Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 84: Chapter 80 - Gasper Vladi 3

In the old school building backyard.

"So, Gasper are you ready to train your Sacred Gear?" Asked Shirou.

"Yes, Shirou-Senpai! I'm ready!" Answered Gasper who still have a little shyness inside him but now have more courage because of the illusion that Shirou show to him.


Flashback from a couple minutes ago inside Gasper room.

The illusion that Shirou gave to him was an illusion when Rias and the rest of club member was killed in front of him, and only his Sacred Gear power that can help them. But because Gasper is still inside the building and he don't have a courage to walk outside the building, Rias and the other is death and he is the one that became the cause of their death. After their death Gasper going outside the building and crying while shouting because his fear and cowardness. And he feel a deep regret inside his heart because he only dare to go outside after the death all of his friend. After one minute has pass the illusion is end and Gasper eyes now full of tears after he saw a really horrible illusion and then he shouted and pass out.

1 hour later, Gasper finally woke up and he see Shirou who sitting on the floor with his body is leaning againts the wall while smiling.

"Ah. you already wake up, Gasper?" Shirou said. "Are you feel allright?"

"Shi-Shirou-Senpai, what is that!" Gasper said with a really sad tone. "Why I can see a horrible sight like that!"

"That was just some illusion that give to you to give you some courage and bravery," Shirou said. "Even though maybe the illusion that I made is too much for you. But because of that illusion you finally have a courage to go outside, right?"

"Ye-yes I know have a courage to go outside Shirou-Senpai!" Gasper said with a very angry tone, he feel relieved and happy that the death of Rias and the other in front of him is only an illusion. But Gasper is very angry to Shirou right now because of the cruel illusion that Shirou gave to him. "But you are so cruel senpai! Why did you gave me a very horrible illusion to me like that! Now I have a very bad trauma that will haunted me for the rest of my life!"

"Sorry Gasper, but you are too sttuborn to go outside your room, and from your reaction when Rias-buchou ask you to go outside. I can guess that you will choose to suicide rather than to go outside the room," Shirou said. "So only with something drastic that I show you inside the illusion, you have a courage to break your stubborness and going outside your room."

"Your illusion is so real senpai," Gasper said. "And I don't want ever to see that illusion ever again! Is too scary!"

"I will not gave you another scary illusion Gasper," Shirou said. "Because using that illusion took a toll on my body so don't worry."


"Then I ask you, are you still have fear in front a lot of people?" Asked Shirou.

"A little bit, but right now I can go outside just fine!" Answered Gasper. "But I'm still don't feel comfortable in a place with a lot of people."

"Everything had a proccess Gasper," Shirou said. "You can go outside the old school building is a very significant progress to cure your fear and shyness."

"Thank you Shirou-Senpai," Gasper said while smiling, he still angry to Shirou because of that illusion. But he also must say thanks to Shirou, because thanks to Shirou he got a bit of courage to change the bad aspect of himself. "Because of you right now, I can change into a better person."

"Nah, that's okay," Shirou said. "Helping someone else is like a bad habit of mine, Gasper."

"Your bad habit is helping people?" Asked Gasper. "That's weird."

"Well, yeah," Answered Shirou. "I use to be helping people to the extreme level, but right now I realize that helping people for your own pleasure is wrong. You can't call it as mental illnes that call Saviour Syndrome, but thank God I realize it faster and have some therapy to cure it. Right now I still love helping people, but not to the extreme level like before."


Shirou and Gasper keep chatting for almost half hour and then Shirou asking him something;

"Hey, Gasper are you wearing a girl dress as a hobby or wearing that dress giving you more self confidence?"

"To tell you the truth senpai wearing a girl dress is not a hobby to me but more like a habit that appear because when I'm a little kid. Valerie my childhood friend had a hobbies to dress me up with a girl clothes and because I feel comfortable wearing a girl dress, I don't mind at all when she dress me up to the point it became a habit to me. And one of the reason why I wearing a girl dress, wearing a girl dress giving me some self confidence! A-and for your information Senpai, I'm still like a woman despite my bad habit wearing a girl dress. Because my dream is to married my childhood friend Valerie Tepes."


'So he still have a manly side inside of him, that's good,' Shirou said. 'But, he is really too cute to call as a man. Mmm how about I prank him a bit! It will be really funny made him feel panic a little bit, but right now I really confuse what kind of prank that I will give to him?'

'Hey Archer, how about you using the fake Kaleido stick that you give to that scary man that call himself Mil-tan?' Zeltretch said. 'I think seeing that crossdresser dhampire became a real girl will be really outrageous for him.'

'That will work,' Shirou said while smiling because of Zelretch good idea. 'Thanks for the idea Zelretch!'

'No need to thank me!' Zelretch said. 'I will do everything to help you! In the name of prank!'

"Hey, Gasper came here a bit," Shirou said while he bring out one of the fake Kaleido stick that he made before from the Gate of Babylon. "I want to give you something that would give you more courage!"

"Really Shirou-Senpai?" Asked Gasper with sparkling eyes.

"Of course," Answered Shirou. "Here take this."

He throw the stick to Gasper and then Gasper who feel spirited catch it.

"Eh, Shirou-Senpai, what is this?" Asked Gasper who confused by the Kaleido stick in his hand.

"The stick in your hand is called Kaleido stick," Shirou said with an evil smile. "That was only a cheap imitation of the real thing, so that kaleido stick have some good power that maybe fit for you."

"What kind of power?" Asked Gasper.

"Why you not try it by yourself," Answered Shirou.

Gasper then active the stick with the chant the aria that Shirou told him.

And the effect of the Kaleido stick is really shocking for Gasper and so funny for Shirou. Because Gasper body has changed from male to female and Shirou try really hard so he will not laughing.

"Wh-what happen to me!" Gasper said with a paled face. "Why I can't feel my pen*s on my crotch and why I feel my chest is so heavy!"

"Ahahahahahahaha Gasper, you change into a girl because of the power of the Kaleido Stick!" Shirou said while holding his stomach that hurt because he is laughing too much. "Isn't that awesome!"

"That was not awesome!" Gasper said with a tear in his eyes and blushing face. "Change me back!"

"Eeeh, you're no fun Gasper!" Shirou said. "Aren't you say you have more courage if you wear a feminine dress? And now you became more feminine, aren't you will became more braver!"

"I like to wear a girl dress that doesn't mean I want to became a girl!" Gasper shouted. "Senpai please change me back!"

"Yeah, yeah, just chant the aria once more," Shirou said. "And you will became a boy again."

Gasper chant the aria once again and in an instant he became his old self again.

"Senpai you're so meanie!" Gasper said. "I give back this stupid item to you! I don't need it at all! Is useless for me!"

Gasper throw back the stick to Shirou and Shirou catch it, Shirou knew Gasper will not like the stick. But Shirou giving it Gasper only for a simple amusement. But then Shirou realize there is someone that watching him and Gasper from behind a tree with a high level stealth ability.

"Azazel you can show yourself, I know you watching me and Gasper from behind the tree," Shirou said.

"So you realize my existence," Azazel said. "Even though I hidden it with a hightech stealth device that I made."

"Your device maybe can trick other people," Shirou said. "But not me, so what are you doing in here, huh?"

"I only came here to meet you and talk about something, but when you give that little dhampir that Kaleido Stick, I feel so spirited because you making something like that!!" Azazel said. "I can make an item that have same effect like the Kaleido stick that you made, but I can't think a super brilliant idea like you have! Making it in the shape of magical girl stick!"

"I made it like that because I think it will be more funny to make the gender bender device in the shape of magical girl stick," Shirou said. "And I think the result is more great that I thought."

"Yeah, you really are a genius!" Azazel said. "Thanks to you, I got some idea to finishing the device that Serafall order to me! Thanks once again Emiya Shirou! I must to go now to finish the device! Let's meet again tommorow in the meeting!"

Azazel vanish in front of Shirou using a magic circle, his appearance in front of Shirou making him really confuse, what he really want from him?

"Shirou-Senpai who is the man with a goatee?" Asked Gasper who confused with Azazel who suddenly appear in front of him.

"Just a stupid old goat," Answered Shirou. "Let him be, it will be better if we start your training to control your power Gasper, are you ready?"

"Ye-Yes," Gasper said. "Le-Let's start the training!"

After that Shirou train Gasper to control his Sacred Gear for a little bit with his Structural Analysis, Shirou now, know how Forbidden Ballor View work more than Gasper and because of that he can train Gasper using his Sacred Gear more effectively. And then he left Gasper so he can train alone and because Shirou have another thing to do after he received some e-mail from Akeno, who asking him to go to her house.

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