeno said with angry tone. "That evil clan that make my life suffer."

"If the Himejima clan, really make your life suffer why did you still use that name as your family name?" Shirou said. "With your reaction before you clearly have a deep hatred to the Himejima clan."

"I use Himejima name to honor my mother," Akeno said with a tears flowing down through her cheek. "And also because my father didn't have a family name. So automaticly I must use Himejima as my family name."

"Well I think that clan will be destroyed soon or later," Shirou said. "With all the bad thing they do, the law of cause and effect will work on them."

"I hope so," Akeno said in angry tones. "Even though my mother said that I must not seek revenge to my father and the Himejima clan as her last word to me."

"You also want to seek revenge to your father Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou.

"Yes, because he didn't save my mother when the people from the Himejima clan kill her," Answered Akeno with a bitter faces that clearly showing how deep her hatred to her father. "And I also hate my self because the blood of that fallen angel bastard is flowing inside my body."

"So that's why you looks really hate fallen angel, it's all because you are the daughter of a fallen angel," Shirou said. "Well you clearly showing a hint of a deep hate to fallen angel before when we talking about Azazel."

"I was a child of a miko and one of the leader of fallen angel Barakiel, because of that I tainted with a black crow wing," Akeno said. "And right now I became more tainted in black because I became Rias queen, I have a batwing and a crow wing at the same time."

Akeno opened the top of the Kimono she was wearing and expanded her wing. But the wing that she was showing is really different from the usual. Because one wing is devil wing and the other is crow wing.

"I became Rias queen because she save me from the Himejima clan and I need the power of her family to keep away the Himejima from me," Akeno said. "To tell you the truth Emiya-kun, I don't like to became a devil, because it only tainted my self more. I only became a devil to show my thank to Rias after she save me."

"Are you have a regret becaming a devil, Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou.

"Only a little," Answered Akeno. "Because I must threw away my humanity, but because right now I live more happily as a devil. So I not regret about it that much."

"Because you didn't like to talk about the Himejima clan, I will stop asking you about it," Shirou said who don't want to make Akeno feel sad and angry. "If my question only made you feeling sad because of a bad thing that clan do to you Akeno-san."

"Thank you Emiya-kun," Akeno said while wiping the tears from her eyes. "You really understand my trouble."

"Naah, you don't need to thank me, Akeno-san," Shirou said. "I must be the one who say sorry to you, because I'm not aware that you didn't like talking about your dark past."

"Hey, Emiya-kun," Akeno said. "After you see my tainted wings will you hate me?"

"Why I must hate you Akeno-san?" Answered Shirou.

"Because you were killed by the fallen angel before," Akeno said. "And I think you will have a deep hate to a fallen angel because of that, and I who is a half fallen angel also will be hated by you."

Akeno word was really made sense, if you seeing it with a normal person point of view. But Emiya Shirou was not an ordinary person, his way to seeing the world is so twisted before because he is someone who love to help people, even if the people he help betray him Shirou wouldn't have a resenment about it.

After becaming a Counter Guardian his way to seeing the world is change after he was forced to do a countless killing, and right now after he free from being a Counter Guardian and lives as human once more, he came back to his old way to see the world. But only a little, he would not to try to save everyone or try to became Hero of Justice like before. What came back from his old way to see the world is his good nature that not keep resenment after someone doing a bad thing to him.

"Akeno-san I will not hates you because I was killed by the fallen angel, I also didn't have a hate to a fallen angel," Shirou said. "I killed the fallen angel that kill me before because if I not killing him, he would try to kill more people. If I hate you because I was killed before, that would be too cliche. Not all the fallen angel on Grigori is evil like Kokabiel, Donaseek or Raynare who kill Issei right? So is waste of time for me, If I hate you because of that stupid reason."

Akeno crying once more, she didn't understand why a people like Shirou can easily forget about their resenment like that.

"Emiya-kun! Why are you so forgiving!" Akeno shouted with a lot of tears on her cheek. "Why are you can easily forget a bad thing that people do to you! And why you dont have any resenment to a people that doing an evil to you!"

"Akeno-san I knew forgiving someone that doing a bad thing to you is not easy," Shirou walking to Akeno and hugging her, bringing her head closer to his chest while rubbing her hair. "I also knew is hard to not have a resenment to someone who hurt you, I understand about it because I have similar experience that make me have a lot of revenge but revenge only bring more revenge, hatred and disaster to you and endless cycle that have no end if you didn't try to forget about it. I know you have a lot of hatred to the Himejima clan and your father and that was natural after what they did to you, I will not force you to forget about your revenge in an instant because that was impossible. But I want you to forget about you revenge and resenment slowly and surely because if you don't your revenge will only made a trouble for you and someone else that close to you."

After hearing Shirou words, Akeno crying uncontrollably. All the thing that Shirou said to her, making her realize that all the hate she have all this time in her heart is useless and only making her a bad person. But is not easy for her to forget her hatred and resenment to Himejima clan and her father Barakiel after what they did to her and her mother Himejima Shuuri. Her hate is running to deep inside her heart is not easy to her forgiving Himejima clan and her father who responsible for her mother death. So right now Akeno can only remove her hate little by little from her heart.


After crying more that 5 minutes in Shirou embraces, Akeno finally stop crying and right now sitting beside Shirou on the tatami.

"Are you already feel more better, Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou.

"Yeah, thank you Emiya-kun," Answered Akeno while wiping out the tears from her eyes. "Crying on you chest while you rubbing my hair making me feel a lot better, and after thinking what you said before for a while. I realized that all the resentment feeling that I have to Himejima clan and my father is useless. So I will try to remove that feeling from myself slowly even though it would not easy."

"Thank goodness if you really want to stop your hate to Himejima clan and your father," Shirou said. "I feel happy for you Akeno-san."

"If I think about my resentment once more, I'm right now don't care about the Himejima clan at all because they already stop disturbing me after Rias take me as her queen," Akeno said. "And for my father Barakiel, soon or later I will meet him. Because I knew that Azazel will bring him to the conference, and because of that I surely will face him in the conference, do I like it or not, I must forgetting my hate to him to make sure the conference is going well."

"Are you sure you ready to meet him, Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou.

"Yeah, I'm must ready to meet him Emiya-kun," Answered Akeno. "And after that I will talk to him and asking the reason why he didn't help my mother when the member Himejima clan attacking our house."


Inside Azazel apartement in Kuoh, there are two strongest fallen angel.

First is Azazel and the other is a fallen angel with appearance like a middle-aged gruff-looking man with black hair, matching beard and a muscular body.

He is Barakiel, Akeno father and Azazel right hand man. The fallen angel with the strongest physical strength. Former angel that called as the lightning of God.

"Azazel are you really think the conference this night will bring a peace between the three faction?" Asked Barakiel. "I have a suspicious that this conference only a trap to kill you!"

"Barakiel, you're thinking to much," Answered Azazel. "You know right, Michael would never doing something bad like that if not how would Father choose him as our leader in heaven, and Sirzech even though he is a strongest devil, he don't have a wish to became the ruler of the three faction because he is a man who love peaces too much."

"But but, what if they change their way of life and really try to kill all of us!" Barakiel said.

"Barakiel I know you are a serious person, and strong warrior," Azazel said. "But why you became so tense and paranoid like that? As if you don't want to go to the conference. Don't tell me you made a lot of stupid reason and became paranoid because you didn't want to meet Akeno your daughter?"

Barakiel body sweating so much after he hearing Azazel guess. He did not expect Azazel guess would be so correct.

"Seeing your reaction that means my word I right to the point, you really didn't want to meet your daughter," Azazel said while grinning. "Sorry to dissapoint you Barakiel but you and I will keep going to the conference no matter you like or not."

"But Azazel what if I met Akeno and she stare at me with a view full of hate," Barakiel said with a paled faces and shaking body. "I don't think I can accept that!"

"If that thing happen, that was the consequent that you must accept, Barakiel," Azazel said. "This conference is important for our races, so I would not sacrified the peaces that we seek so long for you personal feeling!"

"Sigh, I understand," Barakiel said. "I will accept the consequences because I'm late saving Shuuri."

"Let's stop talking your personal problem right now," Azazel said. "Are you done investigating the thing I ask you?"

"Yes," Barakiel said. "I already finish the investigation, Vali really join the Khaos Brigade."

"Sigh, that stupid kid," Azazel said. "What he seek only a way to make himself stronger and a strong opponent to fight, and I think that's the reason why he join the Khaos brigade."

"So Azazel what we must do about him right now?" Asked Barakiel.

"Let him be," Answered Azazel. "Soon or later he will showing his hostility to us, and in that time. I think someone would help us take care of him."

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