Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 85: Chapter 81 - Michael 1

Shirou going to the abandoned shrine that not far Kuoh Gakuen that became a house for Akeno.

"A devil that live in a shrine, huh?" Shirou said while climbing up on the stairs. "It's kind of ironic."

'This shrine doesn't have a divine power at all,' Zelretch said. 'I think that's the reason why that bimbo miko can live here, even though there is no true divine power at all in this world since the avatar of the Allmighty God has died.'

"True divine power?" Shirou said in confusion. "What is that?"

'The special power of the Allmighty God that created the Omniverse,' Zelretch explained. 'Only a dimension or world that have the avatar of the Allmighty God that have a true divine power. That's one of the reason this dimension is on the brink of extinction, because without the true divine power that stabilized this dimension, the negative energy on this dimension will became more bigger than the positive energy and without a balance of the two energy this dimension will be gone soon or later. That's why the Allmighty God send you here, to became the anchor that will keep the balance between two energy intact.'

"So that what God mean that I must to clean the mess in this world," Shirou said sighed. "I must became a gate for the Allmighty God to channeling the true divine power to this world."

'Something like that,' Zelretch said. 'But not for long of course, the avatar of the Allmighty God will return and after that your job and purpose in this dimension can be considered as done.'

"But how long the time till the avatar of the Allmighty God will return?" Asked Shirou.

'I don't know Archer,' Answered Zelretch. 'His perception in time is different than us, so we can only wait.'

"Well let's stop this conversation here," Shirou said. "Because we already arrive at the shrine and Akeno already waiting for me."

Akeno is standing under the torii (rikudo) gate of the abandoned shrine in her miko outfit, her face is smiling and she feel really happy that Shirou is came to her house.

"Welcome, Emiya-kun," Akeno said. "To my humble abode."

"Hello Akeno-san," Shirou said who blushing a little bit after he look how sexy and Beautiful Akeno in miko outfit. "How about your condition, are your still have a headache?"

"A little nap, is enough to cure the headache that caused by Gasper-kun power," Akeno said. "The side effect of his power is really a pain in the ass, but I'm okay now. Emiya-kun are Gasper have significant progress in controlling his power after you train him?"

"Yes, he made a good progress in controlling the Forbidden Balor View," Shirou said. "But not good enough to use in the battle."

"Well that's really unfortunate," Akeno said with a sad face. "But it good for him to finally have someone that help him to control his Sacred Gear, Emiya-kun your existence really are a great help for that poor boy."

"That's why I train him to have more courage first before I start to train him to control his Sacred Gear," Shirou said. "Because his old behaviour is a great obstacle that made him cannot control his Sacred Gear."

"If you saying that then, you succed in making Gasper-kun coming out of his room?" Asked Akeno with a curious face.

"Yeah, with a way that I can't say to you because I think it will be better if I keep it as a secret right now," Answered Shirou. 'For now I will not tell anyone that I already activated the illusion eyes, because if alot of people knew that I can use the illusion eyes, it only will invite a trouble for me. I even ask Gasper to not tell anyone about the illusion eyes before I go to this shrine.'

"I don't understand why you don't want to tell anyone how you make Gasper-kun going out of his room, but I think you have a good reason for it," Akeno said. "So I will not force you to tell me Emiya-kun."

"Thanks for understanding me, Akeno-san," Shirou said. "Now can you tell me the reason, why you calling me here?"

"There is someone important that really want to meet you, Emiya-kun," Akeno said. "And he is waiting for you inside the shrine, so right now please follow me to meet him."


In the backyard of the shrine, Shirou saw a really tall young man with a really handsome face with a long golden hair, he have 12 Golden coloured wings in his back. His body is wrapped in an extravagant white robe and there is a golden halo that float above his head.

'This is a first time for me seeing an angel,' Shirou said. 'And if I'm not wrong the 12 wings that spread out from his back is a sign that he is a seraph class angel. The angel of the highest class.'

'Partner he is Michael the strongest Archangel!' Ddraig said. 'He is the leader of all angel and one of the few being that stronger than the original lucifer!'

'The angel of war Michael, huh,' Zelretch said. 'The power that I feel for him is really match with his title.'

"Ah, finally I can meet with you Emiya Shirou the holder of the Longinus Zero," Michael said after he saw Shirou came with Akeno. "I can feel the Longinus Zero inside your soul, I also can feel the aura of Ddraig from you, a two Longinus Class Sacred Gear inside one person, your existence is really are an enigma."

"Who are you?" Asked Shirou pretending he didn't know about Michael.

"Ah, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce my self to you," Michael said. "My name is Michael the leader of the angels, is really nice that finally I can meet with you Emiya Shirou."


"The leader of the angel want to meet me, is an honor also a surprise for me," Shirou said. "So Michael-Sama, what do you want for me?"

"First I really want to give you my thanks for a really valuable information about Father," Michael said. "We really happy that He is still alive, your Longinus Zero is the ultimate prove that Father is alive because the Longinus Zero is always with Him, we the angel think that Longinus Zero is also gone after His dead on the great war. But when we got the news about the user of the Longinus Zero user, we are all sure and have faith that Father is still alive because only Him that can give you the Longinus Zero."

"I already told Azazel about how I got the Longinus Zero, so I will tell you the short explanation about it. I got the Longinus Zero, Gate of Babylon after I almost die because one of the evil fallen angel stab me with the lighy spear," Shirou said. "Oh yeah, I also got the Second Magic from Him."

"Father give you the Longinus Zero when you in agony?" Michael said. "And give you the ability to use the Second Magic Kaleidoscope. The Longinus part I can believe it because Father is the only one can give a human that Sacred Gear, but I don't think Father have the ability to give someone a true magic like that."

"You are His first creation right? Why you didn't realize the He is are the Omnipotent God that can do anything," Shirou said. "With His Omnipotent of course giving me the Second Magic is an easy task."

"Hmm if I think about it once more, what you say is really right," Michael said. "If Father can survive the great war with His Omnipotent power, of course Father also can give a Kaleidoscope to a human. Aaah, I really want to meet Father once more and talk to Him!"

"I don't know how you can meet with Him, once again," Shirou said. "But if you want to talk with Him, why you didn't try to pray to Him with all of your heart in full of Fate, isn't a pray is the best way to talk with the God?"

"Ah, about that," Michael said with a red face in embarrasment. "Because all this time I believe that Father is die, I stop praying to Him. Even after I know that He is still alive, because I already used to not praying to Father. I didn't think about try to pray to Him to talk to Him."

"Ara ara so even the leader of the angel can made a mistake, huh," Akeno said.

"It's very embarrassing indeed," Michael said. "But even a holy creatures like us can still make a mistakes."

"So Michael-Sama, there is other thing that you want to ask me?" Asked Shirou.

"There is a lot of thing that I want to ask to you," Answered Michael "But because of time is not right let's postpone it for later, the main thing that I want to meet you is to give something to you.."

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