Chapter 86: Chapter 82 - Michael 2
"You want to give me something?" Asked Shirou.
"Yeah, I want to give you something as a gift because a good news that you bring to me and all the angel," Michael said while took out some European sword with a reddish-purple grip and a golden hilt with stylized crosses at the edges of the guard from his pocket dimension. "This the holy sword that I think will became a good gift for you."
With only a glance to the sword, Shirou already know the history of the sword and what kind of sword that Michael give to him.
"The legendary Holy Swords Ascalon that can unleashed a powerful holy aura. It is also imbued with dragon-slaying power, letting the user to easily harm dragons and dragon-related beings, the previous owner of the sword is Saint George the famous dragon slayer," Shirou said explaining to Michael.
"You knew about all the information about Ascalon with only a single glance?" Michael quite shocked by the word that came out of Shirou mouth, he didn't expect that Shirou have an ability to perceive a history of a weapon with only a glance. "Are that ability is one of the ability that came from Longinus Zero?"
"Nah, it only a simple Structural Analysis that usually use by a magus," Shirou said.
"I know about that spell Emiya-san," Michael said still in the shocked state. "To use that spell you must to touch the item you want to analyze, but you didn't touch the Ascalon and only give the Ascalon a single glance but you already knew all the information about Ascalon. So I'm sure the ability that you use is not the Structural Analysis, but something different."
"Let's just say that my Structural Analysis is much more advanced than the ordinary Structural Analysis," Shirou said with a smile. "So I didn't need to touch something when I want to use the Structural Analysis."
"Ara ara it look like you have a great affinity with that spell Emiya-kun," Akeno said. "Because like Michael-Sama said, it's impossible to using it without touching the item that you want to analyze. You are really an enigma Emiya-kun."
"Well because you already know about the Ascalon and it function, then right now what you must do is to keep it inside the Gate of Babylon," Michael said. "That sword will really useful to you when the Hakuryuukou that consider you as his rival try to fight you."
"To tell you the truth Michael-Sama, I already have much more better Ascalon than the Ascalon that you give me," Shirou said while he took out a is a double edged-sword with a white blade and a golden hilt. "This is the real Ascalon or you can call it as The Blessed Sword By Which Force is Slain this sword is invincible weapon that delivers the user from those who would intend harm and malice. The "invincibility" from this sword comes not from the capacity to defeat foes, but the capacity to defend from all harm. By reversing its protective power, it becomes a sword that pierces through any kind of armor. Of course this sword also have a dragon slaying ability like your Ascalon."
"T-that sword," Michael said while shaking because he can feel the power that more stronger than the Ascalon he want to give to Shirou. "I can feel the same aura that Ascalon have but much more stronger! Don't tell me you got that sword from the Gate of Babylon!"
"Your guess is right," Shirou said. "You can say the Ascalon in my hand is the prototype of the Ascalon in your hand Michael-Sama."
"I totally forgot that, Longinus Zero is made by using the Gate of Babylon use as it base," Michael said. "That arrogant king Gilgamesh really dare to challenging Father to fight, though the result is obvious. He died and then Father take Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon then using it as the template and prototype of all Sacred Gear. I hate that arrogant king but, I must admit all the treasure and the weapon he collected inside the Gate of Babylon is really useful."
"Emiya-kun if you already have the prototype of Ascalon then what will you do with the other Ascalon that Michael-Sama give to you?" Asked Akeno.
"Well, I will give it to Issei," Answered Shirou. "That sword will be a great boost for his power, because right now Issei is still to weak, you will not angry if I give Ascalon to Issei. right Michael-Sama?"
"I don't mind," Michael said. "My intention to meeting you is to have a little talk and giving you the Ascalon as a gift. The Ascalon is already belong to you, so I don't mind if you want to giving that sword to Hyoudou Issei the current Sekiryuutei."
The Ascalon that floating in front of Michael fly toward Shirou, when the sword arrived in front of Shirou, the Gate of Babylon then opened and automaticly the sword entering the Gate of Babylon.
'I already have the blueprint of this Ascalon inside the Unlimited Blade Works,' Shirou said. 'I will give the perfect replica that I made to Issei later, because I totally forgot that all the legendary weapon that already store inside the Gate of Babylon cannot be used by other people!'
After confirming that Shirou already store the Ascalon inside the Gate of Babylon Michael clapped his hands.
"Because I already give the Ascalon to you and talk a little with now it's time for me to go," Michael said.
"Thank for this sword Michael-Sama," Shirou said. "If you want another talk with me, how about we doing it after the conference?"
"I'll definitely want to have another talk with you after the conference," Michael said. ' So thank you for your offer."
After saying that, Michael whole body is wrapped by light, and after that he disappear from the shrine.
After Michael left, Shirou want to go home directly because his bussiness inside the shrine with Michael is already done. But Akeno who really want to have a quality time with Shirou, quickly invited Shirou to have tea with her, it was impossible for Akeno to miss the rare opportunity to be alone with Shirou.
And then inside the tea ceremony room.
"Are you really living inside a place this big alone, Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou while drinking the tea that Akeno prepare for him. "This place almost as big as Emiya Residence."
"Yes, I'm living in this place alone," Answered Akeno. "But I my self more often sleeping in Rias apartement or Koneko-chan apartement, I rarely sleep here because this place is too desolate and quite."
"If it like that, then why you still choosing this place as your home? Are living with Rias-buchou or Koneko-chan is better?" Shirou feel really weird by Akeno taste choosing a haunted and desolate shrine as a living place.
"I choose this place as a living place, because I can feel more close to my late mother who is a miko," Akeno said. "And the other reason is because this place is shunned by everyone because this shrine is considered as a very haunted place by everyone around here. So no one will want to come to this place, I like a quiet and calm place that's why this temple is very suitable to be used as a home for me."
"What if in this place there is a real ghost, Akeno-san?" Asked Shirou.
"Huh?" Answered Akeno. "That's impossible, if there is a ghost in this place, I will noticed it because my sixth sense is higher than ordinary miko or excorcist!"
'She really didn't realize there is a dozen ghost outside the shrine,' Shirou said. 'The ghost didn't dare to go inside the shrine because a bounded field that covering the shrine, other than the bounded field that made by Akeno, though I have doubt that Akeno really didn't realize about the other bounded field.'
"So, Akeno-san, why you inviting me to drink a tea?" Shirou said. "Are you have something to talk with me or some bussiness?'
"Hmm, what if I say that I only want to be alone with you right now, Emiya-kun," Akeno said while smiling. "Will you angry at me?"
"I will not angry at you as long you didn't want to do something extreme to me, Akeno-san," Shirou said. "Rather than that I want to ask you something Akeno-san, about your mother family the Himejima clan..."
Read advanced chapter at Pa.